tee mix wobkmm; 4. L. MllllAUX. Editor. . S. ttlCUAUX; Local Editor. News Iteais Wanted, w. , We will be obliged to "parties in arty part of the city, and in other section represented by too DaJv Vyorkman, o communicate to us either verbally or by other means, any interesting matters ot tact. or. business coming under their notice-. Thus doing they will oblige us and help entertain and instruct our readers. Where not con venient for the reporter to do so, the editor will throw the matter into shape for publication. ' Mj. R. A. Foard, and Mrs. S . Iloustooi both of Greensboro, N. C, were married at Beaufort, on -June 28th 1888, by Re Mr. Rumley. It is stated on what appears to be good authority that the yellow fever sensation at Goldsboro was due to 'he appearance ot a young man in that place, who was just from Flori da., with a mild form of the disease. It is not thought that yellow . fever can ever be epidemic in so cleanly an inland town as Goldsboro. The ladies of the Memorial I As sociation have received a lei ter an nouncing the fact that the statue of the Confederate soldier to be placed upon the monument to the Confedr erate soldiers, who are buried in the Greene Hill Cemetery in this city will be finished in about ten days. It will be unveiled the 12th of Sep tember, during the Firemen's Tour nament in this city, ,. A pair of mules hitched to a wagon ran away yesterday, evening arid created a good deal of excitement on South Elm - Street. . They began running in front of Pretzfelder's store and did not stop until" tbey got it n front ot the North ' State , office, although they left the wagon at the water plug in front of Fitzsioions drug store, against which tbey ran in their wild career. There was not much damage done. The Fire Alarm Last Night.' At about one o'clock ' last night the fire alarm was heard, and upon in quiry it was found that the roof of the Electric Light Engine house was on fire on its underside, supposed to haye been in consequence of shutting down and closing up the room1 while excessive heat was jet in the boiler, The Fire Company responded soon after the alarm was given, but, even before the alarm was' sounded from the court house--bell, the South Gieensboro Reel Team, which is .lo cated at J. and C. Lewis' shop, were already on the spot and at .work, using the 2oo feet of hose attached to the hydrant located not far from , the ' dynamo plant. . The railroad hands also assisted efficiently with buckets of water from the tank near the fac tories.' v ' The work waa most handsomely dona, and the fire suppressed in abort order.' The only damage was the breaking of one of the window. . It ia due the waterworks company to say again that tha ,: supply of water saved, the building from ruins'! The Electric Light Company authorized us to return their thanks to the Heel Team and railroad hands for the very prompt and efficient, work done. .v. The pastor of Flat Rock circuit began a ' protracted . meeting at the Flat Rock appointment on Sunday last. The day was warm and the at tendance large. Rev. RIL Wills, and the pastor.preached on Sunday to good congregations.. :'0n ; Monday the attendance" was" good,' and' in the afternoon, after a sermon" by Brd. Wills j"there was a ' decided move menf in the church,, and . several came forward as seekers, and one soul ("professed ' to be "born" again. The meeting continued, with prospects of increased spirituality. Very few of those who worship ped at pat Rock in (18435, ttmtia to this day. . Herhapa-' there were -three or four present on Sunday ,while only one lives near enough to be a regular attendant There may be anuiny as sixteen in allfbut they dwell widely apart But it is quite remarkable that so many as sixteen should survive of a society dating sack forty-three years 1 The grave yard has been enlarged, and the ma jority have been laid away in beds of dust. What an, army, will rise from that