TI!ClinilOVPROSPEOT0a ISS7. 1887 . I II L rill 10 1 ; FOR 1887 Thin illustrated monthly contains thirtvtwa to forty piurcs enou number of enjoyable ami uelplul literature and ieturos. nnllv Milted to Hundnys mid wkdavs The editor. TanFy, will furnish a new aerial to ruu through the year entitlod, The Golden text atorioa will be con tinued nmW the title o( "A Dozen o! Them." Margaret Sidney will contrib ute a aortal oalled 1KB LOTUS WtD SHOP, telling how Jack and Cornelius and lVsalio earned money to beta mother take wire of baby. There will be more "Great Meu," and more "Remarkable Women." Faye Huntington will write of flowers and plants in ma. naows'a botakt class. Iter. 0. .M. Liviugston will fnrnfah utoriui of Oreat Eveuta. Discoveries, Inventions, etc. A novel feature will be a lorv bv eleven different author. It. XI. Alden will direct a new depart munt of Church. Sabbath School and Misaionary Nowa, The present depart ment! will continue and new ones De -opened. OKLY 31.00 A YKAH, XSg-Spedmm$ fre to intending lubscrib- eri. AOtireu oraeri io D. LOTHROP CO., Pcblishbrs, Bonos. Miss 1 U. 8. A. NEW YORK OBSERVER, OLDEST AND BEST RELIGIOUS And SECULAR FAMILY NEWSPAPER. NATIONAL AND EVANGELICAL, ill TTia YflwB. ViVnrona Editorials a .t.ArthV.rforbtiidiiessmen. Ik has aiiecial departments for Farmers, tindav-achool Teachers and House keepers. THE HEW YOEI 0BSEBVEB FOR 1886, Sixty-Fourth Volume, will contain a new and never before -rnbliahed series of Irenua Letters, rAimlar eorrespondenoe from Great Britain, France, Germany and Italy, Letters from Mission Stations in India, China. Japan. Africa and Micronesia, original articles from men of influenoe parts of this country, and aeleoted arti- ies rrom mo ouuiooo. ukw; w ligions publioations,in ooetry and prose. A new volume, eontainins a second fWiwi of Irenens Letters, a sketch of the authov. and a review of bis life and work. Las been published. ir shall nfikr this vear special and at tractive indnoementa to subscribers and friends. ; Sample cipies free. ' NEW ORK OBSERVER Nov. 27 Niw Yobi Wilmmgton & Weldon R. R. CONDENSED SCHEDULE, Omca Gsrkbaii Stotbih'I'Juidkmt, I Wilmington. N. C.Nov. 18. 1883. 1 On and after Nov. 18th, 1883, at 1.06 a. xn.; Passenger Trains on the Wilming- ton Weldon Railroad will run as fol lows : . DAT VJLO. AUD KtFKXaa TBAIX CAILI, Nos. 47 North and 48 South, LveWCmingtoa,.. .......... 8 63am Arrive at Weldon........... 81pm L've weldon,... 8 wpm Ar Wilmington.............. 8 40 pa VAST THBOTTQH MAIL AHD PASSEf OMB z KS. Daily So.40 Bontn. Leave Welden a.SSOp Arrive at Wilmington, . . . .... 10 25 p m HATJb AHD PABSXN OKB TSAI5S DAlIiT. No. 43 North. . Leave Wilmington.......... 8 00 p m Arrive at Weldon.. 220am Mail aito Pasbkhokb Tbaihb- i - - . Noa. 45 and 42. live Wilmington .......12 80am Ar at Weldon................ ft 80 am Jjve Weldon........ ...... ....1 05a m Aj at Wilmington. ...... .....6 00 am ' 'Train No. 40 South will stop only a Wilson. Goldabrt fo and Maenelia. Trains on Tarboro Branoh Road - Leave - Rooky Mount for- Tarboro at 1.20 o m and 4.80 p m. aJailv. ' Be tutting,' leave Tarboro at 8 p. m. and 10 a: m. daiiv. ' Train on Scotland Neck Branch Boad leaves Halifax for Scotland Neck at 8 25 p. m. Returning Jeavea Scotland Keck at 8 80 a. m., daily. -Train No. 47 makes eloee connection . let Woldon for all points North Daily, AM rail via Richmond, and daily except Train No. 3 runs daily and makes ...........I. . 1 V .L ' I iose eonneonon xor au powisnorui vw " Richmond and Washington. - All trains run solid between Wilming ton and Washington, and have Pullman Falnoe Sleepers attached. 1 For accommodation of local travel a Passenger Coach will be attached to Local I'refht leaving Wilmington at C5 a in f .!y except tiunday. t. il u.'