THEPANSY PKOSPEOTUS FOE 1887. This illustr ited aaonthty contains thirty-two to forty pages each number of enjoyable and helpful literature and pictures, equally suited to Sundays and week days The editor, “Pansy,” will furnish a new serial to run through the year entitlea, MONTEAGUK. The Golden text stories will be con tinued under the title of “A Dozen ol Them.” Margaret Sidney will contrib ute a serial called THB LITTLE BED SHOP, telling how Jack and Cornelius and Rosalie earned money to help mother take care of baby. There will be more “Great Men,” and more “Remarkable Wcmen.” Paye Hunt ington will write of flowers and plants in MBS. brown’s BOTANX CLASS. Rev. C. M. Livingston will furnish stories of Great Events. Discoveries, Inventions, etc. A novel feature will be a story by eleven different authors, R. M. Alden will direct a new depart ment of Church, Sabbath School and Missionary News, The present depart ments will continue and new ones be opened. ONLY iSl.Ob A XEAB. Specimens free to intending subscrib ers. Address orders to D. LOTHROP & CO., Pdblishebs, Boston, Mass. 1 U. S. A. 1887. 1.50 A itMAM —FOR- 1887 NEW YORK- OBSERVER, OLDEST AND BEST RELIGIOUS And SECULAR FAMILY NEV^SPAPER. NATIONAL AND EVANGELICAL. Ali The News, Vigorous Editorials. A trustworthy paper for business men. It has special departments for Farmers, Sunday-school "reachers and House keepers. THE NEW YORK OBSERVER FOR 1886, Sixty-Fourtb Volume, will cont.ain a new and neVer before published series of Irensaus Letters, regular correspondence from Great Britain, France, Germany and Italy, Letters from Mission Stations in India, China, Japan, Africa and Micronesia, original articles from men of influence and knowledge of affairs in different parts of this country, and selected arti cles from the choicest literary and re ligious publications, in poetry and prose. A new volume, containing a second Series of Irenseus Letters, a sketch of the author, and a review of his life and work, has been published. We shall offer this year special and at tractive inducements to subscribers and friends. Samcle cipies free. NEW YORK OBSERVER, Nov. 27—New Yobk The Cheapest Daily Paper in the South. The Weekly has been enlarged and the price reduced to 75 cents a year. The cheapest weekly paper published. The Sunday issue and weekly edition both for one year, for .50. The two are cheaper and better than a semi- week!', as vou get one daily issue and a weekly for 5() cents less than any semi weekly paper. Daily sent free two weeks and Weekly one mouth free. Spend one cent for a postal card and order one or the other 1 trial. Address THE WHIG, f 8 3m Richmond, Va, Regardless of Cost! Goods Must Go! RAILWAY GONBENSKI) 8GHEBVLE NO. 2-1. Taking effect 5.15, a. m., Mou(la3-, July 35, ISS?. TRAINS MOVING NOKTH. IXS -36 fJ Tf 8Xf SEND FOR SAMPLE THEY COST NOTHING The News and Observer, RALEIGH, N. 0- The largest, best and cheapest paper published in the State. Telegraphic ac counts of all interesting events from every part of the world. Full Market Reports. A paper for every family. Established 1872—and gets better every year. Send your name, Fostoffice address and $2.00 for one year; $1.00 for 6 months. Every North Carolinian should take it. The livest, most progressive paper in the State. THE WEEKLY NEWS-OBSERVER, Raleigh, N. O. ALL NOTIONS AND FANOT GOODS- Are being sold REGARDLESS OF GOST 1 as we want to make room for coming Stock of China & Glass-ware. LOTS OP GOODS ON HAND THAT ARE .NEW AND FRESH, CONSISTING OF WHITE GOODS, Napkins, Table Damask, and Towels CdrsBts, Hose, HdKfs, Fans, Collars, &c. Pass. & Fr’ht A Mail. Ao’n.l L V BennettsvUle Ar Maxton Lv Maxton Ar Fayetteville Lv Fayetteville Ar Sanford Lv Sanford Ar Greensboro Lv Greensboro Arrive at Germanton „ Passenger and Mail—Dinner at Fayetteville. TEAINS MOVINGA()UtH7 10 10 a m 1120 11 80 1 80 pm 300 4 05 4 15 7 25 10 00 am 115 p m 5 15 a m 715 7 40 1100 9 30 140 pm 3 15 800 Leaves Germanton Ar Greensboro