A i k ' v.. i . ytyr- THE DAILY WORKMAN s . .. - . tsAnxrcas THE ' DAILY WORKMAN, Six timet a week m mi Evening Paper, at W.00 year, la advance, For six months, 81.50, for three months, 75 oents, and to those who "pay - ' PROMPTLY, 88 oents per month. On deferred payments, 35 oenta per Booth, to pay expenst of ool leotlag. . ., , ....... ... thUertd at tin pott offict i tfreensftoro, 3 C, at ttoondku$ matter. '.' RAILWAY GUIDE. Greensboro, Feb. 11889. SUOBKOHS k DAimiiLI RAILBOAD. ' arrirefrom Richmond at 9 42 a m " " 1085 pm Leaves for Richmond at 8 60pm 8 05am WORTH CABOLIHA BAILBOAD, Arrives from Charlotte at Leaves for Charlotte at n " e Arrive from Goldiboro at Leaves forOoldsboroat it . . i 8 Off am 8 40pm 9 50am 10,45 p m 8 25d m "7 AO am 6Cm 10 50 pm . NOBTH-WSBTBBlt H. O. BADLBOAD. arrives from Salem at - 7 45 ft m '-." " 8 15 p m Leaves for Salem at 10 CO a m 10 64 pm 0. F. T. BAIL BO AD, Trains Moving North. Leave Bonnettsville at. ft 20 a. m. Arrive at Greensboro. 2 25 p. m. Leave Greensboro. .......... 2 59p. m. Arrive Mt Airy.... 6 60p.m. 1 rains Moving South. Leave Alt. Airy 3 45 a. m. Arrive at Greensboro ....... .7 45 a. m. Leave Greensboro .10 05 a. m. Arrive at Bennettsville. . . . ..7 80 p. m. SCHEDULE OP MAILS: Mails going North closed W 00 p m " " " 730am' " " South " 9U)am 9 00 p m 9 00am 9 00 p m 900pm " Salem Br'ch" i m n " East " " "O.F.aT.T.B.B BOUam General deliverv oren from 8 00 a m to 6 03 p m. except during the distri bution of mails. The Money Order and Registered Letter oQoe open from 9 00 a m to 0 00 p m. ' ADVERTISING LIMITATION. All church notices, Including Sabbath School, . meetings for' prayer, missionary meetings, weekly and other lectures on church work, Inserted free of charge, as hertofo Also noUoes of marriages and deaths, not exceed ing ten (10) lines each; . in other announce . tnents subject to regular advertising rates. ' - L00AI. MERGENCE. ' HOW Tai THUBKOMETli fiTANDS. ' The stite of the thermometer is taken . br Dr. Benbow, at tha Benbow House, t the hour of 12 m. each day: v. .- May 11, f3 degrees. May 12, 81 degrees. May 13, 80 degrees. ... May 14. 70 degrees. May 15, 72 degrees. May 18, 75 degrees. . ' There was an excellent . union fjrayer meeting at Centenary church ' Jast night, .v' : '...v. - Genl. Jss. D. Glenn and Col. R.' M. Douglas have returned from their Tecent trip to Asheville. ' ' 4 ' ' :' - . ' -"' f . Mr F. H. Whitaker came up ot ' visit from Graham last evenings and returned home this morning. ; , , . H Bishop Haid of Mary-help abby and Father, Reilly of Raleigh were) ip the city to day the guests of Father Charlefc-; We call special attention , to the notice of lncprporaftidjiof hM6 " ' Air? Granite Cempany printed else ' where in thie !: Bishop Jtltid Lecture on Mo nasticism 'and thei llonks aSt. - Agnes church ""Sunday ; evening ) at ' xTiiliL-'iL--jii'.I''i'M:' . The ' Guilford Battle- v Grouhd Ontinehtitiji yr ' n?ee'ai &eir Armory v to-night at 9 rjcv tor driu..jy order of the Uaptaip fr.SKUOi t kYiA fdrfy-rgeant Rev. W,,F Galloway andlleis Davie n$W0Mmn&-pn: . Mountain came Aipf from DahyHle thi wprnjng' syhlther ; they had beer ' to bear the prechin j of Sam Jones, , -with which the rtre highly pleased.. TMEM: Vol. 6. Greensboro, N. C; Thursday, j ; Mabrikd, By Rev. A. B. Morrell Wed. April 24th, Mr." Walter E. Bennett tQ Mitt Zillah L. Kitchen, daughter ob Rev. A, E. Kitchen, both of Linesboro, Pa. . Married, la Greensboro on Wednesday evening May 15111 1S89, at the residence of the bride's brother II. B. Flippen, by the Rev. J. Henry Smith, D. D., Nicholas L. Kabler, M. D. of Bedford Springs, Va. and Miss Gustavia M. Flippen of Greens boro, N. O. Ground