- .3on, , j. r. Drms, . Gen. Pa,Agt. , . Gen. Snp't Anr me aeiulfagr us fr , Jf cent. , andUia.' v isof 3 S. 4 , . .10 centt, and tiia m wi nf tiielr ftitti'iK. will racm, by mil, f h (rnKKiiJ. no , Mrctr4t- traiti or lrv, bat froods tiitt reiau iur m. Itus M agi'i'Mium otir aud ft fortune to von. C(rtaH .S"i'-,raHcn. aajriB fcuyyiy 4(wr uiawJi b V . FOR V ''. .' rT H E ' ' ,'. mm miff? ffifffff . v : 4 61? las Ualiffl V oitfy 0 The Cheapest D.iily Paper in the South. The Weekly has ben enlarged and the irioe reduced to 73 conu a rear The cheapest weekly twpcr pablirthod. The Bnuday iwuu and wolilr edition both for one vwir, for 1 .50. The two are oneunor ana rtter tiir.ri a eonu weekl. aa ton sat or e daily lnne and a we kly for Go rti-its lc. than' any semi weekly paper. Paily 'ut free tr v.-k and Weekly one montn free, bpnuil one pent for postal card and order one or the other on trial.' AddroRs TOE WHIG. f 8 3m Uctimond, Va, SEND FOK SAMPLE COPIES. THEY COST NOTHINO. ' The News and Observer, RALEIGH, N. 0. The lareeet, Ual and cneupoat paper published in the State. Telegrnphio ao- oonnts of all interesting events from I lull Aiakct itcporu. a rPfr iori every lanuiy. tstawisnea 18 i ana srets better every year. Bend your name, roawmoe auarew and 12.00 for one year, fl.OO (or 61 months. . Every North Carolinian snould tak it. The livest. most proetessire paper in the State. : THE WEEKLY NEWS-OBSEBVEB. Raleigh, N. a PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM SI OwpapabtrfMeH 1 aa4 pmMtana ctaanaM IM aoal p. W aa UiliAff. and H wnr to plum ad tl 0 piww HiriDERCORMO. atnn. .11 nln. Ki ana eomfort (o th fort. VarartaJU IP aura, u aania aa vrvwimm. Uiaoux OO, M. T. jliARVEEiOUS MEMOKT Bisoovery! Wholly unlikt artificial svittms. Any book (earned in one reading. Recommended by Mark Twain. Rich' ard Proctor, the Scientist, Hons, W. W, Astor, Judab P. Becjamin, Dr. Mino", I 4c. Clots of 100 Columbia Law ntu dents; two classes of 200 each at Yale; 400 at University Penu. Phila., and 400 at Welleley College, to., and engaged at Cbatauqna .University. Prospectus post rsra from Pbot. LOISEITE, 237 Fifth Aenue, New York. Beautv SkiniSdalp , L Restored . CuTieUffA NOTHING IS KNOWN TO 8CI ENCE at all comparable to the Cn- TicuBA Emrai in their; marvellous j properties of oleanaing, purifying and beautifying the skin and io carina tor turing. diaflgurinR. itching, scalv and I pimply diseases of the skin, scalp and biooa, witn lose ox nutr. . : , , CcnouBA, the ereat skin cure, and Cuticuba Soap, an exqusite Skin Beau tmer, preparea irom it. externally, and CcncuRA RxsoLvnrr. the new Blood Purifier, internally, are a toeitive cure for every form of ak n and blood di ease, fronf pimples to scrofula. Crm ouba RrJtSDrK" are absolute 'y pure and the only Infallible fkin boautiners and hlrvwl nnriflera. . -s Sold everywhere.' Price- CuMoora by the POTTEB DRUG AND CHEM ICAL CO.; Boston. Mass. B&.8end for "How to Cure Skin Diseases." ''v'- ill ii us son as aove s aown, and as llHIl white, by using Cuticura Medi cated Boap. , : , : ' YADKIN COLLEGE HIGH SCHOOL, , . FOR BOTH SEXES. TITUSIO, SCIENCES. LANGUAGES, M AND MATHEMATICS. Prepares (for- higher clashes in the Colleges and University. ; -: j ; , a ITactical course lor tnose not going to Colloge, 4 ' Thorough work, tnorougn organiza tion and discipline; now bates fob BOABD 'AND TUITION. ' " Write for circulars to ' REV. A. R, MORGAN, ne8d&w3m Principal CHINA. CROCKERY EVER OFFERED IN THIS The Cheapest," AS' WE BtJY DIRECTLY FROM THE MANUFACTURERS. A Call will convince WE ARE SPECIAL OFFER FOR THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS OF Handsome Mclde Clock, $10 Worth of Goods at one Time ! Truly W. T. CHICHESTER, OPPOSITE BENBOW