Ti This tunstf M)i , jmoBiniy1 onuuu? thirtv.two to foift Dage Sunn nnmher ' of enjovabl and helpful literature and pictures, equally mited to rtuudaftf fend wees days me eoiior, -rmujy, famiih a new serial to ran thrown year entitled, MONTXAOL. The Golden text stories .will be oon tinned under the title o( "A Dosen of Them." Margaret 8idney will eontrib- ate a aerial called TBI Lin LB KU SHOP. tellinff bow Jack and Cornelia and Rosalie earned money to help mother ake care of oety. There will be more . "Great Men." aud more "Remarkable Women." Faye Huntington will write of flowers and plants in . k'BS. BBOWK's BOTAST CLASS. Rev. i M. .Livingston will tarnish stories of Great Events. Discoveries, Invention, eto. A novel feature will be a story by lvn different author. R. al. Alden will direct a new depart' ment of Chnroh, Sabbath School and Missionary News, The present depart ments will oontiaae and new ones be opened., OKLT 81.00 A TBAJL t&'Sp&inuni fn to inttmding mbtcrih- wr. Aiktrnt order to D. LOTHROP it CO., Publishers, Boston, llaas I U. 8. A. NEW YORK " OBSERVER, . OLDEST AND BEST " RELIGIOUS And SEOULAB . FAMILY NEWSPAPER. NATIONAL AND EVANGELICAL, All The News, Vigorous Editorial A trustworthy paper for business men . It has special departments lor t aimers, Snnday-tchool Teachers and House keepers. THE NEW YORK OBSERVES FOR ' 1886, Sixty-Fourth Volume, will contain, s new and never before published series of Irenieua Letters, regular correspondence from . Great Britain, France, Germany and Italy, Letters from Mission Stations la India, China. Japan. Africa and Micronesia, original articles from men of influence and knowledge of affairs in different . parts of this country, and selected arti cles from tr.e cnoicem literary ana re- ' ligioua rmMicntions, ji poetry and prose, FOR 18ST m MM n The Cb-apest Dtd, Paper in the 8onth, The fc-klv he twu ynUruZd and to- pni- rrHlmw-l to 76 fem m vtmr Hi StojiU i.-slie ami wklv nlition borh f..r u- r or II At The two ar Lpt-r huiI tetter than semi wtkl os tint daily Usne and a wet kly for i rru a lv then suy semi weekly paper. ; Uairv kent tree two w.-k nod Weekly one nionin tree. one rent for a postal card and or lrr nue or th- other on trial. A.ldrew THE WHIG. f 9 8m Richmond, Vs. SEND FOK SAMPLE COPIES. THEY COST NOTHING. The News and Observer, BALEIOH, K. 6. ? me largest, iest and cbeitpost paper published in the State. TtiegrupUio ao- coonts of all interesting event from every part ol the world Fall Market Report. A peper for every family. Established 1872 and gets better every year. 8end your name, tostofflce address and 82.00 for one year; $1.00 for months. Every North Carolinian should take it The livest, most progressive paper Vt tbe State. THE WEEKLY NEWS-OBSERVER. Raleigh. N. G. TTIRES' JUL Improved J.VUU I JJLLfl Package, 25 cts, mkes 5 gallons of a de licious sparkling, terapcMt.ee beverape. Utrmgthfinn and pvriliet th Mood. Its Snrity and delioucy t mruends it to all. old by all druggists and storekeepers. A new vnlsso. containing a seoond Series of Iren reus Letters, a sketch of : the author, and s review of iiis life and work, has been published- '. Wfl ah nil nffor this vear sieoialaud at ' tractive inducements to Kjisoriberd and . friends." f i'Wt OK K tJBSEUVER. Nov. 27 ( A Niw Yob , Wilnungton &Weldon R. R. COJV!)KZV8ED SCHEDULE. IT ".' JOE OrTICK GjtSEBAI. SnPElUSTBNDKNT, ( WUmington, N. C.Nov. 18, 1883. I '.' On andafier Nov. 18th; 1883, at 1.05 mf, Passenger Trains on the Wiiming an s. Woldon Railroad will run as fol- 'lows: .' ,.