THE DAILY WOROIAfi THE DAILY WORKMAN, X timet a ttt m an Evening Paper, at 3.00 yew, In advance. For six months, 11.60, Tor three month- T3 oenta," and to thoM who PROMPTLY, 89 oents per month. On deferred payments, 85 eente per month, to pay zpeoM of ool iectlng. . . - Bntrdat(h4 jxwi ojflonin Oruboro,A C, a iHxmd-cliut mattar. LOOAL INTELLIGENOEt Judge John-, A. Gilmer went dowa o Raleigh to-day. Mr. F. II. Whitaker, Jr., of Graham, arrived here laat night -Rer. J. F. Crowed, president of Trinity College, wai her this morn Judge A. Arery, ot Morgan ton, was here this morning on his way to his heme. Mr. J. H. Mills, of Thomasville, nd J. S. Ragsdale, of famestown, were here this morning. People are already buying their Christmas goods, and some of our wboleuls merchants are busy. . Ice in the Hudson, near Pough keepsie, is of sufficient force to im pede the passage ot steamers. Senator Riddleberger, ot Vir ginia, has resigned his seat in the U. S, Senate, to take effect Jan I, 1S89. ProC Sullivan, musical director of G. F. College, left-last night for a trip to Baltimore and ether points North. ' ;.'. . It is thought the Hn. George Davis will succeed - the Hon. R. R. Bridgert, deceased, as ' President of . 1 MM ! . J - T!l tuc vv uuiiugiuu ot vv ciuua vauroau. The trial of EUis Moore, col- ored, for the murder ot Laura Hiatt, colored, will not be had at this term of Court,but will go over to the Feb tuary term. la buying your Christmas goods consult our advertisers; e the nan who advertises generally keeps breast of the. times both in prices and quality of goods. . '., ' I The House CWraittee on Elec tions, in SoUCh Carolina, report in favor of a Constitutional amendment to provide an educational qualifica . lion for voters, ; , ; . i V ' Rev. S. W. ' Coe, pastor , of Greensboro circuit,1 Methodist Pro testant churcu, has rented . one ; of t Mr. Martin Glass' bouses en Ashe- boro street, and is putting down car pets and making other arrangements , for moving in. ' ,'r .. ' : Under the familiar picture of 'Douglas," the shec man, the Char lotte Chronicle furnishes . a humor ous biographical rketch of Mr-i 0. L. Hunter, who succeeds McNiuch aa a magristate. President Cleveland on yester terday nominated E. Hartridge, of Tacksonville, 1 Fla., to succeed ibe Hon. Thomas Settle, deceased, as judge of the1 United States Court . for : the northern district of Florida., . The fall term of Liberty Acad emy will close on Friday, 'December aist. Key. Thos. flume, D.v D.," of the University, will deliver a 1-cture before the school on that date. We are glad to learn that the school Is flouribl.l 3, - f v Tl3 r:cnt Tti will teh " i ' 1 tf the en- :;'.'( cf Tythiai, ' : v II.,r.c3 en T -- i - ' tt .-- oi. All i - .'is r- . J t ? :t. G. Il.r.-fiiJ;, I' irttiry. Vo . 6. Grflfinshoro. N. C. WfttlnASriav- DflrmhAi 13. IRRH Nn 174 - ' - ' I a '' - ' ' ' I -. ,- - , , ....nil- ... - ..i ,- .. . . . . Z I Several of the students from the University passed through here last night rn route to , their - homes to spend the holidays. The ladies of St. Agnes' Catho lic church will hold a bazaar at Bo gsrt Hall this evening and tomorrow evening. Give them a calL s See the report of the National Bank - of Greensboro in another column. It is one of the most solid institutions in the State. The case of the State v Robert Smith for the murder of Willie Mar- ey, his school mate, was given to the jury yesterday afternoon at about twenty minutes past five o'clock. The ury remained out about five minutes and returned a verdict of manslaught er. To-day Judge Shipp sentenced the prisoner to one year's imprison ment in the county ail. . Governor Scales has appointed John Gray Bynum to succeed Judge Avery in the 8th district, and Geo. H. Brown to -succeed Tudge Shep beod in the . 