T I ' rrmu " tt n wr ' n. THE DAILY WORKMAN, IS fTBLKSHBD 0 Blx time week as an Evening Paper, at (3.00 a year, In advance, Fot tlx months, 11.80, for three months, 75 cents, and to those who PROMPTLY, 06 cents per month. On deferred payments, 35 cents per moutli, to pay expenat of col lectlng. Amend at ih poet ojjioe in Vreentboro, C, at ttxxmd-ckui natter. tmr Office on South Elm Street, under Bimbo UaU. THE DAILY WORKMAN is a r 1 stubs In Greensboro, and being consulted daily 07 all sorts of business men, Is a splendid adver tising medium. The condition of Its advertis ing COLUMNS, shows what advertisers think. Otlice under Benbow Hall, South Rim street. Vol. 6. Greensboro, N. C, Friday, June 22, 1888. No. 22. iM:iaM : : L ; : RAILWAY GUIDE. Gkbensboro, Mar. n, 1SS7. 10MMOND DA!rV HAILBOAS. Arrive from Richmond at 9 43 a m , 10 8:1 p m Leave (or Richmond at tt t p m ' " " 8 07 am MOtlTB OABOUHA B LB OAS. Arrive from Charlotte at 8 02 a m ' 9 40 pro Leaves for Charlotte at 9 48 a n tg 44 p re Arrives from Ooldsboro a 80m Leaves for Goldaboro at V oG m 0BTH-W8THS M. 0. BATXBOAS. Arrives from Halem at 8 00 a m 9 20 p m Leave for Salem at 10 10 a ra " 10 64 p m O. F. a I. BAHiBOAD, Traini Moving North. Leave Bennettsville at 6 CO a. m. Arrive at Greensboro 2 30 d. m. Leave Greensboro. 80 p m. Arrive Mt. Airy 7 15 m. Iraine Mating South. Leave Mt. Airy. 6 00 a, m. Arrive at Greensboro 9 25 a. m. Leave Greensboro 10 OS a. m. Arrive at lsennettsville 7 30 p. m. SCHEDULE OF MAILS: Mails going North closed 9 00 p m n " " " 8 00 a m " Booth n 9 00am " " 9 00 p m " Salem Br'ch" 9 00am 9 00pm " East " 9 00pm "o.F.ar.T.B.B" 9 00am General delivery open from 8 00 a m to 6 80 p m., except during the distri bution of mails. The Money Order and Begiatered Letter oflioe open troni 9 00 a in to 6 00 p m. LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. Gen. Sheridan's condition ia re ported to be more favorable. a ,;, ,.. . Mr. S. S. Brown will shortly open a clothing house at Mount Airv. Mr. J. A. Davidson, of the Mm- neola Plaid Mills, was here a shott while this morning. ' , , r Mr. Henry T. Whittmgton, of Washington, D, C. U' on viit , to Alio UlVtiue j Viim frianHa d thll filar - ' Quite a number of colored peo ple went on the excursion to the Bat ile Ground this morning. Mr. W. Wi Young anil hi's. wife, who have been sick for some .time, re now reported to be better. '' Mr. J. C, Bain, who returned from Blount Airy this, morning was greatly pleaseiFwith what he saw. . Mr, E. D.' Steele and Mrs. Steele went up to High Point this morning, at which they will make . their home.1 There will be preaching' at "West minster church to-night at 8 by Retr, Alexander Sprunt -All are in .- . . fl.il.rf it Mrs. J. W. McDowell and chil dren will rest from their labors a few weeks at Ashe Lei; her Ibrmef in Rockingliam coomy r 1 Mr. T.rVAK.Uadlej'wenVVowVi ; to RaleigU n.Dati'l!fti arrangements are to be' perfected fot the tenting State Fruit Fain -.wwi- . !We are' ylnMi'v&eky leather, a ndjlt contin ' dicattons of a changed Rain' it artx iouslv desired and much needed, a' The contract for'btiildliigi fohjlJipl liftuse in District No. , Gilmer town ahip, colored raceXJohe&'joro) aa yesterday awarded to John "V. Smithi the lowest bidder, for $790; 'n , , The City Commissioners hold an important session to-night. Mr. H. .