THE DAILY WORKMAN, THE DAILY WORKMAN A UPOBLIBHiD, umoi a wsec as an ireuinf Paper, at 98.00 a year, In advance. For tlx months,' 1.80, , tor three months, T5 eenta, tad to those who W .PROMPTLY, Moenta per month, On deferred payment, 85 cents per month, to pay exponas of ool lectlag. nanxTcaa ; la Ceenoro aid being consulted dally ny a sort of bualflees sn, la a spltad'd adver. Using medium. The inolVon, j, .Ivcrtl ing COLUMNS, hows what advertiser think. Office ;nodf Benbow Hall, South Elm street Etaendaitfu poti ojflo$in 0rmutoro,A 0.,a$ teoond-ciasi matter, , . - ' Tine Baily Woirkmano Vol. 6. Greensboro, N. C, Tuesday, March 19, 1889. Net. 248. RAILWAY GUIDE. , Greensboro, Feb. t, 1889. MOHMOKD A DimXl BAXLBOAD. . Arrives from Biobmond at 9 42 a m - 1085 pm Leaves for Richmond at 8 60 p m " 8 05am WORTH OABOUHA AAILBOAD. "'. Arrives from Charlotte at 8 00 a m 840pm 9 50 am 10:45 p m 8 25 o m 7 40am Dbbm Leaves for Charlotte at Arrives from Golds boro at Leaves for Goldsboro at " M. " 10 50 p m HOBTH-WX8TKB2I H, O. BAtLBOAtX. Arrives from Balem at 7 45 a m . " 8 15 pm Leaves for Salem at 10 (0 am . " " 10 64 pm O. f. i T. T. RATLROAD, TVot'n Moving North. Leare Bennettsville at 6 20 a. m. Arrive at Greensboro. . . .2 25 p. m. Leave Greensboro. ... , 2 50p.m. Arrive lit. Airy. 6 60 p. m. i ' . 2 rain Moving South. Leave lit. Airy. ............ .3 45 a. m. Arrive at Greensboro.. ...... 7 45 a. m. Leave Greensboro 10 05 a. m. Arrive at Bennettsville 7 39 p. m. SCHEDULE OF MAILS: Mails going North closed 18 00 p m " 7a0am - V" Sooth " - 9 00 am 9 00 p m 9 00am 900pm " Salem Bt'ch" " East w 9 00pm 9 00am " "O.F.AT.T.B.B' General delivery open from 8 00 a m to 6 03 p m., except during the distri bution of mails. The Money Order and Registered Letter offloe open from 9 00 am to 0 00pm. ' 1 4 ' - ' - 'ADTEKTlSINO tLIKIITATION. AU oharoh notices, tnoludlng Sabbath School, meetings for prayer,' missionary meeting. weekly and other lectures on church work, Inserted free of charge, as heretofore. , Also notices of marriages and deaths," not exceed tag ten (10) lines each. ' All other announce ments subject to regular advertising rates! f LOCAL ! DJTELIJGEN0E. Preaching at Westminster church tonight by Rev, $.,0. Hall, at j. 45 p. m. ' - . ' . ' . V , ": Mr. H. L. Brower,,' of ( Liberty, was here yesterday and to day 1 on matters ot business with, our y whole sale merchants., ' Mr. C; P. Wharton," formerly of city, has-been installed as brie of - the 'deacons of the First Presbyterian' Church, Raleigh "t-Mrs,John F. Speight, nee Miss , . Clio Lewis,' died at her residence at Rocky Mount on Saturday last, after a protracted illness. ) ::, :", I ' ': . Married, By Rev.' W. F. Ken- nett, Feb. 96, 1889; Mr. J. W. Wil liams, ofa Geneva, Rockingham Coun- ty, to Miss Emma Wall, of Guilford County.' :VH-:': v . ; 'P " ' . . - . ' ' ' .- ;t. t . 1 ries seems not - yet - to be breken. Somebody occasionally , geU y hurt fooling with other people's doors and -windows.' u:ffi:&&j3i , : Mr. W.R. Murray is pushing ' f orwai d his remodelled dwelling house ; which bids fair to be a handsome and attractive home, after all. ' Thla is the time to build. . vt :;... -.:.- ..J!1 is t.os ' i Ex. President Cleveland and his prty, on the way WyCubay ; passed i through Richmond yesterday in ape cial car.' The party , was received with hearty enthusiasm. , ; ; , - The motion to tescind the order ot f auvancemeni in iuo iuo. vooc, nu ' . . was argued before the Supreme Court at Washinjton, was decided 'yester day In' favor of the appellant, Cross. We are sorry to see it stated in the Twin City Daily,, that while playing base ball, at Kernersville, Charley Pl'unkett, who was reccatly one of the force of this office, had one of his eyes so badly hurt as to render provable the loss of the mem ber. One of the most pie sing things to a newspaper man is the know lege that his advertisers