:THE: DAILY WORKMAN, D rt'tUUID :j Six times t week M an Evening Paper, at IS.00 ., a ear, ,ln. kdt&Aoe, For six aonths, $1.80, ' for three months, 75 cents,' and to those who pafr " " - - - ; . PROMPTLY, , BS oenU per' month, Oa deferred payments, 85 oeuta per, month, to pay expeust of ool leoting. ' -i AHierarf a A rxu qJo (n Grenboro,A 0., n ermii-oUtl hmMh1, RAILWAY GUIDE. Greensboro, Feb. 1, 1889. IIOHMOKO a DAHTTLLM RAILBOAD. Arrives from Biobmond at 9 42am " ' 1089 pm If tot for Riobmond at 8 50 p m 8 OS a a ' ROBTH OABOLUU matlboas. Arrive from Charlotte at 8 00 a m ft 40 pm 9 50 am 10,45 r m 8 25 o m 7 40 a m H6km 10 50 p m Leave (or Charlotte at lrriM from Ooldabnro m Lm for Ooldaboro at 1. OBTH-WBSTKKif I. O. aUtXiBOAA ' Arrives from Salem at 7 45 a m ., 8 15 p m Lmtm for Salem at 10 00 an " , 10 54 pm ' ' ' O. . A T. BAStROAD, , . ' Train Moving Jiorth. Leave Bennettaville'at...... 5 20 a. m. ' Arrive at Greensboro. ....... .3 25 p. m. Leave Greensboro. 2 53p.m. ; Arrive aft-Airr,... 6 50 p.m. ' Iraint Moving South. Leave lit. Airy. 8 45 a. m. Arrive at Greensboro .7 45 a. m. ; Leave Greensboro ..lCf 05 a, m. Arrive at Itonnettaville 7 83 p. m. SCHEDULE OF MAILS: Mailt going North oloaed 18 00 p m " " 7 80am " " ' South " 9 00am , . . ... - . .. h . 9 00pm . " -. " Salem Br'oh ' . 9 00 a m " - 9 00pm East " 9 00pm "O.F.4T.T.B.B " 9 00 a m .; Oeueral delivery open from 8 00 a m to 0) p m., except daring the distri bntion of maila. The Money Order and Registered Letter office open from 9 00 a m to 6 00 p m. ADVERTISING tiiniTATSO.W. AU on arch notices, Including Sabbath School, Meting! for' prayer, missionary meetings, weekly and other lectures on church work, Inserted free of charge, as heretofore. Alao notices of marriages an 1 deaths, not exceed ing tea (10) Hose each. All other announce mente subject to regular advertising rates. : ? LOCAL INTELLIOEN0E. Eggs 'Were" recently 5 centt a '' dozen, at Franklin, Macon county. ' . , , , . ' ' The Committee on the Pearson - Meeting have assurances of a tent, and have rented H for the itt of Rev." Dr. Bloservhai removed from bis .former residence on Greene atreet to the Eldridge place on Wash ' ington street. , , . - . ' v', , . ". 1 '' ' (Jt - ' , T. Speaking of the rain last night and the sleet kbit morning, we might "J", aty that there 4s a' good deal; of tbit 'H.'' sort of thing due ua any how. f , t '1 m w :.'. ' Mr. E. B. 'Waggomon and Mitt E. E. Weehlo were married at Saletn ' at S o'clock., tp; im., , Thursday, and . came down on the 8rst train on visit v to relatives in hit city. " 1 There were tome dishes left f' In " the Benbow Hall, which were used 'daring the Firemen's fair,nd which are on . r &rkod, V The owners of the same can rt tttem bv eallinff at - the office of ' r.eece & Elam. " 1 ' I Mr. E. T. ' Muller, ; representing Fuehs & Lng, dealers in printing 'inks. &C, Kew York, made a call on us this morning. . Mr. Muller is trav : ',it33r through the South In the inter est of his house. ' --Brother Manning oft the 3old Leaf has lately een made the r : cipient of a handsome suit of clothes, t 1 his brethren of the press in the L ' 3 are congratulating; him on the eve t. Let an editor get marrried. J. .re r 1 Mr bora to him, ox become I'.ai ; t cf a s t cf clothes, an-J i ts Ir . cf t: 2 . s at c -3 thaf ,i.v..r, 5 C3. if it 1 t t" It ii Vol. 6. Greensboro, g Mr. T. T. Brooks baa aold bU in tereat 'in the pUning and moy, ling tnaohInervt Bed Springs to Mr, Vm. Love of thii city. Mr Brooks bsVnot at yet decided on his own base of ope retiots for the future. The bill before the Legislature 1 