TtfE DAILY WORKMAN, muuut ' Six timei'e week as aa Evening paper, at 13.00 year, ilk advance, rot ill Months, II. BO, for thrM fcoatba, 75 oente, and to thoM who pay ' - PROMPTLY, M eente par snoott, Oa deferred payment, H oente per month, to pay expense of ool iMtlBff . . C. m$ Hoond-oiatt maUer. . RAILWAY OUIDK. , ' ; Ouxniboko, July i, 1889. BIOSX OKB DkKTTLLM aiTr.anAW, Irrivea from Richmond at 9 42 m 1027 pm Leaves for Richmond at 8 60 p m M 808am oars oaboldu uaaoiiK Arrives from Charlotte at 800am 8 40pm (Mid 10 87 pm 8 30 om 740am 945. m 10 50 p m Leaves for Charlotte at Arrives from Ooldaboro at , Leaves for Ooldaboro at ! ROBTB-WWriBH . 0. BAXUSOAD. Ajrrives from ttalem a ' 7 43am 8 15 p m Leaves for Salem at 10 00 a m " -. " 10 54 pm ft . T. V . BASAOAD, Tramt Moving Worth, Leave Bennettsville at 4 85 a. m. Arrive at Oreenaboro. 1 45 p. m. Leave Oreeoaboro..'. 2 05p.m. Arrira Mt Airy.... ........6 00p.m. Iraiw Moving txmtk. Leare Mt Airy. .....8 45 a.m. Arrira at Oreenaboro...;.... 7 45 a. m. Leave Greensboro 9 55 a. r, Arrira at Bennettsville ..7 00 p. m. ' SCHEDULE OF MAILS: ' Maila going North oloeed 18 00 p m - . " 7 80 a m " " " Bouth. , " 900m 900pm 900am 900pm 900pm "BalemBr-oh- f m " , East ". mc..t.v.b.b luuim ununi unlivery upw iron twiu to 8 00 d m.. except during the distri- 1 t -S -11 - A A AA bution of maila. The Money Order and Registered Letter offloe open from 9 00 am to ooopm. . ADTEBTisnro LimrrATiox. All AhnvAh luvtiMa Innlnrtlno Haliha.t!i Mnnrtl sneetln'g- lor prayer, missionary meeting, wmMt and other lectures oa church work, Inserted free of charge, ti heretofore. Also r '' of !PrHr" n4 dath, not exoeed- meoU subject to regular advertising rates. L00AL niTELUGENOE. Oov Tbi TnraoKRU Btahds. The stte of the thermometer, ia taken for Dr. Benbow, at the Benbow Honae, 'at the hbor of 12 m. eaoh day: a. i 8. 79- HA' 4, 78 r B, T8 0, 78 i 7. 79 8. 80 . 9. 84 tt k.V . 4t " 1. ' 10, 84 11. 85 "12. 80 " 13, 81 " 14. 82' " JS, 80 x 4 18. 79 17, 77 18, 77 " 19, 76 " 20, 80 ' 21. 79 . 2t, 78 " 23, 81 - 24, 78 25, 76 At 1 II II . H ' II Miss Rebecca Schenck is absent on a visit to Blowing Rock. t ..".V , : ' 1 1 .'-!-. r PnU T ' Kliimtiw Via arm up to spend season at Danbury. s v -Mr, Tatum v has sold out his street carriage to a negro nanied Menaennau. ;; - , ... Mrs. &. u;, uoason nas gone w 'the7 Springs at Mt. Vernon to spend some time. ' , '- ' t i The Oiunty Institute is under way. : There are about seventy-five teacheri in attendance. f he weather continues wet, and some say we , are having too much raiar; Where is Kilrain? ' 1 ' ' --On the 2trd of next month five men are sentenced to be hanged in New.Yoak City. Each one b con victed of the murder of a woman. It'i a pity they dorft have two neck to Licak int'ead of one. , Vol. 7. Greensboro. N Ci Thursday, July 25, 1889. No. 45. The Postal Telegraph office wil be opened in Raleigh on the 1st of Aug. for the general public. Prayer meeting at Westminster church to night at 8 130 conducted by Rev. W. A. Barr. All are cordially Inviled 1 3 attend. , Rev. E. L. Stamey has gone to visit frierfds in Grayson Co , Va. for two weeks, during which time . his pulpit will be filled by Rev, Dr. Blosser. ' , ' Miss Sallie A. Bient and Mrs. Dr. WhiUett left this morning for a month's visit '.0 Mrs. Whitsett'i mother and other relatives in Phila delphia. . Mrs. Nannie Caldweil, and her daughteTs, Misses Nannie and Daisy, left on the West-bound train this morning lor a visit of some weeks at Statesvtlle. . . Messrs. Harden & Hornady have already begun business at their Uibles on South Elm street, and from what we know of them we feel satis fied that they can be relied on with safety. . s. ; ' The Pearson Committee is, re quested to meet tomorrow, Thursday afternoon at $ o'clock, at the Cham ber of Commerce Rooms. Buiineas oi importance to transact. 