THE DAILY WORKMAN, J. Ij. MICHAUX, Editor. J* S, MICHAUX, Local Editor, ADVERTISING RATES ■—DISPLAYED in. 1 day, 81.00 “ 3 days, 1.50 “ 1 week, 2.00 col. 1 day, 1.60 “ I'week, 2.00 “ 1 “ 3.50 —LOCAL— 10 lines 1 time,3 .80 2 times,1.00 1 week, 1.50 Itime, 1.20 2 times, 1.6^ 1 week. 2.00 _ Contract Advertisements taken at proportionately low rates. Entered at the post office in Greensboro^li C., as second-class matter. "Office on South Elm Streety under Benhov) Hall. RAILWAY GUIDE, • Greensboro, Mar. n, 1887. BICHMOND k nANViniiE RAILBOJ.T). Arrives from R^hmond at 9 43 m 1032 p m 9 51 p m 8 32 a m NORTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. 8 20 a m 9 40 pm 9 48 a m Leave.s for Richmond at Arrives from Cb^lotte at- Leaves for Charlotte at ‘ Arrives from Goldsboro at Leaves for Goldsboro at 10 44 p m 9 30 p m 9 50 a m NORTH-WESTERN N. O. RAILROAD. Arrives from Salem at 8 00 a m “ “ 9 20 p m Leaves for Salem at 10 CO a m “ “ ** 10 54 p m O. E. a r. V. RArLROAD, , Trains Moving North. Leave Bennettsville at 10 10 a. m. Arrive at Greensboro 7 25 p. m. Leave Greensboro 10 15 a. m. Arrive at Wainut Cove 1 00 p. m. Irains Moving South. ' Leave Walnut Cove at 2 10 p. m. Arrive at Greensboro 5 00 p. m. Leave Greensboro 9 60 a. m. Arrive at Bennettsville 6'45 p. m. SCHEDULE OF MAILS-: Mails going North closed 9 00 p m 8 00 a m .” South ’’Salem Br’ch’' 9 00 a m 9 00 p m 9 00 a m 9 00 p m 9 00 p m 9 00 a m - ” East ' ’’O.F.AY.V.E.R General delivery open from 8 00 a m to 6 30 p m., except during the distri- Registered Letter office open frbm 9 00 a m to 6 00 p m. The Daily Workman. -Single copy the institution is in a prosperous con dition, with promise of greater efli ciency and usefulness. —Miss Mary Dodson has gone Piedmont Springs, near Danbury, spend some time. An Attractive Musical Enter tainment.—The ladies of the Con federate Monument Association will give a concert in the Benbow Hall, on Thursday night next, beginning at 8 1-2 o’clock, for the benefit of the Monument fund, and the prospect is that the affair will be very interesting to those who patronize it. The en tertainment will consist principally of good music, some talent from other places being calculated on. One of Prof. Jackson’s hew Emerson Pianos will be used on the occasion. Gener al admission 50 cents. Children halt price. Give the cause your presence and help. LOCAL INTELLI&ENOE. —Be sure to report at this office any and every failure to receive the Daily Workman. Lawn Party, To night,—Remem ber the Lawn Party which will be giv en by the young ladies of the Baptist church, at Captain Lee Hawkins’ to night. The invition is to the public in general. —The discriminating reader will discover that t|ie current issues of the Daily Workman contain an unusual proportion of original matter, far greater than in any paper of its size; and this is the more worthy of note when It is remembered that the price of the paper is only $3.00 a year. —The candies manufactured by the Greensboro Candy Company are of an excellent quality, and would please any customers. These candies ’ are offered to the retail trade at prices which should place them in compe tition with manufacturers any where, and if so, there is an additional gain in patronizing home manufactures. —The Mount Airy News is still looking down the line of the track and beckoning the railroad engmeerto steam up, and we are about as anx ious for the consummation as the News seems to be. The people of Wilkes county, also, have voted a tax of $ give us a'n outlet that way, via Winston. Hasten up, there I Odd Fellows.—The following of ficers were elected last night to serve during the term from July ist, to Dec. 31st, 1887: W. R, Murray, N. G; S. S. Brown, V. G; Rev. A. H. Stubbs, R. S ; L, C. Hewlett, F. S ; H. H. Cartland, TreasV, The Lodge is growing finely, and much good material is being added. Altogether, Fruit Sales.—Notwithstanding the shortness of the peach crop Mr. J. Van Lindley has reaped a better rev enue,from his peaches this year than he did last year, resizing in one week $200.00 on peaches shipped to Rich mond, and obtaining for 3 4 crates $2. to $2.50, for which the price ob tained last year was 60 to 65 cents. For wild goose plums, 8 lb. baskets, the price obtained is $1. to $125. Mr. Lindley’s plan is to have all de fective fruit picked up and the worms destio.ved as soon after thp fr as pcftsible,-be'cause if the worms oe permitted to take refuge in the ground they multiply for future depredations. By the care thus early and promptly bestowed Mr. Lindley is enabled to have a greater abundance