THE VERY LATEST. FROM THE DOMINION. Mokrteil, Anpost 23. Two men named Lefevr and Lefleor ftooompanied by . three . Indies and oar children wer crossing the river Dear Boacherville yesterday when their boat opaet. The , men iwam aahorn bnt the women and children drowned. Six bodies of the. victims have been recovered.-- New WE8TOIX8TER. B. G, Aog. 23. The. Japanese Daily Mail of the 6th instant which was brought by the steamer Parthia says: A severe shock of earthquake was felt at Nagasaki Jajy 22, at 840 p m. The Bbock lasted five see onds. Great damage was done to porcelain shops and dwellings and several persons were injured. Another shock was felt on Jalr 11. St. TiiBKRSBUaa, August 23. The winter and summer wheat crops are rerorted as beinjr gener ally favoratld throughout Russia. SUNDAY BALL PLAYING BiiunKQHAM, Ala, August 22 Tbe Sunday baseball question is to be settled to morrow morning by Judge Qreeug ?f fHBllEftl oourt. TJy moiullpi ft ailU were sworn out for tbe arrest of tbe Birminebani and Ne Orleans Slayera who look pari in yester game. The visiting players went home last tiurbt and tbe war rants were not nerval on them. The local players were arrested and to morrow morning a writ of habeas corpu9 will be charged be fore Judge Green. It is the opin ion of many prominent attorneys that there i no . law authorizing the arrest of bait players, and Judge Green's decision will settle that point. Able cont-el has been retailed by both Bides and the mailer will be holly contested. Reduction cfthkPcblic Debt. The amount of public debt paid off by this 'generation, in addition . to the pensions and other like re sults of the civil war, is something astonishing. On Aogost 31,' 1865, the debt was R7o5.9G5,i75, with an animal interest charge of $151, 832,051. On August 9 of the pres ent var the principal of tbe debt was $1,165,421650. arsdnction in twenty-two years of $1, 500.560, 625. In the same period the ann al interest charge has been reduc ed to $40,545,000. a decrease of $111,187,051. Sinco the begin ' ning of the present administration the principal of the debt baa been diminished by $240,488,700 and tbe interest charge by $6,868,949, . ii , i ; i i iv All 1018 ia a uuo ttuuwiug lur iub next generation, bnt it was hard upon this generation to tax it so heavily to pay off creditors who were not in a Hurry tor tneir mon ey. Those who have been paying suffered many losses from tbe civ il war,' and it would have been better to let future genrations have a chance to pay something for the blessings we transmit. Baltimore Sun. ' 1 The Wilson Mirror nave that Rev, Mr. MoMtinaway. of the Baptist church in that place, baa notified his people that ue will soon lenaor ma resignation t Excitement in Texas Great excitement bun been caused in the vioinilv of Paria. Tex . by tbe re markable recovery of Mr. J. Corley, whn was so heluless be could not turn in bed, or raise his head, everybody . said hew sding of Consumption A trial bottle of Dr., Kme'a Hew JLnscov' ery was'sent him. Finding relief, he bought a large bottle of Dr. King'a New Life laUa. by the time ne naci wrnen two boxes ot Pills and two bottlea of ' tbe Disco very, lie waa well and bad gain JSM ill UCIUI Uitl VJ WA , M. Mod, Williams. V. J. McDiabmid ( - A. K. McDiabmid. 