inclosure when the resurrection trump shall sound ! Death will car ry on his work as the great reaper un til there shall be none left to fall un der hisjgreat sickle What changes there have been in forty-three years 1 Gray hairs adorn the temples of all who were living at that day, and there are hundreds of younger ones, who have but recently come upon the stace. A eoodly number of these, but not all, are known as disci pies and believers, and claim to be followers of the Lamb. The Lord help us who remain to hold fast unto the end. . A Tennesse Man Ban Down and Killed. Chataxooga, Tenn., August 15. At an early boor this morning danoe was in progress on Co wart street, in tb.e fifth ward, John Wil Hams quarrelled witn tnree un known men. Williams fired four shots ftt them and ran. Tuey fol lowed him down an alley, stabbed nim three times in the baok and afterwards oat his throat, severing the jugular vain, producing almost instant death. All of the men es oaped. . ' Bucklen's Arnica Salve. S The beat dalve in the-world tor Cuts, Braises. Bores, Uloers, Bait Rheum, Fe vet Bores, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chil blains, Uoraa, and ali bun Eruptions, sua pc-eiuveiy cares ruee, or no - pay required. It is guaranteed to give per fect satisfaction, or money refunded. Prioe 145 cento per box. For sale by novio ly daw , voaa Bolton. Toe. annual protraoted meeting oommflneed at the Judge last ban asy. vve are miormea tnst on1 that occasion there was the largest oongn gation ever seen at the xtidge, and botwitcstandtng the latge orowd in attendance there was no distnrbnnpe or misbehavior of any kind. This we expected to bear. for we baye known - the Ridge peo ple and the congregation who usually; worship there for many years, and it affords as pleasure to say that they have always been a quiet and orderly people. An ex cellent sermon was preached in the morning by the liav. Mr. Ceou.and one in the afternoon by the Rev. Mr. Highfill. Tbe meeting will continue several days. Hillsboro tteoorder. Alamance Gleaner : Rat. D. A. Long, President of Antioob College fallow Springs;' Ohio,; and family arrived here Saturday on a visit to relatives. v- , ..,-: 'k - one-legged !Confederate soldier, a son of Alamance, daring the past season, made 47 10 Suffer ed grain cradles and had so com plaint exoept in one instance, That is doing well. His name is C. A. Tickle and be lives near McLeans- ville. , , -The Minneola Mannfaotnr- ing Company at Gibeonville has been incorporated with a caoital stock of $40,000. . Messrs. B. and J. A. Davidson, C. H. Fisher and J. Wi Page are tbe. incorporators. We understand they expeot to add 1,000 spindles. Heretofore they have woven only. Two young white men. Las Jordan and Sam Smith,4! were ar rested atBellemont last week for passing bills of the" defunot Meok- enburg Bank.were trie&'conViotad and bound over to court. Jordan is in jail, failing to give bond. They were doing a' thtiving business, it would appear from ' tbe amount they got off. . Mr. James V. Poaeroy, Cbarlotte,"ana one of the owners 0 Die Falls tUtoo MilUV ba$ par chased I he elegant borne Of . Mr James H. Holt, io this place and will move his family here soon. Air Holt will move his family to liar lington. Oar people will extend a oordul welooma-tOfJVlrT fomeroy, bat will regret exceedingly to give up so good- a man as Air. Holt. An1 EWant 8uhstitnta For Oils, baits, i'llla, and all kinds ot bnUr, nauseous Liver Medioines and Oathartioe is the very agreeable liquid fruit remedy Byrup of Figs. Its advan tages are evident, it is more ea&ilv taken more Acceptable to the stomach, more pleasantly, effective, and more' truly beneficial to tbe system than any other remedy. - Beoommended by leading pufaiotaua. , The Value of a Idle- The courts as a rule fix tbe value of a person killed by a railroad at $5,000, but vital '' statisticians place tbe valu of an adult person