THE DAILY WOKKMANT J. L. M1C1IAUX, Editor. J. 8. MICIIAUX, Local Editor. -Notes from South Greensboro. " Mb. Editor : u ii permissible lor a onap to I say something about that part of the torn la wbioh bo Urea 7 Wall O.-IL n V I. L I i H.w. Item. Winfci EHW ff X; -SfiT We will be obliged to parties in toy I many beautiful residences, and part of the city, and in other sections many beautiful lota on wbioh other represented by the Daily Workman, reaidenoea or ooamasa Bouses w ; la. i :ii a . . to communicate to us either verbally nu"D PUUI- ?"-A I "In flrA a PA WA AVAAAPW 1. uav BBS9 SjffV iwoij ovio taady, doing a fur business, and or by other means, any interesting matters or factor business coming gonthward tba star of, Greensboro under their notice. Thus doing they I will take ita way era long. v True will objitre us and help entertain and ita principal street (Aiheboro) ia instruct our readers. Where not con FOETBAEB. The subscriber offers for sale bis Di;SIRADLE"PROrERTY hi toe atibnrta of Greensboro, oa Ashe? bOro street, ooofdsting of ' . ., " EIGHT A0BI3 CF CLEARED LAUD (4 sores in olover and 8 sores in orchard) Fronting- frem 700 to 800 feet on the ...... . , M I . , BUILDINGS, consisting of Beddenee, Barn, Well Honse, Ao. The reeidenoe contains BIX 1100118, ANOTHER GRAND SLAUGHTER SALE. urn i " 1 - u Speak Qiiick if You Want, Them, IT venient for the reporter to do so, the editor will throw the matter into shape for publication. and ia Dleatantly located. Water exoel not as atraiebt aa a line, bat tnia is lent, uaii on one of ita beauties nature delights in Rraoefolcurvea. This street baa a minimum amount of dust ia dry weather, aod mud in wet: but who wants a town that baa neither, or an exoeaa of either ? Aod the men Hying here are juBt snob aa are needed to make a State maySl-tf P. A. MATTHEW 8, near Qlaeoock's Foundry. Next Sunday (June ftih.) will be "Children's Day," at the Baptist Sundy School. In the afternoon, at men wbo kno their righUj ftnd hall past three o'docit, there will be knowing them dare maintain them. interesting exercises, consisting of There are more pretty women songs and recitations by the children ere, according to the population, and an address by Prof. Alderman of RQ "Tore This fact iT. .,.. e... . w .L ,. . o alone, speaks aeyeral yolumea of V T T 1 weinoa " oun Praise in ita fayor. day school. All are cordially in- I am aware that all wellregula v:ted. ted editors have a waste basket, c,.., , i. ... t. : and I suppose yon are one, and . . ..... have the other, hence I stop now, curc iu Know mat wiuioui any for e thia wiU fin(j itg way jnto canvassing for subscriptions, the cir- the latter, and Bleep the Bleep of culatioh of the Daily Workman, not I the simple. ' Josh. onlv keens ud but increases. AA. I vertisers are shrewd enough to un- Thelr BuslneM Booming. dmfnd, .bo, tot he . n-UJX TUZtSZS NOTICE. Sealed bids for rebuilding the Market Honse will be;reoeived until June '15th, 13 o'clock, m. According to specification, wfaloti can be seen at W. E. Bevill's offloe. Itigbt to rejeot any or a 1 bids ia reserved. W. ii J. W Sooif, P. D. Paici, W. H.Tubsib, i-Oom. per has once established itself by one straight line of public morals and so cial progress in the rega.x! rnd pat ronage of the people of all classes, it becomes the best of mediums for ad vertising business. The Daily Work k Miohanx'a Drag Store aa their giving away to their customers of so many trial bottles of Dr. King's New Disoov- ery lor eonsampaion. Their trade ia amply enormous in this very valuable article from &e fact that it always cure and never disappoints. Uoogna, colds. asthma, bronchitis, croup.and all throat Dbstikatiom. and lung diseases qniokly cured. Ton can test it before bnying by getting a .Every 1888. 1888 Summer Excursion Rates. TO ALL SUMMER RESORTS 0I THE- C F.