TBE DAILY WORKMAN.' J. L. M1C1LAUX. Editor. J. S. 3UCHAUX, Local Editor. Nows Items Wanted. ' We will be obliged to parties in any part of the city, and in other sections represented by tht Daily. Workman, o communicate to us cither verbally or by other means, any interesting matters ot fact or business coming under their notice. T. hus uo;ng they will oblige us and help entertain and instruct our readers. W here not con venient for the reporter to do so, the editor will throw the matter into shape for publication. The Daily Register has news of the death of Capt. W J. Meruit, at Jacksonville, Fla. fie was formerly a citizen of Danville. His death was caused by inhaling sulphur i:i the fumigation of mails, producing a -hemorrhage of the lungs. .Yellow Fever. There are 242 parsons ill with fever at Jackson rill". In 24 hours np to noon yesterday share had been four , death. Tbe plan to depopulate the city ia not thought practicable, and the disease will probably take its ooursel The cities ef Gaineef iWe, Palatka, and Orlando, are reported healthy, with Fernandina in good sanitary condi tion on the 1st of September. Inquiry having been made by Dr. Mitchell," of. Jacksonville, Fla., whetnet refugees from the fever dis- tricts ould be allowed to . enter western N. C , without quarantine, ' Gov. Scales and his council have an swered thit they have no authority to act, such authority being vested in the county and town ' boards. Mur- .rjfcy and Hendersonville bave offered to receive refugees, and they are ' already arriving. . 1 . -Rev. S. M. Smith, D. 1 D., of Washington, C, jw!ll preachat the Centenary M. . church to mor row at a quarter before 5 p. m, this church having been kindly tendered to the Westminster Presbyterian con gregation - for this service, and it is hoped that the congregation will all attend, and bring their pastor's salaiy .and invalid fund envelopes and a liberal contribution fr the contin gent fund. Rev. W. D. Johnson, D. I)., Eductional Secretary of the A. M. Church will preach at St. . Matthew M. E. Church, Sunday, September 9th, at 3 o'clock and at Boon Chapel A. M. 13. Church 818:15. He will deliver a lcciutu Tuesday night at Boons Chapel A. M. E. Church, Subject: "Mouey,'and how to get it-" .rvumission rree. 1 ne puoiic is cordially invited to hear the silver tongued orator of Athens, Ga. F. F. Giles. The Graded Schools. The Greenshoro Graded Schools . will open next Monday ( 10th). In 'order to make the classification and grading of pupils, both old and new, as ' thorough as practicable, on Monday', from 9 to 1 2 o'clock, will :; be received only those pupils who range in age fiom 6 to 9 years in clusive, and such others 'as may at tain to school age (6 yrs) prior to .January 1st . , On Tuesday will be received ' only those between tbe ages of 10 and .13 years inclusive. Pn Wednesday and Thursday no exercises will' be held. ' On Friday will be received those on ly between the' ages of 14 and 4 18 years, inclusive, and such others as are over 18 years,- (limit ' of school age) and may enter on payment of the 'prescribed tuition fees. , , . On Monday 17th, all pupils will return- and enter : upon the regular work,of Jlie session. ; The rates of tuition foT non residents, and those jwho are 6ver 18 years of age, are as t follows ' , - . ' ' Primary Grade, (1, 2, 3 4) I per month 'Intermediate (5 sndfi) tktts '' 'i ; Upper : (7, f, and 10) Sl.50 ' "1 ' CiasslcaT'' .W - , " It is very important that all pu pils who purpose ' entering school should do so promptly at the begin ning ot the session in order that they shall lose none of, the advantage of beginning with their proper classes. The teachers are requested o meet at the school building Monday, at 8:15 am. J. L. TOMI.INSON, t r - Supt A Timely Topic. I A Under the. above, head the Wil mington Sur says:,-.. The unfortunate condition of affairs in Florida will, it Is thought, result in a diversion ol much of the winter travel heretofore going