t And Table A majority of the Pennsylvania -Supreme Court has decided, in a case ' argued before it, that a guest at hotel or restaurant table is entitled to all the food that is placed before him, and that he is privileged to carry away, for future consumption whatever he may not be able to eat at .the time. This may be good law, but it is not rood manners. Perhaps the decision may be a reflex of the teachings of the Pennsylvania school of politics, whose habit has always been to grab all within reach, regardless of (c cency and the rights of others. Outside of Pennsylvania we fancy that this decision will be regarded somewhat as a judicial eccentricity, i o dc sure, tne patrons ot the pop ular restaurants have always regarded themselves as privileged to forage up on the sugar bowl and the match and toothpick receptacles. This practice, , however, hasnevtr prevailed generally, and has not until now received the ap proval of judical edict. It is sincerely to be hoped that the Pennsylvania decision will not have the result of establishing a new rule of table etiquette. People with whom dining is a fine art will not be inclined to complacently endure the sight of other guests in a public dining room carrying away in handkerchiefs the re mains ot porterhouse steaks or wrap ping up uneaen rolls for transporta tion in a morning newspaper. If this ' practice should by any untoward hap pening become general we might ex. pect a promiscuous raid upon the landlord's larder Possibly economic al feeders would even go to the extent of providing themselves with handbags in which to parry away tor subsequent use the residuum of their hotel and restturant meals. N. Y. Star. Oar Kmil GmIi. 'I'he La Orange Spectator of June 6th says: We have seen some knit underwear goods at Mr. J. D. Walters, made by the Greensboro Knitting MilL The coods are made substantially and fin ished up in a neat style. La Grange will and must have a factory" to con sume the cotlon made at our doors. Mias Etta Mar Troy, formerly of Favettville, and a daughter of Pennsylvania Jaw Manners. . ' try n m o.- n Vtjnmbfrlaud and Harnett, the Methodist vJle, N. C. th5th, . .a :lr. Horaoe Alei.udor Wjche of Waynesville. IS CONSUMPTION INOURABLE 1 Read the following: Mr. 0 H. Mr ris, Newark, Ark., says: "Was dowu with Abscess of the Lungs, and friends and physicians pronounced me an la curable Consumptive. Began trJciog Dr. King' New disoovery for Con sumption, am now on my third bottle, an abl to oversea my work on my farm. It is the finest moHoine ever .... made." '. ' . . .. I Jess Middlewart, Decatur, Ohio, pays "Had it not been for Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption I would Lave died of Lnng Troubles. WTT . . 1 . a given up iy doctors. Am sow in best of health." Try it. Sample bot- . tie free at 0. , Hollon's Drugstore. Spartanburg's Sensation. A sensational rumor was current Yesterday. Last year Mr. Wil liam', of New York, come to Glenn Springs. He is reported wealthy. '. He returcei this summer, and last week was married to Miss Florence Smith, an estimable yonng lady, ol Glenn Springs. Yesterday a woman arrived here with an infant in her arms, ': claim ing to be bis wife. She followed him to Glenn's and a stormy inter view followed. It is said that she failed to establis h her marriage and yesterday morning she return ed to this city. Spartanburg Her ald. ' ELEOTEIOBiriEKSJ. - This remedy is becoming so well known accl bo popular as. to need no , special meatluu. Mi who have usd Electrio Bittt-ri Biug the Bame soug of praise. A purer me'lioinedoes not ex j at and it i. guaranteed to do all that is claimed. EU ctrio Bitters will cure all dieeases of tb.v Liver u:nl Kidneys, will remove Pimples. BoiIh, salt Eheum - and other allections caused by impure blood. Will drive 1'alsria from the svstem and prevent ss well as cure Malaria) fevers. For