'Let every member be present , ' " C. II. Ireland, Sec' It issaid tht Dr.rDrv h appa!ed to the postoCice authorise, to protect him against the anonymous letters he daily receive!, threatening his lite or denouncing his conduct Exchange. J ''.' -V 1 I If Dr. McDow bad as much 'dread of the wrath of God as he ought to have, these anonymous letters would be a small matter with him. There are some things, as Dr. McDow will find one of these days, that are not anonymous, and which the post office authorities will have no control over. :. . fflUU. JOB PEHSOIV, Proprietor and. mwiafactarar of Mrm. J Pnaai'a VUmlmir, V 1 MaHtA, la now TlttUng In Oreena boro, where aha will remain tola week, and would be pleased to haye thwe who wish to consult her In regard to the Bemedj, oallon her at the Moldoo Honae, where she will aire them aU desired Information. ,. When the parties can not conveniently call, Hn. Peraon wltt vlalt them at tbeu homea, tf reqoeated to do 10. '. ' 4 ,: InrormaUon In both' oases FBE8.. - 1 Bav. C J. OnwoM, ! D., Mlnlrter of the Eplaoppal Church, Petenburg, Va.,Mya. 1 have naedKra. Joe Penon'i Bemedj In my ewn family, and It gives me pleasure to say It ha proved a valuable Tonic and Portlier of the Blood, and if thoroughly tested, I think will remove many cataneoua disorder. , . . vv : - V : - ; ' C. J. GIBSON. Petersburg, Va., Jan. 10, 1888. " " ' JUDGE BHEPHEBD'8 OPIfflOH.. :'J Waahlngton, N, O., June 13, 188 -Xra. Joe Person's Bemedj has been need by a member of my lamlly, and the result -has been very beneficial. I believe It to be a good medicine." ' ; , . JAB. E. 8HEPHEBD. For sale by Oreensboro Druggists. W. C. Porter, Wholesale Agent. Jyl7-ly '"i'i ' Hwrtla Sc. Haniadmr ! will be pleased to wait on the citizens with their street carriage, for 23 cents inside ttie in corporate liml a. Give them a call ; Basley lot , If you want a good outOt at reasonable prices go to Hardin A Hornaday's Livery Bta- ble. . , JJ1 1 :..;: Wanted. A teacher at Tabernacle Academy, Guilford County; N. 0., a man of family and experience in teaching preferred, at any rate one whose aim win be to remain with us and thus insure the permanency . of our present successful school. Address D. H, Cobi.b, Bee. Board of Trustees, Greensbore, N. 0. Ij34-lw AttMtUe. E.SU1 I I We have this day reduced the price oi our whole Una of Floe Zephyr Cloths to ten oenti, and placed on oar cheap counter at rednoed pncee oa entire stock of Ladles and children's opera slippers. .. . JyM-lw t Bampla Brawn's One Price House. WavtMrrawka. Aa we are going to leave this city soon, we wul work cheap for the next thirty (30) dayi, in order to reduos our stock. The Water Company will begin to work In a few days on the Altera. Bhould parties have to aend off for Plumbers after wears gone It will aoat double what we can put the work la for. We refer to the Job on the new National Bank. Jy-34-lw Btmpbbs's GABaiTT. "What alaeSboea yon wear, elrP Generally ipeaklng It's nona of oar business, bnt looking through our stock of lien's shoes we find that wa have entirely too many small and large sizes oa hand, especially aises S, 6X, 0 and 9. X. 10, 10X, It In order to close these out we hare rednoed' prices on them, and pot them oat on oar bargain counter where you can sea them all and take your choice. All grades are embraced in this lot cheap, medium and Una shoes, and if any of these sixes At yoar foot, It wul pay you to oome and see them. jjUS-lw Brown's One Prtoe House. hi ,. rreavaat CsuaAla .: I hare j ast reoaired a do assortment, luch aa cardinal drops, rock and rye drops, choco late belmonta, choc eovered mar.h mallows, choc almonds, 00 See cordials choc, choc brandy cordials, cream opera drops, maple gum drops, soluble gum d rops and vanilla marsh mallows, Ktot per poand only. . 