1 inir 1 DBAIiKBS IN - ,. : . ROVCII & DRESSED HJMBEB, v MoaldiugSi Laths, Shingles, &c, ; , Gkeenbbobo, N. C. :tStT Prompt attention given to ordera. : ; Baiisfilction guaranteed, t mayl8diwtf llBSiCl,, Tbe beat ruler it he who seemi nn oonicioat that ha ia ruling. ' Talinaga saya that people who go to heaven .will have lota to do there. Tbi'a leta out tbe aoandbUU. So eaya the Boaton Herald. DYSPEPSIA, .. CONSTIPATION, SICK HEADaCHE, BILIOUSNESS 1! These disease constitute three-fourths of the ailment of humanity. Ia there a positive euro ? Vea- "I suffered with Dyspepsia and diaor dored Liver, and would frequently throw un bile. I procured a bottle of Sim mona Liver Reguta'or, and after using half of it waa completely cured. One of my ladj customer told me the Reg, ulator completely enrf d her of Sick Headache. D. ., CeLr Rpid, Iowa," ISHJeefhat you get the genuine, wi'h ILe Z -stamp io rert, on front of wrap- per. J. a., zmlin uo . July 28 lm. Philadelphia. Pa, Piedmont Air-Line Route. nrtrsrd' wm&S!e Richmond and DanvlUi Railroad. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. Is Effhct Jult 24, 1887. Train Run by 76" Meridian Time. SI wit BCTjTBBOCND. , No. 50. No. 52. Lv. New York 445am 430pm Philadelphia 7 20am 657pm Baltimore Hrin y 42 p m t Washington 1124am ,1100pm ; . ; Chariot' svli'e 3 8 p m il 00 a m Lynchburg 6 60 pm' 5 05am Lv. Richmond 3 10 p m 2 30 a m Bnrkevill 5 17 p m 4 25 a m Keysville 5 56pm 504am Drake's Br'oh 6 10pm 5 21 a n Danville 8 60 p m 8 05 a m Greensboro 10 44 p m 9 48 a, m Lv. Goldabofo 3 3)pni 810pm Raleigh 53fipm flOOam Durhxm 6.41pm 2 37am Ch-el Hill f 00 P m .Hilleboro 7 20 pm 8 82am Lv. Salem i 7 20 pm 6 30am Lv. High Point 1111pm 1016am Salisbury . 12 39 m 11 39 a m Ar. StaUaville ......... 12 31pm . Aaheville .......... 5 33 p m Hot Springs ....... . : 7 35 p m Lv, Concord 1 26 a m 11 69 a m Charlotte 2 25am 100pm Spartanburg 5 36 a u! 3 34 p m Greenville 6 CO a m 4 48 pm Ar. Atlanta 120pm 1040 pm " ' J vails. " 1 ' XOBTBBOCND. ! ' " . . , i No. 51. No. S3. Lv. Atlanta Ar. Greenville Spartanburg Charlotte Ar. Ccnoird Salisbury High Point Greensboro Ar, Salem . " Ar. Hillsboro Durham Chapel Hilt ' Ealeigb ', Gold8bora 7 00pm 1 04a m 2 19 am 5 05 a m 6 01am 6 4.r a m 7 66 a m 8 28 a m 1130am 8 40 a ra 2 3tpm 3 46pm 6 25 p m 7 23pm 8 01 pm 913pm 9 40 pm fl230am f231am f3b0am 12 07 p m 12 47pm U20pm 2 10 pm1 4 30pm 1 6 30 a m 11 20J m 11 29 p m 2 44 a m Ar. Danville 10 00 am 12 44 pm Drake's Brnchi Keysville Burkeville : , Richmond Lvnohburg ' Cbarlott'Bvillei Washington " j Baltimore Philadelphia New York 1 OJpm 1 40 p m 3 45 p m 1 15 pm 3 40pm 8 23 p m 3 02 a m ' 3 55 a m 6 15 a m Ar, 2 00am i 4 10 a m 8 10 am 10 03 a m . 12 35 pm 3 20pm 11 25 p m 8 O'J a m 6 2) a m h Daily. tDaily.exofipt Sunday j Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. SLEEPING-CAR SERVICE. On Trains 60 and 51, Pullman Bullet Sleeper between Atlanta and New Yoik, On Trains 53 and 53, Pullman Buflett Slwper betwet,qjaA''aBhlnKtfln and Montaoinery ; AVnuh tngton and Auirusta. PulLniau Bleejxsr between Klchmond and flroensboro. Pullman Sleeper between (JrenBboro and Eulel);h. Pullman Parlor car between SaUBbury and KnoxvlUe. r Throusrh tickets on sale at principal stations, to all points. . ' :-, -''' ' 1 For ratss and information, apply to any agent of the Company, or to r , . Sou Haab I - J, 8. PoTia, Traffic Manager.-1 Div. Pass. Ag'i , Jab. L. Tati-ob, Gen. Paesengcn Ag't, Richmond, Va, . Wouldn't be ScBrBisED if it be! tbtje. -It is said that at tbe recent election in Texas a majority of tbe native-born white voters cast bal lots io favor of prohibition. ; 1 ,: '; Max Well ia ald to be the h'A eat Jew in New York, his amount b- ing tatiaatwt at $8,000,000. Tbev use an Old" hearse in Jackson to peddle peaches from. ' ,' ; A SUBe'cUBk" ; Fob MusLia and Suhukb DiaRSTBT. , Dr. Cheney, who furnishes the fol lowing splendid testimonial to the effi cacy of Swift's Specific in measlts, pre venting the frtquent after conaequeooes of this prevalent disease, and attesting tbe remarkable virtues of the medicine in tbe pnvention