J 1 I THE .DAILY WORKMAN, . .,.'.'(, ir.l 1. . . 1 1 ; l .' .j:.f : THE DAILY WORKTiM : ,' ' ' 0 hi ; " ... , y .1 1 iVii 1.". ,j BIX tTajrf Wouk al adTVt urigJtper, at W,Ofi T Cor three months, 79 cents, and to those who. 89 osnts per month; Oa .deferred payments, 85 ytr-cr-BMth, . pn-srpMst Tjf electing. . j .J V Ci cm ormd-eia$i matter. - -T.i.imi'-'i'tT -i-Liutji! RAILWAXjOtUPSrl (,. Greensboro, Feb. t, 1889. '.. lOHMoiro DAirmxi railroad. AjtItm frottflMtlfcOtd 1 f J I il m flMTM e'60 p u " 8 CS m RORTB OABOLnfA RAILROAD. YrrivattromObarlattt) at .- ,800am 7-.,,.... SU, 'g40pB Leaves for Ohnriotto at . . , ... , 9S0ip 1 .. ... 10 43 j-n. arrive from Goldsbnro at 8 25 o m ,.7 40tTnj Lmw forOoUWxfW ( V'ftC a .1 4. A ' ' vlD6tp m -. MOlTa-WRSTBSH V. a RAILROAD. arrives from Halenl at ' , 1 T 5 a n jljmtm lorjaiem at 10 HO a m - - r iocfto O. t. A f. . RALBOaB, 7Vt'n Moving fioriA . "Leave Bennettsville at. 6.20 k to. Arrive at GroffJaboro. II. , . Jf., 45 p. W ajeye mi. Airy.j. ........... .8 4, B9. Arrive at Greensboro ', 7 45a.m. Leave Greensboro. . , r. . , .lt a. m, Arrive at Ztennettsvilla. . . . ..7 80 p. m. SCHEDULE OF MAILS: onth . ,.9aav. WTo-j;Wa'!. , ... , and down," v (-,.waa,tb ahajotl .the before the' M'yo'Thtirsday.' J3d shape that,1! :i -nX' .V AslieVille fnvites'tli lieiUialuwf, Upon' It? idjourflip fa ma)ir',.'t: visit to that th riving city, and to par take of its h ospitality. ;y', Atkinson. foMt .dk itbf, lookwvg psocti 'ntproved after an at tack of sickness at borne, See t h haBe .Jwjmple - Brown's fall ad. II . announces something new J for this weea'yfl , whj'ch particular attct(aut. is- alled. ,.;. -Ai i'. .uu aaii itui ,l!'iu Oif .' inerchaBts ae .w aKowi thrciighor'a ' they, ha ve; stocks. tf goods. which they. re not shkhd WTiltfit&7 , . fj i.. ,. ifj-uri,.wmy. it..... a itvti Tht Pi4nt expresses yu aincere . regret that aWr'tne c6untyshad' ifci ..,!. ?-. it- -hi-, ia--;.u i curred tht expens,pf bujdjng .-jxH s'pectablo : cburt house f at miserable botch should hAyf's'iitpH'fJVie plumbing. 1 y.r'n't .!'vv f ; The Greensboro Choral Society ;.'WtU meet at the College this ieverlihg j-4tmfi)'usu.'J'hourr7h yihange of Lte is; bostctAunt:! "he A.-prdtractsJl "trcellr j-f tjW.m'pr.bgresI ( All are requeala d to be present, i-y'S iv.;' ' - :': ' '!','' !',':: J AVolJ-6 Greensboro, CSaturdy, March 9t88 " No 240. , gaHpBMgHHMiBlHiHHHMaMMHHavVBaH ""MaVMMaaHMBBBVlilllllliliHVHBBBBBBVVBMMa ( , 77-Thp yeitibuleraio, which is to run bCwcen the citjr ol Mexico and the city of New York, passed through hee lariigb fit rtn teii'minutes ahiai of llo.' 53, buttotb trains were about 3 hours behind time. It is a beautiful train and is supplied with all of the modern improvements and conveniences. e acknowledge a card of invi tatijrx,tt)ttn48hiinrmal Commence ment of the Medical Department of the;tjJniversity of the city of New Ytirk, which occurs at the Metropo iiUn- Opera -House, -New -York, March 12, 1SS9. The valedictory address will be made by Herbert Lee Cdhstable6T the ' gtaduatmg.' class, ancf the address to .graduates 'by Rev. IlowaVd CrosVytD D. I X , A great gme of lootbalt was playrd arflelelgh yesterday between rival teams from Trinity College and the State University, in which the former won nmM. the1 createst: ei crtemeytit. :Onc of the -youngiien frpm the. University, was. so- seriously! disabled that hewas forced-to 'retire frorii th'e 'field. ! ThU' was' Mr J Sfe- . ).i 1.1! phen Bragiw, captain of the Uni yereitf (tfam, who had ai Mile dis KUerf. 