v i ' . i ' T . . A 1 THE VERY LATEST. . A Town at a Riot. -A Wheel io(W. Va.) special says: Tber tu a regular riot at the little tab arban town of Fulton late ; this evening, which for a tima threaten 4 to loYolva the entire male popu lation and provide a good ' deal of work for the ooroner. The Tillage ia almost entirely populated by Germane and a ball dozen or more beer aalooos do a flourishing Baa day boainera, About 9 o'clock Daniel Campbell went to the bouse pf John Biatell and insulted Bis tell'i wife. Biatell attacked Camp bell with a oane and foroed him out od the sidewalk. Campbell was reinforced by bis three brothers Dan, Robert and Philip, and they soon bad Bistell on the ground and were beating the life out of him with stones and clubs. This started the riot. George Culver and bia sou John ran to Bistell's relief and others joined m the melee. Soon revol vers were cracking mtrrily and atones, canes and tluba hummed inrougn tne air. iuere is t o po- noe force in tne town and the com batanta fought in the dark until citizans made a rush for the riot ers and foroed a suspension of bos- untie. John H. Biatell was found to be shot through the hiy. Samuel Biatell bad his face badly cut with a roci, iiobert UampbeU bad one ear chewed and badly clubbed, and others engaged were- similarly done up. There are indications that the row ia not yet over, and a resumption of hostilities is fear ed. DYSPEPSIA, .... CONSTIPATION. i 'blUtt. JtLEAUAViALtt, , j 'r :. BILIOUSNESS 1 1 Wilmington Star: Mr. Abel, owner of the Baltimore Sun, is 81 years old. He is the richest news paper owner io the world. War upon ctearet tea progress es vfarnrnaiv. 'rha ' rfnntnra ' are ..r'MM,,' ;:. Ij bnrtEl and.often kill. . .. Is there a positive care f ; ' V"'J " Ifl i i ci ui-ucuv uio vi t lira. . Seift Specijlc Compmy, Allmta Go. : Uear Bits:-Six bottles of 8. 8. B. owed me of a vary bad cate of piles. I sad bad them a tear. Phymciant and medicines up to the time I began your medicine hail coat me. In oua year, two bnudrtd dollars, bat I not no rwrnia nent relief ontil I look Swift's -ixcirto. I only used aiz I o.tlee. The first effect waa to improve my appetite and aid my dige1ion. At the end of the tilth (Kit tle I waa entirely well. Ye urn vry truly, T E. M carat Nashville, Tenn , March 1, 18i7. Ad Octogenarian's TeatlnitHiy. Sitifl Specific Cmntnv. A Uinta Gn. Dear nira My blood wu in bad or Art msr-fU that von ret the -enuine. with and weakened down I r m old ace. I be- the Z-aUmo io red. on front of wrap- ing 83 jeers old. I bad aatbma and ma- r. ... n I T . 1- . V, I auffered with Dytpepaia and dlaor dered Liver, and would frequently throw no bile. . I procured a bottle, of Bim . V. , . f mona -Aver tteguiaor, ana aer ubiur hall of it waa completely oared. One nf mr ld customers told me the IW r - ... . . r.;t nlator completely enrea ner oi oic Headache. D. Oum, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. per. J. jniy s im. H. ZEIUN Ac Co., Philadelphia. Pa Una. I took about ten bottle of 8. &. 8.. which cleansed my blood tboronah ly, cure tne malaila. and made me feel fill. A . V . . . n . iwujw ii iuuuj uiau. man mu Diorlmnnt Air.l ino Rniiffl oeroiy l euod. I iiiuiiiviiu nu aiiiw iiwviiwi i N oo PitmnM - va..jii 'r rebrnary 'in, im. 1 nu Richmond and Danville Railroad. CONFESSED SCHEDULE. Is Emct Juli 24, 1887. Trains Hit by lb Meridian Time. BOUTHBOU5D. 1 The BLEf8KO of Sickness. A Christian man of intense busineas enterprise, and activity was laid aside by sickoefui. He who would never intermit his labors waa com' rolled to o ome to a dead halt His restless limbs were stretched