Vol. VII. Nf 309. HEAL ESTATE, VALUABLE VUOVVSJVVX FOB 24 Illegal: .Building ho twrn orj-orntcs of thccil.y. ithin the If S ftfit fronting on Sojsh Elm St., south rf -'o. Valuable knuinnmi property. 15 of tni fi:nt roji.ioof's lots in the Swe in 'bti western ;art of the Several cottages admirably located, neat and 6. intertable, Several tracts of land near tho city, aggregating MX) acre. A,' corn, wheat and lumber mill 6 miles from Greensboro, in fine running orsjerj withjgood custom. Several small ttacte near the lity, suitable for dairy, truck and fruit farm. Remember we do cot speculate; hence can give undivided, unbiased at tention, to the business of our patrons., I.XLffl) EH' H ft ft O o - oa . E, c3 i Tin: liisnors o.v jojskr. Wc give below the resolurions adop ted by the Bishops of the M. E. Church N'prth, -as published in the New York Christian dvocate. The firs, whereas is correct accord ing U our undemanding of the case. It is only deficient in that it fails to Icll what was preacl.ed and taught by Mr. and Mrs. Joiner. Of the second where as of course no one but His presiding bishopship can know his feelings, but it is known that Mr. Joiner nude Greensboro his home for several weekj before his departure for Ohio and that while here, nothing could be consider ered cause of ft.ar for his personal safety. Of tho third whereas, from what the writer was told by Mr. Joines about the joca! authorities in Randolph county, the county where Joiner was assaulted, and from statements in North Caroli na papers from Gov. Fowl concerning the matter, we feel sure that all action has been taken by the officers lo pun ish the offenders, that could be expect ted to be taken on the information J they had Of the resolution passed, we can say that the majority of North Carolina protest against the treatment of Joiner and would insist upon thf interposi tion of national authority if we had any reason to .believe that the local authorities of the State and the Gov. had been negligent of their ' duties in the matter. Whereas, The Rev. T. M. Joiner, has been assaulted and wounded by fire-arms at the hands of masked men and in the night, and has been driven foih fits pastoral cruree for no other reason, so far as we can learn, than that he preached to negro congrega tions, and his wife taught negro chil dren; and Whereas, His Presiding Bishop, for the preservation of the lives of Brother Joiner and his wife, has felt himself compelled to take him out of the State in which he was injured; and Whereas, We cannot learn that any adequate effort has been made by the local and State authorities to detect and punish his assailants, or to procure such security in his ministerial work, and for his person and family, as all ought to receive in the United States of America; therefore Resolved, That we protest against such an invasion of sacred . rights as our brother has suffered; against such cruel and barbarous methods as were employed to drive him from his work; against such aparpent indifference to public orde; and we demand, for all our people, the unchallenged right to perform their ecclesiastical duties anywhere in the United States of Ame rica; and we insist that in the case of the failure of the local authorities to give protection and to administer jus tice, such cases ought to come within the scope of National investigation and authority. Orand eommanderjr Knighta Temp ' The Richmond and Danville R. R. will sell parties attending meeting Grand Commandery Knights Templar Asheville, N.'fr, , low-rate round-trip, tickets to that point and return June 8th to nth inclusive, good returning and including June 1 6th '90. Sum mer excursion tickets can be purchas. ed to Asheville and return for this oc casion from points at which they are on sale and are good to return until and including Oct. 31st '90. s V prof. N. C. English, of Trinity Col lege, who is well remembered for his term- of service - in ' the Greensboro Graded school, was here on t a flying trip this morning Tiurrying back on account of commencement which will t'e introduced H;o-night. I'anacrlvaala Law, We clip this morning an editorial from the New York Star on the recent decision of the Supreme court in Penn sylvania whi h is to the effect that a guest at a hotel is entitled to all the food that is set before him, and if he docs not eat it all at the time, he has a right to take it with him. This sug gests the stuffing of hand bags and car pet sacks, which calls to mind the case of the traveler who stopped at an inn and put his carpc sack on the chair beside him while at dinner. The style of this boarding house was to put the whole bill of fare on the table and not be bothered with orders. When the traveler asked his bill, he was told that he would have to pay for two as his carpet sack had occupied a chair at the table. Very well, he said, and he opened his loose sided carpet sack and filled it up, paid his fare and left en tirely satisfied that he had got the most of his money. EXPLOSION1 ON ASIIIP. Pailadelfhia, Tune 5. An ex plosion occurred in the tank steamer Hans nd Kurt, lying at the Atlantic Oil Refinery Company's dock at Point Breeze, about 4 o'clock this af ternoon. The vessel was ruined and 800,000 gallons of oil, together with considerable wharf property, includ ing a brick storage building, were destroyed by the fire u hich , resu ted from the explosion. There had been no fire aboard the vessel, and no cause for the explosion is known, unless it be spontaneous combustion. ' ' , - ; The force of the explosion was tre mendous.' The crew ran from the siiip a toon as it occurTedf but the members of the city Fire Department who responded to two alarms sentin, went aboard the burning steamer and threw lines to the tugs which came tor her assistance. The lines were quickly made fast, and as the tugs towed the doomed steamer out into the stream heavy streams of water were thrown on her from their pumps After getting her clear of the sur rounding shipping, the steamer, now a