Febsokal Cleanliness. It is a (aot that the world needs mora care fal ablation. TukiDg jour nose for witness ia the ease, we judge that many poople do not wash them selves often enough and thorough ly enough. In city Looses with bath-rooms and water-pipes run ning every wbitber, there is no nhado of excuse for lack of cleanli ness. Indeed, there is no exonse inywbere for negleot of ablation. 1'oa answer that you waab your bands and face every morning. What of that? Your hands and face could get along without im mersion eieior than tbo rest of your body, for the dirt would rub off by ' contact with fresh air and the im plements of your occupation. You need frequent application of water l oan the top of vour bead to the :ii of the long toe. Ouce a week - iil not do. Qod washes the flow ers every night with dew, and you are certainly no purer than the jas mines and verbenas. Threo-fourth a of the world does not wash often enough either for health or decen cy, and could apply in a physical pense what Paul Baid in a spiritual: ' O, wretched man that I am, who ouall deliver me from this body of .i!rt and death?" If only one-half ofihe world had been water, the Divine meaning might have been doubtful, bat with three-fourths of the world water, the doctrine of frequent purification ought to be ev ery way adopted and acted on. The tarrying of some poople in your room, for half an hour necessitates a fumigation. Talmage. YockoMan, YodWill Do. A young man was recontly graduated from a scientific school. His home bad been a religious one. lie wa3 a member of a Christian. Churob, had pious parents, brother and sis ten: his family was one in Christ On graduating ha determined up on a WeBtorn life amoog the mines Full of courage and hope, he start ed out on his long journey to strike out lor himself in a new world. The home oravers followed him. Is he went he fell into company frith older men. They liked him or his frank manners and his man ly independence. As they journey- led together they stopped for a oab- path in a border town. On the morning of the Sabbath, one of his fellow-travelers said to him "Come, Pet ns be off for a drive and the sights." " - : v "So, said the : young man, "I am going to Church. I have been brought up to keep the Sabbath, and I have promised my mother to keep on in that wav." llis road acquaintance looked at him for a moment, and then slap bine him on the shoulder, said, "Eight, my boy. I began in that way. I wish I had kept on. Young Man, you will do. buck to your bringing np and your mother's I j :n it ., iwuruH, buu jua wiu win. . - I The boy went to church, all hon- (or to him, in that far-away place, and among such men. ilia com banions bad their drive, but the tl Z. 1 A I r - AJ J ' M puy gained lueir ouuauence auu won their respect by bis manly .armnnt nf tiuirarl fttSlinafinna AT. ' Jready : sucoess is smiling upon the young man. There ia no lack of plaoes for him.-rChri8tian Weekly. immortality. We do not die, we do but sleep to wake in glory. Death ia not ine ooubb, out the porch; not the goal, but the passage to It The dying article is called a valley. The storm breaks on the mountain, but the valley is the place of quietude, and thus full often the last days of the Christian are the most -peaceful of his whole career; the moun tain is bleak and bare, but the val ley is rich with golden sheaves, and many a saint has reaped more joy and knowledge when he came to dio than he ever knew while he liv ed; and then it is not "the valley of death," but the "valley of the shad ow of death," for death in its sub stance has boon removed, and only the Bhadow of it remains. Some one has said that when there is a suauuw luero must oe augut eome where, and so there ia. Death stands by the side of the highway in which we have to travel, and the licht of hoavon shining noon him. ' q r throws a shadow across our path; let us then reioioe tbat there is a ngut Deyond. isobody is