&Y.V. R.W. (Gape Fear and Tadkln Yalley Hallway.) man has already lived through all the seasons which are supposed to try I trial bottle free, large size $1. one's powers of continuance the "oroe warranteo. .... i A. J I yv, u.cary, mc nor, me com; tne 0f the woman question, that ciouoy, the clear, and none of them beautiful and pure paper, the Ulna have made much impression. What trated Christian Weekly, says : is to come, we know not. w r "With piety and consideration of here, at least, anei for the purpose of iinKle ord the Be?er.ftl ot . w tne aoriptures seems to be against .ng,,fwemay. t'lia acUon. We do not rely on Red Springy ureuiu, Walnot Cove, Mount Airy, r a 8 M TDS" .75 7.85 8.9S .60 . 4.70 S.S0 8.10 3 "T25 a.Mo 085 8.70 DK8TT5ATI0H. .1 5 stay Sabbath, June loth, iSSS. Red Springs, LIU, Dr. I 110 1.05 4.50 e.50 J 6.10 8.00 1M5 8.45 7.65. 5.45. a.oa Sep' reiy on ore ft special aod noted paasraa ; but the watnot Core, omun vym preacn n 1 1 , a. m. in the ment and that the Bpbere f on B&fl Jnn9 lgt to i si rresDyterian church, irom Mat- the man is in the publio Hie, while tflmber 30th. 1888. thew 12 : ao. A bruised rrA hati thelsphere of the woman la in the I J. w. fbt. w. e. Ktlk. he not break, and smoking flax shall fmiIJ 0Qmn ieguIaUon can f 'SCSa, H. a JaySSnt? N. C. v. ....!. change thia ereat law of nature. I. c iiui 4irenm. , Tk. M. '-fi. A Tl I V ' IT n A TT TXT A 'XT r x-- r i ins i reoocniza it- xn Kim ncma nosi Westminster Presbyterian church, aaaign woman to a dIp 3e of inferior- mi n Tt from Isaiah 3a : 2. Behold, a king I itj or of subordination ; but ita I? JilL lJUTJ .A a a I A B I it . 1 I 1 . . I snail reign in righteousness, waoningg unpiy mat sne is to ooou- CONDENSED SCHEDULE NO. py a cmereni piaoe irom was 01 a man It takes two hemispheres to make a sphere. and shall be as a hiding place from the wind, and a covert from the tern pest; as rivers of water in a dry place, as the shadow of a great rock in a weary land Taking effect 13.00, noon, Sunday, May 13, "88. TRAINS MOVING NORTH. An Elegant Substitute For Oils. Salts, Pilla. and all kinds of bitter, nauseous lver Mediolnes ' and LvBennettsvUle.. ai Muton. ...... At a : 30, p. m., he will preach in Cathartic is the verr agreeable Hanid Lv Muctorf from M tT ChUn MWioea Yl from Matthew W : 20 24. Then be- more acceptable to the atomaeh, more lj:V::":Z7::::, Pass, A Frtit a ' Mau. Ao'on 000am 180p 7 08 3 85 7 18 8 50 910am 785 B25am 1000am U80 a ml 140 pm 1165 1 880pm 805pm 785pm 00 a m .... ouvyui Pugeneer and Mail. Bo. I Dinner at SanTord. Pass'r and Mall, No. 11 Dinner at German ton. Arrive at Ararat. Can he to upbraid . the cities wW.;n pleasantly, effective, and more truly Ar Greensboro. . ,. . . I beneficial to the system than anv other Lv Greensboro most 01 nis mignty works were done, Mmftdr. lUoommflndM bT uccause iney repented not, etc., pnjaimana. . and thou, Capernaum, etc. It shaU I Height of ToDy. mo wierame ior tne jand of ; Wera a man eyery day to throw bodom in the day of judgment than a purse of money, or eyen a Binfde for thee." I omineainto the sea. he would b I Leaves Ararat fnmATaA a aA t. arureemworo............ TRAINS MOVING BOOTH. Pass. A Frtit Ae'n. 4 00 pm 900 pm 1005am 1 40pm aw 415 480 080 840 800 740 am 105 pm B 50 pm 9 55 am 1085 am 18 80 pm mi., . , 7. I considered a mad man, and nis rioenboro'' 7&aJ3A. " confine him a. gSgV - ..- inflli. Unt a man who' throwa VISSas:"' " vwwiuii, 1 iMmumr. awkv inai wnion ia 01 mora vain ii.TVvttnruia.... cleansing, ana deodorizing inl eetion or than gold, than minds, than the S5?U waania required use larby's Frophy-1 WftOie world H1H Health, his peaC3, Ar Bennettavule, laeiio Fluid. Any inflamed surface, ex- nil time, and eyen bis . SOul auch Passenger and Mali, Xo. aDinner at Banford ternal or internal, treated with the fluid tt one 18 admired, esteemed and Z T- , . . . . . , . wuiDequiouyreueved.; IthaseflectedPP,auuea D7 greaier pari oilouwlJr .iuw m.Vwvw cures that had resisted . the best medical MPmfl : . ; sua ftiww xuuiMu TCBteiioea - so TV, in Pt,0; Prison for w .i years lor onrder r w&nbi to know if tha OowArnmiml tbiakS Movna voam Leave KUIboro, .......... .800 a m I Arrive at Gnenaboro, . . r. . .9 80 a m mm Hovno booth. Leave Greensboro, ........8 