of fruit than any other grower of his section. as the different varieties of fruit, modes of culture, preserva^a, new imple ments, etc,, etc. Mr. Lindley founid' his trip highlv beneficiil to his health as a vacation, and was built up to the extent‘of a pound of. flesh per day, besides the number of valuable which he was enabled to gather. From observations made by the way he wi^^nipressed with the fact of general £?flsjieritv and the fine crop prospect, especially wheat. On the 14th of September the Amer ican Pomologica! Con'gress meets in Boston, in which the whole continent of America, and not the United States alone, will be represented. Mr. Lind ley will attend that Congress also. The fruit interest is quite a consid ' Jb'or I have for rent, three Ilouse.^, situated in South Greensboro, on Asheboro street, one of which is a beautiful place, and well situated. For particulars, call on Squire J. A, Pritchett or the undei-sigued. • p. D.. Prick, .New IVIackcrel! Of the catch of 1887, No. 1 and No. 8, in kits, just received at Scott & Co’s. June 18 tf 6 Summer Cheese! Nice, mild and Sweet, just in, and for sale bv June 18 tf J, W. Scott & Co. ’ Not aa Earthquake. erable affair in this par/-of North Car olina, and is a matter of concern with numbers of our people who look to it as a source of revenue. ** * Restou And Butter Cups, pure aiiG june29 Iw Grkk' Lresli, ^ORO CAlfoY Co. Central Proliibitlon qiiib, Of Guilford County, will ^eet Friday night, July 1st, at 8X o’clock, lu Jlfie Hall of the ‘VV’ C. T. U., Greensboro. By i3^der of P. D. WE .'•.'VER, President. S. A. Carr, Secretary. J29 3t —Can accommodate several more Boarders with as cheap board as a .y other boarding house in the city. Give m« a call. J38 Im. MRS*- JuATTIE CRUMP. The Gospel of Bread and Meat. —This is the mission of Col. Polk, whose appointments to address tV.e people of our section of the State we give in these columns. There is a solidity about the subject which at once challenges •attention, for, say what we will, the foundation of our whole fabric is something to eat and to wear. It is really necessary in these times, when so many persons seem to spurn the homely processes which sustain life, to draw attention to the one thing needful. There is, we think, too large a proportion of our bone and sinew going to waste for lack of proper direction, and too many persons hoping to make a sup port by a prohessional life who ought to be driving a horse or a machine or wielding a hoe on the farm, and the fields in many cases are languishing for want, not so much of rain, as mind and muscle. POMOLOGICAL ITEMS,—Mr. J. Van Lindley, who has returned from his western trip, has favored us with a brief interview, from which we capture a few items of interest. “The Nation al Nurserymen’s Association,” to which Mr. Lindley went, was held- this year in Chicago, but in going to Chicago he took in Indianapolis and other places, for the purpose of yisiting friends by the way. • The Association of Nursery men was an immense affair, attracting, as it did, fruit-growers from far and near. This reunion furnishes fine op portunities for rest from the toils of act ive business, for exchange of views be tween men and scetions on the various matters relating to horticulture, such — Overby & Taylor . received on Satui*- day a drove of line mount ■ cattle, and will therefore be able to furnisli tie choicest of beef to tlieir'cnfitn-^'era the best tlw , .... cai‘ June278t. It was not an earthquake, but a severe shock received by Tobaccos when Lottier’s Strawberry Twist Chewing Tobacco struck tlie town. Read the following inducement? oflered for the return of Strawberry Twist Tags during 1887, and it's your own fault if you do not get one of the handsome pi-esents. For 100 tags a handsome four-bladed pocket knife. For 300, a handsome nickel-plated Student’s Lamp, (hon-exploslve). For 3,000, an elegant Hunting-case Elgin Watch, (stem winder). For 4,000, an elegant suit of Fuimlture, an tique oak or cheny. The goods are on sale at tlie following well- known first-class leading retailers: N. A. Jeftreys, .gi'oceries, at depot. • ■ A. H. Dudley, groceries, at depot. Wilson & Mangum, groceries. So. Elm street. T. S. Shelton, groceries, South Elm street. Porter & Tate, druggists, South Elm street. A. J. Brockman, groceries, South Elm street. Jiia Donnell & Bro., groceries, East market st. Mcknight & Albright, gi’oceries, E. Market st. Hendrix Bros., wliolesale and retail groceries. East Market street. R. A. Flemine &, Co., groceries. E. Market st. Indn & Weatlierly, groceries, West Market st. Myron G. Newell, groceries and dry goods, So. Greensboro. Trade supplied at Factory prices, by J. W, Sco’i’T & Co., Wliolesale groceries and dry goods, Greensboro, N, C. It costs only ten cents to try it, and it is money well spent. jiuie 30 Im Pure and Fr(!