has been broken by Mr. L. F. Ross for a first-class brick building on a lot in the grove on South Elm street, beyond thev rail road. Mr. A- F. Brooks is alio building for himself a neat cottage some distance beyond on the same street At a meeting of the vestry of St Barnabas church the officers for the ensuing year were chosen : Roger P. Atkinson and William E. Stone Wardens S. A. Howard Treas, W. f . ClafV Secretary, W. E. Stone Collector, Gen. J. D. G.enn, W. ! Clary and W. E. Stone, Committee on Subscriptions. . , The following postal information is for Brother Wannamaker ! " deer Cur 1 ' : bie sum raeena pomona postoffis is gittin lef in bur males packergys fur frenship an colefacts is throwd oute and nun fur pomona wich are hard on uss'tha abuv ar tha fust ckntums uv hour cumplants , :'"' Yourn troeiy.. -v. -i v V.'-JV' ; v u Sifax. Please mention in your ' paper that the R. & D. R. R, Co. will sell round trip tickets to Chailotte and return at $3.25 on 'i8th, 19th and 20th of May tg persons attending the Celebration at Charlotte on May 20th, Tickets good to return until May 23rd. A special train will leave Greensboro on Msy aoih at 8 a. m., arriving at Charlotte at 1 1 a. m., re turning leave Charlotte at 7 p, m. . Yrs. Truly R. L Vernon, Agt a -v; ; ... :: ' The Greensboro 'District Con ference to be held at .Madison ;. will meet on Thursday mo'rniog Msy the a3ror at. o'clock Rev. M. C Field, of Pleasant Garden circuit will preach on Wednesday night. The delegates from Greensboro are 1 West Market, C, H.' Ireland, Geo.'Terrell, Riehard Thomas, Jno. N. Wilson Centenary, G. f . Glasscock, C. C. Johnson, J, W. McNairy, W. W, Mendenhall. Bishop Granberv of, St, Louis will be prekent ftad preside, r, i f ":'" Vn : S. D. Adams, T.E. PHDNNTf PhELLBR. t- A corres' pondent1 c -the- xxews uoserver, writing of pienic held f at Sassafras Fork,, Granville, county recently, pups the harness ridle, halter nd every t rung on o nis imauuyut , descripUon of the ailair, ai touo ws Empire gowns and Kate Gwenway dresses witnjsome!,4ire liant and attracti ve colore .were worn by the bliihsome bonny belles,' whole elSiie gricw and fairy faces Mchefried tie adiminng gate of Mhe enchanted f :Xt it anf twdndej that; the; wrltfer express: the hope that in, 6of cay be'uso torttanat? as to be favored It is important that -4, holders of the Knitting Mill - ftfgi' A fresh lot c J"' I canned corn, snail noiu a meeting soi;k-4. tf tO morrow, p. m. to" consider questions of business, and with thV. view: a notice of the place and thjr feoiir Will be made In the WorkmanvV lomor- row. Rpcii von "one" before the (Peawoa meet- lngi, only a few left in store, G,h'i, V, 80 and S5 oents each. w. S. Moors. mia-3t 'PerlecUf EiquWW." T,nia nam iMrTnniM at Tale Bros. Elck- slckers Opoponax la pouod boftles, Bickoec It ers True Violet and White lUfte. Something new, Spanish Jasamlne. Jusbarrlved and Just superb. Call and examine. , Eioksookers Baohet Powders, AU Perfumes.. Inexhaustible SmelUng Salts. Pot Pourrl, the motj delloate Toilet Waters. . At v TATS BE03. " ' I. Thu Parasols. We have Just rsoelved another lotj of those handsome parasojsahd also wish; to call the attention of ladles to our elegant line of fans. Sample S. Brown. ! ' mll-tf fflotmst Mthl llie best moth preventive and antiseptic In the world. Superior to more and effective than camphor Only 89 cents per box. For sale only at Holton's Drug Store. - ml4-8w . ' r Sal. ' . ...' A second hand cook stove, 1X6. 8, n good condition. Will be sold at, a bargain, call early. J. E. Pitts. j-," ml4-lw . 