THE DAILY iWORKMAfi ..' ' I',' Birtxtoaa ' 1 If r, J i-iiG i lx times a wank Mult .i wrsper, t 3.00 year,' la advaaosi Tot Jx months, fl.60, ; for three months, W oenta, and to those wh K oasts pSf dn deferred pl'jWrtiH vi ft pay 1 .2M BMly : Workman la 6.-eenabaro. sad being ox suited dallr ay aorta of . business at to, la a spliad'd advar w 1 using medium. The emdttlea .IvsrHf Uui i Mil IO i';,ul .' '...: ' ' l. If .rs: 1 w it 4 AVasred of ttOwrt jKo rwkro " (X, OS MnuWlM UMlttlf,' . RAILWAY QUIDS. , ilw - 0iiN8ioR0, Feb.-1, 1889. 'aioxiJoW e! iavtjxs baxlmab.1' Arrive from Rtohmond el-" 4J a m M i-!-" Leave for Richmond at 850pm 1 1.0 r NOBTH OABOIJ1U tSTTiaOAIV Arrive from Charlotte at Leaves to? Charlotte at IrrlTse Irora Ooldsbero at Leaves for Qoldaboro at - 800 a m A 40 pm 9 50am 10,45 m ,8 25 cm JIM la. vbb.m 10 50 p m FOBTH-WWTIRS l.'O, KAQJoAS.' Arrives from Salem fct J V Ut 7 45 aka I v iaJ .v .v. 4 V - v ' A 15 v u -Leaves for Salem at , 10 CO am r- : r!' 5 :' '10 64pm JJJLJ , , ft f. t . t, juruaoijs, t ,. ... t rain moving norm. t' Leave Bennettaville'at , 6 20 a. m. ,'Arrive at Greensboro, . . . . ,2 25 p,,m, ' Leave Oreensboro. .......... 2 50p.m. r Arrive Ml Airy 8 50 p. m. . lraint Moving Soutjl. ., (.j Leava Ml. Air. .8 45 a. m. , .Arrive at Greensboro........ 7 45 a. m. ,., Leave Greeoaboro 10 05 a. m. , Arrjve at ieoDettaville,,t,,..7 30 p. m. SCHEDULE OF MAILS: going North cloaed 18 00 pm v;r.-,.r - ;" - 7J0am - Bonth - . tt V ' Salem Br'oh" ,- . , i , V'Eaaii ;;.. 9 0 a m 9 00pm 9 00am 9 00pm 9 00pm 1U General delivery open from B DO a m . m cvipn., zopi annng tne aum P bntion of maila. The Money Order and fiegiatered Letter ofSoe open from 9 00 mtoOOOpm.., J, vAU ohurch notloea,lacliidlag Sabbath Bohool, .meetingt' tor . prajw,' Tnlaalonary rotln. t'Wteklv and other leetnrei oa ehnr&k vwk, lnaerted freeoreharge, M heretofore.' ' Abo notioei of mamaxea ani deaths, not nceced Ing tea (10) lines each. ll otherannounoe. ?mrta snbot,tp'rtgnlar adteiUlog ratA' ; L00AL IUIELLIGENOE.' Ofi -i-There ire oiriv four prlsodltsila till no fluul I' wn in to w a. iuu. ., ill 1 1 I .-jjii snad a V very' pretty little nowUit nfgbfi toJ beautliul to last. JfU ivuHu'Ii'i till n.vm .'0 IfTK" f4 KuJ.Tha'flreenRsaro Ohorit' SdiiitV . : ..j . .1.1 jnoeta tonight j all are reqoeated to be resent.-- v--' W: m Ji-,i; V i-Mf. Ab'Mendehhall,n who 'lui J n'atteaing! --.BroWn JCfuive'raity', it 'Vhere en w '?' -nifd- it' ' "' i i. v.. : .(....- ........ . i . '.1 f-lifiaa Mary Frayser, of liqhinbnd, x i'Va.k' it hen on a visit' t her'1 friend, VJ''r :- H'n'v!-i.i ! ...i -Mr. and Mra. v f L R. Hall re- 'turned hat weak from abriel.yiaR to .iWlr former kome is Fayettefilie. ; - .. - .w - f t L A 1 1 V I LI Alii 1 ' ? i-Twcl Texas editors fought 1 tt' dael iiamla and doore ; Editors asva elaas -hiv an Aversion to being shot: r! , ii- .w.'i. .......... , . IA ..I'.,,,..... . ; k JT7.TrT k.. -l.lrt'i t''l;-.,1 I ' ' A u..k.. ...t .frnm tWA. UU1H1 VHUI nUn MIKM. ' nnit piacn yesteraay auernoon ror died at her home near Hillsdale yea- ..i .ii. ..I .!'!. ) it.ivillvl .U1--I I 1 -'.'.). -I'i.-,' i i ii ' ,,. . . ., i-ihe. wiimineton - oser. aava 4 uiat V ,VirW aUg gULU sa uatnuivuw) if ih fopUhat f gvlM Hrf r.i, Vi it i y.'..w,.-.. Hi... ,y. AO':' : '' i,l,,,..V.... " . V, t. I.i, .,- .VI.A''i '. -k.Ttfiimkora nf nnnl. find that the' , yfi ------ - r - . . 