- DAT fctAlXi AND JlXFBKSi TBAUt DA HI Nos. 47 North and -48 South. Lve Wilmington, . . . .-. ........ 8 S3 a it Arrive at Woldon,,....,..., 2 81 p n, ' L've Woldon,......,....,..., 8 00pm Ar Wilmington, 4.,.. ........ 8 40 pm FAST TEBOUOH 4LAIL AND PASSXKOKB T'SB. Leave Weldon , . 5 50 p m Arrive atWilmington, . ...... 10 25 p a KAIL AND FA88ENGEB TBAIBS DA1M, f' ; -y:' No. 43 North. .-; Leave Wilmington .......... 8 00 p ro -Arrive at Weldon............ 2 20 a m " : Mail ahd Pabsenokr Tbains , ' ; ' 1 Nos. 45 and 42. . , Lve Wilmington .12 30 a m Ar at Weldon.... ........... 6 80 a a Lve Woldon. . ......... . . t . . .1 05 a m i Ar at Wilmington............ 6 55 a m Train No. 40 South will stop only Wilson, Goldabti ro and Magnolia. Trains on Tirhoro- Branch Road . Leave- Rocky Mount ' for . Tarboro at 1.20 p m and 4.3d p m, daily. v Re, turning, leave Tarboro at 3 p. m. and 10 a. m. daily. v leaves : Halifax for Scotland Neck at , 3 25 pi m.f Returning leaves Scotland Neck at 8 80 a. m., daily. - . Train No. 47 makes close connection at Woldon for all points North Daily. All rail via Richmond, and daily except ttunday via iJay iiino. Train No,- 43 runs dailv and makes close connection for all points North via iiichmond and Washington.;. : ' All trains run solid between Wilming ton and Washington, and have Pullman Palace Sleepers attached. . 1 ' t ; For accommodation of local travel a Passenger Coach will be attached to Local Freight leaving Wilmington at 6 65 a m daily except Sunday. T. M. EMERSON. J. F. DIYTNJE, n LTA CM CCC IT" eanses and a new llLHrni.00, snd mincesfifiil CURE lst your own home, bv one who was deaf tweuty-t-ight yenrs. Treated bv most of the noted speoiHlists without benefit Cured himnlf iu three months, and rince then bundled ot otheiv. Full pBftio'ilars sent ou spplicatiou T. B. I'AtrJb, Mo 41 West "1st St., .New York City. CURE F thk DEAF : PECK'S PATENT Improved i'uhiotii'd Kar Drnm! VbtitUiXltX KSXUi HEARING! no matter whether dt afnew is ciinsed bv co'ds, fevors, or injiiri-s to the ra.nral drums Alwavs in potiMon. btivii ble ti othfi t aod comfortable to wtar. Musio, cuoverhation. even M'hinpers may be beard distmctlv. We refer to thnw m-iogthem. .Send for illustrated hook, of proofsrw. Address F. HISCOX, 8 19 Broadway, N. Y. . t Goods Must Go ! CF, AX; V..,RAILWAY .. . I ....... "Tjil couDXNsnn schkdclk n 24. Taking effect M6, a. sv, Mondar, July J5, 18iJ?. ALL NOTIONS AND FANCY GOODS- Are being sold REGARDLESS OF COST ! as We want to . male room for coming Stock of China fe Glass-ware. WE HAVE LOTS OF GOODS ON HAND TEAT ARE, NEW AND FRESH, CONSISTING OF WHITE GOODS, Napkins, Table Damask,. aiid Towels; Corsets, Hose, HdKfs, Fans, Collars, 4c. ' -A BIG RUN IN- Black Kid Gloves, Ladies and Gentlemen's docket Books, THAT MUST OOt ALSO Satchels & Sliopmg ags, Aod thouands of other thiogs. wutirely too nomeroas to mentioo. BST Call at oaoe to uecare bargdiu!", as thece Goodd are. poing very faet. A call will coorno, yon th-it I uiaau wh-t I sny, Lv Bennettsvllle. at Maxtoa.,.,.. L4T Itungo Pms. A Fr'ht MalL Ac'n. 10 10 a mi 8 00 a m At FTettenlle.,.,.. Lv rayettevUle........ ArBauford Lv Banford...... ...... Ar Uraensboro... ...... Lv Greennboro Arr.veat Dalton.. rteienger and Mall Dlnuer at Fayettevllle. . TltAIjta MOVINQ SOUTH, hi 90 11 SO 180 pm 4 W 415 Tltt 10 10 a nil 8 IS im 780. v. 11 15 000 140pm 815 8 00 .-' ' -' 1 . ?. . ..' Leaves Daltun ArOreeiMboro. Lvtireennboro Ar fianfortl , .. LvBanford Ar Favarterllle LvKsyettevllle'....., ......,, Ar Maxton. Lv Msxton. Ar Bennettsrllle. I'V Paw. 4 Mull. 8pm 7 1 5om lUUptni 1 in 8 30 8 80 815 6 85 845 'FrtiT Ac'n. TOO am 1 17 pm 155 6 00 liilSpm 4 38 700 pm Pamwrnferanrt Msll Dinner t Banfurd. Truly yours, W. T. CHICHESTER, Fattorv Branolf-Fr'eight & Aooo'n' TRIADS MOVIKU KOHTsl Leave Mlllboro , . . .8 (5 a m 8 45 p m A r.lve st Greensboro, 85 a 111 7 35 u in TSA1S MOVINO SOCTH. Leave Oreensboro, .. . .S 00 p m I Leave Factory Juuctton, . ..8 00 t in 715pm Arrive at Mlllboro at'. . . . . .3 45 p in 8 00 p m PaMeoirersildM&Il Tmln Sandsys." T . Frelirlit snd Accomodation Trsln runs between Bennettirtlle and fitlwtli n u.. i.... Wediudaand Frldav vllle and Greensboro TumuIju-il Timr,in. . .n,i Saturdays. . ' ' Frelirlit and Accominodatinn Tmin tween dreennboro iukI days, Wednesdays and Fridays aod between Fayettevllle and Bennettitrllla Tliuradays snd Sutwrdaya, gTln on Fsctory Brunch run daily except Clooe connection Is made at Maxtoa with Carolina Central BaJIway Pawenirer Trains to aud lioin Wlliulnifton. W- KVLR, Oenl Pass. Ayent. J.VT. FBT.Gen'l Suii t. YOUU ATTENTION IS SOLICITED TO THE noorojum GREENSBORO, N. C. OPPOSITE BENBOW HALL. jane 28 tf GREENSBORO, N. C. MEMORY Wholljf unlike urtijicial syttnns. Any book leammi in oii, rending. Reeoto mended by Msrk Twain. Einh- ara rro:tor. tbe Scientist, Hons. W. W. Astor, Jndah P. Berjancin. Dr. Minoe, sc. UJti-H ol IW t ulnniUa Loiw etu dents; wo olnsses of 200 each at Yale . 400 at University Peun. tliila , ami 400 at Welleley Guliepe. &o. -nd enpaRed at Lnatanqna Duvetsilv. Procpectns PnsT mini fi-ntu Pu.i misn'ro . . . .v. s . uvmu jt t; t 287 Fifth A' enne, Siew Yars.-, , NO MORE EYE-GLASSES, 1VF.AK Gen. Fnis.Atft- Gen; Snr-'t. ft . ue, An of tiieir lncniis, will receive, hy mail, BtarMo OoCU. no (foods 1-1 Any one en(ilnff uj vr cents, and the I dress of rv 'fhS v.-.ir rt.. truh or lewelrv. nut pood, that retail forlk.n. u a genuine offet tail a fortune to you. Ctrtatn SatuaxHani AiMrara Supply Co., Crawr KS, Bniau, K. V. Mom: MITCHELL'S EYE SALVE, . a lyerrKin, hare and Entlrs Itemed for :' Sore, Weak & Inflamed Eyes, Producing Lon siRhtedneKs,' and Re- storing the Sight of the Old. ' Cores Tear Drops: Granulation. Stye " I'nmors, Rod Eves, , Matted Eye C Lashfs, and Producing Qnick -' Relief and Permanent Core, Aleo, efiollv efilcacionn whnn hpi? 