THEPANSY PROSPECTUS FOE 1887- This illuntrite.1 monthty contains thirty-two to forty pages each number ill and neiprui literature ana of AuidU picture, rqrmlly suited to Hundays and ..V Th "Punnr." will I arnieh new serial to ran through the year 40111100, The Golden text stories will Lo oon tinned under tLo title of "A Dozen of Them." Margaret Sidney will contrib ute) a aorutf Cillod THI liTTTLl BHD SBOI tallina bow Jack and Cornelius and Rmulie earned money to help mother take care of 0by. There will be more "Great Men." and uou "Remarkable Women." i'aye Huntington willwritj of flower and plants in IKS. BttOWX'a BOTASI CLASS. Rev. C. M. Livingstoa will furnish otoridsot Events. Discoveries, Invention etc. A novel feature will la story iw eleven different auihnri. R. M. AldcaVill direct u tow depart ment of Church, rtabbntb, fauool and Missionary Neva, The present depart ments will continue aud new ones be opened. ONLY f 1.00 ATXAB. tSfSpecimm fr to intending mhscrii- er. Addrtni ordert lo D. LOTH HOP CO., PruusniRs, . Boston, Mass I U. 8. A. I3RT. $1.50 A THAIS FOR 1897 NEW YORK. OBSERVES, OLDEST AND BEST RELIGIOUS And SECULAK FAMILY NEWSPAPER. NATIONAL AND EVANGELICAL, All The News, Vigorous Editorials a trnstworthy paper for business men It has special departments for Fanners, Sunday-ecnool ieacners auu t keepers. THE HEW YORK OBSERVES FOR 1886, Sixtf-FourtU Volume, will contain tt new and never before published series of Ireroeus Letters, regular correspondence from Great Briitia, France, Germany and Italy, Letters from Mission Stations in India, China, Japan, Africa and Micronesia, original articles from men of influence and knowledge of affairs In different parts of this country, and selected arti cles from the choicest literary and re ligious poetry and prose. A new volume, containing a second Series of Irenieus Letters, a sketch of tho author, and a review of his life and work, has been published. . vc fcan nflUr this vear special and at tractive inducements to subscribers and friends. Sample cipies free. new A nii.IT OBSERVER. Nov. 27 NlW lOBK 1 1! -THE- The Cheapest Daily Faper In the South, The Webkly has been enlarged and tho price reduced to 75 cents a year The cheapest weakly ptpor imblinhed. The Bundxy issue and weakly edition both for cue year, for $1 .50. The two are cUnp.T ami batter tuao a i! mi week ! . pj von git one daily ime and a wivkly fir 50 oonm less than any semi- wookiv i.ii nor. Daily Mnt freu two weeks and Weekly one month free, hm'tul one cent for a postal card and order one or the other on trial. Address the wmo, f 8 8m r.inhianud, Va, SEND FOK SAMPLE COPIES. THEY COST NOTHING. The News and Observer, RALEIGH, N. 0. l lie unrest, iiostana cueapost paper published in the State. Tclegraphio ao connts of all interesting events from erery part of tlu world. Full Market Reports. A pnper for every family. Established 1872 and gets better every year. Send your name, Postoffloe address and 82.00 for one year: 11.00 for 6 months. Every North Carolinian should take it The livest, most progressive paper vi uie outu. THE WEEKLY NEWS-OBSERVER. Raleigh, N. a Biggest toek -OF- CHINA, CROCKERY AND GLASS-WARE EVER OFFERED IN THIS CITY, AND BEYOND A DOUBT The Cheapest," 0. F. & Y, V. RAILWAY! E COyjDKXSfCJ) Taking effect .00,a. SCJl AD CLE HQ. 2(J m., Monday, Eit. 8,, ?. TRAINS MOVING NORTH. Phi. Mall. Lv Bannettsvllle 10 10 ami TFEt A C D. Ar Wax ton. Lv Maxton Ar Fayetterllle... Lv Favettevllle... Ar Baufurd Lv banforj Ar (ireewilM)ro..., LvOtwniitKiro..., Arrive at Dal ton.. 11 IK) 1180 1 sopni w 4 UA 415 725 1010 am Mlftpm 6 00 am 7 35 . 