1st district. These va cancies occurred on account of the election of . Judges Shepherd and Avery to the Supreme Court1 bench. Both of the newly appointed judges have the reputation of being good lawyers, and we trust, will make good judges. . - . ' i r r; -'j , - - Ex, Governor Holden, ; Ex. Governor W. W. Holden, ia a card in the; Evering Visitor, of Raleigh, makes another earnest ap peal to the Legislature to remove his disabilities, but a numbe of our leading newspapers r take ground against granting the request. . None of them, however, seem to have any bitter feeling against the Ex. Gover nor, who, in various - respects, has claims upon 1 the sympathies , of his countrymen. "We are not, prepared to express an intelligent opinion as to the merits of the petition.' It is a little out of our line. Wabhwotos, Deoember 18. The Interstate Commerce Com mission to-day begao general examination and investigation of the tariffs of the roads and lines associated under the name ot tne Southern Steamship ' Association as weir as all " the roada in the South and South-west, Sooth of the Potomao and Ohio and east of the Mississippi rivers. '.' Jndce Cooler in ; the ' dpenine Investigation, stated that it was for the purpose of examining some of the rates made Sooth of thePo- tamao and Ohio livers and to con aider in ? a friendly and : Informal way the manner of making rates in this territory.; Two important matters, be said, were involved on this investigation: 1st. Tne ex tent to wbiob expeotions prevail to the general rule of the long and short haul section of the' law, and next the reasons applying to par ticular cases why these exceptions are deemed justifiable ' tinder Ibe law. . V;"-VV' '"i- ' Sol Haas, . traQo manager of the Iliohmond and Danville rail road, explained the changes made in rates by that company daring the pest two years. ' Some redca t'.jrs acl aivances bad teea r?aie, tat on tbe whole t!.;? werg ti';,i,t. I!r. 7.J1. , tt; " it 1 cl CLor- I-?tv9 C 1 r 1 r- & r l -J c i t.r t It The National Bank of OremiBloror At Grentboro, in Hi Stale of Nottk Car. oitna, at M tloM of bmtiusi, 4mm bw, 12th, 1883. anouBcas. Loans and dlmonnta, . .f289,M8,ST uTururana, aeoorwi ana nnnwarea. a,mt.m V. B.IBooia to aecnr vlrcubUlon. .. 100,000 m One from approred renarre axenta. . 4U,,sn 7$ Im from other National Bauki Ina from Stat Banks and bankers. 5,04 03 Real eatate, furniture and flxturva. . 18,374 4A 6,081 M ,0WM SOOOO ues 22,638 87 15,875 00 4,600 00 Current expenea and taxea paid .... (jhecki and ot her cash ltetna Bllli of other Bank Fractional paper currency, nickels ana onus Specie Lemu tender notes Redemption fond with D. H. Treas urer (5 per cent, or circulation). . . Total t4tf2,303 98 LIABILITIIS. Capital stock paid In......... tlOO.Ono.OO Surplus fund 80,900 00 Undivided prodU 20,118 99 National Bank notes outstanding. . . 85,540 00 Individual depoelU snblect to. check S80.0U5 88 Cashier's checks outstanding 9,467 61 Due to other National Banks. . . . . ,V33 80 Due to Btato Banks and bankers. . , 6,938 60 Total ...S493,308 98 State of North Oarolina, Uountv of O milord. I, Nell Ellington, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above state ment Is true, to'the best of tnf knowledge and belief. NEIL ELLINGTON, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 15th aay oi ijeoemoer, itm , , , BAM'L L. TEOGDON, , . Notary Public. Correct Attest i Julius A. Gray, 1 w. u. hiu, ! inreciors W, E. Bevlll, J .'