1 Ilis'part of the -fan 1 was questionable value to him. .... . . 1 .'V J. Henry Smith has nTa -visit. ft '.Rich 4 -fie '. being H ;byyhe Ut. Smith fSfcngregatibn iAi ??mPf i.which ond . papers, 'complimeat .buly.' 'i'.-ljn 'u -uO'A-ib A Kill I... 'j.. -."j :'l t.' u.U well IIIUOUUCU 1U U1C Legislature of,WJ! which, if dalled ll yyv f wvuniaiocijt ai, requiring that the , Commissioner, of theBureati pLabor,StaU8j;ics;Aba"l inf uire into isnd keep informed bf ill statisfici relating to. Railways', their manmentand the manner jn which they, are ppe,r,a(;ed, including freight rates, 'discrimination in freights, etc.', giving power to. ,call upon railroad officers to administer oaths 7 and to make reoorts to the Attome" Hen- erd.ftOefieSl iseipbty t . . After some discussion the bill was put on its third reading by ft vote of 74 to 39. and ordered sent to the pcrAatelJT.hia was oxuFxiday Jast.1 eblldreo rd lijfanfjitia' ttsj'popar lr5T6rdiet:fo, 1 ,Boll sZ Baby 8yropr QoljJ ryt!rircit;;:25 Car), Cawas, 4wna . ,-. - k r .i. : I Th QreetUborb Grain. MilThas on band and totofltthlu pty dayA 8000 bosbalsFio), (AoiM whlte and yello 6or and feed lbts' toWsall, and at prices which will Insure; a xrao saany.wno may neea sucn gooas. wi anaxaaalne.'and yoo oansaVe A per eat-:?.-, mft-tf'"' 'i GaaBKBSssb' Qbaih 'Biui B$$mMi 1 1- ft-". .' Un VaaBla Tlsrryi formeriy ' rf.' Beldivule, offers aer sertloes as Dress-Maker to the la dles of the City of Greensboro and . vlclnltv. guaranteeibg satisfaction bota la'', stylij and quality of ronti J " . ':, Eha refers with pleasure to her patrons, U ri. Judge Settle and Mrs." J. iirv-pajntf f; ?; . ; Bwldence 6n Church Street, in the dwelling formerly occupied by Mr. Oeorge Ystes, , . f a y ureeosDoro, N. Feb., 1839. ! ; ' w , i , i 11 11 11 w 1 'V v.. . A dwelllDg boaiw and ' lot on South Elm stroM, fronting on the O. Y. Y. Railroad. Ellgtbl; and handsomly looaUd Seren rooms, two ftorj front, honso now, ,wll built and well painted Inalda and out. . Fine garden, pot nioelr Inclosed. . front yard luoloaed neat ly, tree and tfbrabbery aek. -. Moit excellent water, nndet shelVr and convenient. Any person whhing to boy this talnable property will hare mot favorable terms of payment. Apply to ' B, P. Whirtos. t-S-lm. BualntM Oppsrtuolir. Any on wlsnlng to And an opportunity for baMMlaaUanotrwt, an la stapla goods wlU eaM at tWa smc - ffi . Alwajr u Time. We har Just received a larve lut of prin suits In all the very UteKt styles,., for Men, roatb's and Boys.' Very itenpeotfally, m7-3t w,J -J". Fuiibuatk, The ClQthler, ' ' m -e'e ' - " - For Sale. Tlie Denny Propatty, eorter or Clay ttwt od Belle Meade Avenae, Is for (ale. For terms apply to W. N. Bobs, Atty. m-l-lm ardenBg lime. Ga denlng time U hare and yon will want pure reliable seeds. ' rjoa,se recollect that we can supply yea with "BiiiHtt" jrarden seeds and Irish potetoei In any ' quantity jou may wtoh, . Wholesaie or retaa JT. W. Soott Co. ' Cabbag-e. Cnbbage , BSonajs ctpjlce' VTrlnla eabbogja'oii algntrieni,. Retail or by 'the crate. ' :.v-;5.JfW. scott co. . Peea Pttoe bee Potatoes. . , 75 BbUcholoeieed Irtih Potatoes. Early Bose, Peerless, Burbank and Beauty -of Heb ron. Choice sound stock at reasonable rioea at 