6 0S 13 00 m 8 00am poo m Hpm COO I'luwnjrer and Wall Dinner at Fayrttorllle. TRAIN'S MOVING SOUTH. . ram. a-FT'bt A Halt ACQ. A3 WE BUY DIRECTLY FROM THE MANUFACTURERS A Call will convince you of the above Facts. BED Jv PAIfKLK'8 1 nam mab m mm nam ualoam U kalr, B twin aotor ha Snv. my Bfrantoi Damme II Umimi Mm aaalu, atofa (Iw I uur telilnc. and 1. par. to r'n I WE ARE MAKING A SPECIAL OFFER FOR THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS OF A Handsome Mckle Clock, TO ALL WHO PURCHASE $10 Worth of Goods &t one Time I Leaves Dalton Artireonnboro A LvGropnuboro. Ar Banforil..., Lv Hanl'urd. . . . Ar KoyettevlllH Lv Fayt'ttovllle Ar Haxton.... LvMaxton.... Ar UHunmvi!! s 44 p D. 7 4. , 9 60am eooam lSMpmliaoo m 1 15 8IM 380 615 5 25 045 I 80 pin 8 00 11 00 am 805 nm 8 40 pin 6 80 pm I'aiwiener and 1J all Dinner at Sauiurd. Factory Brancli Freight & Acco'n THUKS MOVIN'O XORTH. Leave Mltlltoro 8 05 a ra Arrive at Greeusburo, 0 85 a m trains movino sotrra. Leave Orecnuboro 9 00 p m I Juv Fartorv Jnnrlliin 8 00 l) m Arrive at Mlllboro at 8 45 p m 5 45pm 725pm 715pm 800pm HIMDERCORN8. TTWMfMt, war mnd tMwtonr fnr Oof-na, BtmkYML iv Slo(allpalA. Kaaunaaomfacttothafaai, MTrfalla MEMOEY UlSCOVERYt Truly yours, W. T. CHIOHESTBR, OPPOSITE BENBOW HALL, Aognst 26 tf GREENSBORO, N. ramenirer and Uall Train runs dally txoaot Sundays. FrelKht and Accomodation Train rum between BenimttHvllle and FayettevllM on Moodava, Wednradava and Frld and between Favette vllle and (Jrwusboro lu.nkljyi, Thursday and baturdav. ' . Fralirlit and Aecommodntion Train runs be twwn lirwiiBlKjro and FirMtevluo on Uuu' days, Wednesday! and Fridays and between Fayetterllle and BennetUvllle on Tuetdani. Thursdayi and Saturday. Trains on Factory Branch run dally except Bunday. Close connection Is made at Vaxton with Carolina Central Hallway Fsasenger Trains to and frum Wllmlnirton. W. E. KYLE, Genl Paat. Ant i. W. FKY, Gen'l Snp't. TOUR ATTENTION 13 SOLICITED 10 TBI Breensboro kw GREENSBQRO, N. C. Wilmington & Weldon R. R CONDENSED SCHEDULE. OfFICH GKMHUIi brPKKIMTIHDBKT, 1 Wilminflrton. N. C.Not. 18, 1883. I On and after Nov. 18th. 1883, at 1.05 s. m., rassenRer Trains on the Wilming ton Ac Weldon Railroad will run as fol lows: ' DAT MAOi ASS IZFSXS8 TBATJI PAILT, Nos. 47 North and 48 South. r Wi'minorton. 8 63 a ArriTe Weldon, . 2 81 p m L've Weldon, 3 00pm Ar Wilmington, 80p ran thbouoh hah. and fassenobb t'hb. Daily No.40 Soatn. Leave Weldon .6 Wpn Arrive stWilmington... 10 25pm mi ATT. ASS PASSZSOKB TBATJSfl DA1LX. No. 43 North. Leave Wilmington. ......... 8 00 p u Arrive at Weldon.. 2 20 s m Vatt. iro Fassxnoeb Tbaius Nob. 45 and 4a - ' Lve Wilmington 30 m Ar at Weldon.....;.......... 6 80 a m lave Weldon f i?" Aral Wilminsrton o 55 a m - Train No. 40 Sonth will stop only a hthomi. Onllabc o and Msflrnelia. Trains- on Tarboro Branch Eoad Tave Kooky Mount for Tarboro at i on n m and r m. daily. Be tnmincr. leave Tarboro at 3 p. m. ana 10 a. m, daily. ' ' . . Train on Scotland Neck rsranen Boad i..ui n&lifox for Scotland Neck at 8 25 p. m. Returning leaves Scotland Nock at 8 80 a. m., daily. Train No. 47 makes close oonireotion arW.ildon for all points North Daily. All rail via Richmond, and daily exoept Sunday Yia Bay June. ; . Traia No. 43 runs daily and makes close connection for all points HorO via Richmond and Washington. - All trains run solid between Wilming ton and Washington, and have Pullman Palace Sleepers attached. For accommodation of local travel Passenger Coach will be attached to Local freight leaving Wilmington at 6 65 6 ra daily except Sunday. T. M. EMEiwON, J. F. DIVINE, - Gen Pas.AgV ? Gen. Sup'i t a f - 3P" O 'X. V- irm XI rfe Anv on. Mndlncr um .mSXJ cents. ancttheluflre-jsoftSyin I , m 7of their CiienUs. will f.dve, by mil. Stasia Good tewlpts. trwii or lewelry. but (rood, tlial retail for Toll U . eenutna orTer and a furtutw to you. Crrtttit Sntufwhon. ' iiiwara. Supply Co.. Urawet aoa. Bomjjj.v, V- WhoCv unlike artificial ivUnm. .. . - -1 Any book learned in one reading, Recommended by Mark Twain. Rich ard Proctor, the Scientist, Hons. W. W. Astor. Judah P. Berj'irrio, Dr. Minor, c. Class of 100 Columbia Law sta Consumption Cured. An nld rliTHicUn- retired from Prac tice, havinir had nlaoed in his hands by an East India missionary the formula nf a aimnle vetrotable remedy for the dents ; two clasaos of 200 each at Tale ; speedyiand permanent cure of Gonsnmp inn TTitin.Mif. rw;i jrv I ' n !... w 1.11,.. --a w . vuiTcimy a.cuu. m. uu. i km u i non, Droucmus, vauarru. at Welleley Colloge, &o., and engased at Cbatanqna University. Prospectus post rara from rnor. JjUiHlSi'XJi, 237 Fifth Avenue, New Tork. Beauty Skm&Scalp .. Restored ' TV70TBING IS KNOWN TO SCI- XI ENCE at all comparable to the Cu tiotjba UEMscixg in tneir marvellous properties of cleansing, purifying and beautifying the skin and in curing tor. turing, disfiguring, ttvblng, scaly and pimply diseases or tne skin, scalp and blood, witn loss or hair. Ctjtiouba, the great skin cure, and CtmorjBA Soaf, an exqnsite Skin Bean tiller, prepared from it. externally, and Ctjtiouba Resojwint. the new Blood Purifier, internally, are a positive cure for every form of tkm and blood dis ease, from pimples to scrofula. Cun OTJKA Bmosirs' are absolutely pure and the only Infallible skin boautdfiers and blood purifiers'. :r ' Bold everywhere. ; Pnoe-Cutioura 60o; Resolvent 81; Soap 25a Prepared by the POTTER DRUG AND CHEM ICAL CO., Boston. Mass. B-Send for "How to Cure Skin Diseases." ; Asthma and alltThroat and Luns Affections, also a positive and radical cure for Nervous Debility and all Nervous Complaints, after having tested its wonderful cura tive powers in thousands of cases, has felt it his dnty to make it known to bis anfferinflr fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering. I will send free of charge, to all who desire it, this recipe, in German French or English, with lull directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this 149 Power's Block, Rochester, N. T. Oct26 ly eow An Q lllljuH sort as dove s down, and as IIHII white, by tising Caticura Medi cated Soap. TADKIN COLLEGE HIGH SCHOOL, FO R BOTH S EXES. I MUSIC, SCIENCES. LANGUAGES. AND MATHEMATICS. Prepares for higher classes in the Colleges and University. . . Practical course for those not going to College. . Thorough work, tnorongn organiza tion and discipline low bates roB BOARD AND TTJITIOK. ' : y Write for circulars to REV. A. R. MORGAN, ' nne8d&w3m .' .Principal. ALL SMOKE AND) NO JOKE I J. K. HALL&GO. GREENSBORO, N. C, ' MANUFACTURE ' Cisars of Thu BestlQuality. 11 HEY BUY DIRECT FROM IM . PORTERS the best Havana Tobac cos, and can therefore furnish as FINE GOODS AS CAN BE PRODUCED NOT RELYING OS THE PLEA that onrs is a Home Enterprise, but on THE FACT that WE COM PETE WITH THE FOREMOST, far or near, we of fer the following as among our UUUIUtt BRANDS:- Rosa De Oro, Flor De Alma, Pure Spanish, Ilall's Five Foi AQnarter. ApriWtf S1E CURE for DYSPEPSAI & INDIGEST ION, Address J. M. SHELLY, Charlotte, N. 0. m223m 17AH7ED n CQUI liKalitj-. midtle ait(l pcefenl. 