cure of Headache, Constipation and Indigestion try Eleo tiij Bitters Entire vatisfastion guar, an'eed, or money refunded. Prioe 60 etc. ono. 91 00 p r bottle at C. E. Hoi loJi Dcngstore. A ftpaurti Frem m rip Philadelphia, Tune 6. While the, firemen were engaged this afternoon in extinguishing a fire in a small frame house of the Pennsylvania Globe and uas Light Company, tne names reacn ed the storage basin in which were i j barrels of gasoline. A terrible explo sion followed, and eleven of the fire men were caught in a shower of burn ing oil and were badly burned. The men were .at once removed to the EniscoDal Hospital. Some of them will probably die from their injuries. The fiie is said to have originated from a spark from a pipe of a careless em' ployee. Itiickttci 'rule Sal ih bom yiv. "n the wori' fr Out, Hrtdaaa, Sore. U Rait KheJm, Fe ver Seres. Tetter. Chapped Hands, VDU olaics, Corns, sad aii rkm Eruption, and positively eurea Pum, or no psy required. It is guaranteed to Rive per feet aatiafaotion. or money re.nit!id Prioe 25 oenU per box. For U by NorlS 1yd C E. Bolton. LEMON KLEXIIt. - A PLEASANT LEMON DRINK. For biliousness and constipation, take Lemon Llixir. For indication and foul wtomach. take Lemon Elixir. For sick and nervousi headaches, take Lemon Elixir. For Meeplereeas and nervousness. take Lemon Elixir. For loss ot appetite &d debility, take Lemon Elixir. For fevers, chills and malaria, take Lemon Elixir. Lninn F.iix r ill not fail ynn iu any of the above diseases, all of which aril's from a torpid or diseased liver, atom ach. kidneys, bowels or blood. 6Co and (1.00 per bottle. ;Vld by druggets. Prepared only by Da. II. Mozlit, Atlanta, Oa. A PROMINENT MINISTER WRITES. Alter ten years of great sufferirig from indigestion. with treat nervous prostration, biliousness, disorder d kidneys and constipation, I hay r-et cured by JUr. aiosiey wn Le...on a.iix;r( and am now a well roan. Rev. C. G. Davis. Eld 1L E. Cn S. No. 28 Tatnall St Atlanta, Ua. Nature should be assisted in the Ispring to throw off the neaviness of the sluggish winter idruulation of the blood. Nothing does it so well, so prompt or so safely as uwin s Bpccmc I have used S. 8. S. for a number of years, and consider it the best tonic and blood remedy that I ever used. In fact I would not attempt to enter upon I spring or summer in this climate with, out it. H. W. Colbkah, Of Coleman, Ferguson & Co., Dade City, Fla. Our book on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. Swift Spectro Co.. Atlanta, Oa. FOR ladle' muslin and cam brio underwear of the very best style and quality, go to Will ;Arin- nem ii. TIT ANTED MAN as agent for oar V f patent safes ; ize 28x18x18 inch $35 retail. Ail sizes as low. New styles, tew patterns, new lock, new factory. Not governed by Safe Pool Every safe warranted. Bare chanoe. permanent businew. Oojr terms and catalogiiA wiH ooEvinxe yon asents clear WQ t 9500 per month., Write for exotufdve territory. Alpine Cafe Co., Cincinnati, O, ml-3ir yii GEOEaEH. GREGORY. KCJLIi ESTATE, r Loan & Insurance Broker Boom 1, Beiibow building (opposite Hthe BalL") Deals in real estate for customers on ly and on commission, negotiates loans and places insurance in reliable eompa bias. Also abstrasts of title made, and oonveyanmng done without extra cost. