THE DAILY WORKMAN, V ' ' MltBUMMi X tlmo a mkuu RvenlngPaper, at W.00 year, In advance. For atx months; $1.50, for three tnotitlin, 73 scuta, and to those who pay .- ' PROMPTLY, 86 cents per month. On deferred payments, SB cents per month, to pay expenst of col tooting. Kntertd at tkt ptt offl in tiremwboro, A 0., at uKtmd-ckui matter. 'Office on. SouA Elm Stre, undur BonbouiHaSL RAILWAY GUIDE. Iikernbboko, fune 34, iSSS. KJOHMOira UAMVUXt UATLBOAD, Arrives from Kiohmoud al 9 42 a m " " 1035 pm Leaves (or Richmond at 8 50 p m 8 US am SOUTH OAROLISA BAIUWAC Arrives from Charlotte at 8 00 a m " S 40 p m Leave tor Charlotte at 9 45 a to -' 10 50 pm Arrives from Uoklaboro at 18 85 o m Leave for Goldsboirj at t6lm XOBTH-WBflTBBIt V. . SUCLBOAD. Irrivos from Halem at 8 00 a m " " , , ",, , . 9 20pm Leave for Bute m at . 10 00 am " 10 54 p m a V. T."V. RAOJWAD, Trains Moving North. Leave Bennettsville at 6 00 a, m. Arrive at Greensboro, t . . . 2 80 p. m. Leave Greensboro. . ... . r 8 00 p. m. AjxiveMt. Airy .......7 16p.m. Traixi Moving South. Leave Mt. Airy. ..... 5 00a.m. Arrive at Greensboro 9 25 a. m. Leave Greensboro 10 05 a. m. Arrive at fcennetteville... ..-..7 30 p. m. SCHEDULE OP MAILS: Mails going North oloaed 9 00 p m " " 8 00 a m " South " 9 00am " " 800pm "Salem Br'cn" . 9 00am, , ., , 9 00pm East " 9 00pm . " "ar.n.T.B.1" . 900am ' General delivery open'from 8 00 a m to 6 80 p m., exoept during the distri button of mails. The Money Order, and Begietered Letter office open from 9 00 m to 6 00 p m. L00AL mmiGENOE. - j Inhere . PenoaUc,speak fng at Stblcesdale- toda"y4 Mrs. Tos. M, Moretieacl returned home lat night from .Virginia. !',.' New Orleans has found a sub stitute for jute bagging in osnaberg. Capt.. Wm. H. Greene, General Superintendent of the Richmond and Danville system, was here this morn ing.. "' 'V'i The Superior court for Guilford County closed here on yesterday af ternoon. Judge Shipp left for his home th. morning. Preaching at the Baptist church to morrow at 11 a. m. and 8. p. m., by the pastor, Rev. VV. .R Gwalt ney. Sunday School at .9 :3c) a. m Preaching at Centenary church to-morrow at n a. m., byt'ie paster, Rev. G. F. Smith. Sabbath School at 3 p. m , J. R. Mendenhall, Supt A friend who does not, ign his name to his card, says : "Please send my mail to Liberty." We would comply at once, but do not know who the writer is.' Mr J. M. Apple, of Madison, who has been on a visit to this place for some days with his wife, r return ed home via C.-F. & Y?y. Railroad this p. m. ' ' ' Mrs. Bettie Cunningahm, who has been on a visit to friends and rel atives in Virginia, re urned : to her home In this city last ; niglu. r- Misses Minnie Hsase and Bessie.Kyle re turned with her. .' '',.. A' Suggestion.' A one of the plans lor raising funds to aid the yel 4ow fever sufferer it Jacksonville, Fla., we would suggest " the lifting of a special collection in our churches tomorrow. Of course thia is ordy a suggestion, which can be adopted or not as the parties may choose. 