mass of flames, was towed a dis tance of about a mile down the Del' aware, wheTe she was run aground. Here for four hours water was poured on hef from all sides by ie tugs which surrounded her. The vessel is almost completely burned out. Her side and deck plates are warpd out of shape, and she will virtually have to be rebuilt. Tht lavatory Explalaed. It is an open secret now that the "business on which Mr. J as. Yates was bent a morning or two ago, which he characterized as "worse than fishing," related to his farm' some distance out in the country. He was seen again early this morning, accompanied by Mr. Cobb, making his way to the same destination, but on account of the pros pect of a rainy day the two returned, Mr. Cobb was set down at home and Mr. Yates pursued his way, determined to run all risks. The interests of the farm require one sometimes not only to take the chances, but to take the rain also. Bicycles, ,Iiicyclet. We are going 'to organize "a club, and all who want to purchase a ma chine of any kind will do ' well to call on H.' W. Dixon, who can furnish any and all kinds from the lowest to highest priced wheels. Safeties a specialty, f-iw Straw Ifata. . If you want to buy a straw hat cheap go to Fishplate's. - They are - closing ) them out at cost.' - 1 114 I he Uumm ver J gain. The man who lid the foundation work for the residence of Rev. R. II. Wills on Worth Street miscalculated to such an extent that when the work was completed it failed to answer the pur pose and had to be thrown down and done oyer again at a cost of $15.00 to Mr. Sam Brown the contractor. When it was inspected the wall was found to be 3 inches out of square in one place, 1 inches too short in one place and 4 inches too short in another; 4 inches too large and 9 inches out of level. No wonder it had to be taken down. The ice ractojr. The new Greensboro Ice Compa ny, Wharton, Jackson & Co., pro prietors, are now engaged in putting up their machinery, and expect to be turning out b.ocks of solid comfort by about the 10th of June. The ma- chinery is of the most approved stle, and has a capacity of 7$ tons per day. It was manufactured by the York Manufacturing Company, York. Pa. It consists of a 50 horse boiler, with an elegant patent flue cleaner, or blower, and a perpendicular conden ser tank, 16 feet high, with 1000 feet of coil, also single action compression pumps. The machinery is being fitted for running by Mr. Stuart St Clair, who represents the York man ufacturing company. Hahroail Ontiructlon. ' Mr Tildcn, who is in the city just from Mexico says, that there is a great deal of railroad construction go ing onin that country. The roads are all Eeing built by foreign capital.- The Mexican government admits the material used in construction free of duty and also exempts the lands of the roads from taxes. The cost of conduction per mile in Mexico is grea er than it is in the United States. ' Died in His Hanie... A man who had been an engineer on Jjoard the Steamer Baldwin,, of the Romer Line, New York, from the time the ship was launched in 1S61, died in his bunk on that ship the other day, aged 74 years. Something' About the I'ruit Trade. One of our fruit dealers has received a letter from one of the largest whole sale, fruit dealers of N. Y., of the 31st May which he quotes, viz: ''California will have a big crop of peaches, apricots, prunes, &'c, enough to supply alL Blackberries 3jts, with one million five hundred thousand pounds carried into next season, almost enough to do for an entire season." Homing- Birda Thirteen carrier pigeons were re ceived here to-day from 114 D; Street, N. W., Washington, D. C, directed to Capt. Potts, with instructions to liber ate them to-morrow moming, if the weather permit, and telegraph to Wash ington what time they leave Greens boro. Attention. 1 :' 1 All members of the old Vofuntcer Hook and Ladder Company are here by notified to meet' at Mayor's Office Monday night, June 9th, at 8 o'clock sharp. Business of, importance to be transacted. By.order of ' ; J. R. Donnell, Foreman. Bro. Mills, the indefatigable Superin tendent of the Thomasville Orphanage, was here a short while this morning. .DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, tic. India Linen, ;five cent per yard. Figured Victoria Lawn.tive ctuperjrd Ladies' Gauze Vest, fifteen, cents. Ladies' Ribbed Vests, tweti'v-fivect. Figured Chalbes, yard wide, 12 cts. Egyptian Novelty, 15 ceni. Boys' B. B. Belts, five cent. Boys' B B. Shoes, fifty cena Ladies' Cloth Button Shoes, small sizes, original price $2.50; reduced to 75 cents. We are showing a very attractive line of OUTINGS, SATTEENS. LIGHT PERCALES, ART MUS LINS and all kinds of rra weather goods. , Rtwr'otftilly,' Sample S. Brown & Cn 23 and 'iir?acf ';:nt,.,. To De Given Away -AT THE- , As an evidence of good will to onr customers, and stimulus to our trade, we will present a handsome plated sil ver castor, worth five dollar, and now on exhibition in our show window, to the person making thehrgest aggregate purohase of Goods ' onr K'.ore, be tween the 4th and 21st dayt. of June in clusive. Every purchaser will please give their name to salesman, which will be written on a check with amount of purchase and a copy retained by as froni which we will determine who the icoat purchaser is, and announce it on the following Monday, June 23rd. s! 0 !- We have decided to close out our entire stock of Carpets, Floor Oir Cloths and Matting, to make room tor oar increasing stock of Dress Ooo In, Notions, &c. Our rtock it new pd patternBhandHoine, consisting of Velvet, Body BruBsells, Tapestry Brunsells, extra super all wool Ingrnin, Car pete. Plain whitejFancy Checks, and fapanese designs in Matting Floor Oil Cloths, from 1 yd to J yds wide. -REMEMBER That these - goods will hn mnrkftfl Hf a nrim in matrn them go. . ' . , Raymond & Powell National Bank Building, ' . 'GREENSBOKO S C. I III I I 1 1 . uBry Goods Arcade." Special Bargain

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