1 keep In stock a nice variety of French candles at 35a and 40c, par pound, plats candles 19c. Ib, two lbs tor M cte. - BeepeotfuUy, : Jy4w T. P. Garrett Havw yarn Ihs tke vollaettosa of Made Aa arranged and played by Kra. Joe Person, at the Southern Fairs and Expoertlona? This Is a rare collection of old Vlrglala ana Carolina me!oil! amnjjsd in a jullarty attractlTe style by Mia Person, ana J JntiHoHy mvt tot the home circle. For. si by all music dealers sod by tfrs. Peraon, Klttrell, N- C. ' ' villi m IMUm l-owar. Figured Lawns, acta, Moeqalto Nutting 5ct 8alem half hose two pairs for s quarter, ven tilated Summer corset 50c ta, ladles cloth shoes button and laced 50 and 75ota, for cash only, at - Brown's One Moe Bouse. Jy90-lw .'. . .Its selling right along but we want to sell more of It lOOwUlbny enough to pot Up 1501 b of trait, sad If used in preserves will save fully 54)0 worta of sugar. Try It we mean unison's Fruit and Jt egeteble Preserv ative , -J'' !' I r ' BBAD AMD rDSB.X'. : ,j . - ' Oak Btdga J. O., Kay 88, 8. TbU Is to oertlfy that .waiava used Wilson's Prnlt and Vegetable Preservative and are mnch pleased with It i JylO-tf ; ; Mr. and Mrs. M. H. HoX ' . " ' ; Mon Roosaw " In Bailey building now occupied by T. O. Callnm, will be for rent Aug. 1st, ; Apply to JylO-tf T, O. Gat rett, nexf door. roncE. liatTom Qity TaiaMea, . , The undersigned will be in the Paasway of Guilford County Court House from July 18 to August 1, 1839 for the purpose of listing ail property, real and personal, In the city of Greensboro. All persons, residing or having control of property In said , oltjv are hereby notified to come and list the same, , . ThU July 18, 1889. . f.V i v i ':f i Jno. Jt Nelson, Clerk JylMw,-;;-'V'.Vj':.,', Sand List Taker, i 8top those Leaks in your Eoofs. ' Hees. Fries of Salem wrote us that they have been uselng Bobber Hoofing paint for several years and are much pleased with it Durham, BeidsvlUe and Winston use barrels of It 1 We have the agency for Greensboro and solicit a trial ' Wakefield Hardware Co. ' - rot Rant On Iaonatl Term. ; , That deslrab e 2 story ' dwelling on corner Sycamore and Ash streets. Bald building con. tains 8 rooms all newly plastered and repaired. Well of good water at door. Apply to W. D. Trotter or at this Office. . Jyl5-lin - 10,039 more of those popular "La Ronge' oUfars uat received at T-ita Bnw. - ' . , oda at TTholrrala. We have in otoolc i:n bi m aid twey fiv keyssotlii, sold close to U-.o t via. ' j. w. scott a Co. rr Unu ... A No. 1 room, ground floor, (suitable for a small stole or offloe.) splendid (famished or unfurnished) front and other room Sad floor, loe front room sd door Central Hotel build ing. Apply to H. H. Tate. Je25-tf Fly Paper STICKY Ely Paper. Watsons Improved Long Island Brand. Beet In tne world, tX TnUUma. Tba Natlamal Baak f i m. Oh Jane JOUi, 18N, Nolle of ReoMvat On or about the first day of July next the National Bank of Greensboro will remove to It new banking house on the corner of South Elm and Washington Strer-ta. After a snooessful career of thirteen years, the business of this Institution has outgrown the capacity of 1U old offloe and made It neces sary to have more room and greater convent encles for ths accommodation ot Its