r: ; : r 1 , : r ' THE DAILY WORKMAN. J.L. MICHAUX, Editor. J. 8. XIC1IAUX. Local Edjfor, Trinity College Commerce meht. Low Rates. The Rich, mond and Danville Rail Road will sell Round-trip tickets to High Point, N. C. for Trinity Commence ment, June 9th to 13th inclusive, good returning until and including June 15th, 18S9. From Charlotte, $3 . 75 ; Concord, $2-90; Salisbury, $1,755 Linwood, $1.20; Lexington, .85 ; Thomasville, .50 ; Jamestown .50: Greensboro, $1.75; Winston Salem, $2.25 ; Rural Hall, $2 90, and correspondingly low rates from all intermediate stations. There was a large and attentive audience at West Market Street church last night to hear Dr. Poole's Sermon to the Knights of P)thias, which was a very clear and well delivered discourse on John 1 : 14 Incarnation 0 the Word. It was treated as, 1 An Historical Fact, 3 A Theological Fact. An Ex perimental Fact. 4 The results fol lowing to men therefrom. Dr. Poole excels especially , in his logical ar rangement of facts and the clothing of them in handsome and appropriate English, and his sermens are always well received. Grateful Appreciation. Newspaper editors are justifiable in publishing some things which come to them in the shape of commands tion from their readers, and we ven ture to tell the following t . One night recently at the close of services in one of . our churches an earnest, intelligent-looking Christian Udy came forward and gave her hand to .the editor in a most cordial man- neri saying, VThis-is Mr. never met you before, but fot a long time I have felt that I wanted to 6hake your hand and thank you for sending out .daily so good and wholesome a paper, one that we can read without, any fear that we will find anything in it hurtful to our children, My boy reads ifae paper eargerly every even ing, and finds entertainment and profit in it, which is very gratifying to me." It is needless to say that we do our best to counteract the influence of the vicious literature that abounds every where. and to make " a paper of i nronouoced moral tone. It is for someone else to say whether we should not have the support of every parent andvof every good man , and good woman iu Greensboro. T' A Fact for Our Own People. A gentleman who was at the Factory meeting here last night, who lives in another county, but,, who is well posted in Cotton mill aff .irs, took stock iii the proposed factory to the amount ot five bundered dollars, with the expressed intention to double the amount shortly on certain conditions. ' The point we would make is. this ; if people from other places who can " have no possible motive drawn from the consideration that they have real estate, or merchandise, or hotel, or ' shop, or any kind of business that would be promoted by the estab ish tnent of factories here, , are eagerly s taking stock in such things, what ' ought not our own people to do who haye the stronger motive to actuate tbem growing out of the fact a fact which every man plainly knows, that real estata and every other legitimate interest must surely advance with the erection of mills and factories. Now, we advise that, instead of turning over to take another nap, our people turn over and get out of bed as soon as possible. - .- Notice. The committees appoint ed to solicit stock for the contem plated Cotton Mill are expected to come forward, obtain lists and get to work at once. ' By authority. The Cotton Mill Meeting- Ia response to a call tbrongh the city papers a large number of tbe citizens of Greensboro, interested in tbe erection of a Cotton Mill in this city, met at tbe Court House at 8:30 p. m., Thursday, Jane 6th, On motion of H. J. Elam, tbe meeting was organized by tbe eleo tion of J. W. Soott chairman and 0. W. Carr, Secretary. At request of Chairman, Mr. H, J. Elam, who had been aotive in canvassing for subscribers to the stock of such an organization, re ported 209 shares, taken, and 