1 1 1 i" 1" "' S5TTry Oltrana Water. Sweet and refresh- ing. At ims biw. t - Froit TablEte, A refreshing confection for clearing the voice quenching tne thirst and purjfjlnghe breath. For sale only by Tate Bros, r " ' ' v New perfumes Just arrived. Atkinson's Wjuta Soser-fttasat aadXeoluji pcponox, ' at .'; . 7 xte Kros. W. E. EoUsy has 130,000 brick on hand, that can be delivered to the .purchaser at short no tice. As the subscriber sells brick a little low er than others, persons": wishing .to- bny can easily see that it would be to their Interest to see him early, and thus save money'. Persons who know nothing of my brick can see them In tbe new National Bank baUdlng. .la' the White Oraded School bulldjng and other fore most specimens of good work In this city. . ml44w -:;.;-f, x ' W. B. Botley. ...The ever recurring and perplexing ques tion to housekeepers, ' What shall we have for dinner," having been aaked us by some Of our customers has been oonsldered, and can now be easily answered. "Serve Eastern Car olina Cabbage te be found frsah and sweet at the store of tbe undersigned." They are or dered by telegram, out after being orderedjand they com? by express 8 or 8 times a week. Try some for dinner Wednesday and be ooavtnoed. mil tf - Respectfully, Heodrlx APearce. . Oolng for Dollar sixty, tLOO, iLOO, t.W, make It 74. Take It along at sU.60, "Cheap atotlt,fora8qnart, OemIce Cream Freezer. Big stock.",. Various sUee, at..: i ' , m9-lw . , v, , -WakeBelds. Mrs. Dllworth has removed te the Trogdon Building, up stairs, second floor, Where she will continue to jun a first class boarding house. She will also carry ott the Dress Mak ing business, and desires a liberal patronage from the ladles to that line. tetfapH . , Oa sale at Psrtsrs Uras; !' " One thousand extra -floe Tuberose bulbs, price only fhi sah. Goarenteed to btoom this season.. m9-lW, The subscriber wants to purchase a good seooud-handiron Safe, weighing about 1,000 rounds. Persons having such, aa article to sell should address 8. J. Fisher, mS-lw 5;' ".f . vy' Astieboro, N. C. Fressmaa nted. : ' ? 'Apply to inHomas Bros. Ww f.h'ty. For eat.V H The larger' brick. . store room Jhat we have oocupled for several years. ioS-Iw Vakefleld hardware Co. 1 v Walts Sh4 Oats ' ' '. 1000 bushels White Seed C 'lii stock. , n Bro. No. 299. Just la. fresh lot of Candy, Balains, Fig and dates canned corn, tomttoes, peaches and oysters, sardines, soap, starch, bluing and oonsentrated lye diamond dyes, soda, latsp globes, fishing hooks, lines, and many other ustful articles. If Ilk Shakes and Ice Cream served to all who faror ms with a call. Bread aal cakes a specialty. Respectfully, . , m78w J.K THOU. Wanted. A competent young lady wishes a position at copyist, clurk in post oillce, sales-lady or similar light wor L References given., Apply to the editor of the Wobkman. mS-i)w '' isi m ff9 hare ' ust returned from the great metro polls, where we attended one of the largest auction houses In the wonu., Look out for bargains of every description, which will be In store In a few cays. Tbe almighty dollar tells the tale. Thk Original Baukst Btors, all-tf ' Next door to Express Office, T ,Urowm and Shlrtpers of Uresu Fruits. Those who ship to Ntw York are soli edited to ship to the od reliable house of U. W. , Judd, 143 West street of that city. Those who ship 10 Philadelphia should ship to J. F. Hobson A Co,, reliable fruit dealers of that city. For further Information, and for stencils, 4c, apply to M. K. Callutn, Box 83, Greensboro, N. C. ' mS-lm Fruit lor all! 10 Boxes Florida Oranges. 10 Cases Valencia Oranges, 15 Boxes Lemons. , All nice fresh stock at J.W.Scott a Co. . For Heaw -. The two story building on Davie street In rear ot Mr.