WOBKHEAISr. Vol. vm. GREENSBORO, N. C, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 27, 1890. No. C5. THE HEAL ESTATE. Call Early FOR SOME 0? THK Most Valuable residence lots in the eity. O.VLY A FEW SHARES OF THE U N JON. LAND Ci N10N : LAND CJ LEFT FOB SALE. SOME VALUABLE BUSINESS PROPERTY soffrjsr w street -CITY RESIDENCES ONLY , ' ' . Ilf THE , Agricultural Insurance Co; '. or J '; ; New -:- York. ' , Ons'of the safest companies in the .. world. 'Respectfully, W. R. Land, McAdoo House, Greensboro, N C. B . O Q H U B S o Pi 3 3 H CD H . I-H O n 4 Z OT g g THE RA.OR-STROP MAN. Since an inquiry hat been nude for the whereabouts of the lightning rod nun, another old-time character comet into mind. He is the razor itrop man, who used to attend the courts, ' and, standing in a buggy or on the head of a barrel, would announce the virtues of his strop. What would most im press the minds of those who listened to the harangue of the man was the wonderful effects claimed to follow the use of the strop. He would tell of some man whose health had utterly failed because of the painful operation of sharing with adullraiur.butthepoor fellow scarcely able to hobble about on the court green.hearing of the wonder ful virtues of the new razor strop, was induced to try one. The effect was magical. As the result of a good shave the poor fellow's health began1 to mend at one. Presently his heal'h became fully restored, be became ro bust and fleshy, and in a year or two he was out on the plains driving wild cattle and making thousands of dollars by the; business. The curious thing about the matter was that although the statement was a lie, and intended to be regarded as such, the people laughed bought the strop. Another tack of the razor strop man was, to in troduce some subject as foreign from razor strops as possible, and after a five minutes harangue in that direction, to haul up with "And that reminds-me of my trior strops." ' " The wonderful success that attended the razor strop man in, his business makes it worth while to . inquire . to what feature of the case that success was attributable ? ' It was not in the excellence of the strop," for one could buy iW same any where, and perhaps a: ' a less price. No particular skill in the use of the strop was imparted to the buyer. Then what was it ?.' It was the Fun of the tftirtg. WhctheHt was always so we cannot tell, but it is certain that within our recollection fun has always carried the day, and that is the reason why the c'own is the most popular man in the country. Put the funny man would soon wear out in any com munity, hence ths itinerating career of the razor strop man and the clown. Just how much fun is good for :a man we would hot like to say. We merely state a fact. Men like to be tickled because it puts them i a good humorwith themsly,es' and enables them to forget their troubles. In facf, anything that entertsins the; mind is agreeable and becomes popular. Nearly every body can tell what has become of the -razor strop man the wearing of full beard hiving taken his occupation away from him. The pat ent medecine man has not gone, how ever1, and although it would seem dif ficult, to harmonize phun and physic together, yet it has been done after a phasshion, and many phluent phellers phind phrequent phelicity, phloating phinely phrom phinancial phailure to phinal phortune. ' ; , Attention ' Members of the Greensboro Hook and Ladder Co., No. i, meet at your truck house, tomorrow (Thursday) even ing at 8:30 o'clock. Regular monthly business meeting. Let every member attend. By order of . i ' V -J- ' S. G. HpDGirf, Foreman R. C. Taylor, Sec. :- ' 11 nd Horse. What there may be in it we do not pretend to know,but is is true that in the chapter of strange happenings for the year the vicious horse has come in for a large notice, there being 'already several instances ot horses turning up on their masters and killing them. In one case a horse takes his keeper in his tetth by the shoulder, runs with him across a field, turns with him him across a field, turns him loose and tramples him almost to death, and in another which occurred in Kansas, s vicious horse seized his master in the same way and killed him. ' The man had received hit death woand, but he was able to deal a death blow to the horse with a club before his own death. These are strange things. Mr. Penn Wood, a prominent mer- chant of Asheboro, was here to day, but what that has to do with gun flints remains to be told. It happens on this wise Mr. Penn Wood always took pride in keeping an assortment of goods in his store. On one occasion he wis asked by a customer about the extent of his stock. Well," said Mr. Wood, ."I keep everything fom an old-fashioned gun flint upT" ' "What." said the manf "I bet you haven't got any gun flints." "Yes, I have though,'- said, Mr. Wood, as he reached up to a shelf and handed down. a,!? oac .cfjMaCiin a Jialf gross or more of old-fashioneJ gun flints. . ; '"- ' The man was paralyzed for the mo ment, and Mr. Wood became promi nent as the man of gun flints. . . wm l m t mm . - - ' J s . . - ' - Down It Came With Crash Yesterday morning ' about lOi'te o'clock, the passers-by and employ ees of the different stores on W. Trace street between the court hou.e and the square, were startled , by a loud crashing . sound in the direction of Andrew's furniture -store, Tka roof and portion of the wall of the music house, a two Story, structure adjoin ing the furniture store had fallen in, and was the .cause of the startling noise.