36 names whose amounts were not yet stated, the proposition being for tbe stock to be paid on the in instalment plan. He read from the Constitution and By-Laws o; two of the mills reoently erected in Unarlolte. Mr. W. H. Hill spoke of the im portance of a mill in the city, its advantages to tbe town, fcc The deliberations were then participated in by Messrs. Doughty, Carr, An draws, Soott and Boyd. Mr. Doughty moved that a corn mittee of three, witb chairman of this meeting as chairman of said committee to oanvasa for eobscrip tion to tbe stock. Carried, and the following were appointed : EL W. Cobb, B. B. .brown and W. 11. An drews. Mr. Elam moved that a commit tee of three be appointed to ascer- tain the probable cost of rcA)hice ry, buildings, bite &o. Carried, and the following were appointed : H. J. Elam, W. B. Burgess and W. H. liUL Mr. B. M. Cates from Mill Point being in attendance, was called opon and spoke favorably of the enterprise and took liberal stock. Additional subscriptions to the stock were called for and a nnmber oame forward and took stock amounting to 21.700 : makins the total, amount subscribed about $30,000. Op motion the city papers were requested to publish . proceedings 01 wis meeting, v, : , Abe meeting then adionrned sub ject to oaa ot tne.oanvaseing eom mittee. J. W. Boorr. Ch m n.. O. W. Carb, Seoretary . . ,. Liberty Commencament. The commencement at Liberty was a grand success. ' , Dr. Smith of Greensboro preached on Wednesday. The ser mon was logical.' eloaaent. and torcioie. At . mens a large crowd was entertained by the little ones, interspersed by a few speeohea by tne young men. Tnnrsday morn ing the elements were- stirred up as if 10 opposition to the proceed ings of tbe day, - notwithstanding wmoh a very large audience assem bled and were highly .entertained wiiu uae epeeouea Dy tne Tonne men ana magnmoent essavs bv the young ladies. Prof. Pegram of Trinity delivered the literary address, praotical Doint- cu uu ruwdBiuiuK, :., , . v.- 4 4 . . .... We advise parents who sare for tbe moral and intellectual culture of their children to; Bend - them to Liberty, where ' they have no jars 1 .1 ' . i una uut everviQina worKR peacefully and harmoniously. where the professors are "wide awake'.' systematic and energetic. ; H. A. The Verdict Unanimous. W, D. Salt, Druggist Bippus, Jnd., testifies: can recommend Electric Bitters as the very best remedy. Every bottle sold lias given - relief in every case. One man took six bottles, . and was cured of Rheumatism of 10 years' standing." " Abraham Hare. Druggist, Bellville. Ohio, affirms: The best sell ing medicine I have ever bandied in my 20 years' experience, is Electrio Bit ters." Thousands of others have added their testimony, so that the verdict is unanimous that Eleobiio Bitters do cure a 1 d teases of the. Liver, .Kidneys or Blood. Only a half dollar a bottle at 0. E. Bolton's Drug Store. i . BUIS invites your trade, guaranteeing at all times PURE GOODS, 3 PROMPT ATTENTION , : TO ALL ORDERS & ,. AS LOW PRICES as can be found anywhere. A full supply of all goods usually ' kept by druggists, at GEO FMSIMS IMPERIAL EGG FOOD .. (tlUiluU WILL MAKE HENS LAY. IMPERIAL EGG FOOD Prevents and absolutely Gores the dis eases inoident to romtry. CHICKEN CHOLERA Is usually tbe result of'weakresa oused by a lack of the proper ohemioals in the system. These are supplied by the Imperial E Food, which also im parts vigor to , yOUNG CHICKENS & TUItKE f S And famishes material to bnild nrJon at the very an all expense of 1 cent per fowl and 1-4 of 1 cent per chicken for two weeks. " P. 0. 