' Ac'. THElDAILY ! WORKMAN, U.?2 .n. n Augu8t i3. Sev Cases To-Day,v Jacksonville, Fia., Au&ust 15 The weather is -damp and fultry this morning, excellent weather for AL. oaaj4 $ I It A t a1 lsn fafiAv aI L V.L. h.n arrtl i . t od injuries in the bead, and the ln&JJES? Lnductor, Fred Long, in th. back. 7kM.Jn,i. a.;... .Jiii .,i Tb west bound express train came thorough sanitary, condition, and f. . m . M as Bweei ana railroad Jie.ar ShohoIa,' at, ah early boar Thfe morning. An east bound freight was wrecked and the oars smashed. The engineer, M. Fritz. aod the firemaok O' "Hop-an. fns- along olean mail and expresa oars were burned Piedmont Air-line Route. i Richmond und Danrille Kailroad. COKDES8ED SCHEDULE. L A1...C1 J (DIOWD QOWD HO B1KUWT 1QOV em una uo. vuuuueuuo w i . . . tit . - . j . 7. . 1 I flK the, train bht proved nnsne 5L'ri KiKSJT H were totaily bn-ned" The fireman I i - i l l u . & i l. : iSSlSW ThebW a uuiuuieiieir uu. GUARDING AGAINST YJXLOW JJtVUK. k-va uMn w:ie(l -nfl 4w,nt.ona Charleston. S. U, Aogast lo. woandedw-eiBbt fatally. A nam A rigid enforcement of quarantine ber - of race horses belonging to regulations a&toi Florida points Lilly Langtry and Fred Qebhardt Has been ordered)? tne municipal were burned to deatn. ine vaiua authorities. The Pullman- Com- tion placed upon them was $100. pany has taken its cars off all lines 000.' . They had been shipped from south of Savannah, and all sleep. Long Branch on Saturday, and log oars which have been in Florida were in charge of a number of in the past twenty days have been trainers and grooms, all of whom nad. a. narrow escape irom instant death, as the oars rolled down the lit Emm IT IT Ml AM 75th Maruiinn J'itn. iOUTHBOUHD. sent to the shops for fumigation. PORTSMOUTH QUARANTINED. Norfolk, August 15.-The Board of Quarantine Commissioners ol this rtort to-day directed Dr. W. A Thorn. State Quarantine offioer, to notifv the authorities of the differ ent railroads in this city and Forts- mouth not to land any passengers from Jacksonville and other yellow fever infeoted points in Florida. REPORT rSOM JACK8CSVILLZ. Washington. August 15. Om- embankment. Among Mr. Geb hardt'a borrea bnrned were: Eole, E ilwt, Minoeal, Blanks, Certainty, raulme, frank, and Orphan boy. Scandinavian, owned by Mat Storms, of California, was killed, and two blaok tandem horses be longing to Mrs. Langtry. About a docdn of the worst injured persons brought to Port Jervis at noon. Mat Storms, owner of Soandana- vian, was in the oar with the horses Lv. New York Philadelphia Baltimore Wnshiogtoa CharlotsvlTe Lynchburg Lv. Riohmond Burkevills Keyville lrke's Br'cL Danville Ar. Qreeuaboro Lv. Ooldaboro Raleigh Durham Lv. Chopel Bill HiUnboro Ar Greensboro Lv. Bulem Oreeoaboro High Point Ar. balmbury Ar, BUb Rville Asheville Hot Springs Lv, Silbbory Ar. Concord Charlotte Spartanburg Orenville Li. AUanU .... . 1 T t 1 1 Till . I ... . a . . oial advices from Jacksonville, x ia., And will probably die of nis iuju received at tne marine Hospital rw8 headauartcrs here, report three na ' MtM fii ve uw lever mere urace ud. Mslk tnt v.fnnr honrs end-1 ion are leeung aepresea, your appe w . . . . t.r. nnnr mi . KtA ing six p. m., yesterday, Mt no fltr. nervous, and generauy out 01 aorta, ana want to six deaths. The Wonderful Healing Preparation of Darby's ProphyUotio fluid. - nnereter iinjreuuug, usi eleanainff, and deodorizing lo ectionor wash is rcqnird nee lwby'a rropny Wtio Flnid. Ast inflamed