THE DAILY WORKMAN. J. b. MIlllAUX, Loeal Editor A paper for all people, but especially to mt the desire whioh many ere known to entertain fot a non-politioal leet, the Wouma will strive to go is to every bo dm. Wring to other papers lit aaienoe ot politics, rlvinsr the ia brief end holding lteelf reeponiibla to the morel sense of the community for ita stWraaosa. - The Mamufactuhino Towns. We intimated yesterday that we would have something to say at another time on the subject -of man ufacture in their relation to the wel fare of Greensboro, One of the moat perplexing problems tor our people It, what it to become of the growing children of our. working people, to say nothing of any others. Without regular employment it will possible to rear np a parcel of boys in sober, Industrious, useful habits, and in the absence of such , habits demoralisation must ensue, and those who would be useful, virtuous and creditable, become what is known all over the world as the dangerous classes. Dangerous to society, dan gerous to their parents, dangerous to themselves, always and everywhere dangerooA These manufacturing es tablishmeats maintain in decency and good credit a miscellaneous populs lion, and though' the wages are not targe, they tower tb purpose, and to those who are frugal and econom ical they bring not only a support, but a small margin over, which is al aya sufficient lo keep the wolf from he door But much more than this is dona by those who are exceptional ly skilful and industrious, while a number ate promoted to higher posi lions In other places. One of the noteworthy advantages' which a young man finds in these manufacturing establishments Is the necessary system which the work re quires and the habits of order enforc ed. Such discipline alone is of great value, and has made its mark on many who are now. the most success ful business men. It is quite dsr to the observing mind that the farm ing and mercantile interests of such a country as we have in North Caro lina can only prosper in the pres ence of manufacturing establishments which turn out products which go to other parts and bring money in re turn. This money i used to main tain the farming and mercantile in terests, i and to furnish a circulating medium o the population. . By means of these manufacturing establishments there is a degree of prosperity in the market afforded for the various pro ducts which go to sustain life.' These . facte are so very clear that they ought to be fully accepted by the people and acted upon at once. Without these manufacturing establishments of some sort Greensboro may expect to have a regular and endless crop ot worthless fcoytf and turbulent young men on her streets, and her criminal docket supplied with homemade crim inals, and far better would it be for the city to vote one hundred thousand dollars, without interest for ten years, to build factories of one sort -and an other to giye employment to those , who would otherwise be idle. - But while this h true, there need be no such expenditure. , Cotton mills will pay a good dividend to the investor and afford the needed employment to the idle besiJes.'and this being mani fcE'Jy so, our capitalists are far out ot the way if they do not encourage the "things which are so necessary. A cc'.ton rain, in the hands of com-.-'.--t casr-ers, is no experiment, hv.i er a of tie most likely things to j a rcCt to the owners. '.' - jrlvLr A a line. News came through friend Robert Blaylock this morning of the death of John IL Brlttain, of this county, whioh occurred at his home last even. log. Deoeased was married laat Thurs day to hia aerood wife, Mrs. Ledbetter, and was taken at onoa with a trouble in hU keed paralysis or congestion whkk grew rapidly worae until be died, daring hloa time be was sot ooMolOus. Mr. Bfiltaio. was a son of the lata 8am. Brlttain, and waa about 60 years old. The tobaooo crop on the Conuecti out river was in superb condition, three weeks ago, and gave promise of an abundant yield, but ainos the late rains much of it baa been destroyed t espe cially the (mod leal tobacco. A NEWSY LETTER. ScmannxiD, N. C, J September 6, 1887. J Editors : Farmers have plowed more land for wheat in this vicinity than ever before. . Tbe land ia well adapted to the growth of wheat The laat meeting of tbe Farmers' clab spent tbe whole session (last Saturday) in discassioff the wheat question, as to seed, soil, sowing, saving, selling, smutting, Ac A steam flooring mi 1 is