Lv Greensboro Ar Sanford Lv Sanford Ar- Fayetteville Lv Fayetteville Ar Maxton Lv Maxton Ar BennettsvUle Passenger and Mail- Pass. & Fr’bt & Mail. Ao’n. 3 00 pm 500 9 50a m 13 55 pm 115 3 20 3 30 515 5 35 6 45 7 00 am 117 pm 155 6 00 1215 pm 345 4 15 6 15 pm -Dinner at Sanford. Factory Branch—Freight & Acoo’n* TEIAN MOVING NOKTH. Lv Millboro, 7 45 am Ar Greensboro 9 30 “ TKAIN MOVING SOUTH. Lv Greensboro,530pm Ar Millboro, 735 “ —A BIG RUN IN- Black Kid Gloves, Ladies and Gentlemen’s x ocket Books, —THAT MUST GO ! ALSO- H- Improved BOOT BEER Package, 25 cts, makes 5 gallons of a de licious. sparkling, temperance beverage. Strengthens and purifies the Blood, Its purity and delicacy commends it to all. Sold by all druggists and storekeepers. nCACTiyirCC its causes and a new 11 tn r 11 LOO .and successful CURE Uat your own home, by one who was deaf twenty-eight years. Treated by most of the noted specialists without benefit. Cured himself in three months, and since then hundieds of others. Pull particulars sent on application T. S. PAGE, No 41 West 31st St., New York City. UOR A THE UjHixAl; PECK’S PATENT Improved Cushioned Ear Drums! PEKFEOTLY RESTORE HEARING 1 no matter whether deafness is caused by colds, fevers, or injuries to the natural Wilmington & Weldon R. R. .Aiways in portion, b-Ainvui CURE Satchels & Shoping Bags, And thousnda of other things, entirely too numerous to mention. - Call at once to secure bargains, as these Goods are going very A call will convince you that I mean what I say. fast. Truly yours, W. T. CHICHESTER, Passenger and Mail Train runs daily except Sundays. Freight and Accomodation Train runs between Bennettsville and Fayetteville on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and between Fayette ville and Greensboro Tuesdays, Tbm-sdays and Saturdays. Freight and Accommodation Train runs tween Greensboro and Fayetteville on Mon days, Wednesdays and Fridays and between Fayetteville and Bennettsville on Tuesdays Thursdays and Saturdays. ’ - Trains on Factory Branch run daily except Sunday. Close connection is made at Maxton with Carolina Central Eailway Passenger Trains to and from Wilmington. m KYLE, Gen’l Pass. Agent. J. W. FRY, Gen’l Sup’t. YOUR ATTENTION IS SOLICITED —TO THE— ooro Dirnsnes GREENSBORO, N. C. OPPOSITE BENBOW HALL, june 28 tf GREENSBORO, N. C. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. Office Gbneeai, StrpEiiiNTEUDKNT, I Wilmington, N. C.,Nov. 18, 1883. J On and after Nov. 18th, 1883, at 1.05 a, m.. Passenger Trains on the Wilming ton & Weldon Railroad will run as fol lows : DAI MAin AND EXPEES8 TBAIN DAILY. Nos. 47 North and 48 South. Lve Wilmington 8' 63 a m Arrive at Weldon 2 31 p m L’ve Weldon, 3 00 p m Ar Wilmington 8 40 p m FAST THEOUaH MAIL AND FASSBNGEB T’NS. Daily—No.40 South. Leave Weldon 6 60 p m Arrive atWilmington, 10 25 p m MAIL AND PASSENGEB TBAINS DAILY. No. 43 North. Leave IJ^liniugton 8 00 p m Arrive at Weldon 2 20 a ra Mail and Passbnqbb Tbains— Nos. 45 and 42, Lve Wilmington 12 30 a m Ar at Weldon 6 80 a m Lve Weldon .1 06 a m Ar at Wilmington 6 66 am Train No. 40 South will stop only a Wilson, Goldsbo :o and Magnolia. Trains on Ti-rboro Branch Road Leave Rocky Mount for Tarboro at 1.20 p m and 4.30 p m, daily. Re turning, leave Tarboro at 3 p. m. and 10 a. m, daily. Train on Scotland Neck Branch Road leaves Halifax for Scotland Neck at 3 25 p. m. Returning leaves Scotland Neck at 8 30 a. m,, daily. Train No. 47 makes close connoetion at Weldon for all points North Daily. All rail via Richmond, and daily except Sunday via Bay Line. Train No. 43 runs dailv and makes close connection for all points North via Richmond and Washington. All trains run solid between ton and Washington, and have Pullman Palace Sleepers attached. For aooommodatiou of local travel a Passenger Coach will be attached to Local Freight leaving Wilmington at 6 65 a m daily except Sunday. T. M. EMERSON. J. F. DIVINE, Gen. Fa«»s.Agt. Gen. Sup’t ble to others and qpmfortable