VrHE DAILY . WORKIlANi . "' nrvBumas ' v- ; ' . All Umei a week u an Evening Paper, at $3.00 ft few, la advance. For six months, tLOO, for three mouth, 73 cents, and to those who ,; pay i ' : t '.'t ' V - PROMPTLY, ', ! 85 cents per month. On deferred payments, 86 oentt per month, to pay expensa of ool looting. , lttrd nl Uu poW oflot in (Jrnbora,lk ' v ' ' C.,a$ immuMui matter. - , ; RAILWAY GUIDE, i I ) ;OaKNBORO, Feb. 1, 1889. ' vai0HM0D a DkXmUM SAILBOAT. Arrlvee from Richmond at 9 42am I , " , 1085 pm Leaves for Riohmond at 8 60 p m 8 05 a m HORTH CABOUBA UArbBOAD. Arrivee from Charlotte at 8 00 a m 8 40pm 9 Warn 10 46 rm 8 25 o m 740am . oc m 10 60 p m Lea Tee for Charlotte at i ... Arrives from Ooldabnro at I M Lea for Ooldaboro at 4 BOBTH-WBStBBlt H. a KAtXBOAD. Arrives from Halem at 7 45 a m " i. -.' . 8 15 pm - Leaves for 8alem at 10 00 a m ; " 10 54 pm P. F. 4 T. . HAHiKOAO, - : .: j . . Train Moving Jiorth . , Leave Bennettsrills at. .... . 5 20 a. m. ArriVe at Greensboro ,2 25 p. m. Leave Greensboro 2 59 p.m. Arrive lit. Airy 6 60 p. m. 1 7 rain Moving South. Leave lilt Axry 8 45 a. m. Arrive at Greensboro ...... .7 45 a. m. fjeave, Greensboro ......... .10 05 a. m. Arrive at berfn etu villa. . . 80 p. m.1 SCHEDULE OP MAILS: Hails going North closed 18 00 p m " ,: " .7 30am M South " ' OtiOin a t J I. A ny. . 9 w y U 900am " Salem Br'ob " tOOpm " i . vOOpaa -s " ' East " "o.F.y.T.Bn",i00a .Genera delivery open from 8 00 a m to 6 03 p m., except during trie , distri bution of malls. The Money Order and Registered Letter offloe open from 9 00 m to 6 00 p m. s.'L ui.. - ',' Lii.l .. J i! i ' AOVEKTISIlfO MBflTATlOlf. All church notices, tnoIudlnxBabbetn School, meetings (or prayer, missionary meetings, weekly and other lectures on choroh work. Inserted free ofchargv as heretofore, i Also, notices of marriages an I deaths, not exceed ing ten (10) lines each. All other announce 'meats subject to regular advertising rates." LOOAL 1 DITELIiIOENOE ,, - ."-Mrs E. J. Lynch, who has been , absent for some time on a visit,' has returned to hci home on East Wash 'ington' Street' , The Committee on the; removal of trinity College to this place; will meat this evenso 'at 7130 in ' the room of the Chamber of Commerce. Iet every one be present' whow possU .bly csn. , r. '. We hear it reported that Mr. -'. Snow of High' piint is now absent .' at the North to', purthaiev machinery ". : for the outfit tf a furniture factory at High Point,' Something that ought to be ib Greensboro as well.' -What hinders. ' ' :' : ' ' ' v Railroad Accident. Cjuite an accident, ;nd yet onef resulting in slight Comparative damage to" life and Unjb. pccurrtd ; on Salem &nchJJ'mearMheheart.'CuWv - five orair miles east of Kernersvillei last night The tram ' from Winsto ' due Lere at 8ti5t p. m.,' was TUnqiDg T ;t fair speed, when encountered a lnd slide. whicH'had tairteo' wiih it vdown tipon, the;itfackra qsntUy of -large rocks ' Striking this mass'' the ; -eng'ne and five or six ; freight cars ' were thrown from , the track, and. three :t-t ftsai bo cart badly demolished.1 " r ; Xhe, fireman'had .his ;,colIar . bone v broken, and art old gentleman in one. r-j 'of the coaches,attached,; who'feerh , ,t have inclined .forward ..with, hia head on the back bthd i seat ' in iron o b!s9). had the skin fed(oa'.'is v foreheod nd the' bridge of 1ia note ; The escape of the passengers; was, therefore, almost complete, and the ' whole result was tmarkable; Attain went up from thin place and brought v. down vth tjiail and. psssengsra from : the wreck at 3 o'clock this morning. Vol. 6. Greensboro Charlotte and Concord have been visited by a'certain patent medicine man who seems to have fleeced his victims to the tune of several hundred dollars. If Greensboro has as many fools as Charlotte seems to have bad on the occasion named it would be well enough for this fellow to come and point them out. .The Charlotte News gives the following account : ' "He is a sleek looking customer ; young, with light hair, dresses in black, with vest cut away to show nearly the