to the State at $750. and ihe annual pro duotive power at $05.'"' One-half 01 all deaths occur during thejsproduo- tive age. Tbe total annual deaths in tbe United States this year is 200,000 therefore oreating a loss 0 $150,000,000. There at s also 1,- 500,000 persons sick all tbe tune in the United btates, causing a loss 0 $142,500,000. A large per cent, o deaths is Caused by preventable diseases. The relative market value of tbe different parts of the human body have been calculated by a German mathematician with a view to fix a basis for tbe award of damages in the case of disablement. Tbe loss of both eyes, arms, legs,, bands or feet, is pat at 100, that of the right arm at 60, or a left at 50. tbe right hand at 33J, an eye at 23,' tbe left thumb or right forefinger at 8, and any other finger of the left band at 4 per oent. .. . Two .Wjaen Arraigned for Murder1 In tbe Criminal Court yesterday, two colored women were, arraigned before Judge Meares on present ments by tbe grand jury, charging .. f.L T ,f7 mem witn muraer. iane luorn son, the woman who, in January 1857, kdled her husband with skillet, stood up before the Judge, and Thursday next was the day set for her trial to .take place. Ann Wallace, ' who cut the throat of Millie Robinson, will be tried next Friday. Charlotte Chronicle. - ' Eaces. Shell Road won. Time 2.08, ' It leads by far all "other brands of Chewing Tobacco and has broken the record.. ,, Shell Road Tobacco is most care fully manufactured by R. A. Patter son & Co., of Kicbmond, Va. and is made of the . finest North Carolina fillers. Its popularity in the South can only be judged from the amount consumed, which sums up to the enormous proportion ot 2,000,000 lbs per year.. Everybody now is chewing it and you can get it at the following .well ki.own houses. , Tate Bros. 1 - . . Geo. Fitzsimons & Co. W. C Porer. , W. E. Bastine. A. T. -Vernon. C. H. Doughty. ' C. W. Irvin. S. S. Mitchells . R.E. Wsggoman. ';: J. J. Adams, W. A.. Scott. House and Lot For Sale. TT HE snbsoriber oners for sale pri- . X , vately tbe valuable ' prop erty on Edgeworth street in the city of Greens boro, known as the late residence,, of Mr. F. N. Ingold. The house consists of two stories, and contains six roome, and is known as a mUG $ COMFORTABLE home The premises embrace an acre. of ground, and tbe dimensions are 300 x 150 feet There is an orchard of se lect yonng trees, also a small meadow. A well of water on the lot ia known to e inexhanstible, Persons wishing to purchase will apply! by letter to 3. E. walker, Treasurer Powhatan Manufac turing Co Bandleman, N. O. . aul6-2w r - " 1 ujavErcsiTy NOliTHCAKOLM. CHAPEL HILL, N, C. . j . . ' ' . 0 ' " fThe Viext ' sehioii begins August 30th. Tuition reduced to $o a hall year. Poor students may give notes. Faculty of fifteen teachers. , Three shprt courses for the training of busi ness men, teachers, physicians, and pharmacists. Law school fully equip ped. Write for catalogue to j Hon. Kemp P. Battle, Prest. je8:8w.. . x- ' Wesleyan Female Institute, Staunton, Virginia. -0 o- Opcns September 20, tSSS. One AftueinoHt attractive ScheoIsTor Young Ladles In the Union. All Departments Thorough. Uuiid ings Elegant ; Steam heat; Gaslight Situation beautiful: Climate solen did; Pupils from Nineteen States. Tprma anion?' thA Lnwrftt In the Unl.n. For the LIBERAL TERMS nf this TRLFKRATKU OLD VIR GINIA SCHOOL, write for a caU- logue to Wm. A.. Harris, rres. jy7 8w ' Staunton, Va Methodist ProtestantMonthlv A large 64 column. Magazine de signed to aid the home, school and church in winning and training souls for Jesus and U eaten. One dollar a year in advanoe. Free to those who -nil send three sabsoribers at f 1.00 each : Address,. THE NATIONAL METHODIST, 87 Virginia Avenue, J f30tf . , Indianapolis, Ind. 29 2 o3 2 m o a e cr.S 7d' a AS'S OB n m V" IS a 3 3 8305 riot! i" i er DR. J. G. BRODNAX, PHYSICIAN AND SUEGE0N. Office for the pretent at his .reuidence on Ash street, occosite Mrs. D. Hall, :,-..