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. Refers to J. A. Gray, President C. F, A I;- V. Rwy Co., J. A. Odell, Pros, N'C.Bteel and Iron Co. - Greensboro, N. C. H. B. TATUM, Livery and Feed Stables, P.OSS' OLD STAND, near depot. fl6m I MVE DISCOVEREp a thorouehwr re. liaWe remedy for Catarrh, Bronchitis, Catds, icaaacae, otc. ; appuea dv tmoiang ; wmcmis the only direct, thorough and FLEASAN niihod. Am havin? wonderful success. Srjnill sani, le MAILED FREE. Mention this rpen. Address Dr.J.W, Blosser, Greensborof'w.C. TAKE I 15 THE SPRING. A. Hagan's OP A O B AD. WITHDRAWN BECAUSE ANNOYED TOO MUCH THIS i HOT WEATHER. , CHARLES D. YATES Agent for NORTH :-: CAROLINA, OK THE s AND AHHUITY:-: COMPANY, OF A1TENTION IS INVITED TO THE FOLLOWING SENT US BY REV. E. B. PALMER, D. D., District Secrettry fur Pa., 8'harn 2f.J, . ... r si . I I It IT Vtu, Ma., ana m. o v i" M. Society. . Phiijidelphia. Pa.. Tan. 2, '00. To The Pi.e A.7 Citr Co, t if T rreetoia, a. . a'ciw 1 on a unr iuy ictjb - - al ( atanh for jar, 1 wm Induced, sbout nx moDll aKO, 10 Irv jour viKaia. " hu hjum wn mMKrilfilorv. I WOU'l Call t- Untlon to the followlDfr points: Flrct. The eflect of the saoke on the membranes of the throat aud nsral pawtaiiua Is very sootMoR and has a tudencf to ft tore them to a nor mal condition. 8eooad. The discharge from the head and accumulation in the throat have unu w . (jic. wnt..ui"v..-i disposition of the membrane to enlarge Is ar rested. Fourth. The sebse of kmell which I bad entirely lost, except for tne mon pen -Hm .w a.Iai. uum. h mtnrnino. Fifth. Theie la, I tlnnk, special value In the we of the pine needle with the tobacco aa the smoke reaches aU the parte aifocted mors thorough ly than anxjinwdnr or ipay can be made to do. The hrtllng virtues of the pine are well MnA ha tAhalWIvtlM a.t 1irt All with loses the Irrttatinn property It ml(tht othmwlae pOrBeea PUU UlVt IU uio eiuv.. m uow.u T ti. J hun nnilur virv ftklllfnl medi cal treatment for a Ionic lime and had retched a point where the only reaei seeraea 10 my in a serious surplcal operation. I do not thin tM will now be neceaaarv. and In oonreaueno I have a great relief I can clieertnl com mend your cipar as a remruy ui nm wui.u a nar..n. .11 iTrl n tf from Mttjinh I till T add that the ue of volea hs been Improved This hrand is sold bv the following dealers in Greensboro, N. C. T. W. Scott & Co. W. C. Porter. Geo. Fitzsimons & Co. C E. Holton. T. McCauley. H. Lohman. Vuncannon & Co. , O. F. Pearce. S. W. Thornlow. W. S. Kivett. J. F. Hodgin. A. T. Vernon. Uenrtenmn & AiongiiL llarchanta vho wish to handle these eoods should address C V UctrraU Qen. Southern Airt.. Greensboro. N. C. my54f. -. -.- - W. R. BURGESS SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVE R ICHMOND LOCOMOTIV E ICHMOND LOCOMOTIV AND Miciimia works. B JT. STTTETEVAKT BLOWEB VOBKP . Goodell S Waters, Locomotives" and Beavy Machinery Uomplete Bteam rower rianw, and Complete Outfits for -Saw '- and Planing Mills. Furniture, Carriage ' - and Wagon Fac-i- tories. Dry ' Kilns Heatinjr and Ventilation of cotten mills, etc.. a specialty. Pumps, Inlectors, saws, belting, (Kum-adpers, trimmers, lath miua, dec, ureensooro, a. y. . TO" ANTED. AN ACTIVE MAN for VY each section, salary 875 to $100 to locally represent, u snecesszul N. Y. Company inoorporated to supply Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes. Jewelry, eto., to oonsnmers nt dot. , Also a lady of tact, salary $40, to enroll members f80 000 now enrolled,' S100.000 paid in). References ;exolianged. Empire Co-onerative Association (Credit veil rate3) Lock box 610,N..,y. . - Mia O I Ml Great Bargains JUST RECEIVED AT v " J. H. ROlTQTEIXa I have iust received the ' DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, SHOES, latest and best stock of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, SHOES, ; and Hats I ever had, consisting in part of Ladies' Dress Goods, such as Cashmeres, Satteens, Ginghams, Calicos, Challiei, Suitings, all the newest shades. White gcods of all descriptions, ribbons, laces, handkerchiefs from sc. up, ladies' and gents' collar and cufTs, oil cloth, towels, ladies' cash mere shawls, corsets from 25c. up, pant goods all kinds, ladies' and gents' gloves, good linen Boston shirts at 50c., gents' flannel oveishtrts from 40c. t0$2O). A beautitul line of gentS neck wear at all prices, jewelry and watches of all kinds. A