whole of i "oiled" abirt 'front, which is ornamented with take diamonds. He hails trom California,' and hat been having a good time in theadj oining townsfor kcyeral weeks past. This young man drives a pair ot horses around town and attracts attention and a crowd as he goes by throwing out nickles. ..When he comes to a stand, as bird hunters would say, he rises in his buggy and throws nickles right And left. In little Df no time he has a big crowd around him. The he holds up a bottle of . medicine and somebody hands 35 cents for it He hands out the medicine and net only returns the 35 cents, but gives 10 cents extra. This goes' on for sometime until he hands back a larger bottle with the 50 Cents and 25 cnts extra. After a .ittle time he gets up to $1, and the crowd uuderstands that -they are ; to get back 1 their dollar and $5 extra. Some of them are . so, eager to come in on this racket that thev ' . - ; - - " trample over each other in an effort to band in their dollars. When , the fake - has .taken ;in -' obout $300, he picks up his lines and drives ofTj leaving a badly sold .crowd behind him In , this wiy be got not less than $300 in Charlotte Saturday evening, lie took the money in witn both' hanns, and. coolan t take it in last enough. '-Just before he left, and whiltt he was' stuffing. the;. money down his pocket, he remarked to the crowd, "Now I will give you a brick house or a 1 barrel ot sugar," and some of them Relieved it until he added;lfl want to. ?' i , ' ' Some parties i a vested as much as $5; One countryman who had come to town to gel some medicine for a sick child, spent It all on thetraud, and then went around trying td bor row more money to buy the child's medicine,,' Some-of the victims talk ed about having the man : arrested. but they found out that they would have to catch him first.' , " ,; for Bests. The former Residence of B, Gullett on East Market Street. House has six raomsn good condition, out houses, good well of wa'er and good garden. Apply to k. m. Bees. ; hhw ' For " ale. v v V V r " - ' A good second-hand Mason a Ham v, Organ in good repair. Cheap. . Can be seb 4 my residence on Asneboro hi. . b. . Jones 8alesmaa for Byland A Lee Talustl Praiperty for Sale. 10 acres one mile, from Conrt House on Asheboro St., fronting Wo feet on same street. This property 1, ' and has been suoofWHtuliy worked ss a truck and fruit farm for Vi yew s; contains 160Q bearltui grape vmrs 25 bnurlri; cherry trees; also 60 others a 8 yrs. old: one dozen large pear trees f 80 bearing appiv ti e early and late 60 young, 8 to 8 yrs. o! 1 ; bearing peaches, and 40 1 a 8 yrs. old;6j ! .trees, all varieties; some quince buuti.-H; a h, asparagOR oea in prime araer; nop vim n; 1 Ions, salsd. One acre In strawborrlra", ' two hnt beds pUnted, with 350 feet of i six cold frames, 8x80 feet with cv planted, three f rtnem eontainine a ) . tuoe, feme ready for use; about 10,0 and 40 000 tomato and otner plain h. On this lot are also 8 acres In out . ! I acre In rye. a good meadow, live u... within n area of 50 feet. 8-4 or an 1. Krove. a dwelling houoecortalni" 5 bf them new; cellar 14x23, 8 ( so necessary out houses. open for Inspection at any thn,). , t ,e proprietor B. Volz, .rthin i ,,-lvr l''! Jul At A large and well selec. Fanoy Groceries, at v tJSlWj f: r : i E. M. . v:,-:.';,((!aa " Our stoel. of canned c sitting rVthe le(l!i -t hia!, f.'V. peaches, early J une ' peas, apricots, c. rurp. l. ond .1. 4 ,.f i N. C; Wednesday, February 27, 1889. No. 231. ' Seed ratatoes. " W have Just received twenty-four ban els of Extra Early Bos, Beautp of Hebron, and Peerless Irish Potatoes lor seed. Respectfully feb.iitt-lw - v - T. B. Bhelton Do. ' ' Hay. A ear load of No. 1 Tlmothr. to arrlnt an tosimorrows freight, D. L. Hagan. f-lw uetttte sseat. Slnirans pure Leaf Lard. We guarantee this to be the best lard offered on this market. we also guarantee Klngan's Hauu and break last Baeoa auperlar to any other. Besp'ly. f86-lw : - . - f. 8. Bhelton a Co. ladiia Kla Ulove Black and Colored Kid Gloves, small sizes and slightly damaged, at twenty-five cents a pair. Brown's One Price Cash Bouse, f-25-lw - The finest yet I 20 boxes choice Florida and Messina Oranges. The first and most perfect we have had this seawn, 20o. a dozen and upward, at J. W. Bcott A Co. 