THE j DAILY vWORKJJIAN : v Ma. T . . .fat MtHI MU Vk -X JP astMat THE DAILY WORKMAN ttariiTcaa 1 Six times a VM-kuu Evening Paper, at S.0O year, la advance. For tlx month, tl.BO, for three a-ooths, 7.1 cent, and to thou who PROMPTLY, M oeoU pr month. On deferred payments, a cent per month, . to pay expenat of ool teCtlng. Akatraa'a. thspt qfflottn Orwwaoru,, , (7., a iurJ-c&iii maoer, , mtrOflU on SouA 2ttm Ittreef, undor -' Umbo UhH,. la Greensboro, and being consulted dally oy all aorta of bualneas men, la a splendid adver tising medium. .The condition af Its advertis ing COLUMNS,' shows what advertiser think. Ottlce undei Ben bow Hall, South Kim street. j r ' 1 : r 1 . at r . I . I I J A jaaa at 'inn. vol. b. ureensDoro, 11. l., inursaav, juiv iz, lootj. no. to. RAILWAY GUiE. Gkik.vsboro. Mar. it. 1887. ktOUMOMD a DANVIU.B aiJLHOAD, , Arrive froni ttiohmouil at 48 a m Loavo lor Uiobmoud ai V & y ta " tlb7ea MUhta caHOLIMa aaiiuJ. Arrives iron; UWiotu at b 02 a m y au p id Lvea lor Charlotte at .U, l& a m Arrive from (iolJaboro at Leave forltoldaboro at . W..V. KOh-iH-watrriiut n. o.'katuwas. Arrive irom Baieui at ' ' 00 a la u 20 p B Leave for tialetn at 10 to a m 10 64 pm O. M I. T. KAILBOAD, 2rat'nf Moving JNvrih. .Leave Ben.nettsville at. .... . 6 00 a. ni. Arms at UneuaOoro '2 8i p. in. Leave Ureeuaboro 3 Ojp, m. Arrive Ml. Airy, 7 15 p. m. Iraint Moving South.' LeaTd Mt. Airy. 3 00 a iu. Arrive at Greensooro .tf 25 a. 14. Leave Oreensooro. ......... 10 U4 a. m, Arrive at Ueunetwvilie 7 3 J p. m. SCHEDULE OF MAILS: AUila going North closed 9 00 p m " S 00 a in " Booth " jJ0am H " " " 9 00 p m I'balemBr'cb" 9 00am - v 00 p m " East M 9 00 pm ,o.F.aT..B.B,, , 9 00am . General delivery open from a 00 a m - to 80 p m., except dtmnir the ' diatri- , button of mails. Tbe Money Order and Registered Letter oiHoe open irom V 00 m to 6 00 p m. LOCAL INTflLLIQENCE, v Hiss Lily Price went thl even' Ing on a visit to Madison. " J . 1 : - ' ; Miss Nellie Cramer, of Thomas ville, is visiting Miss, Lora Hagan. A tuird daily 'paper is spoken of Jbr Durhanv It- willbe folf free trade. The ;trairt; Troftillift . north this morninir was reported. five houra be- hind time. ' ' The. W.C XUJwiU meet to- , -.morrow (Thursday) "afternoon at 5 o'clock af the usual' place. ( , . Q lite a laige number of people . left on the trains this morning in va ' .. 1 '.1 .tll.jin,!! It, ! nous directions. ., 1 ', Stephen Freeman wl hanged 'at Wilmington yesterday He, protest ' ed his innocence to the last. . . Mrs R. E. Waggoman and her two sisters, the Misses Cheek, left for .Bingham School this mornings ? V... .'1. ..: , ' 1; .;!..... I 'v2 -MeVa XT. W, Redding,.';W- ' dleman, ihd R. E. Patter6,nii jLlb 1 erty, were; here a while to-i' " ' '. A card , from , Mr, W. P. Lanr dreth states th'at'lie iiid hiifamily are .all.down with,fever;atj)Yf l.C.' Vioia Anna. daughter of Mr. A. G. Newell died at 5u'clock yester- day , (Wednesday )' '.-.iF'uineml t o o'clock jftornihJ , Mr. Jos.' My Aa Tpwr0 the editorialcontrol of, the Getrran r. tenTimes, and Mr. Jj V. OreH,late " of. !Green'bVo!$aV talkenlrg 4 1 ;- '.yVj '4'h.i ' vi' 1 ma i .i 11 ni ii njiiulii-' i.M I -. .i."- . , r .....1... .,iir I f ' We call attntio (1e;aqver .tisient of .the Icanless- HotU,, '.Danbury. 