THE DAILY WORKMAN. J. L. M1CHAUX, Editor, i. 8, MICH A UX. Local Editor. ' Sam Jones it preaching in hit acoustomed way at Danville. He ' it a wonderful man. If he be a crank I some are pleated to tay, he it ptifc ting himself to a good ute. No t modern crank baa had tuch power to urn thingi completely around, intide outward and uptide down, IU it not alraid oi offending men by telling them of their tint. , A peculiarity pi hia preaching it that his denuncia tiona of tin Cji not drive hia hearert way. Many a man knowt how to denounce tin, but hasn't the power to do it to effectually aa to bring the tame hearer baok. In this he it pe culiar, and we regard it aa a divine gift. Danville people adjourned their tobacco sales from 10 o'clock to II :3s a. to., to give telle! a and buy- era a chance to hear the great preach er, and they are availing themtelvet of the opportunity. Commencement Exercises. We return thanks to Pretident Jonet for a ticket of invitation to the Com mencetnent Exercitei of Greensboro Female College, May 29th and 30th Repeating what hat already been announced, we give the order of events aa follows: Annual Sermon by Rev J. H, Cordon, of Raleigh, on Sunday May 26tb. Addreta to the Society of Alumnae Wednesday,' May 2oth. by Rev. A. " Coke Smith, of S. C Elocution .. Recital, Wednesday May 29th 8 130 p. m. Graduation Exercises, Thursday May 30th. 10 a. m. . Degiees Conferred i Presentation of Diplomas, by Gov. Fowle. Annual Concert, 2:30 p. m. Art Exhibition, ", Wednetday and Thursday.' r LIST OF LETTERS , . Bsmaining in the Postoffloe In Greens boro, ST.'. 0 May 8 1889: ' . Mrs. Cornelius Bankt, Mrs. John ' Anderson, Andrew,' Bird, W. W Ra..i:. f- u T. ' nr.. rt W. Butler, J, H. Cook, ;: Rev. ; D, Counell, S. R. Ellis, Mary - Hardin, El wood Holton, Louie Geryin, Mrs. John I Geverner, Miss Sankie Gil , bert, Wm; Hilton, '; W. D. ; Glenn;, Mrs. Issabella Lebrey, Sam Macro - go, Dr. Jackson Meadow, Miss Jaoie Meddleton,lIissThisia Mordon, ,,C. ; S. Oanly, Wm. Paylor, Mrf.' Thos. O. Beal, J. V. Pherson, Miss Delphy .' ann Pritcbett, Miss Mamie ,. Prayer, A. D. Ray, Jos. ' T,! Ross, Daniel Sunption, Horace Sloan, Mist Daisy Smith, GeoT. J, i. Smith, v Charlier , Snipes', Julius, Stewartj'A.L.; Wal -'fori William Walls,. H.' Watson, t .MrsvU' W;.,':E;:"Watherly WJU. , yvinsicaa.,, . .,,. .jg-m of y Persons calling for the above letters Will please say advertised. ,., - Geo. H. Gmmjory, P. M. ' ' ' Mb. Editor ; Plaaao pabliBh - the followinjf.extraota, 1 for' general; la forma ion: ; Rev. R. G. Pearson writes from ,(SFajettejUle',14tK,U?Th Lojd is graciously blessing , 'this people', and there fit taftpy confessions of ,v faith in Christ every day.- I regret 1 Bxeeedingly "we ; cannot continue , .nere longer, uus nnuer tiiBung (Cir cumstances, it seems best. to close, j and come to yoa on time.,,:; J ? ex pect to reach Greensboro 6a Sat . nrclay and request that i the Pastors, , . AtllA? TICiKaI ft Tll4 wit A Ia'Aii A .BHWt MM SMUW tVUV4 ,VA . , U V f ttnBio, will meet me at five o'clock, vnj thing ready, and my first eer , 'rice will be Sunday night .'Jff' Dr. Smith requests ma to estract fy:;froni, tbe letter;; aud,'; wonld rvenlttira to'call'the mee&i'i aliad 0 above; in the Eaitist Chnfch' at ' 5, P.M., Saturday. ''C. ,T ; 1 W. o. Moore, i 1 v. Good Men u -A I like tbe Norwegi.. elers here declare tbeu honest. - I