'a A aia: "difference f There Is a big difference In the common seed Irish potatoes usually sold and "Bulst's" selected seed which we now offr. We have both the common mixed stock and "Bulst's" genuine. Ask to see both, and we will show yon the "difference.'' There will also be a slight "difference" in toe p lot i i A J. W. Scott ft Co. Pare Clever Seed. " ' Prom the Valley of Ta., same kind we have sold for the last two years. Call for It at . i . ,J. W. ScottAOo'a. ' n i. ; Wasted. . vl Tbavilliho ' BALiSMaif. A live man, thoroughly posted In Hardware; also, with a fairknowledge; of Carriage Material; must know the trade and be able to Influence some business. , Give reference, and state salary expected. Apply at once. Address X., Care Carrlor No. BA ' Eatables. Oranges, Apyfes, Oanales, Dates, Raisins and Figs at . I.JM. Caldclengh A Bro'a. f20-tf Fer Kent. Two alee nt rooms Central Hotel building with or Vi nt board. Apply at cnoe. ' ! ., fai-lw M. V. Bingham. ' ', Ifew Fa Furniture Store. F. F. Smith. ODDoslte B. 8. Brown, has opened a new Furniture establishment, and Is now receiving hi stock, which he Intends shall embrace all articles usually kept. In his line. He Intends to sell at such moderate rates that the price no lesa than the quality, will be an attraction to customers. Call and see Smith when la aeed of furniture. ' tJO-tt When; passing Central Hotel stop at Can lands and examine the new Umbrellas both Gold and Silver Heads In .neat patterns, also Spring cloths In every variety and shade. New style scarfs, Dre shirts In new design, cellu loid collars and enffs and General Furnishings. 'f:--'. -' -V JnstHeeelved. Coonanuta, Crackers, .Lemons, Prunes and N u j Beans, at. H34W. ' Yil . E. at Caldoleugh A Bro'a. - .' 'r;''viv.; ' Nottee ; . ' , Having 1 bought m;y late brother's ( Levi Houston). Interest In the firm of Houston A r o. (all the real estate, stock of goods, good . ill, Ac. belonging to said firm) and having s ettled my brother's Individual estate In fall md the firm affairs of Houston A Bro I shall mtmue the wholesale Grooery Buslnoss as heretofore, using the name Houston A Bro. And that I am alone responsible for all bus! .-as done In said name, there being Jio re course on the property of Levi Houston's Leg. atees. (- :'.?."' 4'--..'-4 W Hoeerws We have a large stock of Fxur, corn, corn meal, oats, shlpstuff on hand.. Win give, low nrlces. delivered in anyB. B. Depot In .the State. Write for prices. : ; . -,! Juntln , . ' Oraniras. Bananas. Bologna Sausage, Chip- Beef, Applet and Early Rose Potatoes for seed, hv the barrel or busheL Respectfully, flUy . , , - J. E.hom. . Jn.t Received. Nice Una of PIushe. Dress Goods, Hosieries, Jerseys, Corsets, and most anything you want at the lowest prices. Doat forget to call. . . , Respectfully, ffl-tf . . i O. H. BOTBTBSS. For Sale Cheap. One good horse and baggy, harness and Lap " she. The mare Is only 8 years eld and per. "y safe for a lady to drive. Apply at this O ....Greatest bargains In the city can be had In Gentlemen's and Ladles' Misses' and Chil dren's Fine Shoes, at G. H. Rotstcr's. Big stock lust received. Don't forget to call U you want to save money. fdtf Far Sale. I nave for sale two beautiful building lots on Gdgeworth street la the city of Greensboro. Both are well situated and one has a .iplen- dld oak grove. Will sell cheap for car Ap ply to Jas. W. Forbls. fS-tf The 8henlager Organ Under date of Oct 19, 1888, L. McNeill of Richmond county writes, voluntarily, viz i "Eleven months airo. I bouetit a 8honlnirer Organ style &t at 174, of you. "Am well pleased with lu I believe It 1. folly as good as Organs sold by "traveling ageutt" and "other" as high as tViS. There Is a aumoer or organs in my neighborhood, that have cost from ttO to S 183. I believe mine Is "aa good a the beet of them." And to show