to wear. Music, conversation, even whispers may be heard distinotlv. We refer to those using them. Send for illustrated book of proofs/ree. Address E. HISCOX, 849 Broadway, N. Y. 4 MEMOEY Wholly unlike arlifi,cial systems. Any book learned in one reading. Recommended by Mark Twain, Rich ard Proctor, the Scientist, Hons, W, W. Astor, Judah P. Benjamin, Dr. Mine, ic. Class of 100 Columbia Law stu dents ,- two classes of 200 each at Yale ,- 400 at University Penn. Phila., and 400 at Wellesley College, &c , and engaged at Cbatauqna University. Prospectus POST FBEE from Pbof. LOISETTE, 237 Fifth A'enue, New York. NO MORE EYE-GUSSES, NO ITIOBI V WEAK $5,45 -_.Ty one sending us ” cents, and the Address of I _ _ _ to of their friends, will receive, by mail, Staplo Qocdfl, no receipts, trash or jewelry, but goods that retairforf5.4§. This is a genuine offer asd a fortune to you. Certain Satis/a.etioM. Kis^ara Supply Co.» Drawer t68, QuvrALi?, tT. V. MITCHELL’S EYE SALVE, A Certain, Safe and Eliective Remedy for Sore, Weak & Inflamed Eyes, Producing Long sightedness, and Re storing the Sight of the Old. Cures Tear Drops, Granulation, Stye Tumors, Red Eves, Matted Eye Lashes, and Producing Quick Relief and Permanent Cure. Also, equally efficacious when used in other Maladfes, such as Ulcers, Fever Sores, Tumors, Salt Rheum, Burns, Piles, or wherever Inflammation exists, MITCHELL’S SALVE may be used to advantage. Sold by all Druggists at 25 cents. The Teachers’ Rest, at this season, is well earned, and should not be disturbed. It cannot, however, be annoying, in a leisurely way, to think and plan what Music Books from the inexhaustible supply described in DITSON & CO.’S Catalogues; it will be well to use iu the next musical campaign. ©g°Any book mailed for retail prioe..jE3 Sunday Scoool Teacticrs: will soon be able to examine our new and beautiful Sunday School Song Book, the CHILDREN’S DIADEM, (35 cts.) by ilbbey & Hunger, and the newly arranged and valuable New SpiEiruAL Songs, (£5 cts ) by Tenney & Hoffman. Scliool TeuLlicriv will be pleastd to look at our new Royal Sisgee, (60 cts.) for Adult Sing- iug Classes and High Schools. Also, the Song Gbketing, (60 cts.) for High Schools, (a great favorite) ; and the delighriul little Primary School Song Book, Gems fob Little Sinqeks, (30 cents). Music Xcaclicrs “on the wing,” are invited to alight and examine the superb stock of In struction Books and Collections of Vocal and Instrumental Music for teaching purposes, at the Stores of Oliver Ditson Sc Co., 449 & 451 Washington street. Boston. C. H. »itson Sc Co., 867 Broadway, N. York. J. E. Ditsou A: Co., 1338 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. A .»ea:Iy,Xliicago. jySSto PRICE OF BURNHAM’S IMPEOVED STAUDAED TURBINE Is cost of manufacturing and advertising. Pam phlet with new Price List, sent free by BURNHAM BROS., York Pa. 5^ O XT T S HORSE AND CATTLE POV/DERS PARKER’S HAIR BALSAM the popular favorite for dressing the hair, Kestoring color when gray, and preventing Dandruff. It cleanses the scalp, stops che iniir falling, and is sure to please. fiOc. and $1.00 at Druggists. HINDERCORNS. The safest, surest and best cure for Corns, Bunions, &e. Stops all pain. Ensures comfort to the feet. Kever fails to cure. 15 cents at Druggists. . Hiscos & Co., N. Y, Washington § Lee UNIYERSITY, LEXIKGTOK.Va- Instruction in the imual Academic Studies and in the professional schools of Law and Ensineerins- Tuition and fees, $75 for session of 9 months, beginning Hept. 16. Catalogue free. Address G. \V. C. LEE, President. o lIoRSK will li‘* Ol' Colic. Bots or Lung Fk- '’’KR, ii' Fo”.‘y.''4 Uoivfiors are useil in time. Fo'it7.’s’l-‘o\vtior8 'willenre nnd prf'ventlloo CiiOLERA. Poivfiers ■will provent Gaprs in Fowls. r'onU'.