7 : ' . ';!abinTat;,,!.Tha fact UL !the string .f id. lalok Viaa hMn n. Thl. Is the hard cider'f; the matter; ine iwtnAr ha been. dosed to keeD out ' the Vol. 6. Greensboro, : n -J ; One ol the moit stubborn facta with which we deal it, the necessity' of giving employment to honest people who have nothing to do. ". Servicee at the . Baptist church every afternoon at 3 1 30 p. ax. and preaching eyery mghat,- 7 1 30 by Rev'. Dr. Hutaoiu All are cerdially invited to attend all the services. Mrs. Alex. Campbell, now ot Fayetteville who resided in Greens, b'orq toifjWo or three yeajs up to jjst summer, is paying visit to the city, the guest of Mrs.' Annie Cator, in North Greensboro. ' The Madison Leader says that Mrs. Harry Bradfield and children, from Fate, Texas, are on a yisit to relatives at Prestonvif.e. Mrs. Brad field was Miss Clark, of Oak Ridge, Mr. C. P. Vanslory and George have returned from their trip to Ten nessee. . They went to a number of. important places, Including Nashville and Mr. Vanstory avers that the stock he bought ts the finest ever brought to this market. !' !-.n..u'- . r'-o 1 Doii'r Wast It. -We met a friend On the street this morning vhom we know $0 be well op jut, railroad matter!, and of whom , we have several times thought and' spoken aa. ' auitaUo per. ton to fill the offioe of- State' Auditor, and said to him ; We think of nam ing yon as one of the Railroad Com niUwon." 1 Blushing alight! j ho'tnrne away, ikying plainly, by ..look,, wor and fcotion that he neither1 desired nor thopght of such , a ' ibing.','' Aoj yet we venture that no one of more oapaolt j for the ptaoe hubjen mentioned, he ' dtSerepaeta that .thyriend(we (aame is'nooe of' ajobndeven he .wre1 bej would not be a eandidatd for an lBee :n'i.i , One of "bur Boya'?in Charlotte The Chronicle refers with high com mendation to an address before the Charlotte Teachers' Council by Prof. Henry Louis Smith, of Davidson Col lege j After religions exeroiaea and 'the regular programme, Prot. Henry Louis Smith, of Davidson College, delivered an address on " English in a Country SohooL" ' He divided his aubjeot into three prtsi "Correition of Prevalent Er rora in Language Proper use of Puna tnetion Marks, and , EoglUh Composi tion." . . ' " -. .-. 1 '. y ; ' ? Prof. Saaith is a remarkably' fluent speaker, and he treated , his aobjeot in such a masterly manner, that he inter, ested not only the teaohers,'' but every one else who heard him. n'.'.-s r- vi.. He illustrated the manner in whiph he used to Uaoh in a village school, and his statements were Bo clear' abd sim ple, that hit audienoe 'were not aur prised that he had made a suooeas.4s a , Every .one Was sorry wbn the ad dress tame to a close, and the teachers insisted , on Prof. 1 Smith's delivering another address at an early day. " ' i One Iwill see at a g'aoce that the divisions of the objeot showed 1 an afif qnamtanee with the needs of the times;, and gave occasion Ifoif many' agooct hijt at prevalent errors, . tt )' a solemh fact, aa some writer 7 has already said, that ,Wide men are . talking ; animala, and- do more ; talking - than anything else, . it is 'Iu talking that they' inoijt signally fail p to which weguay, add that, only when they : write; they do Still WjflMl,'.. ',r, ,. ''.. , j