motionlts on the bed. He ! was so weak that he could scarcely ut ter a word, j Speaking to a friend of the ooatrAst between bis condi tion now and ' when be bad been driving bis immense busineps, be said: "Now I am growing. I have hMn rnnninir mv aonl thin bv mv activity Now I am growing in the knowledge , of myself and things which most intimately concern me.' lilessed, - then, is . sickness or sorrow, or any experience that oompels us to stop: that takes the work out of our hands for a little season, that empties our hearts of their thousand cares, and turns , them tp ward God to be taught of him. Lv. New York Philadelphia Baltimore Waahlo)rton Chariot' avll'e Lynohbnr? Lv. Richmond Burkevill Eevaville Drake'a Br'ch Danville Ureenaboro Lv. Ooldaboro Durham , Cb.elHill Hillebpro Lv. 8alem Lv. HUh Point baliabury i , Ar. Stab aville Asheville Hot Springs Lv, Conoord Charlotte Spartanburg Greenville Ar. Atlanta I)AIII. No. 60. No. 52. 4 45am 7 20am 0 45am 11 24 a m 83ipm 5 50pm 8 10 pm ft 17 pm 5 56 p m 6 10 pm 8 60pm 10 44 pm 3 80pm 480pm 6 57pm 9 42 p m 11 00pm 8 00 a m 5 05 a m ' 2 80am 4-25 am 5 04 a m 6 21am 8 06am 0 48am J8 10 pm Will Balia up lit Weak Children. Tkt Smft Specific Co.. Atlanta. Gu UenUemen tJwifv. Spccina haa had wonderful effect in building np my yonng ton. ue waa fourteen yeari old. weak, alenuer and unable to ply with tne boa. After he bad taken a half doten bottlea hia atrength waa greatly lnrreaaed, hia spirit excellent, and he could play with tne boy aa long aa the atronBentof tbem. He could run like a deer. I can ealelv rroommend 8. S. 8. tomotnera who . have weak, pnny ohil aren, it win rniiid tnera nn. xonrs, re- epeotrally, Mr. W. w. Chbhbt. Colombia. 'Jnn.r March 2, 1B87. ATreatiBA on Blood and Skin Dis eaaea maiied fre. Thb Swirr Hpaoino Co., - . Drawer 8, At anta, Oa. 1JL Mod. Wiluaub. V7. 3. MoDubmid A. K, MoDlibhio. 6 85pm flOOam 6 41pm" 2 87 a m I 5 00 pm 7 20 p m t7 20 p m II 11pm 12 39 a m" W. 8cott & Co.8 Column. Given Awavl! a aw We have jnat received the moat pop ular and aervioeable preienta, whioh. we Give AwaY with the oelebrated J.C. LIIIDLEY & BRO., NURSERYMEN. .... . Office Near Benbow House, SOUTH ELM, OR MAIN ST. f lUrl atock under cultivation for de 1 ' livery this Fall November vn- aiata. in part, of 100,000 apple, 100,0;) peacu, ( million planta, 100,000' vines. beaideB large qnantitiea of pars, cbir riea, mulberriea, shade treea, evergreen, rosea, etc., to., altogetner a good mil lion of treea. vine, plants. Ac. of both one and two year's old. '87 and '8 atock. Our specialtiee consul in part of Niagara, Prentiss Pockliagtou. Empire State, Moore's Early, and other fine grapes, of whioh wa art plaiting a heavy atock' . Leoonte and Eeifer pours on their own- root. Numerous new sorts of peaches applea, Aa, to. We can employ 20 m-re salesmen on. oommiaaioB term a. Kive to ten per cent, eaah advauoed on orders in htuds. lerma on arphOMtion Cttalogue aut free. J. C. L1NDLET A BRO.. Box 14. Oreenaboro. S. ff. feblO 8m "Gem"BakingPowder No drawintr or lotterv. Every one leots his or her own prize, oonaiatmg oi MOSS ROSE" CTJPH AND 8A CERS, BREAD SOUP PLATES, BREAKFAST PLATES WA TER PITCHERS,' HAM DISHES, Aa, Ac. Cash AaaeU, 800,000. tl National Life & Maturity As'H w. MomLI? Uurpiua, 920,000. THE If ArAak to see them sure to bny I and you will be Wwi again call yi ur attention to our Large und Varied Stock of , 1 28 a m 2 25 a m : 6 36 a m 610am 120pm 8 32 a b 6 80 a m 10 16 a m 11 23 a m 12 31 p m 538nm 7 36 p ui 11 69 a m 1 K) pm 8 8tpm 4 48pm 10 40 p m dxaleim n , ROUGH A: DRESSED . LUMlliiR, Mouldingsi Laths, Shingles, &c . Orebsbdbo, N. C. f 