-J, LI KeeUngs., J, W. Scott, ml-tf . Tor Sale. ' ; ....That Valuable property on West Harlcet Street known as the "Irogdon Building" Is for sale. .. a29-lm Fr Menu . A good Brick Boarding house containing 9 rooms and kitchen, good basement. Apply at Bolton's Drugstore. V i v a38-tf. ...Our mlace-meat, preeervee and Jellies will be sold at reduced prices. Learn prioes. , . 1 Hovnox & Bao. (70 n and after Kay 18th (the beginning of Hr. Pearsons meeting) our stores will be closed at 7 p.m., exoepton Saturday nights. f vJ::Mv ; h W, Soott Co', ; ' - Keaaebso los Fr Hals. ' ': ' XABCEI4LUS JEFFREYS wUl sell, from his loe Bouse, sooth of the Depot, genuine Ken- nebeoloe. - ' ;.. -,:'.. in small lots to families delivered one ct pound In SO pound lots . Jfot pound In 100 pound lots OSctper hundred Sosltlideal's Eye Water I A successful remedy for . sore or . Inflamed eyes. An established remedy and known to be reliable. Will be on sale at the drug stores. Monev refunded where there Is a failure to raUsve. ; ' . . .... . ,'. . Buffalo Llthla water, fresh and spark ling, together1 with other . mineral waters, always on draught at Tate Bros. Drug Store, . , Bauer, ; t' -..,.'4, i 1 ' I ass now prepared to supply a few famines regularly with elegant fresh Butter from my dairv. D. W. 0. Benbow, t , alB-tw sjrtsh Pstats ss 1st Tabls Vi. We have a few barrels of atos Irish potatoes for table use. Atlowerioea. replA.tr .. ' Hodbtom k Bra. t i; :.,;;,. .' easHMsro sriauaia -. . . f 0ne million open air Cabbage PU&ta at 1 c. per hundred. Also Sage, Beet, Tomatoe, Pep- par and Asparagus Plsnts, cheap as- ; . : ' s i J. w. laNDREths, v ";-' ' v VegeUble Garden East Markat St. ;V;;t;!:T jnt osay. r , . Bvlng accepted the agency for the well known Clothlug maaufAOturers, Messrs Wana amket Brown, of PhlIadelphlA. Iam now prepared 1 to furnish Clothing made to .order eheaper than ever. 110 samples to select front. Batlafaciloh guaranteed. 1 Shirts also made te order. ' Give me a trial bef or placing your ei der for Spring sulti ' 4 Respectfully . .1 3. M. HcaHsa, ;fl Davis street, obooslt Star Warehouse.. atO U . ' ' "''; - Marasd atwa U rs.:4' I We have sde some Important changes in prioes of some csnne goods. Our canned goods ar new and fresh packed stock, and very oan warranted, v J. w. Bcott co. la C.-sensboro sod being oansulted dally oy sorts of bustneassiea, u s spltaA'd sdver Using medium. The StnalVoa .IvarfV lag . ' ' COLUMNS, , shows what advertUer, think. Offloe onds Benbow Ball, Bouth Elm street. ...Cabbase plants and Tomato Dianta. best and earliest varieties, alao tine stock of Spring and bummer blooming and bedding plant. For sale at reasonable prices at atf-lm Dodron's Green House. Ic C'wial hod a. If von are in need of a oool drink call on Tats Bros. Their fountain Is now In full blast. nines IQeat and Preservs. Now la the time for mlnoe Dies aaeverrthlnu else Is soaroe. we ofTei you some ten pound palls at a bargain. We also have a nice stock of preserves and Jellies In 61b palls. J. w. bcott k Co. 0 When pawlnir Central Hotel stoD at Cart- lands and examine the new Umbrellas toth Gold and Sliver Heads In neat patterns, also spring cioius in every variety and ttiade. New style scarfs, Dress shirts In new design, cellu loid oollars and oufls and General Furulshlnas. For Sale. A ffood second-hand Hason k Hamlin Orcan In good repair. Cheap. Can be seen at my residence on Aslieboro 8t, B. E. Jones baleeinan for Rjlaud Leet For Sals Clap. One eood horse and bairirv. Lurnnsi anrl f on Robe. The mare Is only b years old and per fectly safe for a lady to drive; AddIv at this oillce. itJ-tl For Sale. Choice bulldlna lot. 75x150 feat, n Keouh'a addition. North Greensboro. jan81-U' UA.BAn.sr. Craned Goods. Our stock of canned goods la coiuolete. 