HALL, ' '' August 26 U ; Consumption Cured. An old Dhvaiaian. retired from prao- tioe. having had placed in his hands by an tjun inaa miaaiuoarj m iuiiuuw of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of Oonsnmp sion, Bronchitis, Catarrh. Asthma and alllThroatand Lung Afieotions,' also a positive and radical cure for Nervous Debility and all . Nervous Complaints, after having tested its wonderful cura tive powers in thousands of eases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering, I will send free of charge, to all who desire it. this recipe, in German French or English, with lull directions for preparing and .using. Bent oy mau by addressing with stamp, naming this 149 Power's Block, Rochester, N. Y. ' Oct28 ly eow , ; , , . ALL SMOKU AND NO JOKE J. K. IIALL& CO.- GREENSBORO, N. C, MANUFACTURE micro wo nf Tha Kfiflt.H Mm 1T.V. THEY BUY DIRECT FROM IM PORTERS the best Havana Tobae- oos, and can therefore furnish as FINE noniM AS HAN BE PRODUCED NOT RELYING ON THE PLEA that ours is a Home Enterprise, but on THE FACT that WE COMPETE WITH THE FOREMOST, far pr near, we of fer the following as among our CHOICE BRANDS: ' . Rosa De.Oro, Flor De Alma, Pure Spanish. Hall's Five For A Quarter. , ' . ApriWtf. for DYSPEPSAI & INDIGEST ION, Address J M. SHELLY, Chailotte, N.O. m223m an VJr.n led & S 8AXPYrr! u.lnpM In BUlooalltT. Bi"'-"'' I""" ivfor-oo... e luuid. UAT At iva.l4 rctaroinMl IE CM AND GLASS-WARE CITY, AND BEYOND A DOUBT you of the above Facts MAKING A A TO ALL WHO PURCHASE ' yours, g GREENSBORO, N. a - , PRICK OF BURNHAM'S IMPE0YED m 8TA5DAED TURBINE Is1 oest of manufacturing and advertisipg. Pam phlet with now Price List, sent free by , , BUBNHAM BBOS., York Pa. POUTZ'S HORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS t e Ho win ill of Colio. Itorfor tcire F If Vn'.rx'n Powdan an um Id nm. Font" PowrtfT, will mr. and prentHoflCnMra.. , ontr.1 rowacr. will frTot APm l Fowl. Voau. Powrten will kerM h quantity of milk and eraam lw.nl par cent, and nuke IM buttat flro anil tweet. I' mill Powrtan Will mm ar piwant hn sveat Ia 10 whw nonwa ana i,uis m nojaci. . . Koun'f Pownum wiu iv SATuraorua. Sold verxwlira PAVIP I. TOUTa. Troprttto. AI,TTWOB.V. M Kdltloa. lMff. pw letnv l -4 fOlXTkr tUOLEBA, HAtii od KulirK. I wrot It a a tJtUmt wutui HOG aad POULTJtT kpi. nrntom d MmtdlM for all diiwaae. im In i...d I. 1 So, la uuaa. aonar I .r -ra. tixi. I tavaa. ArVf "Th Cot humltrj lard," eontalnlar 1 '. Cataloci -t Prln Lint af vaiiM lar 4. A. M. LA.), Boxc4.CInoinnAtl,U. Cuticufa a Positive Cure forVryforrn of Orxir, and Diooa -&0i$asQ3-.': PkPLEste Scrofula, O KIN TORTURES OF A L1FE- O time instantly relieved by a warm bath with Cuticuba Boap. a real Skin Purifier, and a single application of Cu tioTjBA, the great Skin Cure. 1 . This repeated daily, with two or three dosos of Cuticuba Resolvent, the New Blood Purifier, to keep the Blood cool, the perspiration pure and nnirritatihg, the Dowels open, the liver and kidneys active, will speedily cure, v ; , - ; . Eczema, tetter, rincrworm, psoriasis, liohen, pruritus, scall head, dandruff, and every species of torturing, disfigur ing, itching, scaly and pimply diseases, of the skin and scalp, with loss of hair, when physicians and all known reme dies fail 0.T--& Y. -V.. RAILWAY CONDENSED SCllkBCLK 110. 24. Taking eflect 5. 18, a. mlomlav, Jolv Z't, 18a7. TRAINS MOVINU NORTH. lw"i MXk HalL Afl'n. Lv Etmnittivllle.... Ar M niton Lv Muxton ..10 10 a mi Bcuam JUS)0 705 111 8) 7 80 Ar Fayetteville. Lv Favettevllie. I HO pm 11 IS , 900 900 4 05 1 40 pm 415 915 7 ! H 00 ArSajifwd' ':.,.. Lv fctiiAiia Ar Otvennboro Lv Greensboro 10 10 am Arrive at Daltort.. 