to that State, to points in North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia. W are not sure of this. It does not fellow that where yellow fever occurs in any one season it returns again to the same place soon after. The disease greatly afflicted Norfolk and Wilmington some year ago Norfolk in 1855, and Wilmington in 1 862 but these places have been ex empt since then. It may be, and we trust will be, that by the adoption of timely and effective hygienic meas ures, Jacksonville and other places of usual resort in Florida may hereafter prove at safe as they were previous to this present severe visitation of yellow fever. Meeting of City Commissioners. ' FRIDAY NIGHT, SEPTEMBER 6. The Board of Commissioners met last night at the usual hour, Mayor Barringer in the chair, and notwith standing tbe inclemency of the weath er the following members were in at- - 1 tendance t Schenck, Jdell, Turner, Scott, Dodi on, Bevill, Ellington, Hawkins; Nelson, Coffin, White. " v The minutes of last meeting were read and approved' "u ' On notion the sum of five dollari was ordered to be paid Rev; Mr. Ball for work done on Spring street, " MrVOdell presented a paper with a diagram of the grade of South Elm street, which was adopted. . Commissioner podson offered the two following resolutions, which were adopted; - Resolved, That an engineer be em ployed by the 'city to supervise the work of grading and paving South Elm street, cid that the Uotnu.Ht-je I; ; di- tK-''l to ascertain at what price an en gineer can bo hired, and report aa early as possible to the Board. Resolved, That the question of tak'ig out treea be left to the judgment of tbe engineer, and when the tree will naturally prevent the laying down of ile pavement or curbstone, according to contract between the city and con tractor, that he direct, the t'co to be removed and bis judgment ahull be final.. .. On motion, the bids for building the engine house were opened, and the matter fully discussed, but in order to come to a fuller and more, satisfactory understanding of the whole matter, the Board was cal'ed to meet in the count ing rooms of tbe Odell Hardware Com pany on Monday next, at 5 o'clock, p. m.". Messrs Julius A. Gray, Tresi den't of the C. F. & Y. V. Railroad and of the Greensboro Chamber of Commerce, and.Col. R, M. Douglas of the Chamber of Commerce, were pres ent in the meeting and made remarks in relation to the building of a more capacious and convenient railroad d'; pot at this place. There wss a general interchange of views on this important matter, . J udge Soheuck . expressing himself In his capacity of Commis sioner, but without . the pu i pose of proposing any definite action at this time. On motion, adjourned. ' An Elegant Substitute For Oils. Salts, Fills, and all kinds of bitter, nauaeona Liver Medicines and Cathartioe ia the very agreeable liquid fruit remedy-tSyrnpof Figs. Its advan tages are evident, it ia more easily taken more acceptable to th stomach, more p'easantly, effective, and more truly beneficial to the system than any other remedy, Recommended by leading physicians, ' . Electricity From the Wind. Tbe power of a wind-mill haa been Bnooesafoilv applied, to tbe generation of eleotrioity for domes tio purposes by rroi. uiytb, 01 trie Glasgow Philosophical . Society. Tbe wind-mill was of" the old fashioned kind, with, foot arms each thirteen feet long. The dynamo was belted directly to tbo fly-wheel of the mill, - and charged twelve oeil of storage-battery. The oar rent was need both for light and for driviDg -a turniDf'-latbe. Ten ! 