W. C, Monday. February . Oo Tueasy, Wednesday and J Thursday evenings of next week the ladies of Greensboro will hold a fair for the benefit of the Steim Fire Co. of the city. A very interesting feature of the Fair "will be the voting for several handsome and elegant prizes. The third on' the list Is an emblemat ic faadge to the most popular fireman in Greensboro. r Jiutls. Oranges, Bananas, Bologna Sausage, Chip Beef, Apples and Early Boas Potatoes for seed, by tbs barrel or bushel ' BmpsctfallT, fit 9w J. E. Thou. t BMfaOsi tsi sut Or(ds. We have for sals a one Soyal Oran, eleven stops. As good as new) havlog been used verf The oost of tills Instrument was 125. It will be sold at the low price of 975. Come and ex ml as It and secure a bargain. Call on atooor A Co., at their store under the Central Hotel,' opposite Post Office. fll-lw A good yoke of OleO, three years old, well broke. Apply to Loou Jf. Hoos, reiw cl' i ..: . Kew Oarden, N. O, ...Greatest bargains In the city can be had In Gentlemen's and Ladles' Kisses' and Chil dren's Fine Shoes, at ' G. H.'RoTSTaB'a. Bli stock lost received. Don't forget to call U yon want to save money. fOtf '. ... Jul Received. Klce Una of' Plashes, Dress Qoods, Hosieries, Jerseys, Corsets, and most anything yon want at the lowest prloss. " Dont forget to call. . Baapectmtly fO-tf '-:' O. H. Botutkb. i . . . . : 'v . : re aUt I have for sale two beautiful building lots on Edgeworth street la the olty of Greensboto. Both are well sltttstad and one has a .splen did oak grove'.'" win sell eheap for cash. ', Ap ply to v:'' Jefc"wY Forms, fc J; ' f8-tf ..TtrS Rogssa- Beaty-rtbe . prettltet and laesi Bavdredf apple onthe sisrket, also Cheap apples by tssmfeafrtf,'fr family tv ' ' ; Just received nW Beef bllfpper ahd beef to go with it ; , r V - V'V'k, . . I , Another lot of cheese the same quality sa heretofore. ..A new snpplypf mountain buck wheat flenr, and evy beans,, excellent mo lasssa,. and rib, side meat ,to' aoatch.; Or anges, bananas aan nna oandlea. : 1 The above, and a fe other articles not men- Uoned; oanbefonnd M1'1 , DODoatr's, Next door to Dally, Workman; ; 1 ' J7-1W . ' . Psuw'aTrtosai ,,..'..." Ws have booeht direst from "Robert Bulst Philadelphia) Pa., a 1argf 'stock of their "Prize Medal". Garden needs, which .we offer to our wholesale sod retail trade at olose ngures. Bnists seeds are so well known that we' need aay nothing about them hare. . J. W. Scott A Co. 1 .. JPevewie Cansvp. One good horse and boggy, harness and Lap Bobs. The mare Is only g years eld and per fectly safe for 4 lady to drive.;.' Apply at this office. . itt-tt ' laethlag' IVewr' , for all Housekeepers. A patented Coffee and tea Pot The best thing on record, , You will do wed to call at the v ; ; :, , ; ,i v i OaiuiHAb Racist 8tobb, l f5-lw - Next door to Express office. ii';- , ; 1 . : , f Two lots of ground 65x270 and 85x419. well drained, situated on TJndsay street, near Oraded School. There are 45 fruit trees 1 year Old on these lots.! Address Box 811," t J4-8t .mT.; .-h iiiii . wi'i Greensboro, M. C; 1 ,ul.' '. - ' 1 .,, ... 