tnrfaoe. x ternal br internal, treated with the fluid will be qoioklT relieved. It has efleoted 'cares that had resisted the beet medical brace up. Brace up. bat not with fltim alanta. sprina medioines or bitters, which . have for their basis very cheap, bad whiskey, and which stimulate you for an notuvaaa 'tiien leave you in a worae oondition than before What you want is an alterative tnat will porifv vour blood, start healthy action of Liver and kidneys, restore your vitality, and give renewed neaitn ana strejigtn. Bacn medicine you will find in Electric Bit ters, and only 50 oents at Hunter I Uiobauz's Drug Store, Farmers in Earnest. v PiTVTiir Anonat IK Th IM. . u i "l-i , a. nnA Aav Bftminn of the State " ismari women well Farmer's Alliance was held berf KDil wa enderson; "Dut trvdav. The Alliance adODted woman i care to marry a woman nlan for the establishment of State no knew more than I did." "And (.nQiriftftii atrenov. the . obieot beice I - SflRgssted Fogg, "yon have aa- j - - . - i i - to dispense aa nearly aa possibls o0 roroeo w remain single. with middlemen in a nomber on ? .. - - nnn( ui 1'hoaa ttirnniMAn hllVB lor . . . .. '""J.'ir vwwuw.vw. . i HTi1 ma nnu. nr ir.ay.tmn hnnj wnn gome ume Deen in operatipa. ao dered thettamous liquid fruit r-medr Alliance aiBO adopted a resolution Svrup of Fig, fanmensely popular. It rlannnnn no) thA nntton baccins I cleanses ana tones up me cioceed and D . . " I l.l. , j.-l L.J.ru . ,1. trust and urging al iaDoes all over up ul0nm. t.ue Duuou vi huiuu -"'""I tinn: flTSnflnnia. nn1 tha mar. ill. it, and to seek to utilize otner aruoies pendiner on a weak or inactive condition for the manufacture of bagging. Their Business Booming. Probably no one. thing has caused such a general revival of trade at Hunter & Michaux's Drug Store as their giviBg away to their customers or so many trial bottles of Dr. Kiutr's New Discov ery for consumption. Their trade is simply enormoirt ia tjiia very , valuable article from iliez ' that it always cures and never disapp mfs. uougns, ooias, of the . Kidneys, Liver, and Bowels, Manufactured only , by, tho California Fig . Syrup Company, San Franoisoo, Cal. S. L R. MMON8 LIVER REGULATOR. lit will cure all. diseases caused br derangement of the Liver, Kidneys and Stomach. EFFECTUAL SPECIFIC asthma, bronchi! S, oroup.and all throat for Constipation, Dyspeptia, Headache, . ,. . i .1 Va mi..ina. Hnnv Nmmflnh. nail r.anfy it ana lung aineaseq uca-ij vuiw, ... wu i t ".,7 : : " .n it hAfm h.! vina bv ffettinar a the couth, biuous attacks and despon "v.-r" r " . .7 - i . j .11.1 nt, : trial bottle free, large size i, xjvery 1 aenoj, u u iuvu uuru6o u. bottle warranted. SATxr, No. 60. No. 25. 13 15 a m 7 20a in 9 45am 11 24 a m 8 40pm 560pm 810pm 517pm 5 57 pin 6 13 pm 8 60pm 1035 pm 40 pm 6 00pnt 6 04pm t5 20 p m 6 87pm 3 85 p m f6 15 pm 10 45p m 1115 pm 12 01 a m 1 51 a m 728 am 915 am 12 dam 110 am 1)5 a ta 4 40 am 5 60 a m 11 0am 4 80 p m 6 67pm 9 42 pa 1100pm 8 CO am 6 10 am 230 a m 4 24am 6 05 a m 6 20am 8 05 a m 9 42am f8 10 p m 812am 40Cam 74)aaa 6 30am 9 50am 10 18 a m 1118 am 12 12 p m 4 31 pm 6 10 p m 11 23 a m 12 01 p m 12 40 pm 3 37pm 4 48pm 9 40 p m ROBTBBOV1ID DA1LX. No. 61. No. 03. Lv. Atlanta 1 Ar, Greenville Spartanburg Charlotte Ar. Concord . Salisbury Lv. Hot Springs Asheville Statesville Ar. Salisbury High Point Greensboro A. JJalem Lv. Greensboro Ar. Hilkboro Chapel Hill Durham Raleigh Goldaboro Lv. Gieensboro Ar. Danville Drake's