THE DAILY WORKMAN -HmUslutV ' - is a niTcaa 8lx times a week as an Evening Paper, at 93.00 a rear, In advance, Foi alx months, 11.80, ii. iUl.VC7 JLLVOblLR V In Greensboro, and being consulted dally oy for three monUu, 75 cent, and to tboee who all aorta of businessmen, It a splendid adver Using medium. The condition ef Ha advertla lag PROMPTLY, COLUMNS, 93oenta per month, Oa deferred payments, I Vol. 6. Greensboro, N. C, Saturday, June 9, 1888. No. 41. THE- DAILY-WORKMAN, 85 cents per month, to pay expenss' of ool lecttng. JLnttrtd at tht peal ojflat in Grntboro, A '' C, ru MooMeMatf matter. shows what advertiser! think. Offloe undei Benbow Hall, Booth Kim street -Messrs. Clan Evant and Sam II. Boyd, of Reidtville, and Clem G. TOJloe on Soulk Elm Strut, under Wright, of this place, went down to anrtVVIf MUM) . uranam tma morning. RAILWAY OU1DE. Greensboro, Mar. if, 1887. rftOHMoira a oasttuxi bailboad. 1 Arrives from Richmond at Leave for Richmond at H M II NORTH OAJttLDU EAIUsOAD. arm from Charlotte at 802 a m - 9 40 pm Loaves lor Charlotte at 9hid to 44 p m Arrives from Ooldaboro at isn Leave for Ooldaboro at V &C o m oRR-wimu n. c. bailboad. Arrives from Balem al 8 00 a m . . 9 20pm Leaves for Salem at Miss Lalla Oates, of Charlotte, passed through here last night on her 9 43 a m I way home from Peace Institute and 1082 p m the Chapel Hill commencement. Vol p m 1 807 ami n iney nreu one uuiiuicu icuiu Preaching at the Baptist Church to-morrow at 11, a. m. and 8: 15, p. m., by the pastor, Rev. W. R. Gwalt- ney. Sunday School at 9 : 30, a. m. fixtures complete. These rooms are located on the eeoond floor of Trogdeu Building, For Rant. I For NaJa. We will rent for a first class Boarding Large refrigerator, good as new, 115. Apply house or private family, six elegantly finished to O. Will Armaeld or L. A. Halley. JeVlw rooms and kitchen attached. Oaa and water The Excursion to Mt. Airy. You would like to go on the first ex cursion to Mount Airy which goes up next Wednesday, carrying the Pres byterian Sunday Schools. It prom- Court House Bqoare, Greensboro, N. C. Apply to Gskxksiioho Casdt Go. maj30-lm Cheap Hoak. The following books are offered at Mrs How ards Book Store at less than one-half toe L.1I goodN so some and see for youreelf. Nam SmaJl a MmaJI Man., You will find after all, the largest and best selected stock of ladles and men's flue shoes, also a new lot of bullae dress goods In all the latest novelties and styles of the teuton. Nloe line of new arpets, mattings, trunks, cloth Ing and straw lists as ever offered on this mar ket. I mean business and am determined to 10 CO a m I Dr. T. II Smith at K p. m. No sec voapm .... - Uo m m AW AfraafcsIWsVIJa i.,.,fcr. a well known deal r.. t......-;h. . tnn. ' . IT . UVU UClLDTitlU .... ..... w VW OT. U . . . . Am at OrMnaboro 3 05 r. m. er in neau 6tones ana monuments, m usual prloe. cratic guns at Washington City on 8CS t0 De a splendid time. The Byron's complete works, Illustrated, a vo. u.. j.... ,u- ,-.. inimaii h.t it views on the way. beyondsthe mot, 'u khi, ai rormer pnee x . - .v7 .v.. ' i.n.i;,i 1 ai tn ,uA BurM' "oniptot. works, Illustrated, 8 vo. clo. was CLEVELAND ana IHURMAN. r -v and gilt, at3, former price 4.50.. . 