-, Dr. R, W- Tate, Practicing Physician, Greensboro, N. O., offers his Professional Services to the citizens of Greensboro and sur rounding country, Offioe at Porter Dalton's Amu store. . When ' not there can be foucd at his residenoe on Ashe boro street, opposite OoL T- B. Keogh's. UOtf Tot sale bv H. H. Gartlend. who also has for the trade ' Keck lies f jur in hand, Scarfs, Hows, Fancy Diesa .shirts vlmbreiias, Lanes ; lull line 01 olotbS tor fall wear, etc., etc. Call onCartland ander Central Hotel. - ,:- ' ; cT k, F g-?fe gtrti -j Sua . S 1 I 9S avi t v - 1888' r f :; 1888 Summer Excursion Rates; TO ALL -SUMMER RESORTS .-OH THE- C. F. &Y. V. r;w. : (Cap Fear and Yadkin VaUy Ballwaj. - DCSTIKATIOX. V 3 0 a . i 1 Rod Bpringa, I 1.5 .60 I ti.! Ore Hill, B.75 .TO 2.90 Walnut Cove, 7.S5 , 6.50 6.8A Mount Airy, 8.9ft 8.10 0.70 Dkrtihatiok. 3 - , g I J ' j j I j Rh1 Kiirlnu'N I S3. 10 I 0.10 I S7.t. Ore Hill, 1.0S S.00 5.49. Walnut Core, 4.A0 -.1.45 8.00. Mount Airy, 8.S0 S.45 Tickets on sale Jane 1st to Sep" tember 30th, 1888. . J. W. Far. ' W. K. Ktle, Genm al Sunt, Uenl Paai A gl. Gwnnboro, S. C. Fayettovlll, N. C. Important I TUa Aaair in nni-wBTMiml vilh several nnm Mim Intollicrnnl' m An with a view n na.tinn tliam tA Kill tin in HlhDff Alex. H. Stepben's Pictorial History of the U. 8 " A new' edition reoently issued with appendix by Mr. R: A. Brock, Beo, of tbe Va. Historioal Bo- oiety, giving President Uleveiana s in-, taking tbe oath of office. . The most nfrnriai Kiifi 1 1 issis wieu aa, uiutuio v uw popular and fast soiling dook ever 01 fered in tbe South. Splendid terms, . A fine line of Family Bibles at ex ceedingly low prioea, With or without tbe new version 01 me uia ana new TmUnient in Darallel oolumns. Write for oironlars and terms. . B. F. JOHN SUM & UU., Publ'shers. ' 1013 Main St ' Ainhmond, Va. I1281y GHEDSDOKO GREE NS BORO,JV. C. The Sixtv-Seventh Session of thta. Prosperous Institution begins on the 22nd of August iSSS. Superior advantages offered in all the departments of learning usually tauzht in Female Colleges of Hieh Grade. Instruction given in Type Writing and stenography. Terms moderate. For Catalogue , apply to iy9;6w PRESIDENT. TABERNACLE:, ACADEMY. ACSUOD SCHOOL FOR BOYS J, 0. Wilson, - - Principal. Mrs. J. S. Hunter, Musio Teacher- Tabernacta ia aitnata in OnilfnA county, N. O., 9 miles south of Greens -: I , A .1 T. . . M . I uoro aia nvo jnues jaaai 01 rieasant Garden, a station on the Cape Fear and-.' Yadkin Valley Railroad, in a neighbor- loons in the commnmty. Preaching at xaDernacie onnron twioe a montn. A-' good Sabbath richooL Mail twioe a.,' WAflk. . Fall tflrm htunna Anmiot Vll, 1883. Special attention given to those ' : mvvouBK w neaca in ine r uouo nonoois. . Tuition, English branches from tl to 92 per month. Other languages 60 eta.' each per month extra.'" Bnard fmmM: to 88 per month, For further informs-. uon oaii on or address tbe iTincipal at Tabernacle, N. O. " je29 lm -' HlVh fk OOKn AraoNTIi can bemads ' preferred who can furnish a borss and give their whole tune to tbe business. Spare mo- -ments may be profitably employed also. A few . vacancies lu towns and cities. B. P. JOHN -SON A; CO., 1009 Mala Bt, Klchmono, Va, Plsn & Organs Of al) make direct la . cnMonwra from head. " qnartr. at wholesala prka. . All floods guar, anteed. 'o monay uked till Initrumenw iKjed. Writ at befnra trarchaslnif. An invastment of. fciiU'niajr tvn yoh from nO.OO to fioo.00. Addrua JESSE FRENCH, Nashville, Tenn- ... nr.h.m anA ' 1 11 If fit" ' A t 'HOiCV ' C ' r m Any i teudlntf mf S 4$ U cm.tt, arul th aAes 7( rW f C io of their friends, will retiv, by mail, Wtjinl OoodJ do rtccipts. trash or jewelry, n footu that retail torfe 44. . ThU it ft ffenuliM ofler ftnd ft fortune to yott. Crrimn SuiifAH. 1 Y WiAsflmn Supply Co,. Vfwf w( btmwAia ti- v. FEMALE COLLEGE