Brnoh Keysrille Burkevilln Richmond Ar. Lynchburg Mil SALE OF & Machinery BY virtue of an order of be Superior Court ot Guilford oounty, w,- the uudeniikntd, will sell at public auction at the oourt bouBoJiloor in Greeoitwro, on Monday the 27tb (ai of August 1888, the enbi e, boiler, mill aod mill ma chinery lately used in the prist and flouring mill of i, M. Hughes in Greensboro. Also the mill house in wliio i the mill is plaotnl to be remov ed from the lot on wi,i h it stands II re is an opportunity for an invest ment in valuable mill property. Call and examine the property. Terms cash. JohsH Dillabd, Ltvi M. Soott, july21 tds. Commissioners. McCanless House, DANKURYt N. Music andArt School, MRS. MINNA HILDESHEIMER, AUSISTSO BI MIS3 LAURA BROCKMANN. will opea a ashool of Vocal and Instru ment! Music it Mrs. Steel's new cot tage on Davie street, beginning Mon day, August 20th 1888. Lessons in drawing and painting will also be given I y a talented and thoroughly oompetent young lady. 1'upiis from a distanoe oan seonre eood board and rooms at mod erate figures. For terms and further particulars call on or address, Mrs. MlNBA HlLCSSBEIMBB. uly 19 lm Greensboro, N. O. 0. F- & T. V. RAILWAY S iV CONDENSED SCHEDULE NO. 3 Taking effect 5 am., Monday, August 18, US. This house bHs biteu mlaraed and newlv fitte-1 up (or 'h pecUracoom modation of summer visitors to Pied mont Springs and the Mountains. It is the largest Hotel and has tbj best ar ranged and most siry rooms of any h"use in town, with double verandas of 120 foot promenade ea h It is beauti fully located on a high and well-shaded elevation, fronting on the Oourt House I square with its nice shades and ever-' . I . . ma greens, vhq inegrana scenery uiouura town Mountains with ita varied oolors of green for a background, and where the t nre, invicoraung air ana iresu moun tain breezes have free aooees. This Home has a large well ventilated parlor furnished witn pianos to furnish music for the guests of this House during the season. Danbury is situated 2t milos from Piedmont Springs, 8 miles from Pep per a Alum Springs and within easy dis tance of Moore's and other mineral wa ters. A line of good hacks, with good teams, will be run from the Hotel to the Springs at all limesf or whtn deeired, at reasonable rates. Also good s n d gen tle saddle horses on easy terms Mioentt waters and ioe kept in Hotel at all times. ABoard $18 per month, 86 per week. SI per day. Children under 10 years of age, anil servants, half prioe. Danbury is reached by thn Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley Railroad from Greensboro to Walnut Cove, where easy and oomfortable conveyances can be bad at reason ble rates to Danbury. a dis tanoe of 10 miles. TRAINS MOVING NORTH. 6 00pm 7 10 am 106am 1 61 pm 2 13 a m 2 63 p m 4 50 a m 5 30 p m 613 am " 6 80pm 6 22 a m f 05 p m 8 05pm 1140 am 9 65 p m- 1 25 p m 8 80 a m 5 66 p m 437 am ''6 88 p m 7 82am ',815 p m 8 QOam. A40 p m ljr4m -11284 am 9 50 a m 10 50 p m 1165 pm f 810 a m tl 15 p m 11 85 pm 1 68 p m 4 10 p m 865am 9 .7 am 12 25 p m 12 40 pm 125pm 8 30pm 12 40pm (Jbarlott'svUleJ 2 55 p m Waahington Baltimore Philadelphia New York . Daily. Lv BennettsvUle. Ar Mazton Lv Mazton Ar Fayetteville... Lv Fayetteville. . . Ar Sanford Lv Banford Ar Greensboro... Lv Greensboro... Arrive Mt. Airy... t6 65ai 1145 ai 7 85 pm 8 60 pin 3 00am 620am tiSOam m m 8 50 p in 10 20pm 1 13 am 145am 2 86am 5 00 a m 12 65am 8 06am 7 00am 8 20am 10 47 pm 120pm