Legislature ission py creating a railroad Comm its second reading ia the State I of Representatives yesterday, third reacting was made the t ytcial order for it o'clock today. As informed by the Twin-City Daily, Rev. Dr., Rondthaler, of Salem, accompinied by hit ton start ed yesterday on a trip to Europe. The chief object of the trip is an at tendance upon the Moravian Synod at Herrnhut, Saxony. Playkd Doctor ' Fatally. A little daughter of Mr. Eugene John ston, of Salisbuty, died from the ef fects of strychnine poison on the 1 3th instant. She and some other chil dren had been playing "Doctor," and by some ' means they had access to tome pills contnaiinf strychnine, Mr. Johnston's little daughter died within an hourt the otters vere saved , by timely treatment. This is a sad af fair, and contains a loud lesson of caution. " . - ' Quick Wobk. On' Monday last Mr. A. F. Brooks, of this place.closed a contract with a certain party for the erection of a dwelling house with three rooms the house has been built the ' Vcarpenterji;;, work and ' tife s-.av, morning. r. Bwosi mwe a deposit of the amount of the bill for the house. ; There were only four full working days in which to do the work. Itt no ' use to. build by "magic" any longfr." RESOLUTIONS OF THANKS,': Halx. G. S. F. E. Co., No; i, ) : February 16th, 1889. J At a meetine of the Greensboro Steam Fire Engine Company, No. I." held Friday night last, Febru ary I5th,-"l889, the following re solutions, submitted by the under signed committee,', were unani mously adopted: :VV,-?v- f WhereAs, The members of the Greensboro Steam Fire Co.; No. I, consider themselyes under lasting obligations to the ladies of Greens boro who so successfully conduct ed the late T"air; for our benefit, WHEREAS, We deem an ex pression of our appreciation of the unselfish efforts of these ladies not only proper but necessary as in dicative' of the unanimous senti ment of the members of this Com pany; therefore be it v, ' V Resolved, ' That while ' we feel our inability ' to make any return for the great zeal and laoor exert ed in our behalf, or even to ex press to them our sense of grati tude and heartfelt appreciation for the same, we do hereby most sincerely assure them that they have done service' which no others could 'have accomplished; that the cheerfulness, enthusiasm and unanimity with which 'they undertook the laborious task, has shown that bur labors in the past have been appreciated, and ; have inspired us with renewed energy and deterrmnation,not alone -to maintain the present high stand ard of eCki:ncy with which we are crcditeJ, but to attain the very pinnacle of usefulness and excel lence forour organization : and that their srJks'and gentle words cf c cr.-.cnt will cheer an J IN. C, Saturday, ebary nerve us to do or dar any deed which has for its objc t the pro- tection of the homes and hearth- stones of those noble and self- sacrificing women whom we now have the honor to enroll as our sincere friends. 0v,Thatwe alsd acknowl ourselves under many obr ns to all the generous-heart- d public-spirited citizens who 'UJ tontriDutca so materially to- varas ks nnanciai success, to at of whom we hereby tender our most grateful thanks. , Resolved, That a printed copy oil these resolutions be sent to e;ch lady and gentleman who so ziilously labored for our success, aid that a copy be furnished each oihe city papers with a request tc pub! u ti e same. Respectfully submitted, H. T. Elam, J. P. Scott, J. G. Fovler, John Lewis, VV. E. Schenck, J For Hale r tm Rem, prtght Piano. Apply at office of B. J. tram A Co. ' - feb.l61w si lived tklBga tm EM.