0 Vol. 6. Greensboro, We have made a beginning on the fund to relieve the Jacksonville sufferers. The first name is that of Mr. A T. Vernon, We ought to have a nice little fund within a few days. Notice-. The ladies of the W. C. T. U. will serve .lunch Wednesday and Thursday, (Sept. i2 and 13) at the storeroom on South Elm Street, the corner below the Benbow Hotel. The Raleigh Independent Hose Reel Company has notified the Com mittee on Invitation that it intends coming heie on the 12th and 13th to attend the Tournament ard Celebra tion. West Market Street Church To-morrow. Preaching at 11 a, m. and 8 p. m., by Rev. J. E. Mann. Sunday School at 9 :y m- YtoU W. F. Alderman, supt. Young Men's prayer meeting at 5 p. m. The programme of the exercises for next Wednesday and Thursday, the occasion of the grand Firemen's Tournament and Celebration will be published In' Tuesday's Workman. Prospects prove brighter every day for a tremendously large crovd. Special Notice. To give op portunity for all persons to attend the political discussion at Walnut Cove, on Monday, September 10, a special train will leave Greensboro at o :"to m.V and the' freight train "will be held at Walnut Cove for the purpose of bringing the crowd back same evening. By order of Supt, Fry. . Notice All those who intend having Floats in the procession nett Wednesday are requesto1 to noti.y the chairman of the committee on programme, not later than 3 o'clock Tuesday afternoon, so that they may be assigned a proper place in the procession, Bear this in mind. H. J. Elam, Chm'n. Com. on Programme. The Engine and Bucket Contests in the Firemen's Tournament next week will take place in front of the Benbow House. The Hook and Ladder Contest on West Market Street opposite Bogitrt Hall. The Reel Racing, and the Foot and Bag Racing on South Elm St. in front of the McAdoo House.' First Presbyterian Church, Sun day September 9, tSSS : it a m. Public worship conduc ted by the pastors son, Rev. Samuel M. Smith, D. D., ot Waphington, N. C. The collection in the morning will be lor home Missions within the bounds of Orange Presbytery. 8 p. m. Public worship conduct ed by the same. All are cordially invited to attend. - asj a . - ' Rev. W..E. Swain, pastor of Winston Methodist Protestant church, who went down recently on a visit to friends at LaG range, returned on the west bound train as far as to this place last night, - and went up to his post at Winston this morning. He reports , that the people of Lenoir county are prosperous, crops being good, and health excellent on the av erage. We presume " that there is naruiy any part ot .XNortn Carolina mora nrosnerona than that in nh'.t-h ----- r LaGrange is' situated, and besides,':; aily W N. C, Saturday, September 8, 1888. .' No. 87. the people are remarkably generous and clever. A new Methodist Prot estant church is now being comple ted at LaGunge, which is said to he one of rare beauty. Hblt for the Afflicted. The people of Jacksonville, Fla., suffer ing intensely as they are from the effects of yellow fever, which is dai ly increasing in its horrors, make an appeal for help. Money . is needed to procure food, medicine and nurs ing, and it appears that the people ot this city are within the call. Even New York will respond. We are nearer than'they, and in orJcr that something may be done by Greens boro for these sufferers we will stale that subscriptions will be received at this office and duly acknowledged and forwarded at once to the author ities at Jacksonville. I hare some special bargains In second hand pianos prices from 00 np. I will be fonnd at H. B.raufM', ' Call at once, as the list Is constantly changing, B. K. Jonkh, agt. se8-lw GraUM Bchvel NUca. The grade 1 schools of the city of Greens boro will It opened on Monday, September 10th, 1888, under the supervision of