THE DAILY WORKMAN, J. L. JIICIIAUX, Editor. J. 8. HICUAUX, Local Editor, ADVERTISING RATES DISFtAYED h LOCAir- In. 1 day, 91.00 13 'Jm 1 tirae,3 JSO " 8 days, 1.D0 10 " 8 times, 1.00 1 week, 2.00:i0 1 week, 1.50 00L Idny. 1.60115 ? 'Itime, 1. 1 week, 2.00 15 ' " 2 tlmee.l. 20 6f 2 " 8.D0115 '. "1 vok.2.0i) tuT Coutraot Advertisements taken at proportionately lowrata. Jntari at (As poM offux t trrmmrouru,,! t., it tiioimd-cUiit vvtr,- - krOj)lct vn South Elm Street, under ' Dmhom HiiL , . t , -RAILWAY GUIDE. Greensboro, Mar; n,' 1887 ' KiaCMOrfo' DAKYIUB RAXLKOAI). Arrive from Kiohinond at , 9 43 in . " " - i v , 1032 pm Leaves for Richmond at '961pm ... . i. .. . . ., : e 82 m ' NOBTH OAXOLHU BAJCtiBOiD. ' Arrive from Charlotte at 8 20 a m 8 40pm 948am 0 4lP.m 3d m V bC m m Leaves (or GharlotV) at ' Arrive itota Goldsboro at Leaves ( or Gel dsboro at . ' HORTII-WMrBBH N. a BAILBOAD. , , Arrivos Jronx Salem at 8 00 a m' ,. . ......... ... fl20pm Leaves for Salem at 10 CO a m . M .... 1064pm 0. . a y. v. 1US1BOA0, . ; .1 7Vain Honing Horth, Leavo Banuottaville at 8 30 a. m. Arrive at Greensboro. . .. . . . . .6 00 p. m. Leave Greensboro. . . i ..... , .10 10 a, m. Arrive at Pilot Mountain .... .3 09 p.m. 7 taint Moving South, Leavi Pilot, Mountain at. ... .4 10 p m. Arrive at -Grtouobnro ....... .8 80 p. m. Leave Greensboro..... 10 00 a. m. Arrive at Beunettaville.. 8 CO p. m. SCHEDULE OF MAILS: -Mails going North closed 9 00 p m ' . " - " - ,800am " w Bontb " 9O0ora . . " " " - 9 00pm ' - M Salem Br'ob '' 9 00am .". ' 9 00pm ' 1 , East " ' ' 9 00" p m "o.F.aT.Y.B." 9 00am General delivery open from 8 00 a m to 6 80 p a., exoept during the distri bution of mails. The Money Order and . Registered Letter offloe open from 9 00 am to 6 00 p m. v 4 ..minor nnrlip the fnllowlnor heads Is 1 tree of charge i all other advertising ter Is subject to reirular advertising rated 1 I'reaohlng aud Buaday-echool notices for the chnrcbes. ' ' . - Notions of marriages and deaths In brier. -Notices f arrival and departure of malls. - Notices of all purely beuevolent movements. V Prof. Alexander Graham, of Fay etteville, one of the beet-known teach rs of the State, has been 'eleoted en petintendont of tbe Charlotte giaded -schools, to aucceed Prof. Corlew, whose ' farm AVMrfl. Jnlf 1 flt. . J .L T J- " , - The crowing travel , and trafBo of the C.' F. and T, V. Railroad baa made it necessary to add to its rolling stock .two new engines' and three coacbee which Have been ordered. The inter esta of tbe rood, nnder Its prudent and able management, cuuuuuo w m- Tbe mall and passenger train from IlicLmond doa here yeaterday morning -was delajed until a late nour oi iue da? by an obstruction of derailed oars near ReidsviHethe freight train, havr Ing broken in two, one" part colliding with the other; " A brakeuian washuit and cars smashed. . Tbe graded school building may be conniJered comjileted, and will be residy for occupancy on Mondny next, at which time, the .eejssipn. ,will open. Ilr. J. Jamea. .who .did the- pnintiDg, an yeutordny potting ou some Tui. !.ir2 t.vLiis.' An examiuiilloh will' ahow ' t fi'n eloa'nt building hns I rour ; ! 'vnt the contractor, I.!r. Thos. ' , l::3 done a good job. The t ot the several epait.m.- 's j : i e '.nirablo. .' Uht ai i 1. Tha seating ia nn i -7 r'. ) cf J ; '. I '.'J 1 ' ' fch cf t' 0 f nts, V "4 :"' vv . . . . 