oertainly have u the slightest disposition -part of any one of them to, u or cheat, and if trnstfnlnees evidence of honesty, these ;peo are wonderfully so. Theydia. hang keys to their etorehoasea.aiis granaries keys biz enough " tu brain a man with; They are near It always in the keyhole or hang' ins somewhere within reach of one feloniously inclined. At wayside stations curiosities sometimes of small silverware are exposed in tbe Dublio room, where anyone can easily carry them off. Farm houses are left open when tbe whole faml ly goes off to oat bay, and in some unfrequented localities, the wayfar er goes in, builds a fire, and cooks a meal; goes to the store room, helps himself to milk and "flat broed." and leaves on the table money enough to pay tor what he baa used. Frequently a post-boy (he is sometimes a man and not in frequently a girl or woman) has ta ken what I have paid for his does, putting it into his pocket without counting. He always, however, sees what you give him as a gratu ity, and shakes yoa by the . hand when be says "tak" (thank). I gave a Bervant girl too much for our dinner. She was much amused when she followed me, that I should have made suoh a. blander. At wayside stations they charge ridiculously low prices, and as far as I can learn make no distinction in making charges to foreigners and home people. They are a sturdy, fine-looking people, and are the most thorough democrats1 on the face of the globe. Tbey have abolished all titles and nobility, and have not learned to worship wealth. One man is quite as good as another, and his bear ing shows be thicks so. He takea off bis hat when be meets yoa on the roadside, but does it as freely to tbe coachman who drives as to the rioh man who lolls back in the carnage. They are good natured people, I am sure. The kitchen is the living room in , a . well-to-do farmhooee. I have; walked, into these frequently, and generally found the mothers putting the ha isbing touobes to the - pot when preparing a meal; , and I could never tell whiob were the daughters 01 tbe bouae and which the eerv ants. ' Ur tbe way, the latter are not ashamed of their calling, and when I. have asked a pretty one if she were the. daughter. , she says Obi nei; I am a servant. . . Many of the women in the mountains and upper valleys are very ' comely not ' beauties, but 'ruddy: i rosy plump and healthy, 'specimens ' of feminity. Carter Harrison, in Chi oago Muil . vi?4m.htm.-''. ; ;J'i' ;, Montana Democratic. Minneapolis. Minn.: May 15.- The Journal's. Helena, Montana. special says Ihe Constitutional Convention will be democratic by jijiiiiunii ,tibt received a fresh : a. ; - .: : SL . ' ' ; ! I supply of ,6 LITHIA- m ! WATER. tLINARIS WATER. EXTRACT. y iiB!Ull WATSON DRAUGHT, BY Tlirj BOTTLE, OR IN j BULK. ice cold soda and mineral Waters, at GEO m25-iy, - FITZSimONS IMPERIAL EGG FOOD (Tim, aMkj WILL MAKE HENS LAY.; IMPERIAL ' EGG FOOD Prevents and absolutely Cnres the dk- incident to Jroultry. Ever thought ten years ago that the manufacture oi Clothing could be car ried to such a degree of perfection as is shown in the better grades , .' . of Suits and Garments produced in these days ? Andjwho , , . . ever imagined .tbat tasteful, serviceable and per- - litting Clothing could be produced at sucir low prices r You aware of theiact that we are selling GOOD Cutaway Salts at $6.90, $7.50, $S.75 and $9 