ANOTHER RACE CONFLICT. ArAUCHicoLA. FI., August SI. On Monday eight lat a lot of negro Ramblers look passage on the team boat Tbrooateeeka. Wben about twelve miles from tbe city they became engaged in a qaarrel with a lot of raftsmen. Pistols were drawn and a fasilade of ebots began. The captain of the steamer, assisted by bis crew, at tempted to qoell the disturbance. A negro drew a weapon npon the oCioer and told him to -vacate the tower deck. The captain and his orew being unarmed, reatreated to the upper deck. Tbe steamer was then pot about and beaded toward the city. Jut before she made a landing at the wharf, Capt. Raod lette ordered tbe police to let do man come asnore. lhe negroes then took a mall boat, when tbe officers began firing npoa them. The fire wae returned bat witboat efiect. Atxmt 200 other negroes bad conerecated upon tbe wbarf. armed with sticks and weapon of? , "various kinds, and eereral of their number were -arcing the oiaoits to ipitob into tbe whites. . Several ar rests were anade and sotoe -thirty 'Shots were fired. Tbe .military were ordered out and k was only 'by theoookess and determination of tbe whites that a eerioos rial was prevented.'- Yesterday aod today the pouoe snade other arrests, and ppearanoes now indioate fcbet the trouble is at an end. , TSuen rEac.Eiss. We ooweldom hear a text- quoted froaa tbe Bible, by our advanced thinker' end' ad' Tanoed preachers, to eatbtieh any assumed doctrine or position; but we bare any number of inferences to Socrates and Plato, and 'Cicero, and other ul tne old beatbeo sages, and to vCaethew and Haider, and John 8. Mill and others among mod' eraB, as the highest and Meat com manding authoritiea. It as enough to make the heart sink te tear the ealoeieejjronounoed froavihe pul pit on .ancient heathenism ' and modern science, while tfca alleged mistakes of tbe Bible are pointed out,, and its authority aeemingly discarded. In regard to tfee disuse of Bible texts, in proof of positions assnmdiu tbe pulpit toe water man, of Boston, has tbe .following very apt remarks, it saw.: "Uur enterpriaifig and esteemed eon tern porary, the Christian Union, has . . .it,- - made tae remaraaoie . awooverv that in these happy times on whiob we bove fallen, the use of Scripture proof-texts has -' been .outgrown. Modern oholarship . and -modern advanoett is claimed, make these and relegate them to tbe musty and i be narrow past No such dis covery as this has been made any where else, not in tbe spheres of - leeal jariWadence, assuredly. Ijawyers will still. quote .law and statute will as aforetime make ap- gsal to Keat and Coke and ethers, nt all this is superseded when you come to the Bible as the Christian's and tbe minister's text book! Ci tationa from Goethe' and from Wordsworth are here jast as rele vant and just as much in order as from the Bible; So it ia urged. Mr. Bowen, of the New York inde pendent, lately called on Prof, Jl C. Smith for proof texts in Bupport of the thesis of a future probation. .But this thing in Mr. Bowen, who i$ declared to ' be 'no scholar,' is ' both naughty, t and 'misleading. Propf-texts though made much of in Sunday8ehooC ; and by sundry 'old fogy believers, are not in the : line of first-class evidence; but the progressive . tboaght at Andover, ' for example, is 1 Truly, this is pro gress, but in what direction r(" Methodist Reoorder. A bee ating bitea ; a lie aorta, while Dame Truth ia lovely. , ,,'., "3 ' A y''. .V... .