00 n- sbtlug of the leading brands of corn, toma toes, peaches, early June peas, lima beans, peas, apricots, so. Resp. 1. B. Shelton a Co. Z.- W. Whitehead Offers for sale or rent his dwelling house rs rooms) on Aslieboro street, next door to West minuter church. In a good neighborhood, ' with line water, and located on the prlnolpa reeidenoe street of the city. Apply at rest, dence. nli-tf ' Maple SrruD and Virginia Buckwheat Flour is what you want these cool mornings for oreaktyst, A , supply of both reoelved this wwek at J. W. BOOTT A COS. ' ' For Bsnt. " . Two desirable houses In the best neighbor. floods In Greensboro. Also other houses for rent. .. .. Yatss Bros.. -': 0 Try the "Grand Republic" the best el. gar on earth for S cents, at Tate Bro's drug store. . oc29tt ....Begin the New Year aright, and keep it up, Make your wti a present of a barrel oi Patapsoo Superlative Flour the best In tha world. Demand It of your grooer, and take no other. , . .- ' . Yates Baos- . deSS-tf : V Wholeeals sgents, . . ' 0 . ,. 1 - :''' '.' "" For Sale Cbsap. One building let on corner of Edgeworthand Gaston streets, 95x146 feet, and one lot front. ' tog on Edge worth 100x146 feet. One or 'both nf these lots will be sold low for cash. Apple at onoe to at fc. Howard. nlO-tt. . , Greensboro Book Store. : Haiwage sad Wood Bnetit'ess. ' ' ' E. M. C. A. Hendrlx have eatabllahad themselves In the business of drayage and Are wood supply for the acommodailoa of cltlaens. Their drays will meet all ln-oomlng trains, and trunks aad other baggage will be conveyed to and fro at all hours, day or Bight, In any part of the city. Tnelr woodyard will be auppded witn wood 01 au. aesonpttous desired, at res sonable rates, whether the weather be fair Of foul. ' Neadvaatrge taken of the wee'.tOr ders left at the store of Hendrlx A Pearoe . East Market street will have attention. oSl-tf H- t'-Vv.i'K ':.'' : ; : ' . For Boas. - One of the best store rooms In town. Apply nol3-tf . :, to v&MHwiiatt. , Oo aad Se f sr TosurssUU At D. B. Yanoev's. stall No. 6. situated al lower snd.of city market, you will see the In. est beef, mntton. pork, and .sausage of beta kinds paa ana u ax 111 at ass bea Greensboro has had a market. Yanoei termlned to k eep constantly oa hand loina Biee to Please us customers, uout tail to call before buying your Sunday supply. . . .. . . i. mj': 1 J iQi i iii' ; : At railroad eatioghouse. These - oystera ; , are extra large, aad from She Nanseutona rlv er beds, A limited quantUy sold famines, Send In your orders early, please. . "v selS-tt . . jl bVsuurasV ' r ,;, . ...V iV, ; J. O 1 1 H.;' J. -,- --.For Hosts. . . StoraToomfomerlyoocuptedby B. XFlasBi . salag 00.. Apply to . O.G, Waiesnt. ;-.- ' ''A 'eitaatlast ' ')'! Is wantM bt a young lady to teach Drawn c, Pautuutana auooution. wita otner oraaoswa If desired. Apply to the editor , of the ieUty f -Wsssesi''' r - -auSrtTV I.. ,i. r r''";-1" .'.v 111 '"' 'K ' ' 'j a ' r last Received. . . Aiim tot of banjo and violin strings at' ' oc804f i . i. -' Tata Bao'e. . , '.. .Abi person or persons wishing ' to vn (Jhaoe a large brick dwelling house of 18 roost with three porches, thai baa been for year seed ss a boarding noo, or a nest ooti t O four rooms, or aloe bulkuog lots ohenp, e . be aoooniodated on hs most reasonable s by ' applying to . , D, F. CAUwau. v, aprau .;.' ;.- , , ' - - : As tOCod people au, tf yon need yo"? Ti , s'tnre varniMhea or. repaired, eo . . 1 1 1 : Stide or coiuiws hung, er any wo e s I s . tve aor-fr"lBW hue, r'eaea call o t orsA fur m . H. ktu.i ua.u, ihomas ullLjb Upholstering a specialty. J :,