1 m I in going to Asheville. Lefs wake Hayne's complete poems. Illustrated, clo, Sefvices for Westminster Presby- UD jt Airv. if thev are sleeoin". Md K111 l-35, former prioe4.oo. terian church to-morrow -Sunday and keep them awake if they are not. u'r Wortd- "'"f"' School at 3 ,30. P. m, preaching by li1ZJY2!L m!7tf U. Will Asmkikld LEADING KESTAUBAN'T. Remember that the Leading Restaurant 01 the city Is run by Robert Harris, South Elm at. Freeh Oysters, Fresh Fish, etc, etc., and Weals at all hours, day and night sep 37 tf for Keau We have for rent one of the most desirable store In Greensboro. Also, one gooo Dwell- og House, newly painted and In flrst-cUss con dition, with six rooms, kitchen and stable, ta to tike command of the Military pa- vasart's, Lives of the Painters, 5 vols, and on of th bt Ml'1bruoods In the city, radeat the Fourth of July celebra- t voL Uowper's worH all for 1.75-(6 vols Wnever you want to buy, seU or rent aay . , ,, rnrai?it Real Estate, consult your interest by calling tion at Winston. The following?"' ... Van. Baonnsm., orriuuii sou ppeecnes oi iter, vt, I Keai estate Agents, Fourth ok Tuly in Winston. over 900 pages, $1.50 former price 4.oo. nr T. n. Gl-nn has been invited . WHa WSJ practical recelpU: J wi.oo rormer price 63.00. Leave Greensboro 9 60a. m. I Scotchman, bv birth, died, at his Arrive at Ararat... . .... . .8 00 p. m. . . Va,tt(.v;,u , r,w Hav 9frn military companies have been invited mli 35 oe,, 7rain$ Moving South. . , . . to attend, viz : Greensboro. Reids- Sermons, Addresses and pravera. bv D. L, L dealJ-M Opposite Benbow Hou l u iNMI A OH n tn I " J " " ville, Durham, Charlotte, Fayette-P"1?-90 maySCMf Cheap FaeL Oreensooro Ou Co. 'a Works keep coke foe . I I a Ail arrive ai ureenaooro a uu d. m. 1 . r , 1, 1 ... ... . . . , rvOrnho....: id 05 a. m l -oi. vv imam jonnson, oi viiai- v,ue statesville, Kaleigh, Uxtord, Dlka Hook Co. Arrive at UennettsviUe, .... ..8 00 p. m, lotte, and CoL John D. Cameron, of Ashevire. and Washington, N. C. "' Toilet Brushes, Glass" pens ' ln UJ VJ 0rdCT wiu rec"T6 th a .1 ' v - i t iili . - w si . a? . . i nwimnraAV airunrini nnr. Asheville, passed through here thia jt is undci stood that the citizens i SCHEDULE OF MAILS: Maila going North dosed 9 00 p m n " " 8 00am South M 9 00am , 9 00pm, "SalemBr'ch" 9 00am " ' " 900pm East 1 " 9 00pm " " o,. AT.T.B. JI " ' . 9 00 a a General delivery opon from 8 00 a m to 6 SO d m.. exoeDt durintr the distri bution oi mails, lua money ureter ana 1 3 aj xixht xteguterea Aettea oince open irom v uu a aa to 8 00 p nu rvct r 1 Tiiere wjh be preaching at Cen tenary Methodist church to morrow ! Vlstlng Cards, Eogravlng Plate and 50 cards morning, en route home from the Winston have subscribed over one script with address, ti.75 same, name only Chapel Hill Commencement. thousand dollars ta promote the sue- L-50. Orders taken. majSO-tf " -. , r, eess of the occasion. uy request 01 many incmis, iyci . J. W. Scott, of Lynchburg, Va., ex pastor of Providence Baptist Church, this city, will preach at Bogart Hall to morrow, at 11. a. m., t, p. m. and For Bale- Two fine fresh milch cows, for sale. Apply ma) jo-lw to O. L. Boon, Greensboro, . u. Banaaaa. Thirty bunches bananas at 3 per bunch., 35 cents per dozen. CpeknbboroCaxdt Co. tar H.nb A nice Brick 'Cottage with six rooms, large yard and garden, a good well, servants' house, and stable, on West Market street, adjoining the residence of Hr. J. W. Fry. Apply to Jan35tf B. Fx act Gait . . Good people all, if you need your Fur niture varnished or repaired, carpets laid, Clg A large stock of fiaa cigars and pipes, at luniMw j E. M. Caldclii'oh a Bao'a. Oooda in Season. Hammocks, croauet sets, feather dusters, at II a. m. and 0:15, p. m., py tne ,hoe brushes, clothe brushes, whisk brushes, Matter comina under the followinir heads is pastor, KeV.U. r.