80pm a OOrdial onina tn Vun him ilin Miilboro at......515Dm enoaRn 10 serre tne San Franoiaoo OalL Always dye wuui ua met wiin eyiaent weari-i imt m nosa, as thongh one's visit were in- i Svmn of P,' AnnTAninnt. M iVamia. a a 1 .l ' r o- iMondava. Wednesdays ana maavg t t,nm. Kn l Bl I la Nature's Own true laxative. It!is the I etterUle to GrecMboro on Tuesdays, Thursday! . . MHrenyonr- most easily taken, and the most effective Baturdavs, ana nom ureensDoro to ay soU with textra work dormg eir ?em!ffionjB (tfedTS etay that you cannot enjoy it or when BiUons or Costive j te Dispel gundlyf T T" wT7 Panenzer and MaU Trains run daily except Sunday. . , . Freight and Accommodation Train runs from Favetlevuie 10 jpennsiiaviua ana reianu on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays) from Fay- t3,V0 time to devote to their ntor.l headaohea, Colds, and Fevers : to Cure tibaent Do not chanm th . S61"11 .::.,oahnai-:v;i--4ioii. ; - 1 I'll pa. nto. Jiiznniaeti Piles, etc. 10 iud. lur nntn yocrsoa ana your fnends will be Francisco, Ci J.W.rBT.Gen'ISnp't; vi jaw a f vwtamv WlUUBUVa .UDU1 ATyw, ured only by the uompany. j For sale by W, aiito Wnt4,oarTrimeiieMt. Bb6 Sl.flofnf pulddnlM,Oxlde(lKmAxtB-n a I (,. .I..n M Mhlnali tH mhIl f 1 1 . -The Knife Goes Deeper and Deeper. For the next thirty days in order to get our atook in good ahape, be fore moving into our new and larger quarters, we have organized a Grand Clearing Sale. . ,, . . . . - - ' Important ohangee will be made and more capital added, and we iu: ( tend to run tbe Shoe and Racket Basioea.on a larger scale than ever before attempted in this town. . Read Garefully the following TJn heard of Prices : Ladies goat button (day sewed) at $1.50, former prioe $2. Ladies straight goat button, flexible and liqht, at $1.60, former prioe 12. Ladies genuine button, warranted, at $1.59, old prioe $2. Ladies genuine kid button, a regular beauty, at $1.75, cut from $2,25. Ladies kid button with tassel, at $1.49, regular price $1.75. Ladies goat button with tassel, at $149, regular prioe $1.75. Ladies kid buttons, button boles nioely workid, a leader, at $1.39, old prioe $1.60. , , Ladies grain buttons, $1.39, old prioe $1.50. . - Ladies kid button, common sense, $1.75, regular prioe $2. Misses goat bntton, (day sewed), at $1.25, cut from $1.75. Misses kid button, 1 J to 2s. at $1.25, old prioe $1.50. Misses grain bntton, at $1, former prioe, $1.15. Misses kid opera slippers at 50 eta. worth 75 cents. Ladies kid opera slippers 50 cents (same old price.) Ladies opera slippers at 75, $1 and $1.25, good value. All of the shoes above described, are the celebrated J. B. Lewis gocd and will give excellent wear. Mens Goods. Frioes cut same as in tbe Ladies oboes. . Mens Seamless Gaiters, Laee and Button, at $1.39, (our famous $1.50 sboa) ' Men's Buff Congress, at $1.25, (same prioe). . ' Mens Seamless Congress, button and bal, at $1.75, old prioe $2, (Lewis Shoe). - v " Mens veal, calf, bntton, lace and oongress; all sizes at $2, old price $2.50. ; Mens fcenuine oalf congress at $1.90 regular prioe $2 25. Our regular $3 mens goods and onr ladies high cut kid button, at $1.75- . . I) .1 II. . a. we buu ooia n iue s&mo priuos SPEGIAL Old Ladies cloth slippers 35 cents, Childs Grain Spring Heel Shoe 43 cents, Ladies' solid dress shoes, $1. Ladies Button Shot", .good' style 89 cents. . ,. - BIG BRGAIIS. IN" ; Yi ( . . , a Handkerchiefs, Corsets, Jerseys, Suspenders, " 1 Gloyes, Laces, Towels, Table Covers, ; Tinware, Glassware, etc., etc- This sale will oontinne for the next THIRTY DATS, as onr stock, mnst be redaoed before moving into oar new quarters. ! Boxnember we carry in stock from tbe cheapest to the finest warrant - ed work. We would like onr friends, and customers to call and com pare goods and prices with those of other houses, befor purchasing. OUR RULES : One Price, tiash. : Don't Fail to Visit the ' ; llbw York Cash Store; -'t:. 0. 8. Watson & COiPro c-3 cssomioraue. f u rorter. Ktai In Oimr wrfreeof all t amiM.ii.aiA.iAiii.aA auiwjuuti.i