that be believed It, he sent me the names of four others wanting Organs and Pianos, and I have sent one other to ills place. Three sold last week, and Hires to cornel u Oils week, one handsome one at $.10., with 128 Reeds and two (divided) couplers. fL8-lw - W. 8. Meoai. Ajrent, A fresh stock of the beet Garden Seeds In the United States Just received at fehas-lw. . E. VL Caldoleugh A Bro's. " . Pare Freeh Seeds. J' We have bought direct from Robert" Bolst, Philadelphia, Pa., a large stock of their "Prize Medal" Garden seeds, which we offbr to our wholesale and retail trade at close figures. Bnlsts seeds are so welt known that we need say nothing about them here. , . J. w. SCO k Co. For UenU , One new two-story dwelling containing seven rooms i one cottage containing five rooms and a good basement, splendid out bouses, large lota, good .gardens, good wells of excellent water j situated on McCuUoch street, In a good neighborhood, convenient to Belle-Vne Institute. ' Terms reasonable and easy. Apply to : l. MaavKlTS E. Fdb. v : f-4w : , Booth Greensboro. ! 1 ' Choice building lot, 75x150 W, In Keogh's addition, North QreeoslMre,,'-''i Jan81-tf ,. - t-yv -. iv,.Ii,A, BAaar. A Good Uuslnetui Opportaalty..! Any person desiring to buy a Stock of Staple goods with an established trade, both whole sale and retail, will do well to apply at this offloe No opposition In business. ' Call on or address Dally Workman, Greensboro, Guilford county, N. C. JnM-,. '; Every Blak.nslth ''",.'v X, In North Carolina should send for one of those new style Tweer Irons manufactured by the Eaulb Fovndst Co i ' fMw . , Greensboro, N. 0. Egyptian Brandn el Sugar Coral Our customers all recollect this celebrated brand of "Sweet Corn" we introduced last season, and our large and increasing trade on It proves It to be what we recommended. "The finest packed," Is what we say of It One hundred dozen Is what we bought for you thisseason. Call forit It ' i ' ' J.W, Boott A Co's. . . .The Piedmont Bank is open for business for the present in The People's Five Coats Sav ings Bank of Greensboro. We expect to be la our own building la a few weeks.' ' . .-V':-':.Vv;'i;i( M. Winstbad, Jan.85.'89-tf. ' ! Cashier, ,. m 11 e 1 a 1 - . ; 7 - .; 'V Palatable andSeaMnale' Prime Navy Beans, California Lima Beans, Oat Grit, Oat Meal, New crop Hominy aid grits, Carolina Bios, dice Irish Potatoes, prime boneless Cod Fish "Batter-Fish," White Lake Fish, George's Hams and breakfast baoo new Turkish and California Prates, Prima Virginia and New York book wheat flour, Graham Hoar. New goods arrivlag dally. . Come and see for yourselves. ' t . j. w. coott a uo; I am fixed at the old Brockmana .JBtaiul. corner Sycamore and 8ouh Elm streets, whTe I shall be glad to watt on my former f custom ers and as many new ones as way jee fit to fa vor tne,. ' Here are some of the thlngt' t keep for Sale's A fnu line of pipes, tobacco, snuff and cigars, strings fur violl", banjo and guitar. Matches, soeft starch,' bluing; sugar, coffee . - . . aaa tea; canuyniimiis, ng. ann oaten pannea gooas, cnippea oeei, etc Bread and caResa specialty 1 v ' Jf. E. THOM. Fresh Cjardeu Seeds ittst &oeived. THE DAILY WORKMAN. . - MaruTuaa - s. - - . . , - - - la Greensboro and being consulted dally Dj a aorta of boalnesaBan, Is a splmd'd adver tising medium. The stoalVoo tvertt iny ', ' , COLUMNS, snows what advertlenj think. Offloe node Beobow Hall, South Elm street - Bom Crackers 1 We don't mean to tell you anything about "Boas Crackers, " as they sell themselves wherever Introduced, but we only wish to say' we have received a fresh supply better than ever (if possible.) J. W. Boott A Co's Z. W. Whitehead ' Offers for sale or rent bis dwelling house ( rooms) on Asheboro street, next door to West, minster church. In a good neighborhood, with line water, and located on the prlnclpa residence street of the city. Apply at reel denoe. anU-tf Valentines. Valentine. Just received a large and nice assoited stock of Valentines. fl-8w . H. Caldolbooh'A Bao. o "rat aula and Virginia Buckwheat Flour Is what von