1 1 "'jMfV'tf f One new two-story dwelling eontalnlng seven rooms ne cottage eohtslnlng live rooms'and a good basemenr,: splendid out houses, large lots, good gardens,' good wells of excellent water t situated on McCulloch street, In a good neighborhood, convenient to Belle-Vue Institute. Terms ' reasonable and easy. Apply to Mas. b-avme. ruoir, j., ;. ftw;,');-' !; Sotith Greensboro;.'; ' Choloe building lot,' 75x180 feet, in Keogh's addition. North Greensboro. s; j K.4?,; Jan3l-tf U A. BilLCT. A 044 BusImmm pppertatUlr. . . Any person desiring to bay a Stock ef Staple goods with an established trade, both whole sale and retail, win do well to apply at this office. ' No opposition in bnalness. Call on or address Dally Workman, Greensboro, Guilford li, 1889. No. 217. - I 'I l , i . ' nwcklatary. . Having engaged 1st other business, I shall offer at Public Sale at my factory near the de pot, lh Greensboro, N. C, on Tuesday, Feb ruary 5th, 1889, the following Machinery used In the tniQufkctore of tobaocn, Tlx i One No. I Hydranllo Pump, msnufsctured by Talbott ft Sons. Three Betalmlb mTd by Talbott A Sons. Eight Box Screws, " " Two sets 0 Inch shapes, one set 9 In. shapes, three sets 11 Inch shapes, one set 12 In. shapes, two large brass licorice kettles, and a great deal tf Uner machinery and fixtures In the same line. This maohlnery U all In good condition and will be sold for cash on the day above stated. W. A. FlBLDS, Jan28-d-2w Ererr Blavkksnlth In Nerth Carolina sliould send for one of those new style Tweer Irons manufactured by the ' Eioli Focndbt Co , f5-6w Greensboro, N. C. i,n4 Ale, By virtue of the power ve-ted In the rinder signed as administrator of Joseph F. Caosey, by a mortgage deed executed by Jesse Hons, ton and Marls, his wife, on the 7lh Febroary, 1881, to said Joseph F. Caussy and recorded In book 61, psge W, In the Beglster's office of Guilford connty, the undersigned as adm'r ol (aid Causey will sell, for cash, atpubllo auc tion, at the frrnt door of the Court House In Greensboro, Monday, 4th day of February, 18S9, a tract ef land under said mortgage. situate 8 alias east of Greensboro, adjoining tne lands or zee. Pritchett, Peter Pass. Hearr Fowler and Joshua Galloway, purporting to convey four acres, more or less. ... , . .. v . , , W. A-FlHUajti 1 Jan28-d-lw u Adm'r i.t. Caoey. fgrpUaai Braun i sugar Carat Oar customers all recollect this celebrated brand of u Sweet Corn" we Introduced last season, and oar large and increasing trade on it proves it to be what w woommendei "The aneet packed," Is what we say of It une hoodrod dozes Is what we bought for yon tws season,. Cajliwlt lt, -ruAi v m ' -VUy. 8oott AOo'a. . . '. .the Piedmont Bank is open for business for the present in The People's Five Cents Sav ings Bank ofOreensboro.' ' We expect' to be in oorowa building in a lew Weeks. V '' J " ; !. i.j irji .:! . J ir, Wikstsud; ' Jaa.U-'894f, :.':i )i.n '-' Y 'Cashier. ' .v. jt14' "- iai s iil in i i ' 1 PaOaUaki. mm Prime Navy Beans,- California Lima Beans, Lima OatGrit.Oat Meat, New crop Hdmlny and grits, OaroUna Rice, nice frl3 Potatoes, prune uvumm vuu iuii ' ou(ur--0iaa," nuueiiaxe Fish, George's Hams apd breakfast bacon, new TnrklBh and California Prunes. "- 410 Virginia and New York buckwheat flow Graham floor. New good arriving dally. Come and see for yourselves. . - ' ,!..,,, i ' , J. w. soon A Oft, .) . -Bane Oracker.) :' ' Ji' We dont mean to tell' you anything about "Boss Crackers," as they -seU ' themselves wherever Introduced, but we only wish to say we have received a