'it offera ipleasanJ-jiccorn-1 Vrnodatiorij o ( rersopaXy'810 : Piedmont s Sprirs'-'wfiosV Wkters 1 '.'7H ( . rt .'I'll-. . fchave tecom famou.aiaopg the peo-, Ijple of this section : iw'- Mr. Webster, and his daughter, Mrs, Martin, of Rockingham county, returned home this evening from a visit t) Mr. Ham Tatum's family. At a meeting ot the Evangelical Alliance, at Wilmington, a strong protest has been g ttcn up against the running of boats and trains on Sunday. The examination of teachers to fill the vacancie in the V inston Graded School will be held in the Graded School building, Wednesday, July iS, iSSS. There will be two Silver Medal .1 a rv aa c ntests in tnc w.u. 1. u. una, to-morrow (Thursday) evening, ta which all are most cordially invited Exercises will begin promptly at S :3o o'clock. Capt. J. M. Odell, of Concord. wrnt down to Durham thia morning to be in attendance on n meeting of the af'Ck holders of the Du-ham Cot ton Mills Company. We were glad to hear from him that the heal:h of Mrs. Odell is improved. News has been received here from Rev. D. A. Highfi 1, at Liber ty, of tbe death of his sister Mrs. E. O. Patterson, which occurred yester day ;at 1 o'clock, a in. The burial was appointed for tp-day at 1 1 o'clock, at Liberty. We rrgret much to hear of this sad news. , ' v.; Mess. J. W. Scott, Mike Sher wood and John and Henry Fam re turned ln.t nlgbt from their extensive northern trip, in which they visited Morehead City, Norfolk, Baltimore, New.York, Niagara Falls, and other points of interest. They were ab' sent about two weeks and are safe at home:"' '; i M- ' ' -!. : Mr. and " Mrs. Andrews', wl o were coming into town this morning in . wagon drawn by a mule, were subjected, to , something of an acci dent by reason of the mule taking fright at the train which went out to ward .Danville. Mr, Andrews was thrown out and so badly hurt as to require medical attention' which was given him by Dr. Gregory, ii i ; ' The reception given by the West Encj Ciub on Tuesday evening, prov ed, in spite of the threatening aspect of 'the skies, to'be a yeryenjoyable occasion to all. Receipts amounting to j something ; over $26,ob'. ,( This work for the City Hospital was be- gtm by this c,ten" only Jast March. .!.?' ?;; ''il'vl i.w . In less than six months these young ladies have eartied too.oO by their, own labors, and Save $ioo 06 'how in subscriptions.-? No i wonder fpifr peo ple enciiufage theitt.T" .Who will fhake another ten? ' . '. ' "'" " .' The district Democratic Con- vntlon'whichWasifffayBeionwhefl cdmtolete it labors late -nlehtl and yvherf'he'ar mAntMHSm $ 9 o cjQGK tms rnorning.,3 j.ttrt u-.hvi ; ' fWltt c6nientl6ri'reasMmbSerJ kf the Jtoftr named, and, after a fewnfiTet-. ual ballotings the line 'was broken in favofjof Coli'Morerfead who recetv e4; 'thi ; JTOmination.Thectruggle YHVptptra'cWd ahd'h ed. - After the " nomination was over ffieJcandidates mads pirepriartVd- i it. ii dressesy -and.uthe-afTai pleasantly. ' ' 6na up The District Democratic .Con vention, representing the counties of Granville, Person, Caswell, Rock tighan, Guilford, Forsyth, Stokes and Surry, brought together a num ber of gentlemen irom their retpec tive counties, very many of whom are comparatively oung, yet some of them can remember (he alfa'rs ot fort) years ago. Time has made great changes. Among the number pres ent we found Col. Tom Venable, of Oxf jrd, whose father, the late Hon. Abram Venable, was one of the fore most men in the days of Badger, Xerr, Miller, Bragg and Mangum. We do not think there has been any improvement in the manners and methods ot