Leave Mt Airy..,. Ar Greensboro.... Lv Greensboro.... Ar Banford Lv Banford Ar Fayetteville... Lv Fayetteville... Ar Kuton. ...... Lv M niton Ar Bennetuvllle.. Decides Atrainat the Women. KeTobk, Aug. 15. A Herald Bpecial from Olympia, W. T., Bays that the Sapreme Court has decid ed that Woman Suffrace in tho Territory is unconstitutional. a diseased. Liver. SAVE TIME! , s . TTP TTP A rnTTI SAVE MONEY! Bv keeping this vatuabU medicine al wajs in the house; as it is a safe and thorough purgative, tonio and - atten tive, it is always important andaoceptv ble for use and it cannot do narm. - NOTgpJO fO EQITAL; IT. I nave sola Simmons. Adver Keguia- tDaily.exoept Sunday No. 50 and 51 connect daily exoept Sunday at Keyaville for Clarksville and Oxford. ' w No. 63-oonnects at Biohmond with 0.10 for Old Point and Norfolk No 51 and (3 connect at Riohmond dai ly except Sunday for iWest Point and Baltimore. No. 62 from West Point has daily connection at Riohmond with No 60 for tne South. . ' SLEEPING-CAR SERVICE. On trains 50 and 51, Pullman Buffet sleeper between Montgomery and Ne York, Danville and Anitttsta, and Ral eigh and Morris to wd. TCnn. On 52 and 63, Pullman Buffet sleeper between Washington and New Orleans via Montgomery, and between Wasi ington and Augusta, Riohmond and Greensboro. , and Pullman parlor oars between Salisbury and Kpoxviile. Through tickets on sale at principal stations, to an pomts. v - v !v For rates and information, apply to any agent oi ine company, or w . . SOIi. HAAS. JAS. il. XATLOB, Traffic Manager. Gen. Pass Ag't. W. A. Turk. Division Pass.' Agent, Ra- l:gn, Nortu Carolina. , Gen-Schofield in Charge.; 8 WiatrfvnTns.Auffnst 15.Gen. ftnhnfidd this afternoon issued an i tor for the past six years. My custom ' order announcing that he had taken ers pronounoe it the best they ever us command of the army. : ;' ; The Committee Agrees.. - WiwrKotoN: Anizust , 15.T The .. m.r -if- . . " -fila -ii.i causeo oy'oiose ooninemen -. conferen comm ttee on tbe,4t. tbftXqind iVahigh . appropriate bill hag reached' an" meBd its Bse-C. P. Hisby, agreement, ine senate , aucopio i jsoinourg, va. ed. , One oustomer whose health was in a wretahed oondition. from a very bad and stubborn case of dj spepsie, used Ragulator'-jand Was entirely cured. I am using it myself for Torpid Liver. causeo vv' close confinement. I fl nd nry reoom r, Druggist, il. i a.manrl 'ftrfn hnal! - A I if novuopoMa UWB I . . . . 7, it i I il . n... laiwn xu iiut ium an- xaa uwi' Vldea DV ne AlOUSe, na m iiuuoo , . ? ny-i-i .viJ rnm -il ft..-,!,. nJ annentB the Senate s three cruisers, j imjtf:QT1. u on, r(j Trmi-ivinrit The total amount appropriated Jor on front off Wrapper, and: on' the' aide thinbreaee of the navy by the till the seat aadsignaturetof J.H. Zeilin ' Notice of Incorporation. Nobth CaBoldja ) In office GuhiFobd oocnti Clerk Sup'r Court. AT OTICE is hereby given of the in Xi corporation of "Minneola Mann faotunnar comnanv.' '': The names of the incorporator are Berry Davidson, ' Josepn A. JJavid son. Charles H. Fisher and John W Page. ' The principal office a d place of business to be at Uibeonville, Uoutprd oourty, North Carolina. .The business is the : manufacture of cotton ' into threads, cloths, and fabrics, and general meronandiBe, The. duration of tne com pany is twenty years , irom , and after the 2nd day -of August, A D. 1838, ' The oapital BtocK la forty thousand dollars, divided into four hundred Bhares of the par value of