of summer dysentery, is one of thu most eminent and best known pbyticisns In Georgia. He writes: Lhtivihtt, Ga., March 21, 1887. Gentittueti I have naed 6 8 .8. medicice with exceptional benrrlt on patients convalescing from meaalea. A feature of that dice w ia that it loaves the mnoona membrane chronioally in flamed tliut tbe ioflammation con tinues from four to six months. I have given it to several patients just getting out of bed frcui tbe measles, und alwajs with tbe bappieot rtanlfa. I bIhq nsod S. S. S. io convalescent Mei cas with t?e beat rssult. It will, ia my j idhifiat prevent summer djs CHtfr, if ono will take a few bottlea fu tbe Rpriug, thus preparing tbe bowols for the atruiua of aamer. 1 ' . I am prompted to aend von this letter, because just now I am aware that measles . : I u J . tT u ; 1 - T j tesitatn to appe.r s a voucher for pro I priettry remedier, S. 8. 8. bas beoome vreTHU i nvwvuwrev wwnui n via such a standar.1 medicine wra BBO.V regular physiciunf, that I am released of tbe emitarrarisFieat ordinarily at tacbi'd to a ron'Ur phyiou's endorso mentof propriuury medicines. Besides, the claims of hu Bering humanity are grcutfr thau HtlfiHh professional etbica. Touts tine-rely ; " : i. N. CBEKf T, IE. D. 1 Trt-alise ou Blood and Skin Distent mailsd fre. Tiis Swire Sracina Co., Drawer 3. Atlanta, Ga. ' - The Teachers' Best, at this season, i well earned, and should not bs dixturlwd. It cannot, however: be annoying, iu a leinroly way, to thinh4 and plan what Music Books from the iotibautiMe supply doeori bed in DIT0. &. CO.'S Catalogues, it will be wuH tu una iu, tbe next musical campaign fcTAny buuk nialk4 for retail prlce.eji Sunday iivhafd Ttachert. , will soon be vb'o to examine oar new aid beaulif il Sunday School Song Book, tho CHILDREN'S DIADEM, (35 ota ) by Abbey s Munger, and the newly ' arranged - and valuable New Spibittjaii St-sas, iM eta ) by Tenney Sc Hoffman. ' ,' , , - , Scfxr'l Teachort ' . will bo pleas d to look at our new Boxal Singer (GO ots.) for Adult Sing ing Cassis und High Rchools. Also, , tbe Sosa Obbktiho, (60 eta.) for High Schools, (a great favorite) ; and tbe delightful little Primary School Song Book, Gkxs fob ILiitlk Si.noebs. (30 : cents).': , .,...- .V f .: ; Mitaic Teacher , ' i'v-' v.-"-' ' ; ."' jl'i . -'on the wing," aw invited to a'ipbt and examine the superb stock of In gtraction Books and Collectious of Vocal and I istrumentol Music for teaching purpi sea. at the Stores of Oliver UitMou & Co., 449 & 4S1 Washington strevU Boston. , C. II. Ditoon ic Co., 8AT Broadway, N. York. J.' E. niiNon A: Co., 124S Cbestnut stiet, Pliiladelpliia. , v Lyon x HeKlj , Chicago. Jy23tc Absolutely Pure. This powiler never varies. A marve of purity, strength and wholosomeness. Mom economical ' than the ordinary kiuda, and cannot be sold in competi tiou with the multitude of low test,short weight, alum o phonphate, powdors. Sold only t cans. :... j, ..: i - Koyai. Baking Powdkb Co.. jn8 ly t 106 11 St. . New York. 1 : J. W. Scott k Oo.'8 Column. Given Away!! n WI!! XVe have just received the most pop ular and anrvioeable presents, which we Give AwaT with tbe oelobrated No drawing or lottery. Every one se lects bis or her own prize, consisting of 'MOSS ROSE- CUPS AND SAU CERS, BU FAD A SOUP PLATES, BREAKFAST PLATES WA TER FITCIIER3. HAM PISUIjS, in.. Ac ftiy-Ask Io Bee thtm sur j to buy . , and you will be We again oil your attention to our Large and Varied Stock of Chewing' Tobacco ! We make a specialty of Tobacco, and always carry a LARGE STOCK, and al most any price you wish. , , "OLD KIP' . .. still leads the tan as a "Big Seller." ' We a'so carry a fall line of Cigars and Cigarettes! Kirk's