7;N' - ' . - '. v . .. V'' i i r j . i THE DAILY WORKMAN. : " v JE)x"Sdnator Uhone. Tbia pqjvtioal trickster Jias t be become so bare-faced and indeoeul in the means bj which he seeks to regaia a lost position and pere a ate a waning , Inflaonoe. that men of polities and of do politios alike are glad to fee bim lose ' his gr asp Hpoo tbe machinery of the govern neot, , Tbe New York Tribune, representing the party with wbibb Mahone professes to affiliate, say: "Gen. Mabooe has never taken the pains to confine biapolitioal ac tivities within tbe limits of common deoency. For years past bis ebief business in life has been to keep Virginia Democratic by a mall margin, in order that bis annual beggar's mission to the North might beaaaderenumerative by tbe double plea of argent neaeesity and reasonable hope. New York Re pnblioaoe have found tbe perpetua tion of bis crafty, and selfish, and malignant despotism was not a profitable investment; tbe party elsewhere is rapiply making tbe same discovery, and if foresight were among his most highly devel ed qualities, be would not wait to be .kicked iuto obscurity." ' t t m The Tangled Web of life. Ube failures of men are olten in one line,and tbeir success in anoth- eiv-tbey fail in health whilst they secure fame, tbey are . bereaved whilst tbev grow in health and in influence, they weep in tbeir borne whilst tbv are crowned by tbe public Their successes and trials of life, it may be observed, come in directions we least expected. The "prize we f ought for la missod, while some otber triumph is realized tbat we never contemplated. Tbe dis asters we feared are never suffered; whilst Borne strange cup is given sto drink. ; The days of prosperi ty, tbe days of adversity sometimes follow each other in immediate and startling contrast: and sometimes 4be epoaba of fortune ' and tribute Won are wide apart, a youth of eaaa being followed by xr-agof-;tie or a z stormy ' entrance . npon life ending with e sunset of peace and glory. " But one way or another", gladness and grief hnd their way into life, and the two elements are snpre exactly determined than we sometimes think. ; ' , , 1 Tlie Power of Sympathy.' Who can estimate the- power of human sympathy : It has restored hope and. courage, to many a crush ed and despairing sonl, turning de feat into victory. Yet the. world is sadly in need of ibis benediction. There is lack of it where it should be always in abundance, for no one is impoverished -by its exeroise and bestowal. If the" heart is right it responds instantly to every demand made npon it, and is enriched by what it bestows. - God gives man ; no jother suoh oppbrtnnity of .doing C ood. Central Ubris. Advocate. lbs Wonderful Healing .Preparation! of - Darby's Prophyiaetis Iluid. Wherever : a preventing, healing. cleansing, and deodorizing ia eotionor wasa is required nae uaroy s trophy , lactic Fluid. . Any inflamed surface, ex ternal or internal, treated with the fluid will be quickly relieved. It baa effected eures that had resisted the best nedioal kill, ..-. r-.'t.-. 5" . -.. ' i; ; :..' The Ideal Newspaper.;, Making ef newspapers Is a btui ness and why should not newspa per men pe(, allowed to manage tbeir occupation in a business way? They oater to the pnbho .tastes ; they bid for publip patronage, and : to this they must furnish what the public wants. If the pablio. does not want an ideal newspaper, J so mucU the worse for . the' pablia Tbe eame public 'that rejects the . ideal boot and ji ideal bonnet has t:a and eaia spurned the ideal pe-cr frcia it and would have hone cf ii. foe1 far an- 4del newspa f - r i i r 3 ? l!y ( worth t all :5 the , way . coats to one dollar doa : :X Yankee Eladev " Neighborly? "i The family bad just moved into tbe neighborhood, and tbeir social status hail not vet . been defined ' un a mall boy appeared at the nearest boose and p litely said : "Ma's complements, and ken yer loan her a fryin' pan,?" The Irving pan was duly loaned. and in a few moments ' back came tbe bov. "Ma's complements kin yer let 'er have a pound o' pork to grease the pan ?" After some deliberation the pork was given, and the