- Williams, who lormerly lived here, but is now living in Win ston, was on a visit to his old friends here yesterday and the day before. He is looking remarkably well. We had newa from the Chicago Convention just belore going to press last evening, but the t.ews was so un importantthat nothing had been done we omitted all reference to it. Attention. There will be a meeting of the General Committee of the Firemans Celebration Association this evening at 8 : 30 o'clock, at the Benbow House. C. H Ireland, Secretary. Mr. William S. Beard the father of Mrs. S. L. Spencer ot South Greensboro, died in his 63th year at his home near Jamestown, June 16". He was a member of the church of Friends. The funeral, service was conducted by Rev. Albert Peele. Frimitive- It is true that there have been many marked improvements within the space of forty y ears, and even far less than forty. Yet there are some people who have not joined in the forward march, but have in many things remained stationary. The log cabin of the olden time remains pret ty much as It wR. nd ) found in certain sections of the coun try, not excepting Guilford. One peculiarity of the old time cabin was the absence of sash and glass win dows, and in many cases there was no outlet of any sort except through the doors, there being generally two doors opposite each other. To us it appears strange, though no doubt the builders of such houses could give a reason for what seems to us a spe cies of folly. ''- : "" ' ' : Life within the walls of such a home must have been amazingly sirni pie. . We cannot imagine ; ,the - trim ming of the midnight lamp, ' or the tiimaning of anything that conveys the idea , of mental improvement. They may have been an old fashion ed tallow dip, but. even such an ap pliance as that was often found want ing'he fire on be heaVtb.was the great, and often the only 'dispenser of light and.heat, or Jhete' '".'have been a censer-shaped iron' bowl filled with hrd in which' -co'ttor;strjpj vyas inserted! one end burning to give li ?ht in i case' of, ispecial need, as in siflihVss.'here'was p'roprif'Wien in "those wide : fire-' places reaching nearly crpss'fbni erldj of 'tb' 'i Ho'use, aflording!room for the children of Alie fatolly, 'durJhg'tftedesVvVeathefi'to o.WupyiS;wMf; M knoyn . as,, the "jam." '1 Very' possibly-!the phrase "jam; up,;vhif,lj weWjiour day,:org'uiatfid.inthe custom refcned to contain two bedsi a spinning wheel, a big blue chest a' cradle and a T few quite,. sufEcient. ..The old ; flint end rteeipwlirig lodtdr'iyiMh dpoi in; i de;;wood!e3 rt!slen4d to the wall, and the powder horn That there should still .be 1 built in U;iteutf'n.erVJanNd't1iere'ft hbuies after the -lame old 'pattern,' , would peerrvery strange, yet ,if .we. could ear ana amy., weignaa, ui pru ments used to justify the practice, we' might hesitate to condemn what, has seemed so odd. ' If man "Wants hut little her below, . Nor wants that Utile long," very many of the numerous things which men provide for themselves could easily be dispensed with. If life in primitive times was too empty, msy it not no be too full? is it not true that the modern housekeeper bears an almost intolerable burden of service, much of it outside of the really necessary ? Has not-what we term progress in social aflairs, in many cases increased instead of re moving burdens? It would be worth while, we think to scrutinize well all ttyles of "fresh importation," examining well their claims to be adopted, having an eye to the main purpose of life in our creation as rational and responsible beings, It must ever be a sad thought that the very best endeavors of men seem to be, generally, to live handsomely