-Just recetredt To- Mpes, Buckwheat, Floor, Dried Beef, Peach etficaronl, Cod Flth, Roe Herring, Mess Hrfcerei, Corn Starch, Cheese, Soda Ac. at fdl ft-Iw. E. H. Caldoleugh A BroV The Critic f he fame of the erIUo, j Still floats on aamnkey breeze, nrhlle he reits and revlls , 1 In the fumes of Caldoleughs best. Flit Cigars, Pipes and Tobacco for sale at ndjw. K. M. Caldcleogh A Bro's a v Mat 1 .upp atM bean found htoeaboute owner can hare by pamg-trrJreB. DnJ Workman. Greensboro, Oallford caiuiiaoiSoe. 115-8t , Hay Wausas'' I 1 want to employ a quick, wide awake, hon- boy 14 to 18 years old, to deliver bundles make himself generally useful! about the "tie. RiMPLBB. Baow. Fl U. tt ' v : - 1 ,;' For Seat. -.'' ee room, or a house with 0 rooms. In So Greensboro, conveniently arranged and In Bhjlrable location. . ADDlrto ' l , . H. JU Huns. lw. - Feb. New Wagoavkhop io Towa. rson Sumner have opened a new blaolblth and coach shop in the building oneekupled by Huff's buggy works. All or ders t be fitted UD to suit. Call at onoa. 1M .'. lDIo book Vocalises by Henri Panofka. The 111 will be sulUbly rewarded by tearing It at tloffloe. .fl-8t Oral Bananas,- Bologna Sausage, Chip Beef; I es and Early Boas Potatoes for seed, by threl or boshaL ' . KMuectraiiv. " fHawl , , - 'j.B. iioM. Afflokeof Oxen, three years old, well brokclpiy to ; , Lorjnir. Hooa,- -. ; -.; -New Garden, N. O, bargains la the city can. be had n's and Ladles' Hlsses and huv Shoes, at - O, H. BoTsraa's. ost reoelved. . Don't forget to ant to save money. - - mi Jaat BecelTad. - Plushes, Drees floods, Hosieries, ts. and most anything you want prloes. Dont forget to call. nepeauuuy, w. h. KorsTsa, I haveLietwo beantlful building lots on Edgeworjreet In the city of Greensboro. Both sin situated and one has a tnlun did oak ft will sell cheap for cash, ap ply to; Jas. W. Forbls. : (S-U ' or Sale Caap ; ;' . V. One go m Md bngy, harne s and Lap r 'j... T els only 8 years old and per- .exest tnuenn dren'sl callll . Nice f Jerseys, at the lil jn if r 16, 1889. ' No. 222. The Saaalager Orgau Under date of Oct 15, 1888, L. McNeill of Richmond eounty writes, voluntarily, via 1 , "Eleren months axo, I bought a Bhonlnger Organ style 61 at 7U, of you. MAa wall i.m4 with lb I believe tt la folly as good as Organs sold byutravellas; areata" and "etkan," asblgh a. tliA. There It a aumberor Organs la my nelgbboThood, that bare cost from tSO to U4. I bellere mine Is ua.M4ata.k4tfU.a. And to show that be believed it, he sent me the names of four others wanting Organs and Pianos, and I bars sent one other to his place. Three sold last week, and three to come In tills week, one handsome one at aso., with 123 Beads and two (divided) couplers. frt-lw W. 8. Meow, Agent Bargala la aa Organ. We have for sale a line Boyal Organ, eleven stops. As good as new, having been used very little. The cost of tills Instrument was 12& It wlU be sold at the low price of MX Come and examine tt and secure a bargain. Call on Moodt & Co., at their store under the Central Hotel, opposite Post Office. fU-lw Pur I'rcah Meed. We hare bought direct from Robert BoUt, Philadelphia, Pa., a large stock of their "Prize Medal" Garden Meeds, which we offer to our wholesale and retail trade at dose figures. Bulats seeds are so well known that we need say nothing about them here. J. W. Scott k Co, ' rer Kent. One new two-atory dweulng containing seven rooms 1 one . cottage containing live rooms and a good basement, splendid out- bouses, large lota, good gardens, good wells of excellent water; situated on MoCulloch street, In a good neighborhood, convenient to