neighbors were rehearsing the circumstances when again came the boy : "Ma's complements, and bev yer a snp o tea to wash down tbe pork r But they drew the line at tea. A glass of water before tbe meal and especially before breakfast, is an important aid to digestion. The "hot water cure" for dyspepsia is something more than a notion, al though cold (oqt iced) water . may be taken with equal effect by those who have suuioient vitality to re act. A class of water before break fast washes away the accumulation of mucus which covers tbe gastrio walls after tbe mgbt a repose, and thus .prepares tbe stomach to re- oeive and set readily upon the food taken in. An Elegant Substitute For Oils, baits, Pills, and all kinds of ti ctcr, nauseous Liver Medicines and Cattiartioe ia the very a.reeable. liquid fruit remedy Bjrup of Figs. It advan tages are evident, it ia more easily taken more eoceptaoie to tne stomach, more pleasantly, effective, and more trnly beneficial to the system than ny other remedy. Recommended by leading puyaioians. A colored laborer on tbe Lynch trarg ana juarnam iuuroad was killed at Perrowa trestle, about ten miles from this city, on ilonday, by being accidentally stroek by a bummer which new from the han die in the hands or another nepro who was driving a spike. His name could not be learned. The Lynohburg News. i " Wise Words. . ; Neveir bVlalborry, bn always be in haste, ,t -.r-v.;v.t ..' . The mouth is the window to tbe iatelleot. . Where there, is no hope there can be no endeavor. A good name is rather to be cho sen than riches. ' Never be consented with a bub ble that will burst. , Never take the harsher way when love will do the deed, A helping band at the right mo ment would save many ruin. The World's Quinine.' Tbe yearly prod notion of quinine is estimated to be about 4,500,000 ounoes. This is obiefiy furnished by eighteen factories one in Holland, two in JSngland,two in Italy .three in France four in tbe United States, and six in Germany. , Quinine is also supplied by the Qoverment plantations in India; and experii ments in produoing it ia tbe vioin- y o xmt m . me .Liaucaanc, nave been so successful that tbe Busaian Government isarrangingfor the cul tivation ot cichona on an immense scale...' tt-'"ir::jij Ap ' Bishop Potter, of New York, was solicited for alma on . the strength of a letter which proved: to have been written by hie father twenty years peiore. iie retused to give anything gratuitously, but biTered ten dollars for the letter. The beg gar refased the offer. It had , fur nished bis chief means of support daring tbe twenty years, and he bad not done a Btroke -'of 1 work during that time. r4--:?tt .ua "; m-mi m" ' rvfr Learning will aooumolate won derfnlly if yon add a little 4yery day. Do not wait for a-long, pe riod of Iejaarei )Pick 'tip "4 book and eain one new idea, if no mo. Save thtt Cae id i al'.anolLer Bi soon as you can. SaVs the old Scotch adage, "Many a little makes a mic&ie. ' ' . faith With Two Hands--lean only indiaate how faith aots. It baa.as it were, two hands. With tbe one hand it is constantly rolling npon Christ every worry, every-sorrow, every trouble, eVtry aI a - i inai,eyerv crusning and OVoi whelmiog demand, so that never a thing comes to the soul for a mo nieut or touobes it, !but tbat the soul at ouoe relieves itself of tbe burden by casting tbat burden up on the Sivioor. O baye you learn ed luat secret ? if not, aak'tbe Holy Ghost to teach it to you, and to enable yon moment by moment to live this blessed life, never car rying the burden more , but tbe mo ment you are aware of tbe presaure of any anxiety, rolling it instantly and lorever ou Christ. Theolsecondly, the otber band of faith 'a constantly appropriating b j that hour by bouraa tha bean ia sensible of present uced, the band is reaching out of Christ just that graoe it requires. Thy pa tience. Lord,' in moments of ' impa tience ; tby gentleness, Lord.io mc meuts of irritability ; tby : strength, Iiord, in momenta of weakness ; tby peace, Lord, when storms swirl around the souL . i O learn to appropriate from the fullness of Jesns, hoar by ' boar, what