$.h. Little Blitter Cups for the Baby! junp34 tf Grkkxsboro Caxdy Co. ■ Wiiter-meloiis I A carload to arrive to-day (Friday) the 34tb. Your orders! tf. J. 11. West. All Aboard, llo! Hlglifill & Strader have established a IJvory Stable at Walnut Cove, for the convenieree of travellers, and will convey passengers to tlie Piedmont Springs direct, or to any otlier points which they may elect to visit, either tbr health or pleasure. A new line with live t(*ams and pleasant arrangements. )une 35 3iv To 7ontractorN and ]luilder!k! Notice Is hereby given, that until Tuesday, July the 12th, 1887, sealed bids for erecting the White Graded School Building in Greensboro, N. C., will be received by any one of the un dersigned School Committee. We reserve the riglit to reject any and all bids and to select any one of tlie bids we deem proper, at tlie same time our means are somo- what limited and we wish tfto building to cost as little as possible. Tlie plans and specifications can be inspected at any time, by calling at the Mayor's oflice, u Greensboro, N. C., or by application to Mr. R, M. Rees, Chief of Police of the city. ]). SCHEXCK, ) w y Committee. W. E. COFFIX, ( S. C. DoD90X,{ (City papers copy.) June 25 td For Sale. A fine Silver Watch, comparatively new. and in perfect order. Address Box No. (kl. j351w —A full line of James Means’ tliree dollar shoes in lace, button and Congres, for men, just received at H. Fatrior & Co’s. The best in tlie world or the money may20 tf Nice CirOodM ! Those who would like a nice ail-silk or silk and wool Umbrella, with gold and silver heads, ean find just what they wish at Cartland’s, he having just received a nice Hue. Also, has all styles of Collars and Cufl!b of the famous *‘Coon Brand.” Shirts, Socks and Underwear In all styles, and Neck Wear in every variety. June 17 tf 1C. W. Tlioina«. A scientific and ornamental sign pnlntor. First-class in every respect. Defies competition Prices very moderate to suit the times. All kinds of imitation and fancy work done at shortest notice and in the most scientific style and finish. Trunks and umbrellas marked in the best style of the art. Offlee under the old postofflee. Respectfully, junelStf R. W. Thomas. oyp Ve.en vpi]rhons'->j>04-f f a byhsing Alabastine. One ton just received at Rates of Subscription.- 5 cents By the week ten cents. By the month twenty-five cents in advance. Six months i^l 60; one year $3/ three mdnths 75c. in advance. No payments made to carriers will be acknowledged, and ihe paper is not au thorized to be delivered to any whose name is not on the books of the office. is the only authrized agent to collect funds duo this office, t_ cepting such other person or persons as may be announced hereafter. Carriers not allowed to sell paper.sonthe streets. Sw'uel Xjittle llutter Try them! j34tf Grekn-sboko Cakdy Co. Ucduccd Railroad UatoM to Norinal». Teachers or those preparing to teach, and those who g^ by invitation as instructors or lecturers, will receive certificates entitling tliem • to reduced railroad ilites, by applying to J. R, Wuartox, County Superintendent. •Ice cream season is here and you will want ilivvorlng extracts. We sell all grades, but you want the best-buy Davis & Miller’s. Sold by J. W. SooTi:'& Co. ‘ m38tf — Breakfast Bacon and Hams, nice, mild and sweet, just received at Scott & Co’s, O. If. Royster Has Just received a nice lot of Ladies’, Misses and cliildren’s fine Slices at bottom prices. Also Gents’ fine home made Shoes. m4tf —Smoke J. K. Hall & Co’s new Cigars. A full line of new brands J ust opened on our re tail counter. j, w, Scott & Co. Found. A Due Bill for S13.74, dated April 11, 1887 has been found on the street, which the owner can have by paying for tills notice. alStf —Crab Apple and country V'inegar, good and old, warranted to please, at J. W. Scott & Co*3. m7tf Cabbage, CabVage. Hams, Breakfast Strips, Irish, and Sweet Potatoes, Beans, Hominy and Grits just re- ceiTCd at m. g. Newell’s. —Can accommodate several more boarders with board and lodging, if desired, at the Mc Donald House. No better suppbed table In the city. One hundred yards west of depot. [m3tf| Wakefields. —Keep your silver and nickle ware clean by using Put/5 .Pomade, for sale at Wakefields. juue20tf Rclicioiis JDriuks. HirxTKR &. Mxcir.iux are prepared to give >ou a charming