9 15 pm 1'a.nwngw and Moll -Dinner at Fayettorine. TRAINS MOVING 80UTU. Paia. sTWlit lalL. Ac'a. Leavn Dalton . ArUrwDnboro.. LvGrwnnUjro.. Ar Banford LvHanford..... Ar Fayettevllle. Lv FayettevUla. Ar Marten Lv Maxton S 45 p m. I i3 OftOs m 700 am 1 17 pm IM 6U0 l'J55pm i la 3 3 30 515 6! 1915 pm IM 4 38 7 Wpm Ar Bxnuettavtlle. 6 45 PaMt-ngcrantl Mall Dlunr at Banrnrd, Factory Branch Freight & Acco'n TRUXS MOrUtO VORTB. Leave Mlllboro, 8 05 a m Arrive at Greensboro 9 85 a in TBAiita aovixa aOCTH. 6 45 p m 7 95 pin Leave Greniiboro,.......3 00 pm Leave Factory J miction, . . .8 00 p m 715pm Arnve ai jiuiuoro at .JJ 45 pin I 8 00pm TaHenger and Mall Train runs dally except Sundavi. FrelKht and Accomodation Train rani M ween Benoettavule and Favettevllie on Mondays, Wednesday, and Ftldajiand between Favette vllie and Greensboro Tueadava. lliundavi and Saturdays. Freight and Accommodation Train runAbe tween Ureennhoro and Favettevllie on Uun. dari, Wedneadaj-s and Fridays and between fayettevuie and Benaettarllle on Tueadaja, Thnrsdayt and Saturday. Trains on Factory Branch run dally except Sunday. Close connection Is made at Haxton with Carolina Central Railway Passenger Trains to and from Wilmington. . W. E. KTLK, Genl Pass, Agent. J. W. FBT, Genl Bnpt. Cravats, Cravats I ' 7 JUST RECEIVED AT F. FlSnULATE'S ALL TKB-p . ' Latest Styles IN ' White Piques; Lawns and Silks, all ool- julS ors and styles . , tf Notice to Creditors. HATING qualified as Administrator upon the Estate of the late D. Is, BelL I hereby give notice to all persons holding claims against said Estate, to present them to me at Enfield, N. O. . Sroperly proven, on or before the first ay of September, 1888, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. And all persons indebted to said Ea tate will come forward and settle at once and save costs of suit. '---". ' DAVID BELL, Administrator Ant8, 1887. 4w , of D. B.Bell. YOUR ATTENTION IS SOLICITED TO THJ5 V GREENSBORO, N. a . Located Eaat of the City. ' ' I do not claim to have the largest Nir- sery in the South, but I do claim to have all fruits that are known to succeed at the South, consisting of apple, peach, pear, cherry, plum, apricot, mulberry and shade trees, evergreens, grape, strawberries raspberries, currants, Ac. I further claim to send out finer trees, plants, Ao,. for less money than anv other Nurserv. Fine stock an 3 fair deal- : ing are making these Nuraeii-. famous, and agents representing other rarseries, whose shipping point is Green, boro, of ten leave the Impression that they are representing the "GieennLoro Nurse ries." ; This I can prove by Uitiers that I aa in receipt of almost d.-. ' - SHADE TT.r J. I have a nice stock of L&Zd and Or namental Trees, Evergreens, Ao., and now is the time to send in yenr orders for Shade Trees, while the blisterine sun vividly reminds you that yon need tnem. : wnen 0001 weauier eomes, and with the press of business, you are likely to negleot them until it is too late in the spring to set them out But send in your orders at any time, as it will be my business to see that you ft them at the proper time, I can farnLh experienced hands to set thenv and when you once pay me for a shade tree you are sure to get it, aa I replace all trees that die. Those having tenement houses should plant shade trees, not only for the sake of humanity, but as an investment, for five or ten dollars spent fot shade will, in a few years, increase the value of a lot from S100 lo 5500. Besides, trees are an excellent protection in case of fire, by breaking the heat and arresting the sparks, .r, , tOrdera given to my apents. or sent direct to the Nursery, will all re ceive careful attention. Correspond ence solicited. Descriptive Catalogues free to applicants. V JU1UI. A. 10UJ.Q, Successor to Ward & Young,

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