large stock of trunks and valises, from the cheap est to the best.. Men's pants from 50c io $5.00. Fur'and stiaw hats of all kinds. SUUKS SHOES HIIOHs A large stock of all descriptions, ladies' button and lace shoes from $1 up Men's lace aud congress sho at $1.25 aU solid. In Let sny kind of shoes and slippers you want from the cheapest to the finest, and hundreds of other things too numerous to mention, at the lowest prices you ever saw. C5f"Dont tail to call before buyiug at I will save you money Respectfully, G. II. ROYSTER, 5.23-tf. Uenbow House, No. lit, Greensboro, N. C. IS ALWAYS THE BEST PLACE TO GET CHINA CROCKERY and GLASSWARE, A'e have the largest stock ever brought to the city, and our prices are VERY LOW. A call will convince you of the fact that YOU CAN SAVE MONEY II Y ixuripf C OF u. Op. P. O.-tf. R'.slpectfully,. RETURNED! O. Will Armfield has juiit returned from stock 01 poods, suitable f r tne HE UAS TO OFFEIt ' ''" I'Ett' HE HAS TO OFFER "-w. i'ER They are bo busy now receiving and wrai, NEW GOODS NEW GOODS NEW GbODS NEW GOODS NEW GOODS NEW GOODS NEW GOODS' NEW GOODS NEW GOODS that they lave r.ot time to tell yon cow, cnooseirom A Full and Well Selected Stock, CALL ON G. WILL ARMIFIELD. WADIj PAFEK ANDHNE DECORATIONS I cany, a line of over 70 samples, oomprUioff all grades and stvlea. from common brown back, to the fine velvets, veloirs and relief goods. Ord-;a fi.l-d promptly. Prices reasonable. 8 my line before bay iuR. J. F. MHARf', ' W Market street opp oonrt hmse. a9tf . MODERH BARN OUB CLAIM. Our tobacco Is cured by a process entirely new. Tbe leaves are removed from be stalk before curing. Tbe curing Is done In flnow's Modern Tobacco Barn. Ther are less Nitrates, Nicotine and CUlorophyl In this than in any other tobscco ever offered to the public It will give yon a cool and pleas ant smoko. ' It will not bit wur tongue, dry your moutn or injure your nerves. Try it, Manufactured by the :, - -.-, I i ,.: Modern Barn Smoking Tobacco C01 - High Point, N.' C. This tobacco is rapidly coming into favor, and challenges tne country and the world on its superior' merits in those features which constitute a cool and pleasant smoke. This tobacco is sold by the leading dealers throughout the State. We cordially invite mer chants and dealers who are not already handling them to give the Modern Barn brands a trial. Samples win be furnished to dealers free of charge. Address , - - S. F. IIARRELL.'. J. , Greensboro, N. C, Agent for North Carolina. SPRING and H SUMMER CHICHESTER BROS. Kew York, whtre h bought a lull stson. xon ougtito cult and ste th bnt will do so' soon. If yon want to SPEU1AL NOTICE ! ; f tM AT THE OLD GULI.ETT . I Stand, Owrt hoiitie Bnate, where ) m prepared it. do all kind of work on I GTJNH, PISTOLS, LOCKS, 8EWINQ AND SATE LOCKS. Wiil also sell sales and vanJt doors. Not r8ponfaibl for work Jtft over 80 day. ' ' a31tf . J. H. COLEMAN : , . NOTICEr ' " State 0? Noeth Cakoktsa, Guixfobd Co. In the Superior Court . ' C. Dodson, plff, 1 Publication and vs. V notice of Peter H. Adams, dft. ) : attachment, Thfidfiffinilant. Peter TT. ' Arlama ia notified that an notion baa been begun against him to reoover $830 for money paid and advanced for him 'on hisBiflf of Exchange, in which adtion an etA tachment has also been issued and lev- ied on defendant's real and personal property, returnable at the tamo time as utt) Buuuuoua, w wn, at we juay ay i is ext , xerm aforesaid, and said daendant ordered to be and annnar at aaid neit Term of May Superior .Court, 1890. at 7 the Court Honse in Greensboro, on the 4th Monday ii. iia month, and then and tier p on..!, answer or demur, or othfrtww? -tiieyCMurt will proceed as in-th-rase cf pi-rsonal service of sum-1 mojjs , tvitMi-8 mi hand at ofQce in the ' Court .'tiure i:i flrflnfilmri. nn ' this ' ' 19th ox 4piil,890, - Albkbt A. ilOLToir, O. S". C. s