.'. Chrlataaaa Berrlwa, Not "Hally" berries bnt genuine "Cape Cod" Cranberries, the finest you ever saw. Large sweet and firm, at : , ' Bcott ft Co'a. , 10 ounchea one, ripe Banana wnoMal r retail, at - i Soott Co'a. From and after to-day we will sell bread at old prices loaves for 35 cts, 96 tickets for $1 dliPlw. - T. B. Bhbltok A Co. BraTdRedile. Old prices 8 loaves ior 95 cents, 36 tickets tickets 'or tL Prloes of cakes also reduced. - Eespect fully, L, H. Wist. - Applcit, Apple. 75 bushels at one dollar per bushel, at die-iw. J. B. West a. Cavbkagw. . -Fresh aod nice at 5 and 10 cU per head, at : :j. a west's. . Qimsia:..,. ..... Choice Florida Oranges st 85 and 80 cents per down, at J. H. West's. . Baaaaas aaillata. Bananas 30 cents per dozen. New nuts 15 fits per lb, at T L. H. West's. ; .. FIm Hoose yinda Cmndjr. French Candy 35 ots,. plain candy 1 eta., ourrants 10 cts, flgs 10 cts, seedless raisins MX cts, at U H. West's. Ckk 'auad Bresvd. ;:, ' : If you want Fruit cake, Pound cake, Cocoa- nut cake, or any other kind of Cakea or Bread call at L. H. West's Bakery or stop my wagon. If von want line Outers for Chritftmas, leave your orders with ' ' , J. B. West. , , f"-.t K ' S-Sre i i- : The subscriber has plenty of flint quality cel ery. Those wanting It oan be supplied from the store of (T. H. Doughty, and should he not hiavf It la saffloleat quant y orders left with him will be supplied. For Chrlstoias a wagon will go round delivering celery to all who order It. BlkHAKD Volx, dl9-lw. For llalldaVprenenta v ' ',. H go to J. J. Thorntens. Eleant New goods at the very lowest possible prices. - Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver ware and dont forget Hr. Frey's specialties, a full line of spectacles with pebble or ordinary lenses, and artistic en. graving. : : ' ' ' ' ' - dl9-tL . Florida Oranges add Malaga grapes at re tall. A big lot tf choice fruits and cheap for Christmas trade. ; J. W. Soott A Co. , Somewhere between I'm. Bhwwood's and W-hue Graded Eohool, a gild Tlrx Carueo tot. The finder will be s Utably rewut ' J by leaving the rlnir at tlil r -i. dl:3-lw, ....Trvtlie"C.and: ib lc" f e L t cl gar on e th for 8 cec! i, at Tate Ero's C stire. . ,i o .lit HEPOKT OP THE CONDMION THE STKaMEB SAlTKS Hm ArrlTMl arataa th EaatlktallM wMb a cargo of oranges, oocoanuta, lemons, raktlaa, pmnes, oarnsnta, jellies, mlnee meat, sweet pickles, preserves, cigars aad other 'dice gr,oo! for the Cr.rlatmas holidays, at' dal4-lw E. M. Caddclicoh A Mw'a rr WttmU A SU room, two-stor aouse on Asaboro str 8 Greensboro. Good neighborhood, wa ter convenient. Apply at this office or to delT-tr A. Q. Vtwmxu. Fr Heart. Kloe one-story four-room dwelling, oo He- Culloch fronting Spring street, pood neigh borhood and healtny. Apply at -ouse adJo4a log or address Msa. Kits Pooh. del6-tt ' Chrlrtma, Tlaaea. are now making everybody feel glad. Come to the Backet Store where a little money will buy .eta of things and let as all be glad to gether. Since the street Improvement our big red alga Is too big for the front, and with mu tual consent with the town authorities we moved It to the rear. Now wa have for our sign a red flag, lettered TBS BICKjT STORE. First store Booth ot the McAdoo House, on Vest side of street. . J. BL Pbu.ce, Manager, dl5-dlw-wlw Greensboro, N. C. 