8TTJRTEVANT. , Hartfod. Conn. Manufacturer of Ground Oyster ShoUs and other Poultry Supplies. Mills 162161 Commerce St. OiceNo 218. State Street. For sale by ' V W. O. PORTER, fld-tf. - Orcensboro, N. 0. HAVE YOTT SEEN IT? -'"r ' THE ' ' ' Roller Tray Trunk ! mHE MOST WONDERFUL invention of the nineteenth oentary. Most convenient, most durable and; cheapest trunk made. Will Bave yon many biok-aohea. A simple mofvon of your hand will enable yon to pack or unpack your trunk without having to lift a tray, Made in.every style, .t SOLD BY ALL DEALERS. PATENTED AND MADE BY II. W. ItOUNTREE & BKO. , Makers of all kinds of t ' . TRUNKS AND , TBAYELING BAGS. al8 Sm . - 1 Richmond. Va.; 3 CO GO, !2 rrf o CD CD 0 3 cu o I s . I n 3 CO J. M. BEEOE. ' . H. J. ELAM. REECE& ELKM. (VMSKB BBKBOW HAIiL,"'' GREENSBORO N. C. SEUD US A TEIAL ORDER. WE WILL DO QUE BEST TO PLEASE YOU, 1 tCyOrders by mail Boiioited, and samples and estimates sent on applica tion. s ' -, v mav2J-tf We Have Just Lot of $3.50, 4.00 and 5.00 Gents Sample Ode Fine OO TO CHINA HALL AND GET TOUR Ohina- Crockery and Glassware. . . ,'-'-.'' LAMPS AND LAMP GOODS OF EVERT DESCRIPTION. - WE KEEP A LARGE STOCK; AND INVITE THE PUBLIC TO CALL AND 2N . . SPECT OUR GOODS Respectfully, . , ; - . ' CHICHESTER BROS. SOUTH ELM STREET, Opposite Benbow Hall. ; a46m . . NOTICE. MrgretJane McLean and Alvin A MoLean Plaintiffs, . against Mary Ann Akin, Uaker and his wife 'Jane Baker, Walter Hickman and his wife Melissa, William McLen, James rLamiltiOu anu 1110 who, iun, f Ptnn and his wife Marv Ann. Wil liam McLean David N. McLean, and other heirs at law of Addison McLean whose names are not known; jonn McLean, Samuel McLean, and other - beirs of Win K MoLean, whose names - are not known: and the ohiidrentoDd ' and heir at law of Joseph McBride nA his wife. Patsv Mcliriile. wuose ' names are not known, Defendants, Pftf Jtion to sell land for Partition. It appearing to the oomd tbat the fnreooinff defendants are' not rsidents of this State, and cannot after due dili gence be found in the State, and that thsv are nroner parties to a special pro ceeding to sell real estate in tuis fiState, ia which thev are interested, for par tition, and the court bavins' ordered that publication be made'for thorn ' Notice is heraby given to said Defen dants to be and appaer before the Supe-. rier Court, at the G erk's ofBse in the court house, in Greensboro . in the oonn ty aforesaid, on the 20 day of June, 1889, and to nlead. answer or demur to - the Petition which: has been tiled in said court, or judgment jer confesso will 'be rendered against them, and "relief gant- ed as prayed for in tne Petition. Done at Greensboro. Guilford oounty on the 15tb dav of April, 188. ' - . IAIiBKBT A. ilOLTOJI, ., mll-jj Clerk of Superior Court. v Received Another Those Shoes. S. Brown's Price Cash House. Levitt ftoDmant. at r- OTICE. Notice is hereby given that applica tion will be made to the General As-, semblj now in eion to change the charter of theoity of Greensboro, N. G. i vv. AaiHUilUAB) AUilVVI, Salecf Unclaimed Freight. THE FOLLOWING ' FEEIGHT having been on band one year, will be sold Wednesday July 6th. 1889 at 10 o'clock, a. m. on tbe platform of the B.' 4 D. R. E. freight cfBoe to the highest bidder; for oash: s U. iienneman...........! case Clothing, J. D. Fiske. ......1 01 i-ooka R. G Glenn, .'....1 case Mineral Water Batterfleld and Moore, 1 e. MerohandiRe Henderson Thompson, 1 o. h. h. Goods A- Blair A Hon .1 cloth tiign- ' 8. Byerly & Son...-. 1 Box Salmon J. R. Hnghes. .......... .1 keg Casings J. Lee.......,....;.l lot h. h. Goods ' . . . . R.L. VERNON, , je4-4w-t-a-w, , -Agent. : Sale-City Property, r ON Thursday the 23th June next at ' the Court House in GreenHhorn. N. C, at 12 o'clock noon, I will sell by order of Court subject to confirmation by the Court; lot No. 2 of the Buchan., an and McDonald survey adjoining the land of Thomas Bailey and- others, on South Elm street Greensboro, N. O. ' It has a front of 87 ft and 6 in on sail street and a depth of 136 ft. . ., T&bms: One fourth cash and halanoft in three annual payments with 8 per cent interest . on same title resHrvrl June 1, 1889.tds , Commissioner ' v