are paid in the increase of custom for their advertis ing outlay ; another thing is, that a good advertisement, by man who really has the goods to show, is in teretting reading to the subscriber to the paper. It is a gxd thing all the way round. Just To Show. Just to show that Solomon was right when he declared that "the way of transgressors is hard," the Durham Daily Plant makei the following announcement: ' This has been a pretty rough day for Jim Macklin, colored. As stated elsewhere, he was fined $30 and cost for violating the recent amendment to the local option law. . After that case was dispoted ot Macklin was tried for gambling and was fined $20 and cost Verily, "the way of the transgressor is hard." Ho .Thought They Were the . .' f 1 ; . Same. , , .; A gentlemen has been in Greens boro, just from the city of New York, who while there was robbed of quite an amount of money, ;When he reached this city, he got a glimpse of three of our voung men, who, by the vi ay, were in New York at the time of the robbery, and after seeing them he said that tbey, at least,' were in the crowd at the time of the robbery, if they were not the men who robbed hi mil " The y ungt menj themselves tell the story with a good deal oj humor, ,, ,We understand, that the gentleman is now afraid lest these young men are following him up to take his life in addition to his money. Our Railroads. ' Greensboro is always in , luck, Is we hate contended all, along.' The best of everything comes here, and often through, the push and enterprise ot other people.'; This has tended to spoil our peop'.e, and incline, them too much to "wait for the "wagon." First and formes't, , the' Roanoke" & Southern is being built to Winston, but it Intersects the Cape Fear & Yadkin Valley both at Walnut Cove and Madison; The?Wilkesboro ex tension from WihsWn'to Wtlkesboro, puts Greensboro in direct communi cation with '. Wilkesboro ; and the North, western tier, of ' counties via W inston,' and also via the C. F. & Y. V: Railway, from Rutsl Hall.' Then again we shall be in daily commun cation with Asbebere ' via the nw railroad between that place and High Point,' and already the Greensboro Sash '&v Blind Company, have ar ranged to ship lumber over that route from Randolph so soon as the road (hall be completed. Our good friends at High Point know . a - good ' thing when they see it, and they are willing, when, they hay knocked down more persimmons than they can make way with, that we should have a'share in the fruit. - ru&tf-irt'&rt Picture Frames at a very low prloe and la fact, nearly everything in the Mercantile Trade. . Be sure and come to the Original Backet Store, next door to Express Office. , mM -tf. A New Paper. Mount Aiiy has a new weekly paper, called ."The Granite City Guide." The first number fs before us. Its mechanical make up is splendid, and the type is apefectgem of art. We almost feel like greeting it with a "where did you come from?" The editor ot the Guide is Mr. T. J. Lowry, who has had a long ex perience in the business. Not long since he said the Yadkin Valley News, and now, alter a short rest, he "pops up" again with the Guide. Success to it. Only one dollar a year. Here is the larger half of his salutatory : We have spent the greater part ot our life in the printing business and we had it difficult to live outside ot the editor's sanctum; not because ot the money that we might realize from subscriptions and advertisements, but simply because we cannot find con tentment at apy other calling. Another Ad. We have the bent selection of music ever oOered In Qreeiuboro. Sheet Muslo 3 cents and 5 cents, book folio 20, 33, 40 and 45 cents. Dont wait until the best pieces are gone. Tug Original Racist 8tok, ml4-tf Next door to Express OUlce. JLook Here t Only live more days In which to pay your bills, (some old, and of long standing.) before we go North, and we know yon want us to buy More Goods for you, hence let the cash come right along, this week. ' mW-St. ' W. 8. Hoobi: liar. I nave just r.cel ved a Oar Load of Timothy and Clofer Hay, D. L. JUqaii., , . mi3-6t ... 