4 e ' :.For Christmas presents, such as a fine silk or linen handkerchief, mufflers, gold-head- ea nmoreua or walking oane, latest style puff scarfs, socks, eufla and collars, 'coon" brand wanton suspenders, or anything in furnishing call at Cartlanl's, under Central House. -. S. - r. Itk BVi O. . ; . Xmae goods in great variety; "4 Imported brio-a-brac, pictures In "reallstlo framing," and other styles. Artotype etchings, arto- types, hellstypes and photographs untrained. Fine assortment ot art books, booklets and Xmae cards' Come early and make selections before the rush begins. : -" ; ' 1 del4-lw i The Earnest Woikera of the First Presby terian Church will hold their annual festival at Bogart's Hall on Friday, Deo. 3lst Oysters, Heats, Ioe Cream and Cake and many good things will be served, The public cordially invited to attend. . , . dS-ew. ' . r sU Cheap. . , One building lot on corner of Edge worth and Osston streets, 95il4fifeet, and one lot front ing on Edgeworth 100x140 feet One or both of these lota will be sold low for cash. Apply at once to - at B. Howabs, nlO-tf r Greensboro Book Store. Pass book of H. H. Tate and C. W. Irvln, Finder wilt be suitably reward! by returning same to H, H. Tate. .' noI4-tf : - Tot Bent After January Int. . good two story house with seven rooms, a kitchen with two rooms, also stable on premises. .Appiy to 1 ' " :: 5" 07-M H iatw jonos. A general assortment of fresh Candy, Florida Oranges and Lemona, Plokles, Apples, Figs, Balslns, Nuts, Jelly, Ac Bread and Cakes always understood. ' Bespeotfnlly, If yon want the finest Oysters and Oyster Crackers In Greensboro 'seas) your orders to L H.,West Bally building, only 85 oents per quart. - r .". ; - 4 a2S-tf. ' tek Men, Yoons; Man, - ' Ton ought to be ashamed of yourself not to send your best girl a nice box of candy when yon can buy them at any price from UH cts np to 3.60. at Iivln's candy store. , no!4-tf Baggage aad Wood Diutlneasw - E. ItV AO. A. Hendrix have establlshod themselves In the business of drayage and lire wood supply for the aoommodatlon of citizens. Their drays will' In-coining trains, and trunks and other baggage will be sonveyed to and fro at all honrs, slay or night ln aJ Prt of the city. Their woodjard will be supp led with wood of all descriptions desired, at rea sonable rates, whether the weather be fair or foul No advantrge taken of the weather. Or- dots l it at the store rf i:oin!.1x 4 Ftrjce, Ea.,t V vrket tt"-i w'll I .ive attention. oHl-tf IS TV ' and c aUtJ .1 J t . - .!; t e it c .or.3 1 :'y. Celis t'.ie 1. t t t: 'C J ll! (, eV 'ff'f, .1 .u't ,ii,u' 9l'r 11 .'1 il.eL.i. C 'lsar .-t, Cjc i a. T'.-rte jnr f .U of guuuS. o-,"i i la w.-eensboro ' aad belngeoosultsd dally j aVtrtai Af knaftnAsaai an an 1 mnA-M wyspi wa arusvaaavv saw W aw a WkIViau A WJk JBB Using atedlufls. The nd'tion .Jvsett lay . . " ' ' . COLUMNS, t '1 snows what advertisers think. Offloe utide Benbow Hall, South Elm street ' Tares Dwelling Houses For Bent. ' (1) A commodious frame d welllnir an Aah. boro street, In front tf Judge Bottle's. (3) A eonvenlently arranged and well alto ated frame dwelling on corner of King and Oorrell streets. () A laroe brick dwelllr oonvmilantlv situated and arrangvd, on King street. pp'y to mps. mcs poo-juug. Boys' shirt waists 15c, at M. Strauss'. ChUdren's woollen hoods, hand made at M. utrauas' Ladles' sewed Debbie lace or button biaa OnJl5.t t , M. Btraui. Good bleached table Tamark, wortn 75c, on ly 60c. at M. btrauii' ( UMMea, vests, 85e,40e, 60c, 