needed snd desired at this plaee. Who will bring it? The High School is in session nnder the same management, except that Miss Griffith, of Kernersville, and late a student of muaio in Salem Female Seminary, has in charge the Mosid department as enooeseor to Miss Winchester, lately married to Mr, W, E. Beobow, of Oak Eidge. , The Bt. T. 1. Ogbnrn and fam ily have just returned from . their summer vacation to their, borne, whioh tbej are inclosing with a neat fence of palings. There is being quite an Interest taken in the) proposed Sanday school excursion to Pilot moontain, by people here who wish to go, Tbe foundation for the new Meth odist chorob building is laid ' and work thereon progressing : v Dogwood, hickory and persimmon wood is brought ia to the, Shuttle- bfook and spoke factory of W. T. Anderson A Co. A Backeyevbo learned his trade in New York diy and subsequently worked st it in the palmiest days of Tbomasviile'e shoe factories, has set np a shoe shop in this place, and so tar is overrun witn work. ., . OBaZBTZB. The very first recognition the press of Winston gets for its hercu lean labors to bring about an era of prosperity is a combination by some of our citizen to run rival papers to the detriment of existing ones. A special ear came np this morn ing from Greensboro, bringing W. B. Elder, master of trains; J. S. Potts, assistant general . freight agent; W. H. Green, general su perintendent, and F. W. Gentry, all of tbe Bkibmond & Danville rail road Company. -;'::'-,;v We were informed this morning that a party of 75 men collected in town last ni?ht for the purpose of Ivnchira Ulysses Walker, who is charged with the murder of Frank Moore, but did not make any effort in that direction for reasons best known to themselves. We also learned that qui: st number of ne groes were congregated around the jail nearly aQ niht tor tbe purpose ot protecting walier in case there was any attempt made to. lynch him. Twin-City Daily, 7th. , ; Buckles 'e Arnica Salve. The beat Salve in the world for Outs, Bruises, Scree, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fe ver Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chil blains, Coma, an! all tikin Eruptions, and positive' enrea Piles, or no py required. It is guaranteed to give per fect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 5 c -'ii r lor. For Bale by novU ly Ck I.c..a k LLiohacx, V " .:. f o.n Malaria f ' t who has .' .3 lJt 1 9 i. I"cranca ia 1 rower over a'J h I ..a c'j p' Hie ri x 1 r 1 1 , rev?r ii . I... i u eci tit iir I t j i t r. i tc rl i .jti tf e c 4 fcV.3. Tbs Stutt Teat Mes Ass Maoi or. I know a young man trying, nnder difficulties, to getamedlca eduoation. When the lectures were over he got a mule and made cotton crop, giving late hours to the study of his profession. A call to preach should inspire a man with as muob energy. It may be a long er and harder way; but there will be satisfaction in feeling, , "I was chargeable to none of you," The finest men our ohuroh bat been blessed with baye not received any help from her pecuniarily, and I confess when I see' in the papers calls for aid for young men while at college, it pains me for them. If tbe cbcrch undertakes their educa tion, it should be managed more delicately. Inetr self respect should not be planted. A minister of God should be a perfectly developed man. W. in New Orleans Advo cate. SCARLET FEVEB. Darbys Prophylactic Fluid is une qual ed in the treatment of scarlet Fe ver. Used as a gargle it prevents the throat from becoming diphtheritic, al lays the inflammation and subdues the ptin. ' Used to sponge the body it al lays the itohlng InnVunmatiodrof the skin and destroys infection. Exposed in the sick-room it will pre vent the spre A of contagion and keep the tmoiphere whb!esome. How Hi Abchobxo His Houax. A Mr. Cooper of Columbia has been going to Newport News, in Tyrrell county, every summer to fish. This year he took his family with him, built a dwelling, stables, etc., and was very comfortably fixed till the atom ot August 20th. Tbe tide rope and carried off all hi buildings except his dweUkfe. and water stood in that about two feet deep. ' He sod bis) family were all In the house, momentarily ex pecting to be floated off. One of bis oowg sailed by the door, Cooper seized her by tbe tail and dragged uer in and tbe balance of tbe stock followed. Cow, bogs.