politician! since the days of the giants, but there nas always been plenty of room for it. Mu far Adraatlng-. - Oo account of the rapid advance in Huirars we ara compelled to advance granulated sugar to 10 evnts per poand, or 11 puundu for el. BeipectfuJr, J. Vf. Scott & Co. .... We have JuatlWeived a nice line of toi let sets Cull aud exauilue our stock. yJO-:f Vour truly, V. T. CHicaanTKa. . . . .The Teacher! Initltute for whltea will coinuience Jdly SOth, and continue two weeks. Prof. W. A. Blair, aslHtnd bj otliera,(wlll con duct the Institute. Jkmk It. Wbahton, JulyMt . County Supt. ... .Try Pllinburj'i Best. r . . . . ."Avena," or rolled oata. Have you tried it? If not do so and yon will buy more sold by ' ' J. W. Scott A Co, ..'..A 'cheap smoke. Thoee1 ' Old ' Virginia 0 tit-roots. Five for a dlme,'at! Scott A Co'. .Jay--.- 1 h. m ,1m, m : .... Danlop' A HcOalnes "Dworatpd' patent flour. Our customers will recollect that this waa the Unit brand ot patent flour We ever sold, and wedont think there Is any better made. , Renew our amuilutuooe with It, and see for younelf. At ' - '. , Boott A Ca'a. French Sardines, Canoed Tripe and Hams, at ' J)7-lw E. M. Cau) A Bro. . .Call for Plllabury'a Beatw ....Cantuloupea and melons just received Fresh from AUKUsta. Choice sweet Uuuta loupes and melons at Jytt lw.. . j - t 1). (iARHKTT A Co'a. . , m , I ClevelsuiA ad 'fbnrntaui! " 'Our Candidates" cigars Just recelvt d at . July 5-tf. ' Tate Bros. Old Virginia Cheroots are as good as any live cent cigar In the world. . Jive for 10 cents, for, Herat. lily brick house du King street near Sergeants fonndry. lyft-tff J Nannie HoAdoo, king. ....PiUsbury'sBe8,AM Pavee'u Mea"tho pofc iiiafrat' ' CaU oO all 4ealers and., smoke, the Old Virginia Cheroots. Five for ten cents. r ( ;o 1 . Lemons Marked Down. . Lemons only 'JO cents per ADZetu at.. v, j JyWw M - 1 Graanabdro Candy Co. 1 J. W. Scott A Co Wuotesalfragenta ftr tim Old Virginia Chareyti, flva foi tea cents) .'Try aU ....I.', j . ti 1 ...11 ju.iiom f.iiou oinno ivnio ,uu lis , uyuZtl , j,. j--..rt . -Tata Itraai I one Tate krosi ,u ri ji jii .at 1. 1 I 1 1 Ii" 'lil 1 lii..t3omethlDgKewfnpots,'!tfH(i.(rw! The "Flower of Key Wear ' thrift this mbW- 4ng. . i. "-- -Tate Bros. air l sp-if .you .lyiea. jfooa.?smoKe try r;ppois For RettU i Several peasant rodma TJ ii )tftrafWdf the clty'Ajiply r Mrt.fe.-tt ' jdleByci- more street, 1ieaie'BenboWnoui:lJ J-3W 1 fva-i 1 1 lot of those LwUea Oxford Ties at prices to kntt averrbodyv' Also a lot ofHeBs low out shoes and children's . Wigwam SUlpers' at' 'half ,cost. fjomcana see inemror yourself.. s -.l v. i fe8Mf O. AaMrrsfiD. The Brick omae on South Elm Btreet, ad- Joining tne U. H. Court House lot, now occu- pied by Chas Hicks at a Barber Shop. 'Posses sion given July 1, jao-tf w. u. Mi'SHir. a ai Mautnl. An Interest In the Farrar I'stent Safety Tether. Addreta, giving lowwt casli price and amouot of Intenwt, "BunlueM." Care McAdoo House. For Sale or Bent. Dwelling house on Kmit Witslungton street, Containing seres rooms, ilejnHy aud conve- oleotly locatel, Is for sale on accomodating U-rmn. Apply to I)h. H. M. Alkohu. unelStf I'ure I.ard. Owing to tne continued advance In Lard we have been coiuK.