one hundred dollars each. AlBKBT A. HoiiTON, O-H. C. August tb, 1883. -' Guilford eouuty Pass. A Mall. AOOam 7 05 718 II 00am 0 15am 1115am Uir7 8 JOpm 8 00pm 7UOpm Fr'ht k Ac'oa 1 15 pm 810 885 715 925am 140pm 8 80pm 785pm 10 15 pm oiapm Mo. 1 Dinner at Greetuboro. W. W. McCanlets, jyl2-6w. . Proprietor. Dr G. W. WHITSE1T Surgcozv Dentist. Office on Lindsay Corner. GREENSBORO, N C. TKAIN8 MOVING BOUTH. J Pass. A rYbtA Mall. AO'S. 5 00amil015am 9 25 am 10 05 am 185pm l DO 4 00 415 615 025 780 8 40 pm 7 40 am 2 00 pm 8 80 pm 5 50 pm 628 am 1150 am 1015 am 1218 pm H OME SCHOOL. I WILL RE OPEN MY SCHOOL For Girls And Small Boys AUGUST 20th. No. 2 Breakfast at Germ an ton. . No. 8 Dinner at Banford. Factory Branch Freight & Acoo'n. TBUNS MOVIKO NORTH. Leave Klllboro, , ..7 80 a m Arrive at ureensnoro, w oo a m TRAINS KOVINO SOUTH. Leave Greensboro, 830pm Leave Factory Junction, . ..4 80 p m Arrive at Millboro at 5 15 p m Passenger and Mall Trains run dally except Sunday. Freight and Accommodation Train runs from Fayetteville to Bennettsvllle and returns on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays i from Fay etteville to Greensboro on Tuesdays, Thursdays ana Saturdays, ana irom ureensooro to ray etteville on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridava. From Greennboro to Mt. Airy on Tuesdays Thursdays and Saturdays, and from Mt. Airy to Greensboro tn Mondays, Wednesdays and rnuays. Trains on Factory Branch run dally except ttunuay. w. js. MUi, uen'i rass. Agent. J. W. FBT, Gen'l Supt. NOTICE. The cheapest and beat Well-Fixtures on the market oan be had by ap plying to Q. T. Glassooek or F. A. Matthews. Everything complete wheel, rope, buckets for NINE DOLLARS. . Come and examine it. on trial Will pnt it June6-tf I Dissolution. The copartnership heretofore existing between G. M, Hszel and J. W. Way nick, under the firm name and style of "Ureensooro ioeAlant. Co. ' is this day du solved by mutual consent, for the purpose of forming a new Company All persons having elsims against said Company will present tliem to j, W Waymok for payment , ' . ; GreenBboro, N. a, August 8tb, '88. 4w - ''' IIAIIUU solt as, dove's down, and as IIMI1 white, by using Cutioura Medi cated ooap. That the pupils committed to my care may have "sound minds in sound bod ies," special attention will be given to physical as well as to moral and mental culture. - Object lessens with GOOD VUKTIIiATIQI and plenty of light and exercise, wiH go far to break the weary monotony of school life, so well calculated to injure as well as disgust young ohildren. Tne usual ENGLISH BRANCHES will be taught with primary lessons in LATIN ANT) FRENCH, at $1.50 per month, Mrs. . D. HUNDLEY. aug2tf YOU CAN GET A beautiful Register Illustrated of OAK RIDGE INSTITUTE ond BUSINESS COL LEDGE telling all about that celebrated school. FEEE! You shonld do this if you contemplate patron izing any school next year. .Prepares for TEACHING, for BrSIIVESR or f . COLLEGE. - w. v w ....v up vi r'-4 S?3 K ' ,-,.' -ft " L, . "Z-Lj 319 Students last year. . The School is finely located In the Pledsont region of N. C, near '' Greensboro, where good board cat be bad low. , i It has splendid buildings, fine study .halls, ami -elegantly furnished Society Halls,. beautiful.,. Chapel, and is completely equipped. One. of the few first class High Bcoois ln the South. Address, J. A. U. H. BOLT, julyl4-8w Oak Ridge, N. C. A A

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