&mitn. oaDDam loom orusnee, oobos, nir o.ii, 1 free ol charge j all otner aaverumng e-t,, , , t p atraps, pocaet oooas, cunory, . Is subject to refrolar advertising rates : School at 3 p. m., J. K. Mendennall, jumlw g M. Cai.dclxu Superintendent. Coffee and Mucar. l'ure white confectioneries, Sugar the l at liad or cornices hung, or any work done in LOCAL INTELLIGENOEJ you can get for cooking, only 7tf cents per . Try our raw and fresh roasted coffee. Lemons 30 cents per dozen, Oranges 80 aenta per doc uay35-tf OrxaNSBORoCAKDT Co. the houae-fumlshlng line, please call oa or send. for Wh. H. McNkill, Thomas' Building. Upholstering a specialty. " -r, - Inserted matter Preaching and Buiiday-echool notices for the ennrciies. ; , . .- Notices ormatnnges ana aeatni in wier. ' Notices ef arrival and departure of mails. Notices of all purely benevolent movements. i.dclkuou Pro. Mrs. Chapin, of South Carolina,. Family orocefles. Just received, ham,, breakfast strips, lard, ' Gilt Edge Butter." ' " .I'artles desiring to be supplied with nice fresh butter every week can make arrange- meata for it by calling at once at the ' . , Wakofleld Hardware Co's store. For Heat Some nice offices, fronting Main stre S. 8.. Brown's Store. Apply to sepvu, w. c. BiTru, l1 ap , HauaatoHenl. A finely located, well constructed and cou venlent residence on Went Washington Street ust received at U. U. Royster'a, a nloe line I Location the very best foi.a business man. Swap that Gray hat for a ban danna. . ; , will deli vera free lecture at Benbow flour, tea, coffee, sugar, rice, cheese, crackers, 0f White Goods, dress goods, lawns, calicoes, ( Nothing better la location ln the city for con Hall to-morrow at t : 30 p. m. She New Orleans moiaeses. syrup, ou, canuiea, pant goodfl hosieries, ladles goods, handker-1 venlenoe and quiet. m7-5w. IIosks 8tbacs uucicm, ibwk j"'." "t?Jt 1 I cuiere, scans, lace casnmere snawis, also a nice and Others went to visit the county M at' poor nouse tnis morning witn now juneO-lw E. K. Caldomcvoh A Bao'a. Prof. M. H. Holt, of OkRidge, er8' tracts and kindly sympathy for is here to-day. I .V ' I - the unfortunate. ' Miss Maggie Pritchett it visiting her aunt, om.Reed, near Dalton, ' - 1 . , , . . 1118 OUlBJf l UW UUUlUiU UVUUtJ uiuio Society, want to employ two active men to line of ihdles and gents One shoes, whjch I am' offering great bargains In. Call and see me I before buying. " G.'H. Royster. -Theiuneral servicea of Elzie Le convaas the county 1 from house to house, and ,1 take this method of Informing the pub lic that I am In the Bboe Business and would For Kent. We have a splendid Store for rent, 00 feet deep. The most desirable1 location ln the city.. Apply to Yatbs BaOTHBBS, Jan 7 ; ; ' f : Real Estate Agentajj r '11 m. ... r QIU. Qnitnfv I . ... n infant aan 6t Will andAnnie! """" -jt 1 oe giaa to nave everyone to caatnat wianes to ---I - : . . whlrh are sold at the cost of maktnsr ff en wlio I m trial in kini. .r.i, ink..i,n. ' Vtr