-ried to advance our price on Oeorge s" lard. Buy it once and you will buy It always. Our lncreaning trade on It proves this. Sold by Sourr A Co. Just received at U. li. kojster's, a nice line of White Goods, drens goods, lawns, calicoes, patit goods, hosieries, Indies goods, handker- ciiieff, stars, luce casliiuere shawls, also a nice Uneof ladles aud gi-ut due shoes, which I am oncrlug great bargalna In. Cull aud see me before uujlng. O. II. Kojsier. m . . ..I take tills method ol informing the pub lic that I am In the Shoe Busloeaa and would be glad to have everyoue to call that wishes to give me a trial. All kiodn of work ta the shoe line., bulisikctlou guaranteed. Shou uo-etairs drat building south of Post OiAce. t ma3 tf T. B. Hxtol 7 O'clock., Nharp. From 15th of May to" 15th of Neptember our store will be closed every evening except Sat urday at seven-o'clock. 'Our Viuatoiuera will please bear tula lu mind aud setul In their or dera early. . Very re.-pactfully,', : mayUf tf J. w. Hcott A Co, ", I'str Kent. Bev. Dr. Smith offers for rent the' new and convenient houoe on Smith1 street.' Terms model at v Poasuauldu iflven-lmmedlately. lor Heal. , , ... One dwelling house on Ouk Street contains four rooms, two porches and a pantry. The house li new. See Da. H. M. ALFOKD. Feb. tn-tf ' u " ' " ' .. Hens. , , Ellis' China Hall, one of the fluent store rooms lu tne 'oity, Apply to P. 1). Price or J. A. Odell. ' " ; " ". ' 113-U" .!. "1 ' aiai 1 11 j . A good white woman to do general, Jipuse woritr-Uood wages -t-uppljr at Patriot Oitlce, .niajs-tr : ,, . ... . ; . ...Any person or persons wishing to purr chase a large brick dwelling house of IS rooms with three pprcues, tliat has been for. years used a a boarding house, or a neat cottage of four rooaix, or nice building loss cheap, can be accomodated oa tue most reasonable terms by applying to , , 1 JD, F. Calpwklu aprttt , 1 '.;:i-yi..-,-' MlW Bro. Meat", . p ' 1 ': ; Cia-ar ' Absolutely yure Havana, ; -t j C I 1 , ! '.? i.S . ii i9m iitJ-Baaa.4c.Clai j . ... . . . . . , . '. ' '; v. .Messrs. Cate Bros, a j thevld stand of Lindsay A Mienck, oouth Im. Street, serve out to ineir nenus a vanecy 01 neaiimui anu, apvetlztair ' drinks' from', their-' manllojit.'ioiuv talir.1 . SpariHii ahd(' '-beanb'-itivln'U ' mineral waters, wiiu various anu aancious annus maae to'ordar and BeasonaWeL 'ft JuoeilO-tf ', HuvW decided to loaye Greensboro, r.,have: In jkmth eeusbpre, one hoase ap a yacant dt lor saie. cnean., it 1 near ine ueocenarv m..k. .MM ' :' , i2J.iVlmi'as!ii' i 1 ' ! ijini mti9' ntinudimit ii jUi , TajtctV,col,iebe0citt)o.l oppj, Jffw (to keep cool, after yqui jret po) tojaopl,; ourflelf, to cool your friends, and at the same tiuva grat- U. yowaste,' apply at tk SdaFqntalon, C,tfs,mon.? itnwatbh NMieal ,d'i'-... .MOtSt' Tie undersigned having ualihed' -aai akeou tor t&4 last will istad! testataent of Daalel Ppnhelkideeeaaed, before, thajilark f 8uperior Court of Guilford eountyK!hereby . gives notice to all persona holding, claims against said de ceased, to present same oil ier, before June 10th 1889, pi; this notice will bjleaded- la bar .of their Jecovery, . . , ,n W. X. Hovstoh, tw Executor of Daniel Donnell, deceased. Campaign llala. A big lot Just received at Je0-t F. FIshhlAts'h, LEADIMO RESTAURANT. Remember that the Leading Reataurant 01 the city Is run by Robert Harris, SoutU Elm St. Fresh Oysters, Fresh Fish, etc., etc., and Heal at all hours, day and night. aep 7 ti for Maab Wa have fur rent one of the moat it Mrabla store in Greensboro. Also, one goon Dwell Dg House, newly painted ant) in tlrst-cUss con dition, with six rooms, kitchen and