you require ; and tben, jaat as we are told the depths of theooean are untroubled by the storms whiob sweep tbe surface, as we are told that in the midst of every whirl wind there is a point of rest, as we ate told that amid the friction of ascending atoms in every candle there i one place of nnbroken stillness so the . sonl tbat has learned this secret of rest and of living in tbe win ot uod is in a mighty intrenched castle, and re ceiving asMietanoe Irom tbe re sources or uod, tbat soul may go through .and through tbe whirl wind and tbe storm of sorrow, bat in its depths it will have perfect rest. Life of Faith. THE METHODIST PEOTESTANT Established January 7t 1831; - A FIB8T-CLASS ' Family, ., - MdigUm Offieial Organ - of THa METH0DIPT PfiOTESTAIT 0HUE0H : Quarto Form (Eight Paget). . FORTI-EiOHT COLUMNS OF REAP . INO MATTER. -2.XPev Year, in adrance. ' fl.OO fdr Six Moathi4n advance, . foatage Faid. E. J. DRINKHOTJSE. P. D., Ed. W. J. C. DUliANY, Publisher, Address P.O. BOX 832, W, BALTI MORE ST., BALTO,. MD. sTSpeoimenoopiessentfree on p pication. ; - - : . ; 86-tf SEND FOJi SAMPLE COPIES ! THEY COST NOTHTNO. The News and Observer, , , EALEIGH, I. 0.'- ' 1 The largest, best and cheapest paper published in the State. .Telegraphic ao oounts of all interesting events from every part of the world. - ; i ; . r Full Market .Keporta. ; A paper for every ' family. Estabhahed 1872 and gets better every year. '5 ;c ":;.-vi Bend, your name, Postoffloe address and 82.00 for one year? tl.00 for 8 months. ;,"'; Every North Carolinian . should take it The livest, most pror -essive paper hi the-SUte. . : .. ' - . . r THE WEEKLTNEWS-t CERVER, Y,l-.K-.-.. r:. I 'eigb.N.'C. .1 The Weekly News ar 1 i bserver.;; .Thb Weekly1 News jt i Obser ver is a long . ways the ' t paper evef published in Nort'i Carolina. It is a credit to the dcod! : nd to the State: The people should i iri it Jt should be in ey It is an eight-page paper, of the best sort ot read! news, market reports, an ke a pr ide y family. -ock full matter, all that. You cannot afford to be v '.hout it Price, $ i , 25 a year. v We v ' furbish the Weekly News and C until January 1 st, 1889, for for s..mr?j copy.-" Address SERVER i. Send CO., c. Teb. L;Cu rALET' Ttelaily Workman. A NON-PARTISAN Devotod to News, Business, General Intelligence, Virtue and Moials. Pub- lislied every day except Sunday. Though in a special sense devoted to the interests of GREENSBORO, is intended to promote tbe beats of tbe oountry as well as tbe town. Much of its matter Is prepared ex pressly for its columns. Having been established in 1883. 1883. is now old enough to be known as a fixture. The Daily Workman began its life when the business of Greensboro was mall, and in an unsettled condition but has lived through all the seasons of trial and depression, and is ready to live through the season of imorove- ment which seems now to be upon us. Uur leading -BDBNBSS MEN have appreciated the efforts of the Dai ly Workman, and to their encourage ment is due the fact that it not only has lived through the difficulties of the past five, years, but is in a condition to live and prosper and be useful in the years to come. , Greensboro Nurseries, .GREENSBORO. N. a rPHESE NURSERIES have been in X operation for more thaa 20 years, and are second to hone in class of stook and variety of Fruit v : We have taken great pains to collect every plant suited to the South and the WfSt --.V . -v. Our stook consists in part oi ' Apple, Peach, Pear, Cherry. Plum, Ap ; ri o'., Rxissian Mulberriet, English ( Mulberries, Grapes, Strawberriei, . Raspbert ies, Currants, Shaae -,and Ornamental Trees, -:' S: Evergreens, Cc XC x STWe have the entire oontrol of the TONNET'S SOUTHERN AB LT " Peach. . - See what some of the most prominent men in Greensboro have to say of it : -HcLeaosTuie, N. C De& 8, '84. . This certifies tbat I have sold to Ward A Young the exclnsiye right to a certain Seedling Peach Tree, which they have named "Connett's Southern Early." ' -' ., " i: Alfbbd Cohsit. - This, tbe lath day of July, 1884, oar attention was drawn to a fine peach, not only in sire, but