'w. Bcott Co'ssW i".,"u- I ".Vfmi "awajr up In rermaat. . Another lot of that tholce table ninple syrup from Vermont Jut In, J ill for It at -V , . " " . Kt Soott k Co's. S'lai Peace Prepare far War." ' Crry joar rambber boots and shoes. U poughtj's, and have them aiade as good as sewr; and at the same ' time' supply yourself jrtth Une' oranges, appbM, eoeoannta, cream (hesidrie6rberf,:naTy beans.'esnned toma toes, canned, peaches, ;eaaned . blaekberrler, canned eocn and apples. :. He slls stack of French ud plain candl)S' Frequent shipments received insur jraaM. OvodS. j AH at l , mrt-lwi 'in' '.i'-' h if. ;t- Dooohtt's. -I ' ( ,x. raw stasH ar-Saje. ' ""'i raa ar Stele. Two bear Cottages with four rooms on Ife ban street,- near the' Graced S0U00I House. .""'.'-''-MT., w fjifj.!' vjfiiv for AoJe. ' 8 or 40( Salhj6i Brick.! j J. E'tHoit .' 'mSW'. . " 'r 1 a 1 "' ' ''--'-- i1: ;, Tae tlaa4ratf ""': V 80 boxes oboloe Florida and Messina Orange. The first and most perfect are jftavo . had hla seasoa, 80c. a dosen and upward, at ' ;. :';, ':,v ..' . 1 ' jw. soott oo.V-u ." ..ti'! , ' : " '. a 1, 11 .1 mi:VV-: ssatWaisi,sla'l--' .-i ; There is a big difference m the oommoa seed Irish! potetoea ' ttsually sold And", Bulst;s'f, roicvicu sew wuiou w,e pow pner, ,; ( v nave both the oommoin mixed atqok and "Bolst's? geoutae, '. Ask to sea both and. we' will: show yo tba "dlfferoDce.'? , ( There wUl . also to : a slight udinsraooa''lb the f-tml ' &' " 't M'UAfiy.pr.Si w. isett : tW.'l -asaa"-"-. f'"- v '. - - mueiyuivr ' From the Valley of Va., same, kind, we have soM ror th UK t wo years.1 Cafbr it at ' ' . '- " ' .-'2 Ky. Boott 4-Qoa,'?) I Wce'uWrf rTasnea, Dress Ocwdsl Hosieries: Jerseys) Oorseta,'and most anything yotilvani at thS lbwest prloes. i Don't forget to aJl,' ,y. Bespeotfuliy, . : !7 . nWf !. ... O. H- Ratwh. l..f-..i':-W. . . tVitWi iwraninirsMSNi.' ' 1. 1. Smith, opposite S S. Brow4 has opened a new Furniture establishment, and is aow receiving1 tfls stock, which hatends shall embraovall artloles nsnally Kept hi his Bne. Be Jbteada to sell at such moderate rates that the price no toss than the quality, win ' be an attracaon to customers. Call and see Smith when la need of furMture jyjf ' fao-tf, I-" - 1 . m s i en 1 i j ... .r-v.r'.-s, -, . ' 4 A good SeenntMwnd I . a r .l!n Orrw ti froedrepittr..' Cimk : i'wsbf -l t ii-y .re; oa Ai:'","r-o tt.. . j t . t.J " 1 t,.,. .afcr .......4 A Lee. man;- Wben passing Central Hotel, atop at Cart- lands and examine the new Umbrellas both Gold and Bllver Beads in .neat patterna, alao 8prlng oloths la every variety and ihade. New style' saarfa, Dress shirts la newdeHlgn, oelln lold collars and oufli and.Oeneral Fnrnlshlngs. .iNewteay i. Having- bought m late brother's ( Levi Houston) 'interest In the Arm of Houston A Bro. '(allthe real estate,' stock of goods, good will, Ac belonging w aaid firm) and narlng settled my brother's Individual estate In full nd the Arm affairs of Houiton A Bro., , I shall cont nue the wholesale Grocery Business as heretofore, using the name Houston A Bro. And that lam alone responsible for all busi ness done In said name, tliare .balngno. re course on the property of Levi Hojwton's, Leg ateesl ' ' ' '' ' ' V, U, 'Bovstosj 1 We have a large stock of f xnr, com; ' torn meal, oats, ihlpstoff on band.' Will giv low prices, delivered In Wf.Rt Depot' In !a9 State, write far prloes. , : , if.