Prof. J, L. Tomllnson. D. Bohbkck, - Aug S8-taep8 Cham Bohool Com. J Patriot copy. ror Bale.' . A six octara Brown and Allen piano. The works are strong The tone la clear and . the action easy. , It Is well adapted to ?he prac tice of chl dren. Apply to fyr. i. L. ktlehaux. seWw . r3r BateH. . Three g 00 9 story dwelDngfhousee, Apply to Wi A. BeotL it ; KJ4-1W Jrullaw Preen cheese and candy, Freeh breud and cakes always on hand . Besp., ' auSl-Sw ' ' l J. E. Thom. Rauttal Feannta. Tou can find fresh roasted peanuts and cof fee, at C. W.Imn'a.51 au8l-lm Dried Beef.. Chipped with a machine, Only 20 oeots pr pound at ( C. W. fKvoi'H. au im Notice te the ClUxena. All the citizens of Greensboro are hereby no tified that the Board of Commissioners of the city have appointed a sanitary committee, and that the citizens are invited to .communicate to E. M. Bees, Chief of Police, all nuisances, noxious smells, or other causes which are likely to Injure the health of the citizens. No tice is further given that the city authorities have determined to enforce the sanitary ordi nances of the city vigorously B.M. Esss, Autf. 20, 88 tf ; Chief of Police. '''.Notice. '' ..'' The committee appointed by the city of Greensboro will receive bids until the 30th day of August to cleanse the city. Particular and bad by applying to J. I). Whitk, aug 20, '83. tf . ' Chm'n Com. . . . .Home roasted coffee Is better than coffee put up in packages perhaps 13 months old, because it is fresh. Tryltand be convinced. aulB-lm To be had at C. W. Idvin's. ...Thompson's Genuine Bromine Arsenic Water, from Ashe county. . Tate Bros. For Reiy- A dwelling house on Aeheboro street Sonth Greensboro, wnalnlng six rooms. Apply to aulK-tf H. H. Camlaxd. Leet or Stolen. A ladys gold watch, hunting oase, with name and date of 17th birthday engraved iiwlde of case. 1 The watch has either been lost or stolen, and a reward of 10.00 will be paid for its recovery and return to this offleek and no questions asked.- aul4-lm ....New lot of George's Pig Hams llltle high In price, but we are bound to have them, . ? at J. W. Soott 4 Oo'a. . . . . .Thompson's Genuine Bromine Arsenlo water, rxom Ashe county. . . , iaie uroa, ; jouaeed "braolngupthese mornings J08 cup of our "Momajee," break.ast 1 jaroooee sew jot just openea at Boon AOo'a Freak fLea j unt received at aui-3w C. W. laviM'a. ....(lenutng Buffalo Llthla, from Buflalo Llthlii Hprlntn n bntUe ami bulk at Tate llros. , ..."Hoes" crackers Is the 'boss" now and torttver. Krenh lot Just received at 800TT A Co's. . . . Nlc, mild, sweet, summer cheese dont Ifet strong or sharp at Soott A Co's. . ..Hlg lot of that old "Crab Apple" vine, gar Just what you Want for pickling. Also a full U1111 of spices, uiuntard seed, eta etc, at Soott A Co's. tor Hum. Btore robm formerly occupted by R. A. Fltm mluif A f it. Apply to ' C. ;.. Wrkiht. A MtoaUosi Ik wantl by a yonng lady to toech Irawlng, Painting and Elocution, with other branches If dunlrtl. Apply to the editor of the Dally Workman. aoc-tf A big lot of new dress .goods Just re ceived st G. WIU Armneld's. July33-tf I am determined to close out a big lot of Hen's women's audchildrens'lowcut shoes at some prtc . fume early and get your pick. (uiyiW-tr G. Will AeMriKLn. Aak for 30u water white Keroeeae oil from your grocer, Aak fat; 130" water white keroeeae oil from your grocer. . JulyllMlm ...."Pillsbury's Beit" takes the premium wherever