fresh supply better than ever (If possible.) ; , ,- " , .. J. W. Boott A Co's ' .11 m . ' ' , , TVee,,8lr. ,r I am fixed at the eld Brockmann Stand, corner Sycamore and South Elm streets, where I shall be glad to wait On my former" onstom- ersanaaa many new ones as may tee at to fsv vofme.! Here are some of the tblngw I 'keep for sale t. A full line of pipe; tobaooo, sane" and cigars, strings for violls, batrjo and gultatj. Matches, soap, starch, bluing; -sugar Aofljas and tea t candy, raisins, flgs and dates, canned goods, chipped beefj etc Bread and -cakes a TPW ,r V'.Min ' .WTO!' The payings suad, ,DdsmmI BMakwA , . , k Called Meeting. j rt t,,m J The undersigned stockholders ol the Saffines and Deposit Bank of N. O. request that a call be made lor a meeting of tfae'steekholdws of said bank at the banking house la Ureensborq, on the 4th day or February, lb89, at the boor ef 10 o'olao a mv for- the purpose of adoepa. Ins toe amended charter passed bv ' the Uearta lature of N.. O., at ttf present sesaiop, , a a for other purposes.-1 1 . i v-' 1 , L. It. ttcotu WjH. fllll, o.' 8. Bemeaat, D. F, uaidweiu w. k. Mm ray. V w..c. Ben bow; w. u; rorter.u. wuketieid, tiios-. woo-n. roffe, Ji L. Mlchaus,. F.; Flshbkite,.) Ai;W. Soott, l A," Smith, B. G. Newoomb, -W. fA. Fields. J. W MoNalrV. J. B. Mendenhall. J. 8. Cox, W. B. Burgees, W .O, McLeaa, Mrs. a. B. novo, e. o. orown, nm, o, aii. . -t jaaio-wa - 1. .i-w'i.; W, Wallehead: ;':' ' , Offers for sale or rent his dwelling house ' (8 rooms) on Asheboro street, next door te West minster, ohurchr ln a,,ood, aelghborheod, with fine mater, and located on- the principal resldenoe 'Street ot the city. Apply at resi dence. , anl4-tfi shows what adrertlsersf think. , Office and Benbow HaU, South Elm street . fi VaUesiUa Jnst reoetved a large and Aloe a sotted stock of Valentines, - 1 n-8w,. - , K. K. Paloclscok A Bao. MsvpleSrwap. and Virginia Buckwheat Flour is what you want these cool mornings for breakfast A supply of .both received this week at .,.!., BOTTuo a. tr Kent. - Two desirable houses In the best neighbor hoods In Oreensboro Also other bourns for rent. Yarns Baoau . Try the "Grand RfDubllo" the best el gar on earth for 5 centa, at Tate Bro's drag store. oSW-tf 0 1 Dlrldend N.ilc. The Trustees of Wilson a ttttober are now paying a fourth dividend of 5 per cent at National Baak of Greensboro. January 5, 1889. lm . , O- - .... Begin the New Year aright, and keep It up, Make your wile a present of a barrel of Pstepsco Superlative Flour the best tn the world Demand It of your -roow, ju4 take no other. YatiI Bans., ' '..deW-tf WbolesawsxantA I'r sal. Cheap. '- M0ns building lot on corn er of Bdgewbrtll and Gaston street.! 95x148 feat: and one Int n-ont. lng on Edtrewdfth 100x140 feet. One or both, or these lots will be sold low far cash. Apply at once to M . Howabd, nlo-tr Greensboro Book Htorei ' - Hanar. ao West Bariaaw, E. M. at C A. HendrU have establlsiMd themselves In the bnslneM of drayage and Ore wood suDDiT ror ine aoommMiation or aiuaeaa. Their drmys win meet al in-coming trains, ana trunks and other baggage will be eonveyod to and fro at all hours, day or night 'u aay part 01 me city, men woooyara wm ee suppjed with wood of all detcriptlooa desired, at rea sonable rates, whether the westher be fair or foul. Noadvantrgetaxeaef the weather. 