(!, , . --" for HAi7thlmP; ' "' 'Ont good bore (3d bugy, barneM and Lap liWu .'Theiimire IS 'only r years old and per fectly safe for a lady to .drive. . Apply at this Valuable PruDnrtr for lOaaMs one mlk from Court House eK AHheboro 3t., fronting 5f 5 feet on same street. This property K' and "has- buen- Lvr,i,v worked as a truck and trplt farm fur Vi jearsi contains 1500 beaiinir ferape vin-s; 25 bearlnit cherry trees; also 60 other 8 a t yra. old;, ana uu mrKB peirees;u oearing apple tree, early. and (at Abound, te yrs. old; a6 betirlng peaches, audf J 1 8 yrs old; 65 plum trees, all varletleer sofliequlnce' birtliwi; slarjfe lwa8 bed In prime rden hop vlusv, on-, IJhs, iilad.-' OnaacM ltustrawberrtea;- prime; twJ,0,b's1plftteil, .with feet, rt glaaa six cold rrames, 80 feet with cover, all planted; thwe f tbem oontaiume:89oa of let tuce, em ready for nse; about 10,000 cabbaire. andrfO USO-Smsabo and otnbr plants. V On this lot am also D acres (n pats and (tfnv 1 acre tn rye; a'goort meadow 1 Ive goo within an area ol 50 feet. 8-f fn t" '' trove.' a dwelling house coctalninr S of them MWi-cealar i4xSai,, U so necessary out houses. , - -opeibfor Inspeotloa e - i hare 4of sale t Edgeworthstreet.ln ,the,c.,, i Both are well situated and" ou did oak frovd;- WUl'sbUeap foi Ply.to ..leaai WJForUv. j Far'aale " Cboica building )pv 75x150. feet, to Keogh'e - A a4 ftataea Opportsuatyv ' Any person desiriago buy a, Stoak,pf Staple goods with ah established, trade,, both whole saled retail!, will 86 well 'to apply at this Offloa. ' Nd opposition in tmtlnees.1 Can ott: bf address Dally Worktaaat Greensboro, Guilford oounty,B.C.,.ii.,) ,,1I,W EvW iBtaauiaW'lUk' In Nerth Carolina should Send for one Of tnoee new stjleTWeer Irons msnjifaiitured by the v ' , , " Eaolb, Fockdbt Co . ' .U.. a 1 -..I H'iV .MEcyaUmai BraMsAH Saiar Carat i Our customers all recollect this celebrated biad pf Bweet CofiBwa ,lntroduoed-lat season, and our large and Increasing trade on It proves It' to be wh'at' wr ' recommended. "The finest packHn'tS'wtai we aay ofit una pundred doea l( ,wbt we, bagat for you this season. Hall fnr lt it ' -it vi ' !. l ,.r - Lu.TJie Fled aw nt Baak lt opasi fur haslaess f : presetAa le)feoBles1FlTa,0ats Sav ings Bank of Oreensboro. . We expect to be in sstsstlldlifc.W a. J. .1ft' WlwsHMWa (ll '! : Jan,85-'89-tft --:"-- flashier" j6X-6d4i6" lsjafeigtir awlti 'i7"wi f lam taed.,t)! ,ej t4ries,apa, siaH oorner Sycamore add Bouth; Elm streetfc,wlwre I Shal be gladt jMumy, prf aastoav era and si many new onWas may sm vor me.'' Bare are ameof thlib!n f Vb for aaleV'iAYull Bne of jiipes,v tobacco, snuff ana 01 gars, strings ror vioua, banjo ao guitar. Matches, s6ap, starch," bluing; sugar. ., coffee and tea ; candy, raisins,' figs and dates, canned goods, chipped; beef, etc ; Bread and cakes a specialty. '. j - j, E. TBOM, , m m mn s S -t-;r CaMaeAtSaada)' ' ; - our sto!K or canned goods is complete, con sisting of the le,' p brands of corn, toma- toes, pes" , e -j Jane peas, lima beans, peaa, apiiuuui, au. ai- ?. 4. B. bUAKon Vo. la C.