Soap. Kexv.dlect, we havo the agenoy for these Gelebrsted Soaps, and can furnish ' you at Manufacturer's Prices. ' , About 200 boxes iu stock. Lemons & Oranges : 25 boxes inst received. Alfo, a frosh . , supplf of plain and Frenoh . OANDTi RAISINS, NUTS, CUR- RANTS AND PRUNES, ! v and a full supply o - CANNED GOODS! Very roBpectfully, J. 17. SCOTT & CO., Ifitf'BakiBjPow J.C.ilNDLEY&BRO:, "NURSERYMEN. Office Near Benbow House;. , SOUTH ELM, OR MAIN ST. OUtt stock nndev cultivation for 'de livery this Fall November con aista, in part, ot 100,000 apple, 100,000 peach, J million plants, 100,000 vines, beaidoa large quantities of pears, cber riea, mulberries, shade trees, evergreens, roaea, eta, etc., altogether a good mil lion of trees, vines, plnnt. Ao., of both one and two year'aolJirt and '88 stook. Our specialties cnnidst in part of Niagara, Prentiss Pocklingtoa, Empire State, Moore's Erly, and other fine grapes, of which we are planting a heavj stock Leoonte and Keifor pears on their own roots. Nnmerous new sorts of peache. apples, Ac, Ao. We can employ 20 mure aalesmen on oommissioa terms, f ive to Un per cent, cash advanced on orders in hands. Terms on application Catalogues sent free. J. C. L1NDLEX A BKO., Box 14. Greensboro, N. CL XeblO 8m Caai) AsHtitB, 3OO,0OO. Monthly Hnrplus, 920,000. Sationalle&MatiirityAs'W Of Washington, D. C. ! THE President, Sec. A Manager, Hobatio Bhowsiho. Gbo.D.Eldbicqi Treasirer, SaMCKIj NoaMDTT. Life Insurance at' Absolute Cost, OUR FILLAltS OF.STKiNC.TIl; A Ou Aran teed Policy, An Incontestable Policy, Maturity Value in Cssh t a Fixed Age Annual Cost Aiolutly Limited, Only t our i'aymenla Per Xear, Noue ForWtKble after 3 Tears. Five Year Maturiiv Ph-n, None Forfoitabfo after 3 Tears, Ten Tear Matnrity Plan, Insiranoe hs well as an Investment, Nono Forfeitable after 5 Tears. , Special Agent, Medical Director, V. H. GIBSOS. P. S. itlDDBliLE, Mi h, 1ST Agents wanted, Address, LOBaxxo A. Bait.kt, Agent for Western N. a, j25 8m Greensboro, N.O.- Rochester, N. F., &rpt. 1, '86. We have made Meitr Johnson dt JDortett, of Greensboro, our Agents for Ot sale of our ladies' tine Shoe. We make-on Qa 2i. Y. Opera, Acme. Waukenphast and Creole lal, the laUr it just out and is t-ry nice. We ute the MoKny Machine andsewwithbest Barbour' thread, Every pair warranted. They are nice, neat and stylish. Qive them a look when you want a shoe and you will be pleased. K. P. R&EQ& CO. ee6 tf Dr. B. W. Tate, Practicing Ph C, offers bis Professional Service's to the citizens of Greensboro and sur rounding oojintry. Office at Porter A Dalton'a drug atora When not there oan be fonsd at his residence on Ashe boro street, opposite CoL T. B. Keogh'a. Dr. H. M. ALFORD, OFFICE in the drug store of Alford A Michaux. SoutL Elm St Offlae hoara 8to9a. m., anal to 2 p.m. TWO AND THREE QUARTER KILES WEST OF GREENS BORO, ON MAIN LINE OP R. & D. R. R. SALEM trainn make . rogular stops witbin one fourth mile of Nnrsrv office and residence, We have just finished filling ordera for over twelve thousand different tnU rona tbis seosoa, and still have on hand seventj-nye tnonaand Emit Trees, Vines, Ac, for Wister and Spring aales oonsfbting of all the old and new leading Vftrietioa. , Have a heayy Btock of Apple,;'both earl and late, especudly wine Bap, and a good stock of Peach, Plum, Grape, Pecans and everything usually kept in a first class Nursery, Those- wishing to plant an orchard would do well to submit their ordora and get special rates. ; .. . Co.rrespondence solicited. ' Satiafao tion guaranteed both in Btock aid prices. Personal inspection Invited, v Cttaloguea frne to applicants, v Address J , VAN LINDLEY, 1 dec3Mlw w3m Pomona, N. Q.