- i?: 'K Rene wa Iler Youth. l ' - Mrs. Pboabe Chesley. Patterson, Clay Co., Iowa, tells the following ' remark? ' able Btory, the truth of whiob is vouch ed for by the residents of the town.' '.'I am 73 years old and have been troubled with kidney complaint and lameness ; for many years, could hot dress" myself without help. ' Now-1 am free from pnin and soreness, and am able to do aJ my own housework. I owe my t!i!.rJ s to Llectrio bitters for having re-; rAel toy yonth, and removed com I ' '7 f 1 c.'-eases and pain.' V - a I r'-' or!y 60o at Coster. & i'd;. jL.oro. It frequently happens tlQt "emotional insanity" is tbe medico legal term for what is called in or dinary language "yery drunk." Philadelphia Enquirer. Yates 'mm. Merchandise Brokers, Com mission Merchants and Real Estate Agents. SOLE agents for tbe Patapaco Flour log Mi'!- Onward Soa'a Celebrat ed Star Brand, Pore Lard and Hama, Central R (Ws and Mo lasses, w innmi Mi, i Mil's, Choice Meal, V .. Fnirlu . . ..' Staudard Lard. " -uri.v in s'o. k a irpe varie ty of dif ' cruiithot Hour, also Meal and FairWiA & Go's Lard, in Tierces and J-' nr.-1. cfr these aet all kinds of . rcliiiiuli: - v 'r In. MiliFeed Ac, at lowv n j!i'.--. V. il'cit only the tritde of prompt paving Merchants. No goods aold at retail. MwH EJth '87. tf. New Boarding House I "If RS- WOQGOMAN haa token etarge jjj. of tne CENTRAL HOTEL. wbioh was junt been pat in nice order, and ia supplied with clean and niee fur niture, and ia prepared to fntrrtaio a comber of Boarders, both regoMf and traoient. f onteand obedient servants. Good table aroMnmodiitioii. aFor TiMKdent Boarders, 2S cent per aaeal and the aame for todginov Oal early and get terms; Jy2T5 Piedmont Air-Line Rente. Richmond axd Danville Railroad. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. - IkSEitoot July 24, 188T. ' Trains Run 'by 75" Meridiem Tune. DAtht, OT7TEBOOKO. No. 50. No.A2. Lr, New Tort. ' Philadelphia Baltimore ' 445am4 7 20am 0 4ft a in 11 34am 8 81 p m '5 60 p m 310pm 517 pm 6 56 p m 610pm 8 50pm 430 pm 42pm 1100pm Washington Chailofsvll'e 8 IK) a Lynchburg Lr. Bichmood , Burkeville Eeraatlla 5 5 am 2 89 a m 4ji5a 54)4 a m 521am : ,Draker'oh Danville'" . Greenaboro 8U0a 1014 pm 9 48ata Lt. Goldflbo 8 80pm . 6 85 pm " 641 pm J8 Wm tlOOam Baleigb Durham Cbel Bill Hiliabore 2 87 a m fSOOpm 7 ao p m 8 82-am Lt. Salem -f -')-Lv. High Point f7 20pm 680a 10 18 am 11.89 am 12 31pm 6 38pm " 7 85 pan 1115pm 12 89 am Baustmry , - Ar. Etat.vlHe Ashe wile ; . Hot Bjprktgs Lt, Concord 1 26 a m 2 25 a m 5 88 a m 6 60 a m 120pm 1159 am 1(K) pu 8 84pm 48pm 10 40 p m Charlotte Spartanburg ! Greenville Ar. Atlanta DAXLT. SOBTBBOTJKD. . No. 61. , No. Lt. Atlanta Ar. Greenville 7 00pm 104am 2 19 a m 5 05am 6 01 am 6 45am 7 66am 8 28am 8 40am 2 3tpm f 8 46 p m 6 25pm 7 23 pm , 8 01 pm 9 13 pm 9 40pm 4tl280am f284am f8t0am "te'so'am 1120Jam 11 29 pm ; 2 44 a m K 8 02am Spartan tvarg Charlotte Ar. CJcnourd " . Salisbury , High Point Greensboro Ar, Salem . Ar. Hilleboro 11 80am 12 07 pm . Durham - Chapel Hill Baloiph ' ' Goldsboro , 12 47 pm ttl20pm 2 10 pm 4 30 p in Ar. Danville 10 00 am 12 44 p m . Drake's Brneh KeysviJle f , Bnrkevillft Eichmond lirnpni 1 40 p m 3 45 p m 1 15 pm 8 40 pm 8 23pm 3 65am 6 15 am ' 2 00 a m . ' 4 10 a m 810am 10 03 am ,12 85 p m 8 20pm Ar. Ljnchbnrflr Cbarlott'svlHe Washington . Baltimore . '. Philadelphia New York . 