^ rowdfM’s will incrPG'O the qnantitj' of milk iinil ereani twimry per cent- and make the butter firm and sweet. Font^’s Fowders will cure or prevent almost EVER’y DrsFASi-- to wtiicii Horses and Cattle are .subject. FoUT/.’S POWDKRS WILL GIVE SATISFACTION. Sold everywhere. DAVID D. FOUTZ, Proprietor, 4 T >r-0 KsAW —of— Washington and Lee University. «cn. «. W. C. 1.1EE, President. Instruction by text-books and printed lectures, with courses of lectures on special subjects by eminent jurists. Tu ition and ees, $75 for session of nine months, beginning September 15, For Catalogue and full information, address CHAS. A, GRAVES, ,jyl6 8t Prof, of Law, Lexington, Va. for DYSPEPSAI & INDIGEST ION, Address J. M. SHELLY, Charlotte, N. C. m223m Cuticura A Positive Cure for ^V^ry forrri of SKul and Blood -^Dis^as^^ -7^ - from — Pimples to Scrofula O KIN TORTURES' OF A LIFE- O time instantly relieved by a warm bath with Cdticuea Soap, a real Skin Purifier, and a single application of Ou- TiouEA, the great Skin Cure. This repeated daily, with two or three doses of Odticdea Resolvznt, the New Blood Purifier, to keep the Blood cool, the perspiration pure and unirritating, the bowels open, the liver and kidneys active, will speedily cure. Eczema, tetter, ringworm, psoriasis, lichen, pruritus, soall head, dandruff, and every species of torturing, disfigur ing, itching, scaly and pimply diseases, of the »Idn and scalp, with loss of hail, when physicians and aU known reme dies fail. Sold everywhere. Price, Outicuba, 50o.,- Soap, 25e.; Resolvent, $1. Pre pared by the Pottee Dbug and Chem ical Co., Boston, Mass. ^^Send for ‘ ‘How to Cure Skin Dis eases.” July301m Located East of the City. I do not claim to have the largest Nur sery in the South, but I do claim to have all fruits that are known to succeed at the South, consisting of apple, peach, pear, cherry, plum, apricot, mulberry and shade trees, evergreens, grapes, strawberries, raspberries, currants, I further claim to send out finer trees, plants, &c., for less money than any other Nursery. Fine stock and fair deal ing are making these Nurseries famous, and agents representing other Nurseries whose shipping point is Greensboro, of! ten leave the impression that they are representing the “G.eensboro Nurse ries.” This I can prove by letters that I am in receipt of almost daily. SHADE TREES. I have a nice stock of Shade and Or namental Trees, Evergreens, &e., and now la the time to send in ysur orders for Shade Trees, while the bli.stenng sun vividly reminds you that yon need them. When cool weather comes, and with the press of business, you are likely to neglect them until it is too late in th'e spring to set them out. But send in your orders at any lime, as it will be my business to see that you get them at the proper time, I can furnish experienced hands to set them, and when you once pay me for a shade tree you are sure to get it, as I replace all trees that die. Those having tenement houses should plant shade trees, not only for the sake of humanity, but as an investment, for five or ten dollars spent foi shade will, in a few years, increase the value of a lot from $100 to $500. Besides, trees are an excellent protection in case of fire, by breaking the beat and arresting the sparks. ^©“Orders given to my agents, or sent direct to the Nursery, will all re ceive careful attention. Oorrespond- ence solicited. Descriptive Cataloguss free to applicants. JOHN. A. YOUNG, Successor to Ward & Young, Cravats, Cravats! JUST RECEIVED AT -ALL THE- piMPLES, ’olackheads. chapped and r I 111 oily skin prevented by Cdticd- EA Medicated Soap. Latest Styles —IN— White Piques; Lawns and Silks, all col- jul5 ors and styles tf Notice to Creditors. H aving qualified as Administrator upon the Estate of the late D. B. Bell, I hereby give notice to all persons holding claim.? against said Estate, to present them to me at Enfield, N. 0., properly proven, on or before the first day of September, 1888, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. And all persons indebted to said Es tate will come forward and .settle at once and save costs of suit. DAVID BELL, Administrator Aug3, 1887. 4w of D. B.Bell. '■U'A;P q/