'in other Maladies, tnch as Ulcers, Fever Sores, Tumors, Salt Rhenm, Burns, Piles, or wherever' Tnfl itnmnti'o uti'oo MITCJIELIi'S SALVE advantage ' . ; .Hold by all Draggists at 25 cents. The Teachers' Rest, at this season, is well earned, and nhonld not be dipturtied. It cannot, however, be annoying, in a leisure!? way, to think and plan what V Music Books from the it exhaustible supply described in MTSON K CO.'S CaUlogues, it will be well to use in the next musical campaign. KTAny book mailed for retail rrloe. Sunday School Tmchen. will soon be able to examine our new acd beautiful Snndav School Soog Book, the CHILDREN'S DIADEM. (35 cts.) by Abbey It Monger, and the newly arranged and v'uHble New SriRTTCAL Bonos, i. 5 cts ) by Teuney x tionniaoi Nchowl Tea.licnii win be pieasva to look st our new RoxaXi Sinokb, (00 cts.) for Adult Sing. ing Classes and High Schools. Also, the Bono Gsaroo, (60 cts.) for Hi?h 8choals, (a great favorite); and. tbe delightful little Primary School Song . Book, Gems for Little Sisgebs, (30 cents). - ' ; luvic Xcacbvn "1 .."''"..''-. f. ' 'on the wiug," are invited to alight and examme the snperb stock of In struetion Books and Oolleetions of Vocal and IoHtrumsntal Musio for teaching purposes, at the 8tores of oil vr mtNon A- Co., 449 & 461 Washington Bireei.-ooBion. , t C. II. Ititvon A: Co., 867 BfOadwav.' JJ. YoA. J. T.. Dltkon & Co.. 1228 Chertnut street. . 1'lilla.lelphla. ' I.yon 4c Ilealj , Clilcaiio. ' Jj83 to P1UCKOF BURNHAM'S IMPEOVED STAHDAED TURBINE Is cost of manufaoturing aim Mfvprf.iainiT. - P&m. i Dhlet with new Price Liist. sent free by ' BURNHAM BROS., York Pa. I'V'ttiL Washington t Lee UNIVEESITYl LEXINGTON, Va. . lostructioii in the usual Academic Studies and dn tha profestional schools cf Law arid EnKiueeriuu, Tuition and eea B75 for session of 9 months, beginning Sept. 15. Catalogue free. Address .y G. W. C.XKE, President HAIR DALSAM the popular fmrorite for drcnlne; the hair, Kartorlng color wben n, wid prereoUns Dendruft. MnscM the ccJp, sfeops tbe hair fiUllnif, and i mire to ploaae, 60o. and $1 .00 et DnrrrHsta-. Trbenfft, turpfrt Md bwrtrnr for Oonrnt, Bunion, Btopi all pain. Knsurw nomfort to the ft-ct, haver fails to cure, it ecnttiM DnimtiU, liiwui A Co N. Y, Washington and ' Lee : University. fien. CI. AV. C. I.KI PrevldeaU v. . Instruction by text-books and printed lectures, with courses of lectures on special subjects bv eminent jurists. ,sTn ition and ,ees, 375 for session of nine months, beginning September J5. - Fi t Catalogue and full information, addres , . : n CHAS. A GRAVES, jyia 8t y Prof, of Law, Lexington Va. for i)TSPEPSAI A INDIGEST ION, Address J.' M. SHELLY, Charlotte. N. a m223m SOBECIE FOUTZ'S MOaSEA.D CAtnLK POWDERS W,.,.-'--. ,i,V W-V Hoimx w II! 'tl" of r,ii.tn p.iTV.r Lrxn If K'nr1 rowlo itre jei Ui tlnii. . Koufr'n riitri,r will "nn' jiri"ni llx i'ir"'.iii. ., vilr. r....li r ) -fvi'iil iiACH nvi. foMrt r,"ilT will Inrr.'wo thf r)"'"1')' "I '''Hit nd crcuni iwtuiry prr ecnt.. rinrl nuke Die butter Aral Foutrt I'nwrtrr, rnrr or prevent (i)mt kvbt PmvAty In vMi'h HonMn an't tttllonn1 mihjfct L-Fol-T' I'DV 1 n WII4. givk ATisyiCTIu. Sold CVi'r)"rfln-f. ... . .. ... ,, , tiA,VIt S. TV7S , Tropriotot, ;. 