1 ' Vol.' 5.' :.):.',': CfREENSBOEO, N. p.. WEDNESDAY, FEB. 8, 1888. " ITo.253, ' aWHsanHBHMMMsVMMHMs Pprnonnl. Mr. Julius A. Gray has gone to Wil luington to-day. ' -llev. V. A. Brame, of Trinity College, is here to-day on a vieit. ' Snjwrintendent 3. W. Fry Went don to Fuyotteville tLis morning. ' Dr. Erodnax ban the spirit of im provement, and Mr. Eseley is buildirg for him a nat and coney, cottage on Mfcbne street., , ' .; Our young friend G. O. Andrews, who baa been spending a few months at borne bere, has 'taken charge as city editor of the Raleigh News-Observer. Gree has ta'onts which thiu poBitlon i well calcuUted lo bring out, and we ahull confidently look, for a good report from him in his new relation. Buocess to both."'; " . ." ': :"-' Meet!-g Last Night. An ad journed meeting of the Chamber of Commerce was held in the courthouse last night, which was well attended and participated in with genuine in terest. President Gray occupied the chair. Unfinished business was de clared in order. The Board of Direc tors had met on Saturday night, or ganized and agreed on certain com mittees. The bond of the Secretary aud Treasurer in the amount of $ 1000, was accepted, and the same, 00 mo tion, placed with Mr. Neil Ellington as custodian. ' ; ' ' ' s : The committee to secure rooms foir theermanent ' occunfjXJ-LU- CUuJS'1rrtttn& chairman, reported verbally haying made inves ts iti ins but no decision as to lec . 'r.. ' v-.-.. t tion. ; -f- v ' "' j' . , .. , The chief business of the meeting was the election of a Board of, ArbiT (ration, and Mayor ,King nominated the following as that committee s W. R. Murray, Win. Love, H.W. Cobb, W. II. Wakefield and W. R.' Burgess, and on further motion it was Ordered that the Secretary and Treasurer cast the vote of the meeting for the list of nominees. ' i!i.-y: S f-"-vt';";-. , The President then called the names of the various standing committees, but for Jack of exact information as to some of the persons appointed, the announcement of the list is deferred, The ofHce of Attorney to the Cham ber'fto't being provided for in the by laws, on motion article 25th, to that instrument was drafted, presented and adopted. 'This article looked to the selection of Mr. W. S. ' Ball, whose name had already been understood for the position. - It Is due Mr. Ball to say that bis services at every stage of the proceedings have been of spe cial value in projecting and putting in eflective shape this important institution,.- and that his disinterested services are "highly appreciated and gratefully remembered.. Indeed, there is no one in our community better qualified than Capt. Ball for a correct Understanding of such subjeot9. Ju!-e Gilmer and Hon. D. F. Cald v c!J ingenious, spirited and hu n.u'ons rti.iarks in retponbe to cal, ami on motion the meeting ntljjurned to Ti, liyniQihtw lv. ai. of c Apileo' (, Com, T , 1 i.-., I y,i- a 1 , , C 1 : c EVENSONG. Sweet and clear tha bells are penlin r, While the sun in heaven ia low, Peace into our hearts is stealing, , Buch as eai.h can ne'er bestow, ' Enter now the hallowed portal, f the heart and bow tbe knee ; Banian every care that a mortal, , For thy God would speak with the". " SorTLT HOW TAB tlGHT or DT.H List the full-toned organ swelling , " Softly now the light of day," , Mark, from U ths sacred dwe'ling How the rio. tiuts fade away; . Low we kneel, oni sins otUfesaing Unto Ilim who trial knew ; Now are we God's throne addressing, : Therefore let onr words be few , "Abldwltlme.,, Abide with me," sweet hymn of can lation For those to whom earth's hopes are growing dim ; " Change and decay in all : Christ onr -Salvation! , - May He abide in us, nl we in Him. Then, though hope fde, and friends and jay forsake us, ThouRh here we find no "biding plaoc ot rest. Soon to bis loving arms onr L'rd will tike m, Our Bhwpherd fold us lo his faithful ' ' breast., . ' "Savior, asaln to Thy name we raise." 