and in stylish independence, in seem ing disregard ot the voice which comes up every day from the vaults ot departed glory : "All flesh is grass, ard the glory of man as the flower of grass." There has been great im provement in many things, we con fess, but though ther have been many embellishments hung about our doorways, making them beautiful and attractive-, yet we should not 'forget that the most .flowery patha of our feet lead out to ''the house appointed for all the living." , ; It will not, in a little while hence, signify anything whether we have lived in a palace or a cot. v 1 ' Reui. . The bouse at present occupied by Mr. Jessup. Possession given July 1. J2S-1W Hoses Btrause. The Corner IiOU To get cool, to become cool, to cool off, to keep oool after you get cool; to cool yourself, to cool your friend, and at the same time grat ify your taste, apply at. the Soda Fountain of Geo. Fltzslmons ft Co. ' June30 tf .Messrs. Tate Bros, at the old stand of Lindsay Schenck, South Elm Street, serve out to their frlAids a variety of healthful and appetizing drinks from their manifold foun tain;" Sparkling and health-giving mineral waters, with various and delicious drinks made to order and seasonable. 1 ' ' June30-tf M m i '' -I If you are thirsty, and weary and warm, " ?" And pine to bathe In comfort's stream, ' Jnof Mir nn V.nnt. Mnrlrafc for J. V.. Thnm. ' And throw ydijraelf ontsld a quart of Ice Cream. . ' ' - ' ' Je20-3t, Fresa Georgja, Watermelons,.),,., We wlU receive a, oar load this evening ,or Monday morning, fine and' fteslv. average 8 sounds.-- Orders i solicited- from dealers. I Tot gale at retail' and -wholesale at our commht sion house uh'der Cehtrll' Hotelf A fresh car Sitn'tJ JiMJt' V WiSMiii ' ' " '"'.' 1UOU .la raiowiH4 .fwj xif4tj , . . i Having pecwea to 1 iided'to lpave' Greensboro, I. have fn South Greetisboroi oij'e house and a vacant lot for(klei heapr It Is near teatenary M. E. church. . For further information appiy to . IJel8-tf Fi J. A. KaaNODLK rrlia nroii. aieat" ,fw;?,::;. ' ; Ahaolntely pure llaranaw .' .u.l ''ir A' ui.tf.s f j.'.-t. V'i-t'. D ' M : " , - , eo.' iitiuiouM ec vo , I.i'l?-' ITotJcoi ;The undewUrded havlntt' quaftfted as' execu tor' of the las) will and testament', ot Daniel Donnell, deceased, before the clerk of Superior Court of Guilford county, .hereby gives notice to all persons holdlna claims against said de ceased, to present same oa or before June 10th 1889, or this notice wWbe pleaded In bar of thelrtecoverv.-' ' ? w. at Houstok, J6-CW Executor of Daniel Donntll, deceased. Wanted. An Interest In tha V'arrar Patent Bafetj Tether. Address, giving lowest cash price and amount of Interest, "Business." Care McAdoo House. For Sale or Bant. Dwelling house on East Washington street, containing seven rooms, pleasantly aud conve niently located, Is for sale on accomodating terms. Apply to Dh. H. M. Alkohk. unelStf Tor Kent. We will rent for a first class Boarding house or private family, six elegantly finished rooms and kitchen attached. Gas and water fixtures complete. These rooms are located on the second floor of, Trogden Building, Court House Square, Greensboro, N. C. Apply to Uskkxsbobo Candt Co. niayiMHin , Cheap Hook. ' The following books are' offered at Mrs How ards Beok Store at less than one-half tne usual price. . Byron's complete works, Illustrated, 8 vo. clo. and gilt, at ti, former price t.S0. Burns' complete works, Illustrated, 8 vo. clo. and gilt, at pi, former price t)4.S0. Hayne's complete