11 25 p m sujam 620am , Daily. tDaily,except Sunday X Mondays, 'Wednesdays and Fridays. , ' BLEEPING CAR 8ERVI0E. On Trains 50 and 51, Pullman Buffet Bleeper between Atlanta and New York. - - On Trains 63 and 63, Pullman Buffett Bleeper between Waship srtn and Montporaery Wash ington and Aneusta. Pullman Bleeper between Eichmond and Greensboro. Pullman Bleeper between Greensboro and Raleigh. . Pullman Parlor car between Salisbury and Khoxvllle. Throng tlokets on sale at principal stations, to all points. -1- .- . '.. , ) ' . t . For rates and Information, applj to any agent of tbe Company, or to -Boih Haas j J, 8. Potts, Trafiio Masaerer. I Div. Pass. Aa'L Jab. L. Tatlob, Gen. Passenger Ag't, A Gift for AIL In order to Rive all a otianoe to teal it. and thus be oonvinoed of its wonderful curative powers. Dr. King's New Dis ooviry for Consumption, Oovghs ard Colds, will be, for a limited time, given away This offer is not niy liberal, but shows unbounded faith In tbe merits of this iflreat remedy. All who suffer from oi gha. Golds, Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, or any affection of Throat, Chest or Lungs, are especially requested to call at hunter k Miohaux s Drug Store, and get a trial bottle free, large bottles II, DrorBovraa tbi Gheen Cheese THBOBT.Tbe Troy (N. Y.) Times says : A little six-year-old grand daughter of a well known New- England cleryjmao, in f'nn'ini; a etateniant by ber otcie that tbi moon is made of green cbeeee, was advised by tb divine to ascertain for berKelf. "How can I, graodpa?" Gat Tonr Bible and pre what it saya." "Where Bbatl I twain ?" 'Begin -at tbe begmniog. Tbe ebild sat down to read the Bible, Before be bad got fcalf. through tne aeeood chapter of Genesis, and had read about the creation of the stars and tbe animals, she came back to ber grandfather, ber eyes all bright with tbe excitement of didoorverv : "I have fonnd it-trrand pa I t isn't true, for God anade the moon before be made any cows. Twelve Years of Terrible Torture. Tbe (rfntlemanwho furnlsbed us with tbe following certificate was for years under tbe treatment of amaay srtiysiciaDS iA waa dosed with all sorts of meii oinea. but without the least bcneSoial effects. Now, bow he waa naJly cured aixl relieved from his internal ssuTenng, as loroibiy toki in bis own statement gxren below, to which we iirvite tbe ear nest attention of all auffereri from tbe aame dreadful affliction: "I had been a tortured sufferer from articular and aoiatie rhenaaatiam for More than a doaen years ap to the year 1885. I bad consulted various doctors and used multiform remedies without trelief, or any apparent benefit4. In 1885 I waa taken atresb with tbe severest aeote. svmotoms of this disease, in mv feet and lege and hips, which made me a helpless invalid unable to work or walk or help myself in asy way,' . I was a miserable, helpless sufferer, and with out hope of ever being cured. ' I had already exhausted my faith ' In doctor's remedies, and