Belle-Vue Jnstltnte. Terms reasonable and easy. Apply to ' Has. Kits E. Proa, 8-4w t South Greensboro. : "For Sala.' Choice boUdlng lot, 73120 feet, In KeogVs addition. North Greensboro - jansi-tt :-.L.A. Baiur. A Oaea ataataaaa OpyawttuUtr ' Any person deal ring to buy a Stock of Btapls goods with aa eatabllshed trade, both whole sale and retail, will deweU r apply at this office. No oppoaltioa In bnalneaa. . Call 00 or oouuty, N. V. Jan8t lrcaw-. Blalua.ltB ' In Nerth Carolina should send for one of those new style Tweer Irons sunuiactared by the t . V .: i- , ElOLB FOCNDBT Co . fS-Qw ., . ..' Greenaboro, N. 0. 'EgypUaa Brand" ml Sagar Oarnf Oar customers all recollect this celebrated brand of " Bweet Corn'' we lntrodnoed last season, and our large and .increasing trade on It proves It to be what we" recommended. "Tn fiaest packed," la what we. say of It One hundred dozen It what we bought for yon this season. Call for It It . ' , : J.W. Soctt ACo'S. , ...The Piedmont Bank Is open for bailees. for the present In The People's Five Cejtt Sav ings Bank of Oreentboro. .We expect to be In our own building In a lew weeka. ' . . J. M. WlNSTBAD, , Jan. 25 89-tf. ' Cashier. PaAtable and SMMaaM.1 Prime Navy Beans, California Lima Beans. Oat Grit, Oat Meal, New crop' Hominy and grits, Carolina Bice, aloe Irish Potatoes, prime boneless Ood Fish "Butter-Fish," White Lake Fish, George's Hams and breakfast bacon, new Turkish and California Prunes, Prima Virginia and New York buckwheat flour, Graham Hour. New goodi arriving dally, Come and .see for yourselves.' . v ;:; v'";.rJ;-.---'"W. W. DOOTT A Go. :&h; '- . ': v . Boee Crackara ) : ' : . ; ' We don't mean to tell yon anything about 'Boss Crackers," aa they tell themselves wherever Introduced, but we only wish to say we have received a fresh supply better than ever (If possible.) . . - ;, , ; ' 1 . .W.SoottACo'a " f -V- f ,',':::;:- '' t : : i't'. '4S: ' T am fixed at the old .Brockmann Stand, corner Sycamore and South Elm streets, whore shall be glad to wait on my former custom ers and at many new Ones as may see fit to fa vor me. Here are some of the things I keep for sale A full line of pipes, tobaooo, anuff and cigars, aWB-r for vlollo, banjo and guitar. Hatches, soap, starch, bluing; sugar. 00 (Toe and tea ; candy, rsUui Ct and date, canned goods, chipped beer, eta. Bread and cakes a specialty. , . . ' ' .' J. B.TH0M.- '.'V . ' 11.1 . - " (E. W. Whitehead , -t "": Offors for sale or rent his dwelling honns (8 rooms) on isiuiboro street, next door to We t- ttlnBtijr charch. In a good ncVjorhoc !. with fiue ator, and located on ttie f ' s i';! renldence street of the o!ty. Arj''y at r i- THE DAILY WORKMAN , a a rixTuaa la B.-etaaboro tad being eoosulted dally ey a sorts of buatneas nan, U a spltad'd adver. tUlng medium. The audition .iTerri 1 - COLUMNS, Shows what advertuwr think. Office node Benbow Hall, South Elm street ValaaUaaj. ValeaUaea. Just reoelved a lance and nioa uuiM took of Valentines. fl-Hw E. M. Caldoucoh A Bao. 0 napUBrrap. and Virginia Buckwheat Flour Is what you want these cool mornings for breakfast A supply of.both reoelved this week at J. W. bCOTT A Co's. w0 aaaanaassts m Far Umuu Two desirable homm in tin, hut n.it,k. . vav wow HVIMUUVI hoods In Greensboro Alao othw hnn. r... rent Yatbb Ban.. mmmmtQ . . . .Try the "Grand UtDublle" th. hi i gar on earth for 5 cent, at Tate Bro't drug wore. ocasjr 0 Dividend Notice. Tne Trustee, of Wilson A Hhober are bow paying a fourth dividend of6) per onnk at National Bank of Greensboro. January 5, U8. , im . . . .Begin the New Year aright, and keep It up. Make your