75o and at K Strauas'. t ChlldreaTi vesta, 15, 90,36 and JtOcta,at K. Strauss'. ood werkmen'a puts, 60, T and SI, at m M M. Btranas'. Good Cassuaere paata, 1JO, 1.00 and 8.00, at at. Strauss'. . Woollen over ahlrta, from 50c up, at ', ' . M. Hirausa'. ' Ilea's bovs and children's suits and onu coats cheaper than the cheapest at la. btrausa' Ladles' shoes irooj fifty cents up. Mens,' bootsfrom 1.00 to 3.60, at M. atrauss . une-oay ana aay clocks at a very low prtot) 631 . - M-btrauas'., UfadoiaMm Itr rmm rA. . ' The ladle are especially invited to eall at Irrtii's Candy Store and lnsoect not onlv tha largest but the flneat and freshest line of oan dy aver brought to this market Don't forget the place middle door Trogdoa building, r uitnnnm-rau uag at eutrance ni4-tl ' . o far IteHL. One of the best store rooms In town. Applv noUtX . to E.M.HitdfiZ. .... .. zr- " . j Fsr Sal. A buggy, at Taiutorv'B atablaa. alur n. good much now. L. A Bailit. . OsaaaSeefwrTsarMU. ' At D. B. Yauoev'a. stall No. &. itiotl . lower end of dtv market, von sill tha en. est beef, mutton, pork, and aaasae of both' ainoa pan ana unit that has been seen slnoa Ureensboro has had a market Yanoerls da- termined to seep constantly on hand some thing nice to please bis customers. Don't tall to call before buying your Sunday supply. 'rys.Orw-aOa loa. . Al railroad eating bouse. These oysters are extra large, aa4 from the Nanaemond tiv. erbeda. A Umlted quanttly sold famlllea. ovum i a tout nraers eariv. Please. . ael5-tf : . .. A T. Tiimoif. ' Q . .-. Have Ton Seen It 1 - The bin red slirn at the ranknii atira . Vnta papet 8c qqlre, Thomas' black Ink 80, 60 lead v peneila 9 for 3a Lao window curtains Tie worth aLCO. , se4-tf ' Itaw Oaadav. . , If you want sometblBg new call on - ... , f. . VUIOMKSTIH, ' ' ' 1 raw Kaeas. , .. : Store room former! vooounted bvB. A. riam ' mlng A Vo. Apply to CO. Wbiuht. A SHaaan , . Is wanted by a young lady to teach Drawing, Palntlnsr and Elocution, with other brannlia. n dealred. Apply to the editor of the Daily ' 7.1 am determined to close ont a blc Is n Ken's women's and enildrena low cut shoes ai . some prloa, fxnan early and get your pick.' 1 luiywu ' u. mu. Asaruu). - J. W. Bcott A Co.. Wholesale agenU for tha ' Old Virginia Cheroots, five for ta cents. 117 ' then. , luivS-tm ' .' Ho Poetrr, -. .1 But a fact that 1 have lust received a larva " lot of those Ladles' Oxford lies at prions to au.t everybody. Also a lot of Hess' low out shoea Come and see them for yourself. Ie30-tf Qm Will AaaraiLnu 'Call on all dealers ind smoke the Old Tirginla Cheroots. Five for ten cents. - ; Old Virginia Cheroots are as good as anv five oemt cigar In the world. : : Five for 10 oents. , , For Sale or Bent. Dwelling house on East Washington atran . containing seven rooms, pleasantly aud conve. nlently located, la for aale on accomodating terms. Apply to --, -. Dk. H, at ALroD., k AhAan amnlra Thnaa nM trin,- Oheoota. Five for a dime, at Boott a Co'a. ' ... " . , . .. ..... ( let sets. Call aud examine our stock, Jy'JO-ir X ours truly, W. T. Chiuhkstir. itat lte(!lv4. A large lot or banjo ana vioun strlnprs at oc29-tf ' Mats aao's, i...ADy person orpersoiis w! ' In? to our. eh a ku bwck dwelling hon-.H of 1 i ri a with tliree por'" timt 1 1 t.- i f sj oed as a bunri, 4 hoi- i, or a r it .( four rooms, or nki bn . . . I g i ,u ji accomodated on the moat i i - y applying to ' D. If. Cauw ,u . . Good peonle all, If ym r re yarn ,i I or r' . i or f ! ,t - v e 1:. r r i. . . i i.l., - i) a oi n's .