in richness of flavor superior to any peach that we have seen this yeara seedling, called "Oonnet's Southern Early." Bon. M. 8rxax, ' Agent Southern z Co. Jassa H. Ltndsat, . v y ; b President National Bank. - w ' -. ' J. D. Whttb, P. M. : I endorse the above fully, and add that it has all the lnsoionsnesa of an Augustpeaoh. ; ' D. W. C. Bamow. Mess. Ward A Young, Greensboro, N.C Dear Sirs i I can trathfally say that the peach yon now offer to the pablio at a new variety is oneot the largest and finest flavored peaches I ever saw so early ia tbe season. J. A. Bowles, v ; P. O, East Guilford Circuit, : ' k Greensboro, N.C. . JOHN A. YOUNG, ; Successor to Ward Young. Address Gresboro Nubsxbixs, Jan 16-tf Greensboro, N. C. ' '," Piedmont Air-line Route. Richmond and Danville Kailroad. COSDEN'SED SCHEDULE. Im ErrsoT Skit. 4, 18e7. Tralr. Kun by 75- Meri.'.ian Tiint. DAILY. BOCTBDOrND. . . No. 50. Na 52. Lv. New York 12 15 am 4 80pa Philadelphia 7 20 a m 6 67 p m Baltimore 9 45 a n 9 42 p m Washington 11 24 a m ' 00 p m Chariot' svll'e 8 8 i p m CO a m Lynchburg 5 6fl p m 20 a m Lv. Richmond 3 10 pin 80 am Hurkfville 5 17 p m '('2'lin Ifrey.ville 5 57 p m 5 C.i a m Drake's Br'. h 6 12pm 5 21 a m Danville 8 60 p m 8 05 a m Greensboro 10 44 p m 9 48 a m Lv. Goldsboro 3 30 p ra 8 10 pm Raleigh 5 60 pm flOOam Durham 6 52 p m 2 37 a ra Ar. ChdpelBUl t815pni Hillsboro 7 25 pm 8 82 a m Ar. Salem f7 20 p m 6 30 a m Ar. High Point 1 1 18 p m 1016 am Salisbury 12 37 a m 11 23 a m Ar. Stat, aville 12 31 p ra Asheville 6 88 p ni Hot Springs 7 35 p u Lv, Concord 1 26 a m 12 01pm Charlotte 2 2 i a m 1 IK) p m Spartanburg 6 28 a m 8 34 p m Greenville 6.43 am 4 48 p ra Ar. AtlnnU 1 20 p m 10 40 p m DAiLY. UORTHBOUNL No. 61. No. o3. Lv. Atlanta Ar. GreenviUe Spartanburg Charlotte Ar. Ccno rd Salisbury High Point Greensboro Ar, Salem Ar. Hillsboro Durham Chapel Hill Raleigh Goldsboro Ar. Danville 7 00 pm 8 40a'm 101am 28tpm 2 13 a m 3 46 p m 6 05 a m 6 25 pm 600am 7 25 pm 6 44am 8 1)2 p m 7 57am 911pm, 828am 9 40 pm H40am fl234am 12 06 pm t2 44 am 12 45 pm f4 0iam it 15 p m 2 10 pm to S3 am 4 35 p m 11 45 a m 1010 am 11 29 pu 12 44pm 2 44am 100 pm 8 03am 1 40 p m 8 56 a m 8 45 pm 6 IS a ra 1 15 p m 2 00am 8 40pm 410am 8 23 pm 16 as- Drake's Brncb Keysville Burkeville . Richmond Ar. Lynchburg Cbarlott'sville WaahingtoiL. ' Baltimore Philadelphia New York Daily. 11 25 p m 10 03 a m SOU am 12 85 pm 6 20am 820pm tDailj,exoept Sunday ' SLEEPING-CAR SERVICE. On Trains 50 and 51, Pnllman Buffet etaifer between Atlanta and New York. On Trains 63 and 58, Pullmaa Bnffett Sleeper between Washington and Montgomery ; Wash ington and Autrusta. Pullman Sleeper between Richmond and Greensboro. Pullman Sleeper between Greensboro and Raleigh. Pullman Parlor car between Salisbury and Knoxvllle. Through tickets on sale at principal stations, to all points. For rates and Information, apply to any agent of the Company, or to Sou Haas J. 8. Potts, Traffic Manager. Div. Pass. Ag't ' ' Richmond, Va. W. A. Ttt&k, Division Pass. Agent, Ra-. " C ; leigh. North Carolina. Jab.. L. Tatlob. Gen. Passenger Ag't, Notice to Teachers I The School Committee of Greensboro, N. C. will receive applications for po positions in the white and colored Grad ed schools until July 5th 1888. There win na elected on the 6th of July s super intendent-and 6 teachers in' the white graded school and two teachers in tha colored school. AU applications to be in writieir and accompanied by recommendations aid statement of the experience tbe teacher has bad in teaching and whether married or single. Address, ' : , ' v . . A. OOBKNCK, UU B UOUL Greensboro, N. a, June 17, 1888. ; ; North State and Patriot please copy. Dr.T.T.Fcrroo, Graddrtao'f ba OoIIep: of Ibyst- oians ana onrgaons ot Ualtimore, Md.. and a lioenaed PbvBician bv the iledioalBoa'd of Examiners of. North Carolina offers, bia profeB-" eional services to tbe people of BROWN'S SUMMIT, and snr- roundingoonntry. Diseases of Wo men andChildren a specialty. All calls promptly answered dav and night. Charges reasonable. , Jnnell-dCn-wtf

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