8 candle power incandescent lamps we'0 euppiieu, wjm current 10 rpare; and a good breeze for half a !dty stored electricity enough for I tbe lipbt required on four evenings 1 of three or fort hoars each. iTfas Wonderful Healing Preoarationa of ilarby s iTopny 'actio lima. Wh refer a proventinr, healintr, cleansing, and deodorizing in eolion or wash ia required nse Darby a Propby laotio Flnid. - Any inflamed nrfaoa. ex ternal or internal, treated with the flnid will be qnioklv relieved. It haa efieoted onrea that had resisted the best medical skill. Burning the Dead. Cremation waa proposed io Italy in 18G6, experimented upon in 1872, illustrated at Vienna m 1873, and advocated by Sir Henry Thompson as a 'desirable substitute for burial in 1874. One cremation at Breslau and one at Dresden took . place in 1874, and two at Milan in 1876. It was shown in 1879 that tie human body oftn be entirely - ooosumed, without smoke or effluvia, in about an honr. In the ten yenrs ending with 1886" there were 461 cremr tions at Milan; and at Gotba 473 bodies were burned between Janu ary 1, 1879, and Ootobr 31, 1887. There are now crematio Horketi in Denmark. Belcinno, 6aifzrrland, Holland, Sweden, Norway, France, J England, and variooa part.) of the United State: Cremation, is i eav Eeoiaiiy recommenaea wnereaeasn a occurred from small-pox, scar let fever, or cjiphtberia." . v ? : .J?PRSDKAL. Mr. N. H. Froliobstein, of Mobile Ala., v.ites: I take great plearare in recommending Dr. Ring's New Discov ery for consumption, having used it for a severe attack of Bronchitis and Ca tarrh. It Rave me instant relief and en tirely onred me and I bave not been af flicted since. , 1 alao beg to state that hai tried other remed;ea with no good result.'- Have also used Electric Bitters and Dr. King's New Life Pills, both of which I can recommend. . i Vr K'ltt'n New Discovery for Con sumption. Concha and Colds, is sold on a posifive gnaranteel Ti ial bottles free At fold & ilolton s Irng otore. A CARD. Having , other - business that will largely occtpy my: attention ard : prob ably call me away from tbe city at- in tervals during the next year, I havu artanged with Mr. A. B. Frey, of Mil lersburg, Ohio, to take charge of -my jewehy store. Although recently from Ohio, Mr. Frey ia a V irginian and a gentleman whom I m proud to intro duce to my oustomers. : lie has a thor ouch knowledge of the jewelry trade. If you want a new watch, or the time piece you have needa repairing, call and make nia acquaintance. . , . Tbe ladies eepeoially will find bim tou;t;ious and attentive. Jiewin ttii them new goods or repair their broken jewelry at the lowest prices possible for hue quality and superior workmanship. The science of optics is one 6f Mr. Frey a apeoialtiea. A careful study and long experience has made him one of the beat practical opticians in the country. If you reqaiy an expert to fit you with a pair of spectacles or eye- glarses, don t mil to call and see him and no matter what the defect of vis ion may be, it it is possible to receive assistance from? the use ot classes, he will supply you 'with just what ia best suited; to your, eyes. Jing.av'ng is another apecialtyV and in fact for any thing yon erdlnanlv , require at g jaw elry store you cannot go wrong if you call.. ery Reapecuully, - . J o. J. Thorktom, Greensboro, Sept. 6, 1888, ' HIO W: kbJU workina lor na Awrntu preforrod who can'fhrtilgh a hors sod frtve ineir wnoitime to tue Dnsmess. spare mo ments may be profitably employed also. A fw vacancies to towns and eittg. B. F, JOHN SON A CO., 10W Mala St., Richmond, Vs, to 20 17D. . no I'ay mitilonrxt ji tliePield Agaiii, ALWAYS at THE FRONT ! ' - 1 BRIGHT, NEW, NOBBY, ATTflADTSVE Fall V Winter Goods - AT - Sample S. Brown's ONE PRICE HOUSE. For tbe last ten days we have been busy as bees reoelving. opening and marking our BIO LINES of NEW and FASHIONABLE goods, and we are now ready to show you full assortments of the MOST 8TYLISH and Desirable GOODS in every department of the store. We want to show yoa an elegant display of FINE DRESS GOODS and TRIMMINGS,' an immense line of Men's and Boys CLOTHING, the largest and moBt varied stock of SHOES in the city, the latent and NOBBIEST styles in Men's and Boy's HATS, and a magnificent line of CARPETS and BUGS. . Come And see our new goods ; you need not wait until yoa are ready to boy. . We