1 ' $9Proinpt attention given to orders. mv18dAatf . , OBTBBOTJND. Greatly Excited. , Not a few of the citizens of Greens boro. N. C, have recently become greatly excited over the astounding facts, that several of our friends who bad been pronounced by their physicians- as incurable and beyond all hope suffering with that dreaded monter Conanmption-have been completely eured by Dr. Kine'a New Disoovery for Consumption, the only remedy that does completely cure all throat and lung diseases, Ooukhs, Colds, Asthma and Bronchitis, ' Trial bottle free at Hunter A Mich- anx'a DruR store, large bottle 81. DAELT No. 51. No. -8. ALL SM0KE AND NO JOKEH J. K. H ALL & GO. Cabbage, Cabbage. . Hams, Breakfast Strips, Irish and Bweet Potatoes, Beans, Hominy and Gritt Just re ceived at M. O. NKWBU.'a ' Brick! Brick!! Brick 1 1. The subscriber Is now making briek . of a clay whioh he believes to be an perior to any other in use bere-olai found in the , low grounds near Greet t. Hill Cemetery. These briok prove to bt .hard and of fine qualities of durability, and are inch as are needed partieularlj in work whioh requires solidity. 1 att ready to contract to furnish tbesa t ! perior briok and alao lv them. ; - . J18tf . ; D. N. FJotxPAXBiQE Lv. Atlanta Ar, Greenville :v Spartanburg Charlotte Ar. Ccno rd Salisbury High Point Greensboro Ar, Salem : : y Ar. Hill8boro v Durham Chapel Hill ' Raleigh Goldsboro j Ar. Danviile ; Drake'sBrnou Keysville Burkeville Richmond 1 Ar. Lvnchbnra Charlott'aville Washington Baltimore ' Philadelphia New York . Daily. 7 OQ p m 104am 219am 5 05 a m 6 01 am 6 45 a m - 7 66 a m 8 28am 1130am 12 07 p nr 12 47 p m tliOp.m 2 10 pm 4 30pm 10 00 a in 12 44 pm l ui p m 1 40pm 8 45pm 1 15 p m 840pm 828 pm 1125 pm 3 0i a an 6 20 a tu i MANUFACTURB . H 40 a ml 2 3tpm 346pm GREENSBORO. N. C. 7 23pm 8 01 pm . O 1 Q nm 940pm Cigars of The Best Quality. fl2 30 a m 284aml tSlOaml Chewing Tobacio ! Wm mskx a specially of Tobacco,' and always carry a LAKGE STOCK, and al must uny price yon wish f President, 9ee. A Manager, Horatio Bbowhiho. Geo D.Eldmdoi Treasurer, .. 8aCUE N07HENT. Life Insurance at Absolute Cost. OUR PILLAIlS OF STKMTH; A Guaranteed Policy. an incouteaubie v "hoy. Maturity Value io Cash at a Fixed Age Annnal Coat Aolnte)y Limited, Only Four Psymenta Per Year, None Forf-ir-ble after 8 Tears. Five Tear Maturity PI n, None Forfeitable after 8 Ywe, - Ten Yenr Maturity Plun. - lnanrauoeMawrllaaanlbveatment, ' Noun Forftilablo alter 6 Years. Special Agent, rector. W. H.GIBSON. DELLS, M. D. wanted. Addrewi. Lobwhii A. Bailit, . Aeent for Wmtorn W n J258.m tjGreenaboro, N. C. Medioai: P. 8. f9"Agent "OLD RIP still loxdrt the van aa v f680am 1120Jm II 29 p m ', 2 '44 a m 3 02 a m. 3 66 a ni 615 am, 2 00 a ni 4 l 'J a m 8 10 am 10 03 a m 12 35 pm . 3 20 pm . Greensboro Female College. FTHE SIXTY-FIFTH SESSION . of X this well-equipped and prosperous Institution ill begin on the 24th day of August,' 1887. ' :; Tuition-H full Enghsu Course, per sea : sion Of weeks, for day Pupils 820.00 Tuition in , Preparatory Depart-; mentt 810.00 to 115.00 , gjyFor Catalogue, apply to , V6td T. M. JONES, President tDailv.exoept Sunday J Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. , SLEEPING GAR 8ERVrCE. On Trains 60 and 51, Pullman Buffet Sleeper between Atlanta and New York, nn Tralim 53 and 63. Pullman Buffett Sleeper between Washington and Montgomery ; Wash- lngtou ana Augusta, ruumau eieeper uwwwn Klonmona ami urmusuuru. ruuumu oinuire;. between Greensboro and Raleigh. Pullman Parlor car between Saimoury onu Knoxvuio. s Through tickets on sale at principal stations, to all pointt. HEY