5t. Cuticura A Prteirtvst' ma " V ? W "for eVerV form of :d SKIN TORTURES OP A-. LIFE- time instantlv relieved bv a warm bath with CtrTiouaA BoAp. a real Skin Purifier, sud a singleapplication of Cu TiouBA, the great Skin Cure. ; i ! ; '. This repeated daily, with. two or three doses 6f CunctJBA ReSolvzst. tbe New Blood Purifier, to keep the Blood coot, the perspiration pure' and nnirritating, the bowels open, the liver and kidneys active, will speedily euro. . . : ( , Eczema, tetter, ringworm, psoriasis. lichen, pruritus, scall head, dandruffs and every species of torturing, disfigur ing, itohing, scaly and pi mplv diseases, of the skiii and eoalp. with loss of haiT, when physiciaus ana all known remo dies faiL' 1 ? i'- '-.y.-, ' yy-.,:: : Bold everywhere. Price, CunouBA. 60o. Soap, 25o.; RKSorjVgNT, 91, Pre pared by the Pottek Dbuo and Chemt icAtiCo., Boston, Mass. ' 1 ar-Send for "How to Core Skin Dis eases." - JuIvaO lm 1 1 MPLES, blackheads, chapped and 1 1.1 oily skin prevented bv Ctmcro- ba Medicated Soap. ' Looated' East of, the City. . I do not claim to have the lurest Nur sery in the South, hut 1 do cluim to have all frnits that are knowu tf snrwed at tha Sontli. consiskiiig of t spplo. peach, -pear, cherry, lmu, wpricoi, mull)erry " aud shade tree?, evrrnreebs, grapeu, ". sirswheriios nun:b-rritw, currsntg, &j. I furtlr laim townd out fluer trees, plants, Ao.. for hss inonev than any other Nursery. Fine stock ai d ftir deal ing are making these Knrseries lamous, and agents representiog other Nurseries, whose shipping point is Greensboro, of ten leave the impression thnt they are representing the "Gieensboro Nnrse ries.H This I can prove by lettors that I am in receipt of almost duily. I have a nie atnok of Shade and Or. . namental Trees, Evergreens. &o . and now t the tiuie to send in yur orders for Shade Trees, While the blistering sun vividly reminds you that you need tbeni. When co il weather comes, and with the press of business, von ore likelv to neglect them until it is too lute in tbe spring to set them but. But send in your orders at any tiooe, as it will be my hutiness to see that you get them at the proper time. I can furnish exnoriiind hands to set them,' and when you once" " pay me for a shade tree yon are sure to get it, as I replace all trees that die. Those having tenement honses ahnnld plant shade trees, not only for the sake of humanity, but as an investment, for five or ten dollsrs spent for shade will. in a few yesrs, increase the value of a lot from 8100 to 8500: , Besides, trees , are an excellent protection in irb nf fire, by breaking tb.e heat and arresting :. the sparks. . . .. . , v WOrders given to mv otrents. or sent direct to. the Nursery, will all re ceive careful, attenbon. JCorreFpond enod solicited. , Descriptive Cataloguss freeto applipanta. , . . , JUilN. A. IOuNG, , SucceHsor to Ward A Yonng, Cravats Cravats I , ;f'UST RECEIVED'aT , '-' Latest Styles t-f-'.-V. White Piques;. Lawns And Silks, all col-' uio ors and styles . , . tf ' - Notice to Creditors. - TTAVING quaiified as Administrator . XX upon the Estate of the late r. R. Bell, I hereby give notice to all persons ' uviuiu uAUAiuri aiub Btua iiiScace, to present them to me at Enfield, N, 0. ; nrnnarlv tWAvan 'a stn Us.9-u ai. A a S- vr'w--1 ,vs v v uciuio mo xix su ay of September. 1883. or thin will be plead in bar of their recovery. And all persons indebted to said Es tate will come forward and settle at. nnrw and save costs of suit - v , DAVID BELL, Administrator Ang3, 1837. 4w ' of D, B.Bell. ' .