wile a present of a barrel of Patapsoo Buperlatlre Flour the best hi the world Demand It of your grocer, and take oeW-tf Wholesale agents. o Few ale Caaap. ' One DUUdlnir lot on eorn ar of EH am mn k . tw w upk v t vi das aauw Gaston street, 5xl4feet and one lot front, big on Edgeworth lOOiUd feet, One or both of these kits will be sold low for cash. AddIv t..,to M tHowAkD,' nltt-tf Greensboro Book Btore. w W B.laMa. K. M. C. A. Hendrtx hare estabUshed themselves In the business of drayage and fire wood supply for the acommodation of oltlxena. Their drays wlU meet all in-comlng trains, and trunks and other baggage will be oonvered to ??ktt0t UJ?0Urt ""Kht, In any part .J? T woodyanl wulbe suppded with wood of aa dererlptlons denlred. at rea sonable rttes, whether the wether be our or foul. Noadvantrge taken of the weather. Or ders left at the store of Heudhx A Pearoe. East Market street will hare attention. 031-tf ....For Ohrlatmas presents, such as a fine '' silk or linen handkerchief, mufflers, gold-bead ed umbrella or walking cane, la ten style null scarta, socks, cunt and oollara, "0000 brand s wanton suspenders, or anything In lunushlna eail at Cartlanl's, nndet Central House. Three Dwelling Houses For Eent. (1) A oommodloue frame dwelling on Aabe boro street, In front of Judge Battle's. , ' (2) A conveniently arranged aad well tlto aWdnamedwelUng on eomar of Kuur and GorraU streeta. J (3) A large brick dwell! RAnKhii. : - aM and arranged, on King street JJ-tf ,, . Apply to MFS.M0A)O-KlNa. ' ' . .:'.".- . -. w r-irnstssj ' 1' One of the best store rooms In town a noU-U to . . jl Hbbo ' - -I'm , ,i ,oi" - tm TaaiMlC At D. B. Yanoev'a. iuji Hn. a lower end of city market. nn win k. - eat beef, mutton, pork, aod sausage of both kinds-pan and link-that has been seen tlooe Greensboro hat had a marital. v.n. l. V? ' tenedtoseepoonstanUj 6n hand some, thing nice to please his customers. Dont fail tolfors buying your Sunday supply. ' At railroad eatloa aooaa. Th " "b aod from the Nanasmond Hv" TT- iiuaniuy sola families early, please. 1 . : .-4. T. Vaaxoir. selft-tf s . v. ' "taw Tan a I 1 The big red sum at the rnirt mtn 1 PP; gulre, Xhomas' black ink 80, 80 lead penoUstforao. Laoe window curtains n. worth tLOO. se'i-tf Far mtmm. Store room formerly occupted by B. A. Flensi mlng A Co. . Apply to - C.G. Wwont. Is wanted bv a young lady to teach Drawing. - raintmgand Elocution with aahta KasnAk. JL1"-1-Apply to tb editor of the Dally Workman.- rr -, - v . .,1 v, i aaiirwrr . .1 un determined to cloee out a bit? lot of ial WAIIKMl's anH .l.iu 1 . . ? w. . - ivav vat at viae lub ua Men's women's and oliUdrena' low cut shoes at sviasv li , fulySa-tf ?eP- early and get your pick. U. niULiARMriBU). ,Jn!Ltai.h$' l. hTe ,UHt rtodved a large ! ' tot of those Ladles' Oxford 11 . t-T. , everybody auk, a lot of He' low out thoea ' and chlldie&'s Wigwam Silipera at half coit ' vvtaa-7 sMata srjbi SjUtMii itir VtNirsuair ... O. Wiw. AaariMLn. i! Tor Pale or P-t. ' - ' Dwelling house on Kast h..tnfftyui f containing seven rooma, pleasantly aod convet ' niouuy lounieo, ia ior sale on .(icoinodatina L terms. Apply to , Dn. H. M. a. ....rj ffl v nnel6tf t ! J HwdreJ. . . A larjre lot of banjo and violin ntrin(s at cc-tf - ( Xatb Bao' ...Any peraon orrjwwmn vinhi.i,. .. ... " T"., m'u" uru,K o''11!''! house 01 18 rooms wiitj three pom.,,, ti..t ),. bwo fr Tews JH? asaboani. Ow- n.ora ncit cottn 'e of four rooirin, or ii 4 bmiij.i!" lita .. .. k. , I..-" .... . . . . ' UUI 'I -U'd on ue u... ,t 1 "ei.'.m by 1U.Uuia!U 1 r e s!i, ! 1 cr 1 1 r Fnr 1 1 J ue In e V' t- : 11 -bJ. i a ' ! 10-tt