0no9 b ore wj stand to join in praise " ; and tlessin., ; . , '., Ero iueelibg aw we wait the wotd of peace, , Grant to the hearts that here their fault confessing; r ' Thy frrace lavs son ght, Lord', "Thine eternal peaoe" .We wotiH most earnertly requnst Of our (lvPrtiiMrs to 1r0c In tbiir , by ' 1 oVlnrk , of t tm rt). inJ.T ,rctJ,.,.,i-fi!?Tt ijl""1'". iiatterthatls rouVt la at later bourn"" i irlveti us trouble and dttlays tbe issue of the paper. FleoM bear this request in mina. t ";. i. Apple Apples t ' . '' Eecelved this day, 18 barrels choice Baldwin and Northern Epy Apples, for sale by the bar rel, bushel, peck and dosen.' : . ' - '7- r ' H. J. wjxlum, -Feb 8 tf ' - Under Benbow HalL ,' Wanted. ; . ,;:; Occupants tor .three pleasant and neatly fur nished rooms, best table board. For further mfoimatlon, call on or address. ' Mas,B,K.ttcB,'r ' ' febfSiw v .'. 1 ? Bonth Greensboro. '. .,: .,', .,-".'.. ' I ;' Wanted,' !, ,!y " A Class of Young Ladles to take Embrolde ry lessons. Apply to Mrs. O. H. Kotstib, Greensboro, N. 0. ; - fel-8w , New Arrangement. I have purchased the City Bakery, Confec tionery, Grocery and Toy Business In the Bailey Building near the Depot, formerly run by J. H. West I have the finest Baker In the State, and am fully prepared to fill all orders for Bread and Cakes in every variety. My wagon will moke regular trips through the thoroughfares of the elty every afternoon with fresh bread and cakes. I sell 36 bread tickets for one dollar, Orders for cakes should be sent In one day pre vious to delivery of the same. . I intend to keep a general stock of heavy sod fancy Groceries, cheap for cash, and fcgen era! line of fresh Confections and Fruits will always be kept in stock. ' " , I am selling my entire stock of Toys at less than actual cost In New York city. W1U Job lot Toys at a greater reduotlon In prices. My "Medicated Graham Bread" still takes the lead. My Bye Bread trade has Increased so extensively I am having the beat of Boiler Pateht Eye Flour mode expressly for my tradaJ Free delivery within the limits of the city. " y teTJ& T. GABBETT, Proprietor. ' '. Itoom to Itent. .. , A neat front Boom over Porter Tata's Drug Store, Apply to " . . PORTED, 4 TATE. FA3-tf , . , . ' v 1 For Itent, . A Now House, with 8 rooms. Apply to fl2-3V M09BS STJUCB8. J. II. I"oyltir Is r ( 1 1? 1 t' ilus in Pros Goods, Children's Hoods and Sacks, '. Ali!0, a nice lino of Rim, ' y 1, v prlc J. fcl-tf 1 Q y t r 1 f New Crop ft ardvn Hoed s Just received at George Fltzslmmons A Co's Drnjj ttore. Bulsfs Kellable, proven by forty years of trial to be the best tor Boutliern gar dens. , , . . fo3-t? A Good rarm, For sale or rent, V mtlfs east of Greens boro. Will sell to any party who will pay the fash, or rent to any Kood, aouest,; Jiard-work-Ing man, one who will tend his farm rllit, and oot creep about as If he was la search of young nails or terrapins, as there are none on the farm. !