nA Mr. P V Rteharlon 1 ' ' W ' P l,:ele, win take hold of It and make wages oy ajues. Une. gatlsfactloli. guaranteed. Shop up-etairs 1 : j n... .t...4 I ail mhn m, nr.a dollar are memoera ror one I i..iui.. f iw lUCIlkC Ull Ul CEUC IV-IUUIIV1T I M r J ' l VUUU1U( WUIU VI returned to their home in Reidaville this morning. M AIA 1.4 a TIlKt A ffVaa Trt VA (Sunday) evening, at 5 o'clock. All r' lbl(cribed 0M dollari rt tn. meetine2th friends of the family cordially invited M(,yi wlu piMM cat) and pay same and get an fra. Stonewall -Tackson . passed to attend. . V X"sA..-.r V order for a Bible .If wanted. W. fl. Moons, through berje hia morning goipg' to . jfr, Edwin D. Steele, ho hat Richmond, ya 1 Tf v been for' the past three yeart Ree- mayS-tf T. S. Hatec Treasuier Guilford County Bible Society. T O'clock, Hharp. ' From 15th of May to 15th of Heptomber our store will be closed every evening except at- nrday at seven o'clock. Our customers will Notice. '. - i I please bear this In mind and send In their or- The underslstned bang ouallfled as 'execu-1 ders early; Tery respectfully, ; w Cott 4 Co, 't t,.;;,,, . .mn .. - I ' The underslgnea liang quauneu asezecu-iuerseany. 1 Send in your ads and have them ,ster of the L,nd ffice' at Evn8ton tor bf the last will and testament of. Panlel 1 mayia tf added to our other ads., and thus Courtof 0uIlfoRl Ber.b, gjves notice . make an adage. . 6 . . . , to all persons holding claims against said de- , Foe Rotas.' We learn rived here this morning Mitt K te Goodloe, ojece of Mr. he Ititeada remaining 1 in. I ihe i W. H.- Hill, it viaiUng his family on North State." His frienda here East Washington,yreettjtVj ' U'f;vg!afloVei WnitfOlil Uflv. Pr. Smith offers, for rent. the. new . and Town Lot Pree. ' I will give Free, by special agreement, a Town Lot situated In the town of Liberty, and. adjacent to the 0. F. and Y. V. R. B., of suit- ; ble size, and one of the 'handsomest locations ' in the State, for manufacturing.- Good Induce . ments.- For particulars, address - .v ; . 4 HL-Bbowx, Ap25tr ' ' Libert, N. C. . '. Eiovera of Flowers Go to Chichester's for flower pots. AU kinds and very cheap. ' ' ' J ' -' all-tt . -.1 ' v ' Is offering Great Bargains In' press Goods," A good many people arrived here The ceiebration committee met iast-.nignvonieir war mniic u.iU,t nifi;ht !n the pariors ot the Bei the Miss Rebecca Schenck and Miss M. Ramseur went to Graham yesterday morning on a visit to Rev, Dr. Hard-. . Mr. B. Shipp, who has bjejn on a visit to his tather'a fwM'UjCr . lotte, returned to : this' place this -L..! 1 u. ...U L. biiu uuiamcu 11101 auu buuiujikicca uc i 1 jpalrg I appointed , by the chair, vhioh will kinds rViliCiU-i..;i laree UO UUII III VM tiaaAW rtuu HMtiVUKWVUi I anl juu A morning. v .'a w- Preachmg atWesi 4faijcetSt.' church to-morrow at n a m and 8 : 15, p. pi. by, the pastor, Rev. J. E. Mann,' Suni?y ,Scheolt 9 i 30; - a, m., Prof Alderman, Supt. Young ; Men's prayer meeting at, 5 p. m. ; 1 o.iti. . m I Jarntmi Hh.wlH. Chlldmn'a Hnnn. unA Rarira I AmtaaA nMiaant' aama Ml or liarnMi JnM 10th I , "". va oouw. . nmv. waf I - . "Old orthinotioawlUbepleadeftln ' ;- are their lewarr J-".;..'. i-W. lL'He4nry -j. j -' ;1f;, ( ; vI-u-H v. . ... ,-. , ' , , , -u ; . jmw ifixecntor.oiwiniei wrnnmy aea- eu. y . 0ae jyflUn8 Bona oft Qafc street,' 'kxuMiH 1 1 .v. Ooma and. Bee ! ll'r.