want to show you some goods and prices that will make you open your eyes. Remember our. way of doing business. Strictly One Price For Everybody, and the very BEST goods at the LOWEST possible PRICE for all. , Respectfully ;: - , Samptr , . .. r.. ' ' ' Jiotfce of Incorporation. Nobth Cabolika 1 In tbe ofBoe of the GrrLFoBD Co. Clerk Snp'r Court BE it known that letters of incor poration have this day been kned to Charles N. Vanoe, Bart;ett 8. . . . -.T T , . jonnston una wm a., cosiej, uioo. ating them ty and nndr the name ot The Greensboro Gas and Electric Light Company, with a e a pi t a I stock of seveuty-five thousand (175,000) dollars, to be divided into fifteen hun dred shares of the par value of fifty dol lars each, for th purpose of conducting the manufactory and sale ot gas fid eleclricity, both or either, in Greensboro and vioinitv for the purpose of light and p. ter, and snch other. proper tues n gas and electricity may be a ' ipled to, and to deal in and sell gas fixtres, pip- iig.eleotno light Hitmen ana aoparatas, and shch other things, material an i ma chine? as mr.y be necessary and con veaieut for the furtherance of the gen era' purposes of the corporation, and i-'aoto sell coke, tar, and such other re fuse as results from the munnfacure of gas from coal, rosin, and such other material (sed in srch manufacture, with their principal office at Gretnsboi V N. C, to oontinne for eitty years, Now the said corporators an tbeir sncJesors are her by declared to he, and they sha'l henceforth be, : a oorpor at .on for the purposeooording to the - rms provided in at tides tfc;s day fi'ed in tuy offlc ,: - ; .' Witness my hand and official seal as clerk of Guilford county, at office in the Court Etonaa in Oreensboro on this, the 23rd day of Angnst, 1888. Axkbht A. Holxoh. Seal ' O. 8. 0. ,..!' '.t.. '.":.' . ... : 6w We desire to correspond with several more active intelligent men with a view of getting them to aid ns in selling "Alex. H. Stephen's Pictorial History of the TJ. S." A new edition recently issued with appendix' by Mr. R: A. Brock, Sec, of the a. . Historical So ciety, giving President Cleveland's in angur,ol address, wltu picture of his taking the oatk of ofBoe. The most popular and fast selling book ever of fered in the South. Splendid terms, A fine line of Family Bibles at ex ceedingly low prices. With or without the new version of the Old and New Testament in pr -allel oolumna. v Write for circulars and terms. . , ,1 . B. F. JOHNSON & CO., Publishers. 1J18 Main St f t Richmond, Va. . . , I12ly IIMIIDS soft as dove's down, ana as llMll white, by using Onticura Mer?!- S: BrowS 1 - :' " ,. ' ' flwinvi oVntA TNT O . receipts, tnsk r ywtrv. hut roda tkM rwuilfor , 45. Thm to gonalM etfer tad ft omu to yrM. Ctrlmin HmHtfAiH. Mi4mr Supply Co., Dnwft tua Buvpal v W AN T JUJL) I I! UeliabU and Actlvonen to trufel for an Established Hoose during tli suunnrr montlin. Those who can furuish a horee and (five security ; referrd. Money advanced monthly to pay expense. A ;rea( vitaace for lb right men t Btste ag, tn?iaw ex parlence, and to earn tluia bettor nnd dsuih and tuldress of reterHncea. No attention pal to postal cards. Newr mind auuut nriidlii rtauip for replj. Address "BUSITv Box ll, Rlchiaond. Ya. Di21in Dr;R. W. "Sate, Praottoing Physician, Greensboro, N. 0., offers his Professional Services to the citizens , of Grceneboro and sar rounding country, - OHee at Porter A Daltou'a drag store. When cot there can be fouid at his reaidonoe on Aahe boro street, opposite Ool T, B, Keofsh'B. . iiou . . -i . y DR. J G. 8 PHYSICIAN 'AND SUEQ E OfBoe'for the'"preent at hia, residence on Ash street, opposite Mrs. I). HalL For sale by H.: H, Cartlnnd, who aJso hfia for the trade Nf ck Ties f ; v i - x hand.ficarfs, Bows. Fancy Diess ah-.rts Jmbrellas, Canes . fnlt line of cloths for -fall wear, etc, etc. ' Call on Cartlond. rndor Central Hotel." ' j mmm 1 1 11 Kin tnM. ir u Bmnwm. m. v.. MUaombOUa. catedSoap.