1 1 ,1, . '. , tViMe J: ." '. All coppers In' good condition of dates 1793, 1799,' 1804. Prices accordingly. Inquire of Li Bendhelra at Pretzfelder A Co, or address, ml3-lw ' Lbj. Ecbbs, Alexandria, Va. . . ; . D Yu Wear FajiUrl . If you do, and ever expect to get a new pair, come and see us. ' Fat men, long thin men, short thick men, great big men, little men, come on, we have provided f,r all of you, Medium size men can choose from over 100 1 different styles. We do not claim to show the largest stock of pants in the whole wide world, but we have more pants and a much greater va rlety of styles and sizes than .we ever haa be fore, and should like for everybody who wears pants to know It. Where can you And such a line of pants? Not Just anywhere, but at Samplm Bbown's. : ' "; ml3-tf '- 1 4 4 ... ," For Bale. i A good second-hand Mason Hamlin Organ In good repair. Cheap. Can be seen at my residence on Asbeboro St. B. E. Jones ' Salesman for Byland It Lee. ' ; ' V Plenty Oooda. We have received and to arrive 1 car load, 600 bushels Corn. 1 car load, 400 bushels Meal. . 1 oar load, 1,000 bushels White Seed Oats. 1 oar load, 150 barrels Seed Potatoes.' 1 oar load, 86,000 pounds Cabbage. 1 oar load, 80,000 pounds Fat Backs. ' 1 ear load, 85,000 Bib Side Bacon. These goods will be sold low. The Potatoes and Cabbage most be sold early. Call or send your orders. , Hodstok & Bao. t . ',. Corn, Corn, ; Cora. The Greensboro Grain Mill baa omhtnd and to arrive within thirty daya 8000 bushels of choice white and yellow corn, and feed In lots to suit all, and at prices which will insure a trade to any who maneed suoh goods. Call and examine, and yon can save a per cent , mMf ; GaKlirsBeFO Gaaiir Miu. . Any one wishing to find an opportunity 'for business in a line not erowde J, and in staple goods will call at this office. " f 8tt f'-'- '"'t!.' m!Trmmmmmmmml. ''i.f " For Bale. ' ' The Denny Property, corner of Clay street and Belle Meade Avenue, ' Is for sale, f For terms apply to .. W. N. Bciuts, Atty. ma-lm :' ''''' .y'' dardonlsig Time. ' , Gardening time is here and 70a will want pure reliable seeds. Please recollect that w can supply you with VBulats" f len seeds and Irish potatoes In any quant.; y you may ,' wish. Wholosale or retail J. W. Ecott a Co. Cab bag-t). Cabbag-e, 85 crates choloe Virginia cabbage on con. slgnment Detail or by the crate. J. W. Scott a Co. For It nt or Bale. Two new cottages with four rooms on He bane street, near the Graded School House, Apply at this Office. ui-lmo. for Bale. i or 4000 Salmon Brick. J. E. Tuox. m3-tf. Nantua-nakJug. MIbs Nannie Terry, formerly of Reldivllle, offers her services as Dress-Maker to the la dles of the City of Greensboro and vicinity, guaranteeing satisfaction both in style and quality of work. 8he refers with pleasure to her patrons, Mrs, Judge Settle and Mrs. J. W. Payne. Residence on Church Street, In the dwelling formerly occupied by Mr. George Yates. Greensboro, N. C, Feb., 1889. 4w feed Potatoeo. Seed Potatoes. 75 Bbls choice seed Irish Potatoes. Early Rose, Peorless, Burbank and Beauty of Heb ron. Choice sound stock at reasonable prices at J. W. Scott a Co'i. When passing Central Hotel stop at Cart lands and examine the new Umbrellas both Gold and Silver Heads In .neat patterns, also Spring cloths In every variety and thade. New style scarfs, Dress shirts in new design, cellu loid collars and cuffs and General Furnishings. Juat Heoelvod Nice line of Plushes, Dress Goods, Hosieries, Jerseys, Corsets, and most anything yon want at the lowest prices. Don't forget to call. Respectfully, 19-tf O. H. B0T8TEB. J(ew Furniture store. F. F. Smith', opposite S. S. Brown, has opaned a new Furniture