BOY DIRECT FROM IM PORTERS the best Havana Tobac cos, and can therefore furnish as FINE GOODS AS CAN BE PKODUCJSU NOT RELYING -ON THE PJLEA that ours ia a Home Enterprise, but on THE FACT t bat WE O lMETE WITH THK FOREMOST, far or pear; we of fer tb following as among onr CHOICE BRANDS: .. Bo-a Do Oro, flor DcAlma,SPnre ' Sjianlhh, Hall'i, Fiv For V A. Quarter. v ' April7 tt For rates and Information, apply to any agent of the Company, or to Soi HAAB J. S. Pom 1 Traffio Manager. Div. Pass. Ag't jT-a. L. Tatlob, Gen, Passenger Ag't, i., ,. Richmond. Va. Dr. V. II. V.7.:iEFlELD. i Physician, Surgeon & Ooculist, " , Gbeensboro, N. 0., TTT ILL attend citv and country ealls. If Offlie at Porter & Tate's Drug Sfore. Residence on Asheboro street. Merchandise Brokers, Oom missions Merchants' and Real Estate Agents. . - n OtiE auents for the Patapsco Flour O ing Mills, Casard & Son's Celebrat Hlar Brand. Pure Lard and Hams, Central Refinery Co'e Syiups and Mo lasses, Pielmont Roller Mills, Choioe Meal, N. K. Fairban & Co's Standard T.rA Wa csrrp in stock a lawe varie ty of different gradoaof Flour, also Meal and Fairbauk A Co'a Lard, in Tierces and paoanges, and offer these and.all kinds of Merchandise, Grain, Mill Feed Ac, at bottom prices. We nolioit only the trade oi prompt pavina Mercbante. N" goods sold ai retsiL , v ., March 19ih '7. ' . ' tf. Biff Seller. .... i ' ' '. 'i ' i We a'so carry a full line of Cigars and Cigarettes I Kirk's Soap. Rce dleot, we hnve the anency for these CelebroUxl Soaps ana can lurnisn yon at Manufacturer's Pnoea . ' About 200 boxen in htook, . . Lemoiis& Oranges: 25 fauna inat received. Also, a fresh ani-piY plain and Frenoh . CANDY, RAISINS, NUTS. CUR RANTS AND PRUNES, and A full supply of ' GOODS I CANNED Very respectfully , j(U).8G0n&G3. JQ1II k2 ftochemr. Wa hmut tnnii Jfu.,, T..U at Domtt, of GrnuJn-o - vrf Agent for the mlt of our (atiy Fine Shoe. Wt'make on thit ft 7. Opera. Acme, IViinkmiphnet and Creole but, the UiOeiujil out and U vry nice. . We $ the , McKay Machine undeeiti witnlest Barbour' thretui... Kvety piir "parranteft They ir nice; n! ana ttytun , them a took wn you want a thou and you will be plowed, r ; K P. KJlED t CO. ae6tf TWO AND THREE QUARTER MILES WEST OF OKEENS- BORO, ON MAIS LINE . OF E. A D. B.B. ALEM : trains ' make regular stops within one fourth mile of Nurserv ? office and residence. We have just finished filllna orders for over twelve thousand different pat rons this season, and still have on hand seventy-five . thousand Fruit Trees, Vines. o.. for Winter and Hnrin- . sales consisting of all the old and new leading varieties. , v : , . . - Have a heavy stock of AddIh. both . early and late, especially wiue sap, and ; a good stock of Peach, Plum, Grape, r. Pecans and everything nsnally kept in a first olass Nursery, . l uose - wisninir to plant an orobard would do well to submit their orders and get special ratea. ' Correspondence solioited. - Sati: fac tion guarantevd both in stock and prices. Personal inspection invited, v 1 1 talognes free to applicants. . .- Address v.-1 - '" . . " : , v- '. '7.'VAN LINDLEY, ' dec30dlw w8m ' ' Pomona. N., C. . Dr. R. W. Tate, . ' Practicing Phrsician, Greensboro.; N. C, offers bia Professional Services to the citizens of Greensboro, and cui rouuding conntry, Office at Porter A Dalton'B drug store. , When not there ean be fousd at his reaidenoe on '..Atbo boro street, opposite Col. T. B. Keoi?b'B jwtr ; j ; 'V5.-i--.v v ' or. H. n. fiFcr.n, OFFICE in the drug store of L':' Mi'ihanx, Sontl Clm St. i ura 8 to 9 a. m- ani 1 to 2 p. tn .tw-i-l- . - rr - .... . . t 'Mi:- ., I -1 . ..'. j