mrmnt . . ..uu ni.. I . ... u i r . . supply of both received this week at J. W. 800TT A CO'S. For Kent. TWO denlrnllln hnnwi In tl,a luat nolr.hkn. hoods In Greensboro Also other houses for rem. YATES BROS.. ....Try the "Grand Republlo" the best ct gar ou earth for 5 cents, at Tate Bro's drug store. oo39-tf Dividend Ndtloe. The Trustees of Wilson A Bhober are now paying a fourth dividend offtX per ant. st National Bank of Greensboro. January 5, 1889. lm .... Begin the New Tear aright and keep It up, Make your wile a present of a .barrel of Patapsco Superlative Flourthe best la the world Demand it of four srrocer. and take ao other. ; . , ... Vats Ban.. de88-tf Wholesale ageute, J () - For Sale Cheap, v One building lot on corner of Edge worth and Gaston streets, 96x146 feet, and one lot front ing on Edgeworth 100x140 feet One or both, of these lots will be sold low for cash. Apply atonceto , ..a K. Howabo nlO-tf Greensboro Bookstore. 0 ' .-,.; Baggage and Wood Bualnese. E. M. a 0. A. Uendrix have establlsbed themselves In the business of drovaire and Are SBtAfVl em nnls t. . e k . .ui W Thfllr iirnVSl Will rtlnt ul, il(.iniln tsaln. m.A W T r- uiivwa- (;t-uiiiuiK ir taiusk SMUI and fro at aU taoars, day or uhiiiC,C ttat-pti,J of the city. Their woivard will bf sunt led witn wood 01 au de-criutiuus lelred. at rea. sonable rates, whether the weitber be tatr ot foul, wo advantrge taken of the weather. Or ders left at the stow of Heudrix A Pearoe. East Market street will bare attention. o81-tf : Three Dwelling Houses For Eent. d) A oommodlous frame dwelllnir on Ashe boro street hi front of Judge Settle's. f81 A eonvmlentlr arranimd and wall afn. ated frame dwelling on corner of King and Gorreil streets. ' (8) A laree brick dwells? convenient! Situated and arrangd, on King street" ' DJfi-u Appiy to MPS. M0Aqo-Anfa. ( 'i for Bens. 14 : ! i One of the best store, rooms In to wn 4 noI3 tf . j to . . E. M. Hbmd CM and Nee for YonreeLf. At D. B. Tanoev's. staUNo. 5. situated, at lower end of oity market, you will see the fin est beef, mntton. pork, and sausage of beta imas pan ana linn tnat has been, seen slnon Greensboro has had a market. Yanoeyis de termined to Veep constantly on hand some-' tning nice to please nis eustomera. JDout fail to call before buying your Sunday supply ' Freeh Oysters Oat lea. v At railroad eatli g bouse. These evstera are extra large, and from the Nansemond riv er beds. A limited quantity : sold fauUles Send lu your orders early, please, BB19-U . ..'; , A V. V BaNOX. :, 1 ' 'dtavsToa Seen 1st'. " -.V Thebla-redalirnatthe racket Harm.' Wntn paper 80 quire, Thomas' black ink 80, ' St lead pencils 8 for oc. Lace window curtains Tto worth fLOO. -iet-tf . Y :-'S'.' ''For Kenti' ' iJr-A Store room formerly oocuDtedbv a. a. Pt.m. mlng A Co. 1 Apply to - ;- 0. 0. Wkiubt. v 1 Situation- la wanted by a young lady to teach Drawing- rainungaoa tlocutlon. with ether branhe if desired. ; Apply to the editor of the Dallv Workman. . . , au(V4f I am determined to oIima tmt a Kia int. at Men's women's and children.' low cut nhiwis at someprtOA Coaje eany and get your. pick. Uiyas-tr . :.t , t( uwn-i. abkhkld. But a fact that I have lust mcIvmI a lanra , .V. 1 ,J(A . j n . . uh ui uivb uouiea uaura 1 tes at prices to sol everybody. Also a lot of Hess' low cut shoes and onuaievs. wigwam Hllluernat Half iwuit Come and see them for vounwir. Je09-tr ; i , G, Wn l. ABHrlBUK , , Juat Heceived. . , - A larve lot ot banjo ami violin strings at ' ' oc8-tf . . TATB Biio'B. ' ....Any person or persons wishing to pnN chase a law brick dwelling house 01 18 rooms with three porchvis, that has been for years' usee aa a boarding house, or a neat cottage of four rooms, or nice building lots cheap, can be accomodated on the most reasonable terms be applying to, ' , , :- D, F. Caldwii.u aprttt ' .'.;::",; ;' v. - . . . . Good people all, If you heed vonr r uvum varuisnea or repaired.- c-- 1 .iahadeserootnlcesliunir. oranv vorlt (, - the house-furnlwilnn line, pleae Chll on . ror wa. a. moNkii.l, Thotnas' Buil " Upholstering a spe'i utj.