6A.LAKT BS 5f. aefcrenem aichangcd. , CAT BROS., 14 Barclay S,. N. V. mil Located East or tho City. I do not claim to have the largest Nnr-' eery in the South, but I do claim to have all fruits that are knowa to saooeed at the Bont'i. consisting of 'apple, peach, poor, cherry,, pram, apricot, mulberry and shado trees, evergreens, grapes, strawberries, raspberries, enrranrs, 4c. I further claim to send out finer trees, I.. l..... Bit ri t it a c "f uiuuey auaa any U R W H A ftl b other Nursery. Fine stock and fair deal ing are making these Nnrseries famous. . and agents representing other Nnraorics,' whose shipping point is Greensboro, of ten leave the imprwion that they are representing the "G.eeEeboro Nnrso rles." This I can prove by letters that I am in receipt of almost daily. I have a nice stork of Shade snd Or namental Trees. Evorsreens. 4c. and now n the time to send in yeur orders for Shade Trees, while the blistering sun vividly reminds yon that you need . them. When cool weather comes, and with the press of business, you are likelT to neglect them until it is too late in the spring to set them out Bnt snnd In : your orders at any time, as it will be my business to see that you get them at the proper time, I can furnish experienced bands to set them, and when ou onoe ' pay me for a shade tree you are sure to get it, as I replace all trees that die. Those having tenement houses shnnM plant shade trees, not only for the sake of humanity, but as an investment, for five or ten dollars spent for shada will in a few years, increase the value of a lot from $100 to $500 Besides, frees are an excellent protection in CM nf fire, by breaking the heat and arresting the sparks. , . ... JtarOrders given to mv avAnU. sent direct to the Nursery, will all re- ' oeive careful attention. Correspond enod solicited. Descriptive Cataloguts free to applicants. ., . . ; JOHN. Jk. YOUNG, Successor to Ward k Yonnv. PRICE OF TWPROVETJ - BTaEDAED TURBINE Is cost of manufacturing and advertising, f am phlet with new Prioe List, sent free by BURNHAM BROS., York Pa. "25YearsPoultryYaru" Bajre. now m pnmi Kid Edltloa. 109 HIM) aid POULTkl CH0LKKA, tJAFtS aad BOIPK. 1 wrot it a a iiitam of urMtieai nun aaa rvuuim setpiir. Srtaptoma ud nacSiM tor uil diHum. Jlns u hl for trnu tit. la itutt. MTke Vow Dai roaltrj lard, eoaUlala r.t.loaa ni Pries Lht of SO vari.tUa a. M. LA NO, Box840,Clnolnna;i.O. POUTZ' S MORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS , o tlmtaa will ftl of Cflite. rior or Lwo F . ir 17mi.b .'nwilor. are nad In tlmA. Footi'a lowlrawtllcnrer)rlprentrkxCnoTmA. Mill's PowiIiii will prevent tiAPta IW Fowl roaui rowaera win lncreAne tne quantity ut unia and erewn twenty per cent, a&d nuke the butter firm and tweet. . FouUI Powrtera win ftire or prevent almoat IftBT VianAMi to wnrnt HortMann I ituieare aunject. Form' Powiikm wiu am aVtTurAOTio. Sold eTorjrwbere. DAVID X. POUTS. Proprietor, v.. BALTTTOB,P. . Cuticura a Positive Cure fortVfryJorrn, 0f bK'H and blood -NDisasfcss- - C - from 'Z. 11 PiriPLES to Scrofula KIN TORTURES OF A LIFE-I time instantly relieved by a warm bath with Gtjtiotjba Soap. a. real Skin Purifier, sud a single application of Co tiotjba, the great Skin Cure.'- This repeated daily, with two or tbree doses of CrmouBA Rzaoiivzsr, the New Blood Purifier, to keep the Blood cool. thepcrsrirauon pure and unirntatinor. tne bowels open, tne liver and Kidneys active, wiu speeauy cure. Eczema, tetter, ringworm, psoriasis. lichen, pruritus, scall head, dandruff, and every species of torturing, disfigur ing, itching, scaly and pimply diseases, of the skin and soalp, with loss of haiT, TieeecaiioE! ?t.tittS when physicians and dies fail. all known reme BEST . H ' X - m ' O r-O oorrkioMTiel. , . IIALARIA s m , X I SATISFACTION 0UA3ANTECD. IH. H. WAEJCS .J 00 . P.C6i.B5t8r. K. Y. o r Z o a. ifff ft

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