exhlbted. . It makes mors pounds of braad to the bbl than any flour In the world. Aak fee? 130s. water white keroeeae U from year grocer. "Pillsbury's Best". Flour la used by Queen Victoria on the "Boyal Table.,' '" '' Crayon Portraits'. i . Perao&s who desire any thing in the Hue of Crayon Portraits, are Invited to make applica tion personally, or by mail, to Miss M. E. Ball, Gretmabero, N. C. Julyl7dAwtf Notice. A young lady of some experience and with good testimonials, desires a situation to teach la some pleasant family school at moderate wages. Primary branches. Address this efflce. Julyl7nAwtf ..'..Try PlllsburyVBest. . . . .Gall for Pillsbury's Best. Old Virginia Cheroots are aa good as any five oeut cigar in the world. Five for 10 cents. ..Pillsbury's Beet Call on all dealers and smoke the Old Virginia Cheroots. Fire fur ten cents. J. W. scott A Co,, Wholesale agents for the Old Virginia Cheroots, five for ten cents. Try them. July5-6m Ho Poetry. But a fact, that I have just received a large lot of thoee Ladles' Oxford Ties at prices to suit everybody. Also a lot of Bess' low cut shoes andchlldien'g Wigwam Slllpers at half cost Come and see them for yourself. Je&-tf G. Will Armpiklp. '7 O'clock, Sharp. From 15th of May to. 15th of September our store will be closed every evening except Sat urday at seven o'clock. Our customers will pleaso bear this In mind and send In their or ders early. Very respectfully, . inayl2-tf J. W. Scott ACo, For Sale or Rent. Dwelling house on East Washington street. containing seven rooms, pleasantly aud conve niently located, is for sale on accomodating terms. Apply to Do. H. M. Alvohd unel5tf ... A cheap smoke. Those Old Virginia Oheoots. Five for a dime, at Scott 4 Co s. Just received at G, H, Royster's, a nice line of White Goods, dress goods, lawns, calicoes, pant goods, hosieries, ladiee goods, handker chiefs, scarfs, laoe cashmere shawls, also a nice line of ladles and gents fine shoes, which I am offering great bargains In. , Call and see me before buying. G. H. Boyster, Frits Brae. Beet" : . -V ''' '' ' Clar" 'M' . . AbeoloSelF pare Havana.. Geo. Fltaala JunL-Dm THE DAILY WOROIAfl a 4 nin-M Greensboro, and Mag oommhed dany rt aorta of busliieiM meu, la a splendid advor Ualiig medium. The und'ttou sadvevat COLUMNS, shows what advertk- think. Office nod Benbow UalL Bonth Kim treat. ..Wa have Just received a nice line of to. let sets Gall and exainlna our atnrk. JyaO-U Yours truly, W. T. CBioHairra. ror HeaU Hv. Dr. BtultU otrurs for reut the new and oonvenleut bouse on uKh street Term moderate. Possession gen immediately. rawHeab One dWRlllnir linnaa " WM vwm I.IW, WUMUU rour rooms, two porches and a pantry. The house Is new. B Dr. H. U., Peb. 87-tf Wanted. A ITOOti whit- WDlnun tn Hn imn.r.l hnnu work (rood Wages apply at Patriot Offloe. my-ir o ....Genuine Rnirnln I.iti.i. L, iin.i Llthla Sprlnj s, In bottles and bu.k at Tate Bros, IjV rwnLrin nPtliiraAlia xtal.lme n ev ... r..vai v. iiviavus TClSMllllg WW tUT- cbase irife brick d w111dj hotisa 01 18 rooini wsa-aa vuxrj-j LTUrvUfm, ,UH Oal lrri IOr J0rt uaed m boarding booM, or dhaI ootUtre of fOBr rtVtTlBi nr nnm hnllHIni Iass Akaa.. w " vuuuiug imo VUTp, VSTeU aV accomodated on the most reasonable terms by aprtf tf . . I tallcA thia mjrthful nf Inrnrmlnn thanak. Uc that I aun Id the Shoe Boiiaew aad would o j w viicav w taiitrs sv give me a trial. AU kinds of work In the shoe lln. L . . I r . 