establishment, and la now receiving his stock, which be Intends shall embrace all articles usually kept In his line. He Intends to sell at suoh moderate rates that the price no less than the quality, will be an attraotlon to customers. Call and see Smith wha in seed of furniture. Ml-tf: .: For Balo Chiap : , One good horse and buggy, harness and Lap Robe. The mare Is only 8 years old and per fectly safe for a lady to drive. Apply at this outre. . io-u Valuable Property for Sale., , ' lOacsesone mile from Court House, on Asheboro St., fronting M5 feet en same street. This property In, ana has been successfully woricea as a iruoa ana iruic iarm ror Vi years; contains 1508 bearing grape vines; 85 bearing cherry trees; also 50 others 38 yra, old; one dozen large per trees ;tt) bearing apple trees, early and late 50 young, 8 to 3 yrs. old; 80 bearing peaches, and 41) 1 a 3 yrs old: 65 plum trees, all varieties; some quince bushes; a large asparagus oea in prime truer; nop vines; on ions, salad. - One acre In strawberries, prune; two hot beds planted, with 850 feet of glass, six cold frames, 8x30 feet with cover, all planted, three tt them containing 8000 of let tuce, seme ready for use; about 10,000 cabbage, and 40. 000 tomato and otner plants. un wis 101 are aiaog acres in oats ana ciover, 1 acre In rye, a good meadow, live good spring! within an area of 50 feet. 8-4 of n acre in oak grove, a dwelling house containing 7 rooms, 5 of them new; cellar 14x33, 8 feet deep. Al so necessary out houses. This property is open for Inspection at any time. Apply to the proprietor B. Voiz, er this office, f-37-lm ..'..Greatest bargains In the city can be had In Gentlemen'f and. Ladles' Misses', and Chil dren's Fine Shoes, at . G. H. Rotstbb's. : Big stock fust received. Don't forget to call it you want to save money. v J f9tf -For Bale, v I have for sale two beautiful building lots on Edgeworth street in the city of Greensboro. Both are wel) situated and one has spleu did oak grove. . Will sell cheap for. cash. Ap plyto ...$;? Jas. W. Forbls, : f3-tf. . . For Sale. Choice building lot, 75x150 feet, in Keogh's addition, North Greensboro. 1 Jan81-tr . " . L.A.BAH.BT. " Earptlau Brand" of 8ug-ar Coral. Our'customsrs all reooUeot tnls celebrated brand. Of "Sweet Corn" we introduced last season, and our large andncreaalng trade on It proves It to be what, w recommended. "The finest packed,? . Is what .we say of It One hundred dozen Is what we bought for you this season. - Call for tt - ,l ; ?-i!s,s...1w; BOOtt A CO 8. 1 tf'ii''1 ' exilic Mi?''?t;iU' 'iQ P, , .The Piedmont Bank IS open for traatness for the present In The People's Five Cents Sav ings Bank of Greensboro. We expect to be in our own building in a few weeks. : ; 1 , 3. M. WlKBTBAJ), , "'':ii. 'H.'.'J -Oaahier JaiL85a4f. '!-t '!.:. -t avaHae Oeeit 'Z ' Our stoek of canned goods is complete. -con' stating of the leading brands of corn, toma toes, peaones, eariy June peas, lima Deans, peas, aprioou, o. . nesp. iu d. pneiton no. ....Finest full cream onsen and Italian Macaroni, at Scott's Bom Cracker 1 We dont mean to tell you anything about "Boss Crackers," as they sell themselves wherever lotroduotd, but we only wish to say we have received a frosii supply better thao ever (If possible.) J. W. Soott A Co's Z. W. Whitehead Offers for ule or rnnl. hi riwMiiiner hnnu rooms) on Asheboro street, next door to West minster church. In. a good neighborhood, with fine water, and located on the prlnclpa residence street of the city. Apply at real denoe. an!4-tf mania Mrvao. and Virginia Buckwheat Flour Is what you want these cool mornings for breakfast, A supply of .both received this week at , J. w. soott A Cos.. For Kent. Two desirable bouse In Mm Km, nniirhhw. doous In Greensboro Also other bouses for reut. Yatks Broil. . . . .Try the "Grand Republic" the best el gar on earth for 6 cents, at Tate Bro's drug