now concluded to take Swift's Bpeciflo as a forlorn Lope. ' "From the use of tbe first two bottles I felt greatly benefited, which encour aged me to cot tinue its use. I steadily improved. The inflammation left my joints, the sciatica disappeared, com fortable feeling was restorea,my strength and flesh reinstated,' and by the time I had taken twd dozen bottles all my symp toms of rheumatism had entirely disap peared, and l felt well enough to re sume my regular labors.' I felt like a new man. I cannot attribute mv mira culous and perfeot cure to anything but the Swift bpeciflo. I know alone cured me, tur nothing ele bad done me any good for twelve years, I owe my restoration and strength for labor and religions duties alone to this arand re medy, and pladly make this statement for the ben fit of all sufferers from this most torturing disease rheun. at ism, M0. W. WlMKFTOLD, Union Point, Ga." Treatise on Blood and Skm Diseases mailed free. . ; . ,. Thb Swot 8PEomo Co.. Drawer 8 Atlanta, Ga. ifV ? i'l Staipobd, Fort Bend County,' ) ' -' v Xexae, uctoher 31,'XtJHO.- i Messrs. A. T. Shallinbeigrb k Co., Roohetter, Pa. : Gonts. I have used your Pills, and believe they are the .very best remedy lor chills and lever ever nsr d in this country. I have induced many of my friends to try them, and they all pronounce them a positive and permanent euro for ohillasnd fever, , Very reopeotioliy. x. i. Vackbb. . THE WILMINGTON STAR REDUCTION IN PB1CE. ' Attention is called to the following re- v duoed ratea ot subscnptidH, CASH TS ADVANOT THE DA LY STAR. One Year.. .5 6 00 BiZ Months.. 3. 00 Three MonthbS4.50 One Month...... 60 I The Weekly Star. One' Tear. ..$1.00 6ix Months: . . . ..60 t Three Months......... 80 cents. Ont Telegraph News service bus re cent y been greatly increased, and it is our determination to keep the Ltab np to he highest Btandord of newspaper excellence. , V' Address, WM. H. BEr.NAr.D. ' '.-'r-H 'U'ilminarton.N'O, '. r7"i i:::U2le i::x. . Nfft prpiiriit(on nnd only ' ntmnm pen nperieu, .tnb. J. W. Scott ft Oos OoluniD. Given Away!! I MY!! We Lave just received the moxt pop ular and serviceable preset ts, wbioh we Give AwaT with the oelebrated No drtwiog -or lottery. Erer one Be leoU lui or bee own price, consisting of "M0HEVCUP8 AND 8AD , CER;BEADrA80CPPLATE8, BREAKFAST PLATES. WA TER PITCHERS, HAM DISHES, Ae., to. HAsk to see thtai and yon will be aure to buy i (, - A ' 3 5 ' 9 99 We again call your attention to our Large and Varied stock of We make a specialty of Tobacoo, and always carry a L.4.KUE STOCK, and al most any price yon wish.' - ."OLD KIP" still leads the vn as a "Big Seller." ' , We also carry a full line of CigarS and Cigarettes I t . ' : .. i ' ;- .. . ' ' . ' . v:-' i r, i:-; :..5...v..,,. .-..V; . h :s',; ' Bark's Soap. Racolleot, we have the agency for these .Celebrated Soaps, andean furnish -yon at Manufacturer's Prices.' About 200 boxes in stock. Lemons & Oranges: 25 boxes just received. Abo, a fresh . : , supply of plain and French ' . v CANDY, RAISINS, NUTS, CUli RANTS AND PRUNES, ; ; . and a full inpplj of v. . v CANNED GOODS! -. Ver respectfully, , ' M?SG0TT: "to Bwfcier Chswing Tobacco ! J.C.LINDLEY&BRO.; 'NURSERYMEN. Office Near .Benbow Hous SOUTH ELM, OB MAIN ST. OTJit stock undr cultivation for de livur ili:8 Fall November oon siK iu purt, of 100,000 apple. 