increased patronage. With a giateful appreciation of the generous support which It haa received from the dtl sens of Greensboro and the surrounding coon- try, and wishing to do all In their power to merit a continuance of the same, tne stock holders have erected a handsome, commodious sad substantial structure, with all the appli ances for ensuring safety, and aU the oonven lencles for facilitating the business of Its pa trons modern architecture. It contalM a vaol which is absolutely Are proof, and a burglar-proof safe, of the most ap proved material and workmanship 1 weighing 30,000 pounds and protected by the best Time Locks. This safe contains, In addition to the space appropriated foi the nse of the Bank, forty-eight deposit boxes which wlH be let at a moderate rental to those who deaire absolute protection against Are and burglary for their private papers and valuables. These boxes can only be opened by the simultaneous nse of two keys, one of which Is kept by the depositor and the other by the cashier, and neither oan open the box without the presence of the other. ' With an experienced and efficient corps of officers and clerks, with an ample and well furnished offloe In the commercial .Centre, jot itie city, witu the best Improvements for the rapid and accurate dispatch of business, and with abundant means ; the management e tends, a cordial greeting to their numerous friund and the general public, with the confi dent assuraaos of their ability to meet the le gitimate requirements of all who may favor them with their patronage. . . Nell Ellington, Cashier. Julio A Gray, Pres. 1 s Lyndon Bwalm, Vice-President . ' niBBOToaa. W. 8, Hill, W. J. Armfleld, W.n. BevlU, ' ;: . ' John at OdeU, Logan KoCnllooh, : . . Lyndon Bwalm, Jnlina A. Gray. Jnneaa-tf 1 , Safe Dtfdt. . BafoOeposlt Boxes In our Burglar Proof ssxe ror rent at to each per annum. : . Nell Ellington, je33-tr , ; . Cashier Notional Bank. A aloe selection of sponges and .chemical Just received st Tate Bros. Write to at B. Bamo Co., Oanvtne, Va. ere catalogues. Wa will aara jmm saenaey. Seven (7) makes of Instrunenta. Pianos 300 and upward. Organs w0 and np- ward. M.B. BAMOS 4 Co., Danville, Va,, my33 8m ' Leo. Thurston, manager, v:W-;?,iO,000 Lives Lost I By ths great flood at Johnstown, Pa. A full and complete history ot this terrible calamity hasjust been pnbllshed. It has. 225 pages and ten full-pa Illustrations. Price 35 oecta. For sale by , i.L, Klrkman, : Jyt-tf ;'': J:1:':;-, 0"4 Teav."' 'ti.yi This l the season for "Iced tea" and if you want a good artlole try some of our new season "Young Hyson," "English Breakfast" or the well known "He-No" Tea. AU nice fresh goods and will please you. J. W. Bcott ft Oo, . t ' ' a7 Rem.-.' the brick dwelling house opposite Col. Ke ogh's for rent by Mrs. Nannie UcAdoo King jyaa-tf , Removal. Having removed my shop to the room occu pied by J. JL Coleman, In the MendenlitiV building, 1 am prepared to do all work la t!e shoe maklngaad shoe-reainua line, and in vite my frlonds and the pubUe to call and try my work, j -v Ac., Ao. Ji'Jl.'n T. 8. ray-. If yoo wwit t'-'i beit t. ' : ,e try a s.. of ", : i, !Vi"r for d A Co's. THE DAILY VVORfCf-IAT. isaramma In Greensboro and being eonsolted dally by all sorts of business men, U a splendid adver tising medium. The condition of our edvertle. Ing COLUMNS, snows what advertiser think. Offloe under Benbow HaU, South Elm street , ....Fine Devon cow with yonny ealf for sals by , B. B-King. e38 tt . Sax VarletleaJ Tea six different varieties of "Bulet'i" oel. brated Turalu aeed lust reoelred vis: nnrnla top, white globe, white norfolk, whlU flat dutch, mammoth globe and soutcern ssvsa top (ror salad. Wholesale or retail at J. W. Soott Co's. FruttJarEabbers. Made out of pure gum (no composition stnfi)at Soott Co's. JawtRaeelTea as Tata Bras. Large lot Brady Crotln, warranted to care any headache. Good only for Headache. 