store. . oc39-ti -o . . . Begin the New Year aright, and keen tt up, Make your wile a present of a barrel of ratapsco Superlative Flour the beat In the world Demand It of your grocer, and take no other. Yitm Bros.. de38-tf Wholesale agents. o For Vale Cheap." One building lot on comer of Edire worth and Gaston streets, 95x14(1 feet, and one lot front ing on Edgeworth 100x140 feet. One or both of these lots will be sold low for cash. Apply at once to ME. Howard. nld-tf Greensboro Book Store. ' 0 - . Barrage and Wood Bottineau. E. M. & C. A. Hendrlx have established themselves In the business of dray age and are wood supply for the aoommodation of citizens. . Their drays will meet all lo-comlng trains, and" trunks and other baggage will be conveyed to ana iro at an nours, oay or mgnt, in any pari of the city. Their woodyard will be supplied with wood of all descriptions desired, at rea sonable rates, whether the weUher be ' fab? or foul. No advantrge taken of the weaV"". Or ders left at the store of Hendrlx A Pearoe, East Market street will have attention. o31-U Three Dwelling Houses For . Bent. (1) - A eommodious frame dwelling on Ashe boro Street, in front of Judge Settles. - (3) A conveniently arranged and well situ ated frame dwelling on corner of King and Gorrell streets. (8 A large brick dwelling oonvenlentt Situated and arranged, on King street. n37-tf , Apply to MPS. McADoo-KlN. For Kesiu . One of the best store rooms In town, a ' , noia-tf to E, M, Hchd ' ' Co and See for Tonrself . At a B. Yancey's, stall No. 6, situated at -tower end of city market, you will see the fin est beef, mutton, pork, ana sausage of both kinds pan and link that has been seen bIbos Greensboro has had a market. Yanoey I de termined to seep constantly ton hand some thing nioe to please his customers. Dout fail to call before luylng your Sunday supply, j ' Trmh (ltltr. An Va. 1 I At railroad eating house. These ovatara are extra large, and from the Nansemond riv er beds. ' A limited quanttly sold fainHlas tsenain your oraers eariy, please. . . . eeio-u , ,.; 5 i A- X, VlaMOBV .:, . O . .,.;.2'. Have Ton Seen itT ' The big red sign at the racket store. Note paper 80 quire, Thomas' black Ink 80, Be lead pencils 8 for So, Lace window curtains Tic worth 1.00. ..; ..i. k . seift-tf "' '''( For Bent. , ' " ' Store room formerly ooouDted bvR. A. Fios- mlng Co, t Apply .to, J 1 , 0. & Waionr, Is wanted by a young lady to teach Drawlu Painting and Elocution, with other branch if desired.; Apply to the editor oftheDall- ' Workman, , aoo-tf , .'.-.I am determined to oloee out a bin lot 01 w uuiou a wu viiuunua iuw uui a'lvee someprlos. come early and get your pick. liujwu u. niu.ARirrrjjus ' "1 lr Ho PoetrW '"i'' ' Rnr. a nm. that. I havo lnat. ranaivmA m la. . (ot Of those Ladles' Oxford Ties at prloas to ac ' everybody. Also a lot of Hess' low out Sno and children's Wigwam Sllipers at half 00, . Come and see them for yourself. . - Je88-tf , . G. Wnx AaMFTjajk, . ' : - "imiti Hteeelvod.' 'y T ... ' r A large lot of banjo and violin strings at ocawf,. '-',.:: Tata BaoV ,, : ...Anv person or oerns wlshlntr tri chase a large brick dwelling house of 18ro 1 ' witn tnree porones, tnat nas been for ye e ; : used as a boarding house, or a neat oottag? . ( v -four rooms, or nioe building lots cheap, c accomodated on tne most reasonable tonus y . applying to , D, F.Cauiwxu - aprotl, . . . .. . Good people all, if yon need your F t alture varnished or repaired,, carpets i . shades or eornloes hung, or anv work dour . the house-furnishing hue, please call on or mi J . , v for n Wm, H. MoitaiLL, Thomas' Bu,., 04 j Upholstering a specialty. - .".. y'T-y--'Wwt Bent, '--.i V The former Residence of R, Gnllctt on Rait ' Market Street. Houne has six ron s In. rod coutlalon, out houses, good we l of w'e- tnd good garden. Apply to . M. i-aes, Civ

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