100,000 peach, i million plants, 100,000 vines, besides large quantities of pears, cher ries, mulberries, shade trees, evergreens, rosei., eta, tn., nltORther a o-ood mil. lirn of viacH. plants, Ac , of both one and two year's old. 'H7 and '8 stock. Our specialties consist in part of Niagara, Prentiss Pooklington. Empire State, Moore's Early, and other tine grapes, of which we are planting a heavy stock Looonte and Keifer pears on their own roots. Numerous new sorts of peaches, apples, Ac, Ao. We can employ 20 more salesmen on oommiasioa terms. Five to ten per oent. cash advanced on orders in hands. Terma on application. CxUlogues sent free. J. O. L1NDLEI k bRO.,f B IA, Greensboro, N. C. " feb!0 8m Oash Asaeu, Monthly Surplus. 200,000. 920,000. Bationalliife &Maturity As1)! Of Waahiriflton, D. C. il PrmddAnt C ' a. i Hoaano Baowimo. Gao D.Eu7usoi Treasurer, ' 8 Aim XL NOBMEKT. . Life Insnrance at Absointa HnsL OUR PILLARS OPSTKIMRTli! A Guaranteed Policy, . , an xuoonieatAbie Fnhr Maturity Value in Cash at a Fixed Age Annual Cost Absolutely Limited Only Four Payments Per Tear, Nnn FnrfaitaXU a Five Tear Maturity Plan, ' none iforleitable after 8 Yeara, Ten Tear Maturity Plan, - Ins-iranoe as well as an Investment, . None Forfeitable alter 6 Tears. ' ; ' C3 -l 1 a MC?1f,JPireotor' w- H. GIBSON. P. 8. EnDiT.i. nr rt JAgente wanted. Address, JjOBISSO a. Baxlxt, j . Agent for Western N. a, J25 8m Greensboro. N. C. Rochester, jr. F., &pL 1, '86. Wt Kent made Mettrt Johnson Dortttt, of Gnentboro, our A omit for (ht $alt o our India' rtiuShoet, We make on the y. T. Opera, Acme, WaukenphaU and Creole lasts, the latter i$ jutt out md is very nice. Wi use the McKay Machine and sew vrUh best Barbour's thread. Every pair warranted They are nice, neat anastylish. Give them a look vhen you vant a shoe and you will be pleased. . P. JikED t CO. se6 t f mmmmmmTTmmmmm Dr. IL V. Tate. Practicing Physician7 Greensboro, N. 0., offers bis Professional Bervioes to the Citiuens Of Onwrnalvim mnA ... rounding country, Offloe at Porter k Dalton's drag store. When not there can be fou&d at his rMiifan boro street, opposite Co J. T. B. Keogh'a. J1VU ' - i Dr. H. H. ALFORD, IKifiiiJS in the Arna irtnrif kA J Michanx, SoutL TClm St OfBoe hours 8to94. m. anal to 3n.m. ' TWO AND THBEE QUARTER , MILES WEST OF GREENS . . BOItO, ON MAIN LINE . ' OF R, A D. R. R. ' VJAue.jn trains make regular stops iD within one fourth mile of Nursery offloe and residence. v ,r f 1 ' WehavA inat OniiluJ Olli.. iur uver twelve Enonaann riiHarant nat rons this season, and still have on hand seventy-five ' thousand ' Fruit Trees, ' Vines, A-o.; for Winter and Spring sales consisting of all tha n,i leading varieties. '. . f',y'.. . ,- Have a heavy; stobk of Apple, both early and late, especially wine sap, and a ffOod Stock Of Peanh Tlnm Pecans and everything usually kc-i in ! ThOSe WkhlDff tn nlon an would do wnll to submit their c 'dors' hxia got rm-'-il t&i-m. - ..... j Correr, onC, 9 solloltei C - y. tion tu rau' o l both in -. V m l prices. Personal inspection iuvILJ. Cctaloguea free to applicant. Address ' - - n": J VAN LKTr LT, , dec30dlww3m Tor" , . . C.

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