- tf Apply to If. T. Hdohes. , tVSvatcd. ; A special or gonerai partner, with two thou sand dollars cash capital. I want this amount of capital to Increase onr manufacturing ca pacity. Will guarantee 10 per cent, on above amount. - Q.iKK'wnoB') CAunx CoH 1-lltf W. T. Thoodox, Bole Prop'r. ' Slamiinjf und Fauicy Embroldorjr ' AH kind of Stamping and Fancj Embroid ery done by Mrs. O, H. Koyster. " fel-8w . Coma-and Seel! : FRANK M. TAYLOR, Btall No. 8, City Market, who bos another One lot of Western cattle aliiuh kg is having butchered aud han dled In nicest style. . He keeps constantly on hand Pork, Sauooce, Head-cheese, corned Beef, Game, Fish, Oysters, Ac, all of the best qual ity, and sold on reasonable terms. Jan. 13tf i JT.Ime IJuie. - " We are prepared to furnii Lime lo any quan tity tmtmA" f mr lenA a wirtnM cijiuiiior tiiiu cvoi ioi ore ", " Qoaranteud to be of the very best quality. Jy08n ' GaiccNSBoao Gis Co. . Scientific American. .- Jhe regular weekly Issues of the Scientific American for 1868 will be disposed of on rea sonable terms, on application to this onto, tt .. rev Kent, Ellis' China Hall, one of the finest store rooms In the city, Apply to P. D. Price or J. A OdeU. . V - jmf y': For Rent, i : W have a splendid Store for rent, 00 feet deep. The most desirable location In the city. Apply to . V Yates Brothsrs, Jan7tf ; ' , Real Estate Agents. ! ST" Valley of Virginia' Buckwheat Flour, ' decfltf at Scott A Co.s ' Wanted A very small second-hand Stove, at a low price. Ioquire at this office. . 12tf - A Flab Story t ' V ,,' Drnry Howeft, on South Elm street, '!'.''' ; Keeps Fish and Oysters fresh and sweet, And cooks them right for the hungry to eat. September a? tf ': . : , .' ; - LEADING BESTAURANT. C " Bemember that the Leading Bestanftuat of the city Is runby Bobert Harris, South Elm st. Fresh Oysters, Fresh Fish, etc,; etc, and Meals at all hours, day and night ;.,sep27tf 5j :, : ,v Foe Sale. , A new and complete Iron safe,' Just from the hands of the manufacturer. Good size, good combination, Ac., Ac. To arrive in a few days Call On ' ' WAKEFIKtD A Co., tf " Hardware Store, South. Elm street ; For Kent, ' We have for rent one of the most doslrable stores 1U Greensboro. Also, one good Dwell eg House, newly painted and la first-claw coa dltlon, with, six ronms, kitchen aud stable, In one of the best neighborhoods in the city. Whenever you want to buy, sell or rent any Beal Estate, consult your Interest by culling on i ' Yatk Bkotiisbs, .'. KeiU Estate Agents, " dec.!8-tf f . Opposite Benbow Eoitto. A full line of .Taffies Means' three dolii i shoes In lace: latton and Centres, for mon, JUHt received at H. Farrior A Co's. The b t in the world for the money 1 vwyZO t f :lieap I " 1. C 1 .iro Cas Co.'s Worfca ke -i r !.e i 1 tidt ii! 11 . quantity Cide-s w'.'l 1 : .1 t ,' aitentioa. 1 uckwlieat Flour r . 1 iby , J, BATUorbcBscupnoH. tiingle oorv Seents ; a , ., . By tha week ten oentn. By ibe month twenty-five oasts in advance. ' - Mix mouths VI 00; one year 83; threw months 7fccv ia ad ranoo. No payment, made to carriers will b acknowledged, and the paper is not au thorized to be lUlivervd to any whos name is not on tbe boola of tbe office. 1 is tbe only antliruvd sgent to colleoe funds due this ode, ex ptfn such other person or persons asr may be arnonnced Lnrp't.r i'dmu not allowed to sell papen on ths str.