-' ' .T JJEi .ww ,m'nVtvi1 fewwonta twq! porches nd a pantry, ffft U) FRANK U. TAYLOR, 'Stall No. 3, City ""7 yy-;r3T1 house la new.r Bse h ,Dai B.'K. aaav.i ItamoVwko' toetMr-ine- lot of Weatan fSV! n J2t ! lleatttewhk b.;iahavmgbntchen(dandhAn-''J n" S.?!?W-.-' i ; ft- '' J " ' , ".f,vl died, in nloest'styla. - Be ei constantly oft Chapel HUI commencement. . uq, House, and eleoted ,C HDIre- ) n :'V'! '- ; , i,-'-ltv'M' ; !Uait4 oa'eeartCa'aaassiexa..,,;,, . I hand Pork, Bansage. Head-cheese, corned BeeT. I . ' , , 7- To. L I land chairman andjCv JJ. BenbOW, AWvei Totoay. - '' . V" .. ' . v"n, nraurea Misses .uossameraas rrom ame, n,v.fiu!,a,tmrt The death of Gerieral.btieridan ' rwrl, w-' -W- P.Aal 5 Another, lot of COat Groat "or oat flakes, jWtoBOcents each, 'a bargain at G' Wrtu Ity and sold on reasonable terru. Jan. iatf;:;w rn&W'rtriWFrX: TfTa V-''' ; Athte Oat Meat: Try kHt AyarixtD'aBtoreV iTyey t .M.a .- GV?f 1I AV& atdtlnewas'acHrrofr: After the perrnapeht qrgana t ,;Wf - . - ro,H."" " fittltA .ilxi XcAUu.'Mh'UHk-JU vav' tibn -WalTefrected; a motion was made . . I inW!,.'.,...J.. r1-.1 Biii.'i,m aib naaiaV .aWiatavo. New Cloths of line aualltvanddaalrable eolora furalWre-on'sbkiW inoth, makes all V ibe lty. (ApPlt tdj, IX ric f anddn buwa iu.'WiUV.uvreaua,i)v,u ill fw.i,.-, rv.'if.i nwaiMitt Ma v- --A i- . .iw " ' .- r-- . -. . . ' .Aad mm . .... Uiun'lnaHml An martcnum At Seal M oomplete variety -v ,T f i: i and collars of Coon' brand jJ and best make. brand Shir,. wwaaya a .rresn stocx ,ot tqoeo i, i''n L.,,aXr? .") i.i t- ? ' ' AbiolueJ jr r6 rtavana, ritaalaaesM C ,lvlll ... .f-i'Ji'iia. fjloo; Mr. W. F. Carter, Supt. of the " Trit nroa. Bout resbiterrttSahdaySchob!. ; of Mt. Airjf, writes to 'hevi Assistant Super intendent of the Greensboro Sunday School :'f We wfl Jave- grounds prepared 1 for yt)ur pirrnic, and willl Junl-8m , extend to you a hearty welcome. A committee will befat the depot lo't'yqui" Let verybody go A . .. . .. TT . , . . 1 . T . 1 t Airy on canesaay, . j une I3tn, ana DUy 4t alw9):gi 0u Increaelog trade pa it applying to have a good Jime, ' . proves this. Sold by ; Soott Co. aprtj tf Ute. '2 a2 , 0t .LA Ma.'Uv.m.l ; ' (nchM tf. PA.LAKri A KtK.. J - Walklnrf c-nes;leveaj Oral1cioiSerr M Pure Lavrd. i A good white wotnarr to atf 'general house wOrk-Good Wagesapply a(7atirl0t Office. ' J 1-,' J v. . .-. -v, -t: y,. . An netsba b wwohs Wtshlriir to pur- wlilch he belleves.to1 bei tn'perlot' to any otaet j' chas a terse brick dwelling house of 18 rooms In nsa hero-olay ' found In" 'the1'lpw groundav 4 . v sfuvuuasw w a vf otaj avina " ' a- The subscriber Is now making bilck Qf a olay. Ct nMirtiiKsi ti'n linai 'if., ' 1 near Green Hill Cernetef v.' These- brick brov ' I 1(1 ItU liilllTO IJUI llODj , IjMWV AlCMt IVk J VBUW l ! , . A '! to pi- OwlngtotheconUnuMadvanoelnLardwe used 'as aboarding hoUBe,or a ;ieat cottage of wMham ano of inequalities, tr aurabiuti (u have been compeBed to advance bur ptlce on four rbbma, or nice bnildlng loss cheap,, can be aadaresuob aaareaeededpartJlarlylnww J;. w sul' -a-i ii wrkiuiiiHi nn th mn't. rflSnahi terms bv which, requires; solidity.' I am ready toooa i'l t itvuruu a ,. tcuu uj ,1. vuvn w " jw. " " 1 . . - 1 . - .... . , tract to furnish these superior brick and also to I lay them. J18tf . . n. EiaxriTaica; 1