variety of the very best and most delicious of cooling drinks, such as Lime ade, so popular with all classes; Soda Water, Mox Jli, Iron Tonic, Deep Rock, Vlchey, Birch Bour, Mead, Ginger Ale. All ice cold, and in tempting style, Cali and quencii. nuiy25tf limlies. Cull and see tlio 'recent arrivals of tlie Gros Grains, the Sarahs and Rliadames, at unpre- cedently low prices. Mr. G. Will. ArmfieUi Is now in tlie northern markets. Daily arrivals of actual bargains. Tlie brightest, handsomest, choicest, finest and the cheapest Spring Stock in town, consisting of Drj’ Goods, Dress Goods, Fancy Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoe.s, Hats and Caps, Trunks, Valises, &c., &c. A special bargain in Ilambiu'gs and Beaded Pasraentaries. Don’t forget the silK department. It will very much Interest you to look at our line. « .G. Will. Armfikld, . Black and Gold Front', South Elm St., Greensboro, N. C. 'Wlia.t He Says. I wish to say to tlie public that I keep as good Candies as arc made, also a good and varied line of Cigai-s, Cigarettes and Smoking Tobacco, and (jail & Ax’s Snuff, Pickles and Vinegar, Dcssicated Cocoanut, Dates, Nuts, Raisins, Citron, Currants, canned Goods, Su gar, Soap, Tinware and many otlier art icles. I always furnisli tiie best Bread and -Cakes. Am now prepared to furnish Ice Cream of the best to all who favor me with their patronage. Cream furnished to families as ever. Please DON’T ASK FOR CREDIT. J. E. ThOM. may 4tf Fariiiiiig I/andi; and City Property For Sale. We offer several excellent Grain and Tobac co Farms in Guilford county, also fine Farming Lands in Chatham and Robeson counties, and two desirable Mills in tills county, for sale on easy terras. We have choice property for sale in and near the city, Building Lots and Dwell ing Houses. Call and see us, or vTite for information in regard to anj-thing In the Real Estate business. We have, constantly, applications for money, and can place it, well secured by mortgage on good Real Estate. Yates Brotiiers. alltf Real Estate Agents. Choice Timothy Hay. We have a small quantity of Bxtrn No. One Timothy Hay, which we will sell low. . Yates Brothers, Real Estate Agents and Merchandise Brokers.' june9 tf Just Received. A nice line of Dress Goods—double and single width—Cashmeres, Calicoes, Ginghams, White Goods of all description at very low prices. Call and see them. Respectful! V, _ G. H. Royster. f 1 Ittetfis High— Choafl This is the season for iced tea, and as coft'ee has adV-anced so rapidly you will find tea much the cheapest. We have on hand a fine assort- men^of both black and green- teas, ail TadeB 0^,1 x.,.i celebrated He-no tea. / J. W. Scott & Co. and prices. m28tf For Sale or Rent. The subscriber offers for sale, or rent, a dwelling house, situated on Oak street, South Greensboro. It has four rooms, and is newly „ Dr. -M. H. Alford. junclStf Miuiug Propert}- ior Sale. W. A. Fields and D. H. McCulIocIi have opened up a mine situated 8 mile.s southeast of Greensboro, mile from Pleasant Garden- depot, on the C. F. &, Y. V. railroad. The prospects are very fine. Parties iuderested in mining business will do well to see W. A. Fields, at his Tobacco Factory south of the depot, where samples of the ore'can be seen. W. A. Fields, and ♦ D. H. McCulloch. m8tf Millinery and Rreei. Making. Miss Cheek and Miss Weatherly are now fully prepai’cd, with the assistance of Miss Nelson, a thoroughly competent lady from Baltimore, not only to hats and bon nets trimmed in the most approved style and at moderate prices, but also to fill all orders for fashionable mantua making in all its branches. Being'thus equipped they invite a call at their newly fitted glass-front store on West Market street, opposite the coiuthous*'. api-31tf —The finest and the best Tobacco ol the market—Dianora, Gravely,Fine Cut and Nellie Bly just received at Hunter & Miohaux’s Drug Store. a9tf —W, B. Farrar, tno jeweler, keeps nice stock of articles in his line which he guarantees to sell on good teriiis Other dealers may claim to be fair, but he claims to be Farrar still. Call and examine his elegant stock, assured that you will find something to fill the bill 261—tf Brick I Brick! I Brick 11 * The subscriber is now making brlt-'r of a clay which he Relieves to be su perior to any other in use her$—olsv found in the low grounds near Green Hill Cemetery. These brick prove to be bard and of fine qualities of durability, and are such as are needed particnlariy in work which requires solidity, I ac ready to contract -to famish these perior brick and also to 1^ them. jlStf D.N. &LIWATBZCt,