3r ders left at the store of Uendrlx A Pearee. East Market street will hare attention. 'oSl-tf r 1 -f ..' '' Jinl'-ii! ....For Christmas presents, such as a line sUkor llnen handkerchtof, mnfflen, golohead luiau.iuuiu&wvuOTi, luaineiB, gnifl iinsq. ibrellaor walking cane, latest style puff , Books, enlb and collars, "coon brand oa saspenders, oranytlunglnrornblilng en umDreiia or waiaiog scarfs, 1 .wanton 1 call at Cartiahl's, under Central House. ii m ij.Kf t a ii 0 fc i.mii.,i'v . . Three Dwelling Houses For Kent, (l) A commodious frame dwelling on Ashe borostreetf la tront of JndgeSettleV ' (3) A oonrenlently arraaged and well rdtn stvdrrmme dwelling on corner of King and OorreU streets. , - , , .v - ' . (8) A large brick dwelling conveniently wunoiaAwermugruf'vii jmuy une, i. nvr-u . Appiy to un iis.JioAnoo-Kmsv . , '.,..,.WBtSb,'.i..!.,,;f)() One of the best store rooms in town. A .Kia ' : M . L. if 11 ' nojmf to-; B.M.HHOj,V susAiaM'rwBv.wierfI11' At D. R. Yancer'a. stall No. a aUtuljid ,mk -o lower end of city market, yon will see the fln- est beef, motion, pork, 1 and sanssM -efiboth. kinds pan am) link that has beeaseen slooa Creenirooro has had 4 market. Yanoet is de termined to seep constantly . en band thing nice to please his customers. ,-, Don't (all ' to can oeiore ouying your Sunday supply. . Aocs-tr ) 1 .. ,i..r.j.. . ii y-j. ''"if- p i. o .'imcs , it Al JHJk muu. uvim iUUUU oysters are extra large, and from tbe Nansemond rtve f beds.; 1 A aUmlted qoanttly sola families uena in your orders early, pi sell on '. VlBXO. 1. V.-1 I ."II 1 0 1 in' fi i.r..i'i: Uav.T.a snb Ity t. The big red sign at the racket store. Note paper 80 quire, Thomas' black Ink 80, 80 lead pencils 8 for So. , Laoe window curtains Tic worth aLOQ. ,( J :, ae'4Hf ' ' ' raw'sii.''v'-5l "'J . Storeroom formerly oocupted by it A. rhm mlng co. f , Apply ty., , a u.WxioBx. - Is wanted by a young lady to teach Drawing, Painting and Elocution, with other braoohee If desired. Apply to the editor of the Dally workman. ; . ipiirtg ki.i mi ufl-u ' ; -... . .i,,'i t .M of ... .1 am determlped to close nut a big lot of Men's women's and children.' low cut shoes tt some poo Come earn ant ret Too ciok. (Uly28-tr . i.ttyr; 1 -Ml But a mot that I hanslust nnetvnl I . ' Ittrim . lot of those Ladles' Oxford I'les at prices to sole everybody.' -Also a lot of Hess' low oat sheet sad chikUea's wigwam Sllipert at ' half oost Come and see them for yourself. . , JeiXWX,. , r,, OrWnA'ABMrrsija. . tor Hale or Kant." - a Dwelling house on East Waeulnttofi WtM. . containing sern roB.s, pleasantly and pone. nlently located, Is fpj; , sale on accomodating terms. u Apply to , . . Da. B. M. Alimrol nnelbtf iudvli :-J-v-. 1. 1 . , , . ' b tss Mecelred.i n i-'" A large lot of banlo and violin .trimm at ; t ; Any person or persons Wishing to pnr Chase a large brlofc dwelling house of '18 rooms" With three porches, that has been for yrt need aa a boarding houe,ra neat cotm-a of tout rooms, or nioe imuding lots cheap, ca be accomodated on the mdst reasonable tei ins bv Good people all, II you need yonr For. . nlture varnished or repaired, if 4 shades or oornioes hnn. or any wine t a lt the hone-furniiihlnt h. r'" i.-e c ' on 1 " J lor Wm. H. Mc an i., iUU n' i Upholstering a spety. county, N. C. m -j ' JaaSl 1 ' . . .' A S.;