1 Have you tried that now Havanna cigar for 5 cents at Tate Bros. AU Havanna, both wrap, per and Beit In the ulty. Found only at Tate Bros. Fly Papr-trriCttY-rir Paper. wuona Improved. Long island Brand. Beet In the world, at Tate Broa. t Prioe fceduoed. we bare made a ledoohua ta the prioe 0! "Georges" Lard and it now only cost ton a trlde more than the lower prioed lard and 'oomponuds" of some other refiners. Isold In pall or by the pound, at J. w. Bcott A Co's. Cherry Dasteb People having cherries to ship please recol lect that we have the baskets for sale In an quantities you may deaire. , J. W. Soott a Co. v ' Preserves and Jellies, We have Just reoMvea our tuird invoice oi the above good this svaaon. We never sold aa many before and suppoee tt Is because we have a better article this Urn teaa usual. Also a fresh lot of "Pin money" pickles JunUi. . ;.,;.,,; - ' , , ' W' CO. v "TTTTT !, A big lot of country bams just reo'd from the Mountains. J. W. Soorr Oo. jxtt lr avail The two story bonding on Davie street In rear pt Mr. J. U Keellnga. J, W. ttoott. ml-tf A good Brick Boarding honae smtalnlna T rooms and kitchen, good basement. Apply at Holton' Drug Store. , t , , . . '; j We have )ost reotved 30 doa. eoreet from "'' "" Nearly hafToftbem are worth l.u0 We will eU them at 35 ot. , Cou before thev are ail gone. - -.- . . t Til OuaniL lu n Ju27tf . Next door to Express Offlca. When passing Central Hotel atop at Cart, land and examine the new Umbrella both Gold and Silver Heads In neat patterns, alio Spring cloths In evry variety asd .hade. New style scarfs, Dren rts in new dealgn, oallo lold oouars and c and General Fnrnlahlngs. N ,',.'-.. ', ' O in r ! cmih" One good horse and bay, harnese and Let Roba. The nin la nnl. feotly aafe for a lady to drive. Apply at thla uuiua . ISti Vae mm, Choloe bonding lot 7&ilS eet a Keofth'B addlUoo, North Greensboro. . JanSl-tf v, ,, . L.A.Baubt. . , . caaaeal Claaaa. Onr atoek aftnniuA mwim tm mmnu. - - slating of the leading brand of oorn, Soma, toea, peaches, early June jpeaa, Uma beanai peas, aprioota, ac Beep. T. S. Shelton a e. . A. W. HhiibM4 Offers for sale or rent hi dwelling honae rooms) on Aaheboro street, next door to West, minster church. In a good neighborhood, with line water, and located oa the princ'i residence street of the city. Apply at ia daw nla-U '.-.-',"-.'" X - easaaasaasasaBSSBas . - ' ' ' ' ssmsv Two desirable house in the beat Belabor hood in Orannahara Alan nthar kn. rent . . Tatbs Bhob.. .. i 0 .... .Try ths "Grand Bepubllc" the best et gar on earth for 5 oecta, at Tate Bro's dn a to. . ; : . OC39-U7 ....Begin the New Year aright and keep A up. Make your wile a present of a barrel et Patapsoo Superlative Flour the beet in the world Demand It of yoor grocer, and tail noother. TAtaaBaoa., i de38-tf , , Wholesale agents, rar aaJ Cheap. One bonding lot oncornerof EdgeworfSane Gaston streets. 85x146 feet, and one lot front,, tag on Edgewfirth 100xl4 feeL One or bo H of these lot will be sold low fooash. Art j at once to. m. k. k.w.i' nltt-tf .; Greensboro Book Store, , o rwBtab One of the best store rooms In town, i- noia-tf , ( to E. M. Knsoai. OeanlRe. lor li V 8. V - ., f. ' ! , i r li: r 1. i i v . f 1 i a ii t t.... ' 1 to omi I! Ol-tf I (X f) 1 Ins im i: ore biijwg yonr t J t 01 I At- i

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