stable, In. 00 of the best neighborhoods In the city. Whenever you waut to buy, sell or rent aay Real Kstute, consult your Interest by calling Yatks Bkothkkm, Real Estate Agents, dec.lg-U Opposite Beubow House Cheap lath Oreensooro Uas Co.'s Works keep coka for ale In any quantity Orders will receive the oct promptest attention - tar Heat. A nice Brick Cottage with six rooms, large ard and garden, a good well, servants' house. and stable, on West Market street, adjoining the residence of Mr. J. W, Fry. Apply to . Jan 35 tf K. Pkrct Oaiy. . . Good people all, If you need your Fu nlture varnished or repaired, carpets laid hades or cornices hung, or any work dona la the house-furnlshlng line, please call on orsena for Wm. H. McNkii.l, Thomas' Building. Upholstering a specialty. rer Kcau Some nice offlces, fronting Main street over B. 8. Brown's Store. Apply to aeptttf W. E. Bivilu Tor Henk ' The storeroom occupied by J. H, Harris next door to T. rt. Shelton A Co. . Possession given July 1st. , W. A.Fiklds. juneiM-lm ' ' 1'pr Kent. We have a splendid Store foi ent, 90 feet deep.' The most desirable loottloa In the city. Apply tc . Yatss Buotbkrs, Jan, 7 ' ' r ' Real Estate Agents. i Town Lot Free. I wlH give Free, -by special agreement, a Town Lot situated la the town of Liberty, and adjacent to the C.F. and Y.V.R. R., ofsulta ble lre, snd one of the handsomest locations Ui the State, for manufacturing. Good ludu ce meats, for particulars, address , , . ... H.L.Bbowr, Ap35t , ,.. : .. , Liberty, N. C leaver of Flower 'Go to Chichester's for flower pots. All kinds and very cheap. : ' v ' i all-tf , H. Uoyater , ' 'la offering Great Bargains In Dress Goods, Jerseys,' Shawls, Children's Hoods and Sacks, Corsets, Satteens. Also, a nice line of Shoes, Just received at very low prices. : fe3-tf ... , i i i j m m m . New and Nc aaa Vumtnl. At H. H. Cartlaods, under the Central Hotel y ju wll) find the most beautiful .and stylish of ties In lawn, per cales and four In hand. Under wear In styles aad In fabric to please the most exacting. Umbrellaa to suit all persona, and for - either rain or shine. Walkjnsr canes, all weigb.ts, 'and various designs and pricea.' ' ; The subscriber Is now making brick of a olay which he believes to' be, superior ta any other bpM.bjerirdlay, foAnd in the Jew grounds near Gijueua pill Cemetery, . Tueae; britik; prove to be hard, and, of flnequautUs, of durability and are such aa are needed particularly Ip work which "requires solidity, i am 'ready to con tracfto furnish' these superior brick and also to lay'tlienf 'jiStf1 ''D.iRxritaics:.- I )Ti!ll i I SI, i'.'.ft : . lke -III,.- 1&Um9.,nilu'n- '".'ii ,JThe following Jooks areofferedMrs How ardsj at hjthanioneTbairtna pylon s owpiew worics,, mustrateoi, a to, clo. and gilt, at i former price 64.50. ' , r aiw . vvujj'avuv n nu . auwa HHvf v . wa vivt addgili at'4rfornwr'pAe'.S0. M"' ' HAyT 'oompiete vfioete tltustrMed. 'do aMll9i.'&&-fonher,prauvlI," "' u- HQ9 pages sheep L60, fosmer price .SXUXk Aownlnga Fruit and Fruit trees ot iAmerica, 0vr.W0 pages,, ALtSO)tomfrprlp MjOQ, t Cowper's works,' aU ' for LT5-i vols ftaLlM '.'M4.i.' a (.v: "Life, Sermons' and- speeches u of (Bev. tr, . Beld, 35 vents, f in!' 4 - - , .'. i' i ..Sermoas, AddrejMes and prayers,', bj D. L Mody,S0eats.i -j. f..wl r maySMf I Dlqk's En'lycppedla flta practical xeoIpts( f )1.00 Tormer price t5.00. " " " r VasarTi Lives if the'Palaters. 5 Vobt'and f,.,; SI