50, and GOOD Sack Suits at $6, $7, $3 and $9? Our customer often tay : "I don't see how they can be made for that J price. In Men's Suits our prices begin at $3 aad end at $: 1. Men'a ' . nmi range irom 50 cis 10 3ut you Will find it profitable to look through our stock of Clpthing. Recenr arri vals of special lines bought at closing out prices make it possible for us to ofl'er great inducements in this department And with our One Price way of doing business you do not ve to TEW for an hour to cet down to a fair price. We . ime the lowest and only price at first, the same to you and everybody. WE ARE 1 1 11 s Wih 1 1 In iSflff lonfracted Blood Poison' of bud lypa,' and m trauMd mercury, potash ua arsaprUl mlxtnrfcf'.towiris Wane lt tho ttme, I took, fl tmall buitlca H.H.&. which WJei ttl ajjre'y. nd 00 ign of, the dreuaranliseaao hu rotnmcd. . ..jjan, 10,'. i,,,,HQbbjrvilj6lo(I. llj HUle nlee had whit iwdling' to ouch an cxLcnt thai Aha Mini rin. U fined to the bed for a long time. ! Mortf fTfnfl SO lttatta of hurui mm ' ntol hr.kfvand the doctor laid amputation wag the only remedy to save her lite. I ref need the operation and pnt heron 8.S.SI. and she ia sow np and activo nnd In aa pood health aa not child. Him AnNra GEiauno. .f eb. 14, S9. . . Columbus, OaT Book on Blood Diaeaiea amt froa. ; fiwriT SPEcmo Co. Drawer S, Atlanta, Ga, . OHIOKEN CHOLERA Is usually the result of weakness cused by a laok of the proper ohemioals in the system. These are supplied by the Imperial Egg Food, whiob also im arta vigor to . , TOUNG CHICKENS & TURKE IS Ind f orniahes material to build upon at the very Bp all expanse of 1 cent per lowland 1-4 of I cent per chicken' for two weeks. t ; '. -- ' : ; Ti a 8TURTEV1NT. ..v . ,t: 4 ..-y Hartfod. Conn. Manufaotarer of. Ground Oyster Shallfl and other foultry Hnppliea Mill 162-164 Commerce St. OUlee JSo $10. owwoireei. coraauaoj . aa-tf. WO, PORTER, Greensboro, . 0.' HAVE TOU SEEN IT? Roller THE -4 IV Tray Trunk mHE MOST WONDEBFUL ;-L invention of tbe nineteenth oentury. Most convenient, moB dnf able and cheapest' trunk made, T.8aye, jqn many baok-aobes A simple: motion of yonr band . wil! enable' yoa to paok or tropack yoar trank,witbont baying to lift a" tray. Made in every etyle." 1- . 1BT ALL DEALERS. PATENTED AUD MADS BI H. W. 'IIOUNTREE & BRO. Makers Of all kinds of j TRUNKS AND JXBAVELING BAGS. 1 t Biohmond, Ta. " r 1 ' Notice 4)f Organization) rfH!i,V',.pl .1 fi r n -tr. , ""VTOTJCE 'IS' EEREBYf. GIVEN 'IM that the flret meetings of .? the Stockholders of the Corporation known aa the '.'Gnilford Iinmber Manufacturing Company, !: to whom letters q Incorpo ration were issued by the Clerk of t$e Snperipjc Court of Guilford eonnty on the 13th day of May A. D., 1889. will be held at the office of the 'Electric Light Compuu v, IntbeTiiy wf Greensboro, N, O.,"on Mdnday th 27th day of May, A. D.i 188gi'ftt 7:15 o'olock.'ir. fm.L for the purpose of electing Direcrers and prr lectin g the organizatioh of the snid in corporation. . 