-eta. ....Bill stnek e SiM'fmnrh r. ..l . . , J g to-day, at the old, popular price, 25a per tn. at m Boon A Co. Pwr Beau . " k aloe Brick Cottars with six room. UtmO yard and gardoo, a good wen, servants' house, and lUble, on West Market street, aiyolnlnjf the residence-of Mr. J. W. Fry. Apply to IMMOlatloBU . ' Ths ConartnersUlD hitherto ertotlnir w.x,. 3 Irvln A Weatherlv has tlila Aav. h m nfii ski consent, been dissolved, and C. W. Irvln will 1 assume all liabilities, and Is authorized to col lect all debts now due tha Arm. and t,n.w that all parties owing us wll come forward and . make Immediate payment, as the business must be wound up. Very truly, i-.. , : '. . ' 0. W. XBTIV. ' A. WKATHXBLT. , I will continue to sell Goods at tbe soma old J standV and you ;wlll find my prices ss low as can be mood anywhere for first-class. Goods. Jan.14, 18881m . Vary respe-jtfuriv. " ' ..... O. W, IBVIK. ; - For Wall I 2 of all kinds with which to beautify your rooms' go to Hurray's sod get a supply, cheaper than J ever. ir4ntr Gentlemen, Attention. Having removed my Tailor Shoo from th ' room Dearths Post Offloe to the room on Da- ' ' vie street, three doors below the market, and oewij opposite cne Btar Warehouse, I am now better prepared than ever to do all kinds of Tallorlnirln the sMes and In tbe best i manner. . . , , Cleaulng and repairing s specialty. Give me a calLand don't forget the place. " -i,ru J' Udohks, Duvle street, - , JlUtr , a early opposite star Warehouse. ' . iw ssent. ' ; . Oood HouseOood Terms-to Ae-M Ashs- borostiimlefmmthedsMWms, ' rfion if w'a,iy. Pos" session given forthwith. Jan 23 John MoCclloch. OahbftM t llahharrA ! I Ws have a few barrels of choice Vlrirlnla Cabbage, which ws offer at wholesale or retail. jaa T tf ,, . . . Scott A Co. , ..... Good people all, If you need your Fur nlturs varnished or repaired, carpets laid, . shades or cornices bang, orsny work done In , ths house-furnlshlng line, please call on or send for Wa. H. McNsn.L, Thomas' Building. ' , Cpholstering a BleciaJty. :, , ( Tor Sale. . .' V' .";":: ', A splendid Building Lot on Gaston street, 88 feet front, running back 200 feet Good terras cm be secured by applying at once. .' , novg3tf - C. g. IasLAKo. ' ' .iJ-ForMcnt. y.- ' Borne nice offloes, fronting Maui street, over 8.8. Brown's Store. 'Apply to i , septf - W. E. Bsviu, '. Kuiokem, Look. Here, Quick t ' . TheLlndsay Aschenck Drugstore is closing ot, and has 10,000 Golden Belt Cigarettes, ex- ; tra fine, which they will sell for cash, at . per thousand Just half price. ' - -r-- n0V5tf ' LlSDHAY A SCHEKCK. 1 More Silver and Gold. 't '. ,, K W. B.' Fareak; watch maker and Jeweler, has moved on Main street In the Adams building, opposite the county court bouse, and la better . prepared to do good work than before, having northern Jghfc Will sell bargains la Jewelry, watcnea, clocks, sliver wore, spectacles, Ac, Ts now prepared to dean all kinds of silver ware at low figures. Sewing machines repaired, all done In first ass order, and at reisuuabie prices. , Please give this card your attention at ; once, and have your silver ware ready for X mas. " '- ' , nov 15 tf . , Always the Fl ace. If Cabtxand'b was always the place to p t nice tilings In the Hue of gentlemen's Forni U lng Goods, why shouldn't It be so vm h 11 tbe place now, since be has Just rec. V 1 a stiil more attractive stock of Colin' 1, "i : Embroidered-front Shirts, Canei, V ' li'iio 't Importation of Snitiii.- 1 1 l 1 C. from Old Scotland? If 1: : , : . 1 ' " '1 and fee p.- 1 t. '1 "a ; " ' I