-eenaboro and being mnsojterf Aalif m a ' Vtttd of boslneas tataj Is i lyiki ftiid. Using medium. The Itadltfoa .V .tvartl Hg;; ! ......... rmix" - COLUMNS, ;; .. v; snows what advertlaef . UUnkv; OOoeJanda Benbow Ball, Bputh Elm street. ...,;, ' . ''BewsjCrackimt!''V We dont mean to tell you anything about "Boas Crackers. as they sell themaelvea wherever lotsoduot d, bat we only wish to say we have reoslved a fresh supplv better Uaa ever(lf possible.) - ' " J. w. Boott A Ce'a K. W, Whiten i. -J . Offers for sale or rent his dwelling Uouis ( rooms) on Aaheboro street, next dot to Waatv minster church. In a suod neighborhood, with line water, and laoated oa, -tlie. prmotpa residence street of the city. Apply at rest, denoe. . ant4-U ' Ali-tf ' its; . 1' Itfapleayran. and Virginia Buckwheat Flour Is what yon want these cool moraines for breakfast. .4 supply of, bot b received this week at ..; ...;,..; .. J. w. fckvtt.A Oo'a, . ' rr Hub 1 ' Two desirable bouses In U bct MSfhboa hoods In Qreensbpro Also other houses for ; .1 ...i ) Vans Bnoavj-' " . leu ''. Jl 1 . . Try the "Grand Rpubilo" the best A gar on earth for 9 cents, at Tate Bro's drurf store. oCilHt ...'.Begin the New Year arbnt, and keep It up, Make your wile a present of a 'barret of Fatspscotjupermtive Flour tUa &t. In .tba World Demand it of your grocer, and take no other. Yateh Baa. ' ( dtiiS-tf .Wholesale airenta. 11 .rj t ; One butldlnir lot on corner of Cdgetrortb and Gaston strete; i5Xl-fert, and one lot front- Inn on Kdittwortn lj)0iM feet., One or both, of these low will be sold low for cash, lpplj atoncetol. f ..-rr . - . at: G. Howaaa . nlo-tf Greensbord Book btorA i . 1 0 1 1 r 1 . 1 yf caUolirQ . "aaYac svnd WiMi BualawM.. , ' E. M. C. A. Hendrl' i: ' theiufolve In the bust new of ifw,- wood supply for She acomf Their drs will n; trunks and ov ' and fro aA,--""" Of tl)'''' wi toV ' " Prcab At railroad eating l.,.. are extra large, ana from the erbede. A Umlted-uanttiy sold , Send In your orders earlv. Dlease. ,1 faWaoa .M .A ! I The Wa red aiirv at the -racket .atoM) Itaal paper 80 rulre, Thomas' black Ink So, 5c ld . peoollfora Laos Window curtains' Tie-1 ,-' Worth 8UXX aalaAf . - . .:c .. J ?f in. ;. .1 .-I . - -7 . U ''V: ; ' " -'.'Far Rams. . -.!'; ii.,i fitora room foraerhroceuDtad bv r. a. vim. mlng A Co. Apply to O.U Waiosa. .'1 i-r'v;-' -'iy.iH'v;- U wanted bv a young mdy to teaca-cDrawtr-y f P&lntlnz and EioouUon. wiih otiuw hr.n I If . desired. Apply A tk edlteT f the &e. j , Workman. . ' ., v' -. j ."I am determined to-cloee out ablg lot 4t Hen's women's and ohlldrens' low cnt ahnM at ' some ipriok . imeeariy awd awt yoor pu i.i'J.f uio-u . , u, niuAaMFuy Je , riT Va'lWlVri'liv,i' . But a fact, that I have tiwt hmImI tot of thoeeLadtet'OxfoMnesatprkjesto. J. ' everybody. Also a Ht of Best' low cut a '.. .J .llil.i.l.. m a 1 n . . . . w nawwumi " iira Din pen at Dail won ana eve lumi lor yountelt. JeHB-tf ,., 0.WU4,4 ..-,-'sm MttslvadtP - ti--3i A lanre tot of banjo and Tlobn strings at , ilorlarittMOii s)niui frt -tftii -'.);, .,: any persnn or persons wlshla i to rN. onM larse oac aweuiog boose of 18 ro t tttt thrW purolws, that has been f r v V aaed asaboardlngkon,ora wtc,. . , r (bur rooms, pr nioe bnildlaa- loteen, , 1, accomodated oa tba moat reaf. et 4 1 ' applytngtaN. v .,.Cau.juJ'' i t? .Octod people an, tr you br i'V ' fV ' ' altar varnished or reraire I, 1 ' shades or Oomtva hnnw, or a- v : thehowe-fum't.Minqri, '( , , for -. 11 Wn. Hu kiv.j.if.i ' 0pholctBlng4spe(i.,.y. 1 . 7.. , ', . i .... Pftini. . . 100 gallons ofpalnt f'r s' V. a than hist cost . u. u t The former Ep' ' Markt Pret. con'i.wion, out t good gaiden. A ; I. V .1 I- V