4 W, MbndbhhaiiL. ; Dated May 15th, 1889. td .: ni - ...';.r-25 ::.,u,'' V.f .::,: CO i... Praofloinsr Thysleian, OreeiMboro. N, 0.; offers hia Professional Services to the '"citizens of 'Greensboro nd stu rounding-eountryr Offloe at 'Porter Dalton's t!itf store,-"When, not there ean bo ' J at his residence on Ashe bows' r.posite Col. T. B. Keogh'i Showing our customers a line of Men's Fine Shoes that have never been excelled in this city, at $3.50, $4, f i 75, $5 and $6. In cheaper Shoes we have . Gaiters and Bals at $1.15, $1.25, ti 90 and $2.50. Our stock of Tennis and Base Ball Shoes, Men's and Boys sizes, will be " in this week. Sample S. Brown's . , . ; . "T , . .r ....... ONE PRICE HOUSE. . GO TO CHINA HALL AND GET Y0U1V China Crockery; and Glassware. ' ' LAMPS AND LAMP GOODS OP EVERY DESCRIPTION. WE. a KEEP A LARGE STOCK, AND INVITE THE ; - PUBLIC TO CALL AND IN- . . ; ; SPECT OUR GOODS.', ' 1 v , . EespectfUlly,, , . ; ' ' ; ; ; ;'Zr-Z &t m dmCHESTER BROS: SOUTH ELM STREET, Opposite Benbow Hall. a46ro .1 (. NOTICE. NORTH CAEOLINA 1 ' thaVhwrkwryttirlL ..GuUTord County, f ;the SbperlOTTOurt. Margaret Jane 'MoLeaa' and Ahrhi ki Mary' Ann Akirr,'- Biker and his wife . Jane laker,. waiter Hickman, ana ,jus wife Melissa, William MoLen, Jajnes Hamilton and hie wlfer- Isabel, -Pejton and hiswife Mary Ann, Wil liam McLean. David N. McLean, and other heirs at la of Addison MoLean t 1 ' i .iJ . . I it Til .. wnniia nantM rarA mv vnnvn .ivnn TIOE. .NoWoe Is hereby given that applica tion will be made to the General As sembly now in teesion to 'change1 the charter oftheeity of Greensboro, N. 0. j280d , Joeh A. Babbinobb; Mayor. 1 1 Nil k MflLean, Samnel MoLesn, and other neirs of Wm it MObean, wnosenameai ' are not known: ana.tne cmraren ana and heirs at la w of Joseph MoBnde and his wifer Patsy McBride. whose nameaare no.kBipwn, Defendants, j retition to selJ land for, Pftlpri. It aopeBridii i loo ,tha oourt , that the foregoing defendants are not residents of this State, and canbdt after due' dilk penee'befooad in the :State,nd -that they are proper parties to a speoial pro ceeding to sell real estaW.ifl thirf-State, ia Which they ar latereetevay riesr part tatiookiMd'i the: oonrt .having, .ordered that publication be made for them ! " Notice ia hereby given' to Uaid Pefbn-) dants to be andjappae.rbefore thape rier Conrt, at the 0 erk's pfBpe xn the oonrt house, ia Greehubdrd. in the" ootttk? ty'af oMsald,' OB the 20 day ot Jnne,i889, and to nlead. answer At demur to the Petition which has been" lileil hv'iwid oonrt, or jadtcment per conf babq! wiUrbed renderea egainfit tnom, atiaxeuei cant ed as prayed for in the V etition. , 1 , Done at Greensbord, Qnitford ootmtjr on the loui day ot AprflK.JJ-f,1! ' . -AliBEBT A. IIOLIOK. 1 iMrt- 1 GsA'pt BttpWof Gotirf,' Valuable Lands for Sale.. A t THE COCET , HOUSE, ' AT Sti. 12 o'clock on 's i- v MAY 25th, 18&9 . '.. we will seinb th8 "highest bidder- the farnt belonging to the heirs ot Balph Gomll,r, oo'd. containing 50. aores,. more ore less, situated on the north RidA. hot Reedy Forkv bum miles from Greehs- Doro, ana s miles Jrom Brow Summit, This farm contains 800 'acres of flnelv" timhnffid Ian1 a lama kn. l " i ' - y-i , j. wiqv uvuj vi v a well sad springs of good iwater'at djf- r ferent points.The soil ia well adapted to the pTOauflUtih Of tobacdd.'wheatf anm oata clover and t)ther grasses, and will ' ba4tyided' into fonr or fly farms. . :This . diywion will be announced hereafter, i27-4ViPw E. P, wHABTOS & TJO. '.tt'rl SALK' fKiiE'"iicikiLE5TrpiAr "GraUkPsAlalOMc enUli. Prinlina (PreandjOntfifcnPor particulars apply . bad oft vtiU. ivirin riKiiaiMv4Vi'? . wuuKD, ivr-.. in,R rPeirsons wifllung . t purchase' Piaiio may apply to . W. 8. Mnnm. W. 8. ' s25-3td4w. ; ,