afraid ot a shadow, for a shadow cannot stOD A a man s pathway even for a mo ment. he shadow of & doo can not bite; the shadow of a sword cannot kill: the shadow of death cannot destroy us. Let ns not, ii. i . , t"t r. mereiore, do airaia. j. u. opur- geon. Bathes Musty. We examined an original deed now lying ia the register s ofiioe in liillsboro, where it has been fcince July term 17C8, The deed is for an acre lot in the town of Hillsboro, Orange county and Provinoe of N. Carolina, from Edward Fanning to Thomas King, lot No. 18 ; consideration 50 pounds proclamation money. The deed is dated 20th June 17G7. ",! "Yea, Though I Walk Through the Yaixet." This unspeakably many a death-bed and has helped v to maae me aars raiiey origan, puuoi uui u tu uiiuu. jjiDij nuiu u it una a vrcniiu ui uicauiu. "Yea. thouch I walk." as if the be-' I Lever did not quicken his pace when he came to die, but still oalm 1 ly walked with God. .To walk in- dioates the eteady advance of a boui wmoa snows its road, snows v its way, knows its end, resolves to follow the path, feels quite safe, and is, therefore,' perfectly ca'm and composed. ; The dying saint is not In a flurry, , he does not run as though he were alarmed, nor stand still as though he would go no ' further, he is not confounded nor ashamed, and, 'therefore, keeps to ; his own pace,;"-i;;;X;:,-;7,j'- ' Observe that it is not walking in ; the valley, k but through the valley. We pa t!..!.r;;h the dark tunnel of , death and c:uc:-3 into the lht of I V-'i : . . ' ?- V:": A Brunswick county colored man caught fifteen rattle snakes in a tree and killed them all. English Deools are talkioff o using the Canadian Pacific route to India, umna and Australia. PERSONAL. Mr. N. II. Froliobstein, of Mobile, Ala., writes: I take grout pleasure in recommending Dr. Kiue'i &ew Discov ery for oonenmption, having used it for a severe attaokol isronotuus and Ua- tarrh. It cave me instant relief and en tirely cured me and.I bave not been af- flioted since. I also beg to state tbat I bad tried other remedies with bo good result. ' Have also used Elsctrio Bitters and Dr. King's New Life Pills, both of which I can recommend. Dr. Kin of 's New Dicoverv for Gon sumption, Concha and Colds, is sold on a positive guarantee. Trial bottles free at tionter uicnaux s Drug store. , lis Broilers, Merchandise Brokers, Com- . mission mercnania ana Real ; Estate Agents. SOLE agents for the Patapsoo ' Flour ing Mills, Cassard & Son's Celebrat ed Star Brand. Pure Lard and Earns, Central Refinery Co's Syrups and Mo lasses, Piedmont Roller Mills, Choioe Meal. N. K. Fairbank & Co's Standard Lard. We carry in stock a larire'varie ty of different grades of Flour, also Meal and Fairbank & Go's Lard, in Tieroos and packages, an 1 offer these and all kinds of Merchandise, Grain, Mill Feed &c, at bottom prices. We solioit only the trade of prompt paying Merchants. mo gooas sotu at retail. . March 19th '87. tf. Dauehters, Wives and Mothers. Send for Pamphlet qn Female Dis eases; mailed iree, securely seaiea. ut, J. B. Maromsi, Uuica, JN. I. , , v Oct 16 ly eow, -. , FEMALE INSTITUTE, J A List of Our Presidents. Wide Awake offors vountr bUtorf stu dents a help to memory a useful as the old verse, "Thirty days hath Septoia- oer : Come young folks all, and loom, my rhyme Writ like the ones ot olden time, For linkd together, snmo and name, The whole a surer place will claim : And firmly in your mind shsll stand The names of those who've ruled oar land. A noble litt: Gnorgo Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Jamos Madison and James Monroe, John Quincy Adams and below . Cornea Andrew Jackson in his turn , Murtiu Van Bnron next wo learn. Then William Henry Harrison, horn soou John Tyler followed on. Ana f Ur Tyler, James K. Polk : Thru Zoohary Taylor ruled the folk Till death. Then Millard Fillmore omo ; And Franklin Pierre we wxt oust name. And Junior Buchuban thcu kputartt. Then Abruhuni