- sheep and chickens all took refnge in tbe bed room, , and their combined weight (especia ly tbe chickens) saved the house from a watery grave. Elisa beth City Falcon. Rewcws Her Yeutn. ' lira. Pboabe Cheney Patterson. Clay Co., Iowa, tells the following remark able etory, the truth of which is vouch ed for by the residents of the town "I am 78 years old aad have been troubled with kidney complaint. and 'lameness for many years, could not dress myself without help. Now I am tree . from pain and soreness, and am able to do all my own housework. I owe my tnanks to Uectric bitters for bavtcg re newed my youth, and removed com pletely aU diaeasea and pain." Try a bottle, only 60o at Hooter k afichaux's Drug Store. BESTI'AMILY MEDIOINE SO VAMTLT BHUT7LD Bl WITHOUT IT, - and, by being kept ready for immediate use, will save many an hour of snffor ing and many a dollar fa wxae aad doo torr bills. My Only Family Medicine "I have been a user of Simmons Li ver Regulator for many years, having maae u my s muj aieuicmo. it mo ther before me was very partial to it I find the Begulator very safe, hsrmless and reliable as a Fan-ily Jledloiae, and have need it for any disorder of the sys tem and found it to act like a charm. I believe if it was used in time it would prove a great preventive of aicknew. I have often recommended it to my friend 'i. and stall continue to do eo." Kev. J. M. T.OTXIS8, pastor M. E. ehnrch, Bouth Fairfield, Ta., to J. B. ZEILIN k Co.. Philadelphia, Pa., pro prietors of Simmons Liver Regulator. HI I f! -;-'"( pnisioiAii atd cararc u. , C i for tie preei;t at tie .r' idehe o .' ppyocite .J-rs. p. 0' 3i' a to 9 a. lv 3i acf r-U Lou 1 v a Li. C .8 p,r llto2p.n, , 1 ar NEW A BIG FALL AND WINTER CLOTMIKTi&l ALSO HA In all the latest Styles, for FALL AND WHITER, "'JUST EECEIYED AT. F. FISHBLATE'S, C. M. VANSTORY, Manager, HYGEIA1 WONDERFUL DISCOVERY TOBACCO as aid to HEALTH 1 1 ANEW TOBACCO, manufactured at Richmond. Va, by Thos: C. Williams & Co., , tnrpxa a rosmruL nWAXXD vt " PEOFESSOR MALLETT, Of the University of Virginia. . AnU-Malarial i Anti-Dyspeptio : a good semrti ana an exoeuou uum Tryltl-ltMoHumbugn 19 For particulars ot iu virtues, call for certificate at T. 8, BHELTOS'8, . .. where the Tobaooo can be bad. "wM Greensboro, An. 8,. . 1m Mrs. Hundley's School ; MRS. E. D. HUNDLEY - ( l ' '' v wnt on. , f'-.. . Thursday, September Utt 1887, RESUME her Bohool for Girls and Boys.. The '.Session' will be for Mine Months.1, ' " v , The management will be pleasant and home-like. . ;s-.v-':' m .. . , fa the past are competent to give aa opinion 01 its menw, , t-Terms as heretofore. - , tSfFot particulars, inquire of Mrs. Hundley. , Aug. 6. 1887 tf n'VtaoV tumtOy 'ibr 'Chtanh fc M Eib4, KMltmt to Um, and Cbmpn. ( I ) aiM fno r Cold to lb Y Dr. W. UiKEFIELD, Physioiani Surgeon & Occulist, v - ' , Gbbksbbobo, N. C., - " W ILL attend city and country ealts. OSloe at Porter 4k Tate'S : Drug Sore. , Residence on Asheboro street. . Tr. C 17. TA'::;?V?: Prac" rhvsician, Owonsboro; -K Cm C n bis I'rofesHional Services to tie c ":ens of Grewaboro e ad f "r. r"". V i country. ; C. 9 at l'c.: r 4k I . . -j's Crti store. V Lri .not t' -e c a te foncd at h's re .Ia.i '8 on ..e trvoF":ect, eppobite CoL 'l D. Jlech'a ilCJ ' GOODS! LOT OF T LEADING OLOTHTEB, Greensboro, N. C. Ii. pr Bosa, nVERY, TEED wid BALE r STABLEST NEAR TEE OREEKSCOSO DEPOT. HAS recently- received one ear load of HICKORY WAGONS, and twt ear loads ot the - t EMERSON FISHER StrBOTULl berof jobs of that oelebrated make. Has abo control In thla mrbnt nf tha 1a.. brated Colihibtts Boeoucs. Has an ex tensive trade in kaHd-inodt Harnett of all grades and for all purposes. rT"ll& aella FJTonea anit KTnlna utl as Tebicles, and baa been before the peopie uve years, . Aug o. xawlm Mfcthodit Pixtcstiat LIcnthly A large ti eolumiL. liair&zina Aa. signed to aid the home, school and ehorcn in winning and training sonla iov eaua ana xieaven. use dollar a Vear ia advannA. Ftma - fn thr, , ,u will send three subscribers at tL 00 each, THE NATIONAL METTIODIST, ' ; 87 Virginia Avenue, l"20tf .. InUlinspolIa, lad,1 i7r.:j7uD'Ar;:"i:i KMt. Mwv and fnftbdi wiT. mant ig.o miwho. pa. u (Ufa fflfTftlV I Orotes Greece 170 UlwIUill I Uacauley's Er-'aad 1.C3, Green's Tngland 1.75, Bchi.ler's Dhirly Xers'.'ar )o Oreapy's 1 iKafl DecLive Eat'.Iaa l')n Cvhla'a I Revolution 83a ; Green, Eobiller, Crev sy ana uiyie in one; Henrick's rncmnt i "fi j.i j i.Oum't Ac- -t. 1 :atory .'( .!, - ' ' -n's r"9 j.; ; 1 .e'st ' - :j.'.J,, .,('. ... ; : ri.' i ..- - r j v 1 f 08. Ik 4 . .1"