poems, Illustrated, clo. and gilt 91.35, former prtce4.0u. Uncivilized Races of the World, Illustrated, 14.00 pages sheep tl.50, former price $6.00. Downlngs Fruit and Fruit trees of America, over 900 pages, $1.60 former price 1.00. Dick's En 'lycopedla W43 practical receipts: 1.00 former price 65.00. Vasarl's, Lives of the Painters, 5 vols, and 1 vol. Uowper'a works, all for L75 (8 vols forL75.) Life, Bermons and speeches of Kev. Dr. Held, 25 cents. Sermons, Addresses and prayers, by D. L. Moody, 60 cents. may30-tf Pure I. ard. . , Owing to the continued advance in Lard we bura hrnr - ,-'- w-wtirraqcVOTirpriCti ' on "George's"' lard. Buy It once and yon will bay It always. Our Increasing trade on It proves this. Sold by ' Boon & Co. . Just received at G. H. Royster's, a nice line or wmte Uoous, dress goods, lawns, calicoes, pant gooda, hosieries, ladles goods, handker chiefs, scans, lace cashmere shawls, also a nice line of ladles and gents fine shoes, which I am offering great bargains In. Call and see me before buying. G. H. Boyster. . . .1 take this method of Informing the pub lic that. I am In the Shoe Business and would be glad to have everyone to call that wishes to glye me a trial. All kinds of work In the shoe line. Satisfaction guaranteed. Shop np-stalrs first building south of Port Office. smay8 tf ' :"'' 'T. S. 'HATS. ..:.' T O'clock,' Sharp. , From 15th of May to 15th of September pur store will be closed every evening except Sat urday at seven ' o'clock; 1 Our customers will please bear this in mind and send In their or ders early. Very rrapectfully, ' ' ' ' iriayl2-tr!f ' i i' j J. W. Scott & Co, - -.roe HenW- Rev. Dr. Smith offers for rent the new and convenient house on Smith street Terms moderate. Possession given Immediately. 'fv.?,': .',.';.' ii; For Bent, tOpe dwelling house on Oak Street, contains four, rooraR .two porches and a pantry. The house Is new) See Dr. H. M. Altord. Feb; 97-tf Ji:;.ii:'w 'E(f ij-u ,'4 II t :. ivl ii i I " "1 '! i ii '' hu-M -uhiU In Bom''i-?'r' v'' 'Ellis' China Hall, one of the finest 'store rooms lh the -city.- ' Apply to t. p. Price' or j;0aell. ' ,Vi,-J " '" "", " ; ' JIMf ' y. tr I 1 1 !! I gpoa .wmf woman oao; general, nous? workGood Wages-rrapply at Patriot Offloe. vmavS4f- .'i1 .'tiod Al , 1 . m.'T . .i Wi'. t iuk nan n 5Sfw"i 'Mo t n 1rt aTl Ini t tHIL CnasJiWliirffe ortclf dwelBng notu4,bf rootas With- tiiMMieK'ratf 'h beenfoir 'vears as'a'tNing'lRjtuVow'&eaVeoA fdttf rso, Ofnlcebhlldlng loss aheap, afl M accomodated on the most reasonable terms by applying to - BTT. "CAtS Wai aprott i t ." i JI : He walked all through WUl ArmfleMs't store,' fan flitatAiu -' ,f'vi ii-t ;.u.u' xiJiA w lucu (iuuu i( yui uu jiaj TO skuu ,rw want ittti'QM "'" ' lea Kn ! Lovers of Ice cream can be supplied vlfh the best, every aftertbfU and eyekng s te , Dln- tng Booms recently .occupied, by: CaptHaw- klns, near the depot, Families , supplied, oa reasonable terms. , one 154W A. T. taaSeii. .tloaef to Ieud. Money loaned on mortgage or real estate. mch24 tf. Dilliru 4 Kino. Mam Small or Wmall Ham, You will And after all, the largest and best selected stock of ludli-s and men's flue shoes, also a new lot of ladies dress goods In all the latest novelties and ntylei of the seaaon. Nice line of new carpets, mattings, trunks, cloth lug and straw hats as ever offered on this mar ket. I mean business and am determined to sell goods, so eonie und see for yourself. inl7lf G. Will Armkikld LKAD1NG KESTAUUAXT. Remember that the Leading Restaurant ot the city Is run by Robert Harris, South Elm st. Fresh Oysters, Fresh Fish, etc., etc, and Meal at all hours, day and night sep 27 tf 'or Real We have for rent one of the most desirable stores in Greensboro. Also, one gooo Dwell ng House, newly painted and In flrst-cUxs con dition, with six rooms, kitchen and stable, In one of the best neighborhoods In the city. Whenever you want to buy, sell or- rent aay Real Estate, consult your Interest by calllna YlTKS Brothkbs, Real Estate Agents, declS-tf Opposite Benbow Ho Cheap rneU Greens oo ro Gas Co.'s Works kerp coke for sale In any qnautity Orders will receive the promptest attention oct : ( far Ucsu A nloe Brick Cottaire with six room, large yard and garden, a good well, servants' house, and stable, on West Market street, adjoining the residence of Mr. J. W. Fry. Apply to JanSStf R. Pkbui uriv ...Good people all, If you need your Fua. nlture varnlslied , or repaired, . carpets laid shades or cornices hung, or any work done in the house-furnishing line, please call on or send . i ttm. n. win a ill, TBomay nuitmng. Dpholstering a specialty. For Kent. ' Some nloe offices, fronting Main atre S. 8. Brown's Store. Apply to ... j ii' i- n . Houh to Bent. A finely located, well constructed and ton venlent residence on West Washington Street Location the very best foi a business man. Nothing better In location In the city for con venlence and quiet Je4-3w. Mosw STaiusi . , ' ; Foe Rant, . We have a splendid Store foi rent, 00 feet deep. The most desirable Jocatlon In the city. Apply to Yatbs BaoTHaa8, . Jan 7 Real Estate Agents. Town Lot Free. ' I will give Free, by special agreement, a Town Lot situated In the town or Liberty, and . adjacent to the C. F. and Y, V. B. S., of snlta . ble size, and one of the: handsomest locations In the State, for manufacturing. Good induce ments. , for particulars, address ; : ; ..,u h;l. bhowir, i. .. . Ap35tf ' : r j ;; Yt:( ;Llherty,3C.iv 07 ; tovow oITIowerii. j , Go to Cliichester's for flower pote.' Altkinds and very'cheap: ' 1 ' : , " ' . " : allf Di'-' ,t. u. cu H. Re Mr -'. u-'i Is offering Great Bargains In Drees' Good Jerseys, Bhawhv' Children's Hoods and Sacks, Coweta, Satteens.1 Also, a .nice Une of. Shoes, just received at very low prices.) , fe3-tf . .,?. ii '" j:,u. : . .. j' 7 .' . i '.'. f 'J' trf'vi!, .:0ome.and 8eell,-i.(:,; ..t . FRANK, .TAYLOR, ;SWl,,No. 3, ,Clt Market, who has another fine lofepf Western cattle which he t having butchered and han dled fn idbeA style. He keeps constantly on hand Pork, Sausage, Head-cheese,' corned Beef, Game, Fish, Oysters, Ac, all of the best qual ity1,' and sold ogreMdnabie terms. ''Jaol iatf' .!X! iU! tlii i''.lVt '( ' -1 1 iyt t-Sew nn Moo and Uaefal. i. .j - i. At,A..H Cartlandg, underJheCentral Hoet. you iIH jlndtheJBpiost beautiful -and stylish oX ties JnjavfiLpqcales and, rourlnhand yo.der wear n styles and In hbrfc to please the post , exacting!, Umbrellas, to suit .att. .persoa,, and (or yeither ln w '' 8bJn&'rWa&tn,'caae8j all weights, and v'artoua an pdcea.') 1 '., ,("' 1 ' '' pe4 ii it. 1 BRICK, BBICkI1 I ":'t! ' i'Tbs suhscribet U now making brick of acltf which hs believes to be superior to any pthet In, use here-rolay Jonnd in, the low grounds' near, Greene HU1 Cemetery,' These brick pro . to bt hard and ' ef One qualities, of durability and are such as are needed particularly In wore, which requires solidity, lam ready toco , tract to famish these superior brick and also ta lly them. ' Jl8tf ' D. . Kirkpatrick. " c