Lincoln through those years Of war. Aud whn his lifo was loot Twas Andrew Johnson IT lit! bis poa). Then U. a Grant aud 11. B. Hayes, And Jam'M A. Garfield each Lad p;a3e, And Chester Arthur and my rhyme finds now in Urover Cleveland s time. KENT ALL KOUM) MEDICINE Iu the .World Wouderful Cure of Catarrh. Palacb Hotil, Cincinnati, 0., February 22, 187. J Gootlemon Ever since I was ten years old I have had catarrh. I tried all kinds of medicine and the nest phy sicians for the past niteen years, but without anv beLcut. A lew years aero I began on S. S. 8., and after biking it for six months I was entirely cured. My blood was thoroughly cleanaod, and I felt p riectly well. 1 have net been troubled with the slightest touch of the disease from that day to this. I do not exaggerate when I say tbat from the age of ten to twenty 1 have ppent fully, 81,000. I spent three months in Phil adelphia under an eminent ostarrb spe cialist, at a cost of about 81,000, but mot no satisfactory results from bis unques tioned skill. Frequently during those ten years I was oonucsd to the bouse for weeks. I have reoommende4 and shall continue to recommend S. H. S. to hun dreds of peoplo. I regard it as the best "all round ' medicinenn tne world. As c tyoed purifier it has no equal, and it Is a sure spooiflo in oatarrh. James F. Hill J. W. Scott & Oo.'8 Comma. Given AwavH II 41!!! ' Opens September wst., One ot the FIKST SCHOOLS fiR Young Laoiks in thb I'NIon. All Department! thormieh. Butklnitfs eletf-int. bteain heat. Gaslint- hitii-:tf-n Wiutiful. tl'iiiriU; bplentHd. l'wpil. from mutton Stated AH important sdvantares in one )relitlv reduced charge. Iloarfl, Washinjf, Liifhts, EiU'li'h, Latin, French, Ccunan, Music, f( Schninstk year, rrnin S':pt. to June, V For Catalogue writ ukV. WJl. A. JiAKillS, V U.. Hcki(lnit,!uuutuu, ViiKiiuv A PtjrfectlT Well Nan Again. . Savaknah, Ga., Jan. 8, 87. Gentlomon I had a thoroughly de veloped case of contagious blood poi son, uy physician tried a month to cure me, but did me no good. I then went to my father, who at once told me to take 8. S. S. He cot a dczen large bottles. They did me a treat deal of good, and 1 got more. After usinai the ruediaine a short time I was entirely cured, and am to-day a perfectly well man. u. V. Liauohill. Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. Thb Swirr Specific Co.,, Drawer 8, Atlanta, ua. M. Mod. Williams. W. J. MoDiaemid A. E. MoDiabhid. Williams 8 Co.; CBALBBS- l RQUGH & DRESSED IVT.ER Mouldings. Laths, Shingles, &o., :, Obekksbobo, N. C. 1 Prompt attention givon to orders. Satisfaction guaranteed. may!8d&wtf JpPMY coin money with oar Amateur Photo outfit, anil KULN I V collecting family picture to tnlaiira. Btcial Wdajroosr. Emoin Coeytns Cltl Cual St. Nw Vork. Rochester,, . F., Sept. 1, '86,. We have made Jfessn. Johnson B Dormit, of Qrsentboro, our Agent for the sale of our ladies' Fine Shoes. We make ontJte 2i. Y. Opera,' Acme, Waukenphast , and Creole lasts, the latter is just , out and is very nice. We use' the McKay Machine and sew with best Harbour's thread, Every pair warranted. They are nice, neat and stylish, (five them a look when yon want a shoe and you will be pleased. V & P. KLED dt CO. sett tf Cravats, Cravats I 1 JTJST EECETVED AT F-'FionnisATBfo Ann tsb r Latent Style s Piedmont Air-Line fftute. 3dt Ulrhiuond and Danville Kailrniul. CONOENHEU KC1IEDULE. Is Ekfkot J I'M Jll, 1887. Twin Run b'i lb Meridian Time. 8oc.nnuc:;r. Lv, We bnve inst received the motit pop ular and serviceable preeentH, which we GiveAwaY Lv. Lv, Whit liquea; Lawns and all ool j'tlulS ors and styles I tf with the celebrated Now York Philadeipuiit Baltimore Wiuihiujton Chariot' svllV- Lynchbnr llichiuocd Hurkeville Kevville lmke's B.'cL Dnnvillo Greensboro Goldsboro liuleigh Durham Ch.iel Jlil! Hilkboro Lv. Salem Lv. High Poiut Salisbury Ar. StuUsvillo Asbeville liot Springs Conoord Charlotte Spartanburg Greenville Atlanta Lv. Ar No