1 . . guarauieea. auop up-etairs first building south of Post Office. " A. B. HATEH, 0 Notice. In Sooth Greeusboro,one house and a vacant lot for sale, ohaan. ltlnmpih.rAt.i..if t church. For further information apply to J"""" J. A. Ji.KR.ODLB. The Coraer Iot. keep oool after you get cool; to oool yourself. UMaI inn. M, J. - - . . i . .'m Vw uaouuo, mun ai uia aameume grai: lfy your teste, af ply at the Hoda Fountain ol Geo, Fitssimons. , , lane20-ttB a ' . LEADING RESTAURANT. fiMnAmW that thm T n.rtln. T)u.. . - . the olty U run by Robert Harris, South Elm St. Fresh Ovfara. FrMh nh tn mn .n4 uui. at all hours, day and night. sep 87 tf 0 : ; '' ror Koab! - Wa have far nmt aim. f th. - w stores in Greensboro. Also, one gooo Dml nir H ml aA n.l ntoH .nrfln A r. nl ... A dltlou. with six rooms, kltohen and stable. u .na Ar the kiu,t n.1,.L.l.r..l J . awJAL. .n u vi tuo uvDh UVi V, 11 UV1 UUUU0 m LiiO Glvjt WhAtlATAV IrtD WtUlt. tt KllV Bell na aant .au jl VI SOU SBBWW Real Estate, consult your Interest by calling Hm Kf ntA A r.nfi " declV-tf Opposite Benbow House. Cheap Fuel. Greenaouro Gaa Co.'aWnrka Vann nnir . sale in any quantity Orders will reoelve the promptest attention. . oct tLfll lunnl. all it ..nn .1 . nj ......ww. uwpra nu, U J VIA UOOU JUUT E 111' hil.l.A MMllukaJ M I i . . . shades or cornices hung, or any work done la uia uuuiKT-iuruiBuiuK uue, piease cau on orseno for Wm. H. McNkill, Thomas' upholstering a specialty. o For Rent. RnnM nlnA nlffnMa. IWintlno4 Wain flt-o. n... B. 8. Brown's Store. Apply to sepvtr w. . Biviub, o ....Rata vnnr ivtffM wmnrutr. Vn tM signatures off of "Arbuckles" cofi'ee .wrappers ..... ..... a kA.llilA.1 ..... . VI L juu khv b wiuwmi o i Tiiiayiu, a limit supply of "Arbuokle's" celebrated coffee Just received by I, W. Soott X Co. For Rent, We have a splendid Store fbi ent, 90 feet deep. The most desirable location tn the olty. . Apply W l ATBS iSBOTHBRS, Jan 7 ueai i&tate Agents. Town Lot Tree. I will give Free, by special airreement. a Town Lot situated in the town of Liberty, and adjacent to the C. F. and 17,8,1,, of suits, ble size, and one of the handsomest locations In the State, for manufacturing. Good Induce ments. For particulars, address tl. A JJROWI. Ap25t Liberty, N C. ... o ' Itvere of Flewera. Go to Chichester's for flower pots. All kinds and very cheap. . nll-tfj; O. H. Royatet Is offering Great Bargains In Dress Goods Jerseys, Shawls, Children's Hoods and Backs Corsets, Satteens. Also, a nice line of Shoes Just received at very low prices. fe2-tffij , ,:-'.-.y J m O .:' : Cheap Hoaka. The following books are offered at Mrs How ards Book Store at leas than one-half toe usual price, :.. . Bvron's complete works. Illustrated. $ o. ' clo. and gilt, at 93, former price f 4.S0. Burns' complete worKs, illustrated, 8 va clo. and gilt, at V'i, former price 4,50.- Hayne's complete poems, illustrated, ofo) and gilt $1.35, former prioM.OO. uncivuisea Haoesortne worm, uiustratea, 14.00 pages sheep. 81.50, former price S6.00. , : Downlngs Fruit and Fruit trees of America, over 900 palfes, $1.50 former price 4.00. Dick's En-lyoopedia 643. practioaj reoeiptSf $1.00 former price $5.00. : i . Vasarl's, Lives of the Painters, 5 vols, sad 1 voU 0 owner's works, all for VS (9 vols for $1.75.) . ' .v..;,...-- Life. Bermons and speeches et Rev. Dr. Beid, 35 cents. .Sermons, Addresses and prarora, byD. X. Moody, 60 oeota. aMapSMt .1