drawing or lottery. Every one se loots bis or ber own prize, consisting ot 'MOSS ROSE" CUPS AND SAU CERS, BREAD A SOUP PLATES, BREAKFAST PLATES. WA TEK PITCHERS, HAM DISHES, Ac, c fcjy-Ahk to see thtm and you will be sure to.buy 1 We again cull your, attention to our Xiarge and Varied otocx oi Chewing Icko! We make a specialty of Tobacco, and always carry a umuje, oivun., ana ai most any price you. wish. "OLD KIP" . still leads the van as a "Big Seller." We also carry a full line of Cigars and Cigarettes! Lv. Atlanta Ar. Greenville Spartanburg Charlot'e Ar. Ccuo:rd Salisbmy High Point Greensboro Ar, Salem Ar. Billsboro Durham Chape! Hill Raleigh Goldsboro Ar. Danviile Drake's Brnch Keysville Burkeville Richmond . Ar. Lynchburg Cbarlott sville Washington Baltimore Philadelphia New York Kirk's Soap. Recollect, we have the agency for these Celebrated Hoaps, and can furnish , you at Manufacturer's Prices. About 200 boxes in stock. Lemons & Oranges: 25 boxes just received. Also, a fresh , . supply of plain and irrench CANDY, BAISINS, NUTS, CUE RANTS AND PEUNES, . . ' and a full supply of - CANNED GOODS! Yery respectfull?, J. 17. soon&GO. ,.e - UA1L1. No. CO. Na 02. 4 1,') a r i 7 20 a iu 'JDitui 11 21 a m il ') p ui 0 00 p iu 3 10 p ni r 17 p in 0 Cii p iu (J lOpm H CO p ru 10 44 im ;. 30 p iu 5 U.r p ni 41 pm fSlNlpra 7 20 p m t7 20 pui unpu 12 li'J s u 1 2(1 an A 2 i a m 5 3(1 am 6 tO a m 1 0 p ni 4 8'l p m 0 67 p ni '.) 42 p iu 11 00 pm 00 a a 5 03 a m 2 SO a ni 4 25 a ni 5 01 m 6 21 a m H U5 a m '.) ii a ui 10 pm tl Win 2 37 a tu 8 32 am 6 .10 a m 10 14 am 1139 am 12 31 p m 5 3j p m 7 3 p m 11 60 a m 1 W pm 3 31pm 4 48pm 10 40 pm FOBTEBOCRD. DAILY. No. 51. No.C3. 7 00 p m 1 Ota u 2 19 am 5 03 a ru 01 am (143 am 7 66am 828am 11 S0am 12 07 p m 112 47 d m U 20 pm 2 10pm 130pm 10 00 a m 1241pm 1 oopm 1 40pm 3 43pm 1 15 pm 3 40pm 8 23 p m 11 25 pm 3 00 a m 6 20am 8 40am 231pm 3 46pm 6 25pm 723pm 8 01 pm 9 18 pm 9 40pm 1230 am 284 am f3 60aiu t6 30aia 11 2()J m 11 29pm 2 41 am 802am 3 65am , 6 15 a m 2 00am 410am 8 10am 10 03 a m 12 85 pm 8 20 p m Daily. jfDaily.exoept Sunday 1 Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. 8LEEPLNG-CAR SERVICE. fn Tmlna WlanH 11 Dnllmkn f4RA BUiuhi w muu vii a uiiuiau uuuet between Atlanta and New York. On Trains 53 and 53. Pullman Buffett Sleewr between Waslilrurton and Montgomery ; Wanh Intrton and Aumuta. Pullman Uleeper between Richmond and Greensboro. Pullman Bleeper between Greensboro and Raleigh Pullman Parlor car between Salisbury ana Knoxvllle. Tlirouirh tickets on gale at ru-lnclm! stations. to all points. For rates and Information, apply to any agent of the Company, or to , Bon. .Haas. j. B. potts. Traffio Manager. Div. Pass. Aa'L J as. L, Tatwb, Gen. Passenger Ag't, JtUCHUOITD, VA. INDELIBLE INK. Io prprtlon and only it a ii upxled. Efb. IMN. RllMrint ftuu Hpular tor dcorntivf work on linen. Rcei7rd VtnUuaial Hadul at IMploma. Sold (Nrjrwbart. Shake niinof nmm. I By Jobs U. Bkciiixb. D. I llVr. Churth, (. A tflllnf E lnrfOI l"k-. i P"". W mull, tl.v. North South. Sund ordvn to CRANHTOK A STOW B, ftuwiud, or to itcthodutt Book Store tlanbrt, Cash Assets,'; SOO,000. , Monthly Surplus, 920,000. Iational Life & Maturity As'f I Of Washington, D. C. President, 1 . Seo. & Manager, HoBATio Ubownino. Gko.D.Eldbiegh Treasurer, SaUtjzl Nobubnt. Life Insurance" at Absolute Cost. OUR PILLARS OP STKNGTI1: A Guaranteed Policy, An incontestable folicy, Maturity Value in Cash at a Fixed Age Annual Cost Absolutely Limited, Only Four Payments Per Year , None Forfeitable after 3 Years. Five Year Matmitr rian, m - nonn D'orieitable after s ifcars, . Ten Year Maturity Plan, Insurance as well as an Investment, , : None Forfeitable after 5 Years. Special Agent, , Medical Director, W. H.-QIBSON. P. S. EmnEiiMii.M. D. 145 Agents wantod. Address, Lobevzo A. Bailbt, . : Agent for Western N. O., j25 Sm Greensboro, N. O.

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