- . , No damage was done except to the building, as Mr; Andrew's fine stock of pianos and organs were in the front part of the building. One or two of tke "clerks were . in the rear when the crash occurred, but escaped injury, Char. Chronicle. - Teiam Terrified By Smallpox. Waco, Tex., Aug. 2?. Smallpox prevails to an alarming extent in this city. . Upon the request ot the Mayor, Governor Ross ordered Dr. Ruther. foid, State Health Officer, and Capt. Ehricson, the tJhief tiarantine- Urn cer of the State Health Department, here to investigate the malady. They arrived yesterday, and after a careful investigation' have decided that the prevailing epidemic is a malignant type of smallpox. 'Sanitary guards have' been dispatched here to take charge ot patients, and every effort II.. .. -1. . r .1 i' win oe maae 10 connne me aisease to the persons now affected. : , i It Tays to Adrertise- , , First . Burelar WelL vou are a bright'un. Second Bur?lar What's the matter? , , 0 . ',;The paper says there was $500 in money in uie a rawer you got mat goia watch from, an you missea it." -"That so? I'll go back sfter it to night." Epoch'., , , r 4 -' ForMaiaria, Liver Trou-: blejOrlndigestionuoe BROWN S IRON BITTERS Contract Clotted. The meeting of the committees ef the First Presbyterian church, held in the rooms of the Chamber of Com mere ast night, resulted in the closing of the contract with Mrssrs Porter Si Godwin, of Goldsboro, for the erection of the building, a drawing of wWh shows it to be an imposing affair. It is believed that the work of tearing down the old building will begin next week, though this is not .certain We learn also that while the new. building will be put up with more or less of dis patch, there is no specified time fixed for its completion. Winter will soon be here, and the state of the weather during the winter months is altogether uncertain. If the weather be extreme ly unfavorable the work will be sus pended on that account, otherwise much of it can and will proceed The plan of the church will be a modifica tion of the one shown in the drawing. Would Stand no I'hancf . Chicago, August 16 About eighty switchmen in the employ of the Chi cago tt Alton Railroad in this city went out on strike this morning. The pisse.icer traffic is not being inter fered with, but freight traffic in the yards has been entirely suspended. 1 he company has called upon Super intendent Marsh for police force for protection for its property. ; some months ago, a foreman in the Chicago & Alton yards left the com pany s employ, and went to work for another road, Today the company reemployed him, and attempted to in- Mall nun in lug olj cosiuon. Th "mill.'.n tnc mean lime, had become attached to-' the. new foreman who succeeded him, and struck this moin inn against any qhange. The trade done in the rticle or to bacco flues at this time,' from the loads seen going elong-the streets, must be immense, and a decided increase on the'trade of former years. , It is cal culated that the "tobacco crop of 1890 will oe much heavier than that of last yCar' " V V.nnutm tm Hcpabllca CoaraaUaa. CoL W. F. Henderson, of Lexington, Col. Tom ' Cooper,' of Transylvania, CoL R. M. Douglas, of Greensboro, Mr. Gozleri, of Winston, Mr. Bean, of Asheboro,' were among the fiumber going to the Republican State Conven tion, at Raleigh this morning. A large number went down last night. '" 1 HI l . A Hundred Wort men Strike. Pittsburg, Pa.,' Aug.' a6. About one hundred workmen carpenters, tinners and painters, employed at th Exposition building, struck work yes terday because the Westinghouse Elec- Sic people had some non-union men work on their exhibit. 1 ' I'M third international iiborthand con gTHM will be heM at- Munich from Aug. 7 to 17. Tbe cjntenary o( F. X. Gabels berger, the originator of modern Grman shorthand, win be celebrated bjrthoiw who attend the meetings, and a bronze statue of him will be unveiled. i . '.The distinctive, feature of Hill's patent sysfm of refrigerating appliances now on exhibition ' in I-oodon in, according to Science, Uxnt no machltiety is in iw, the cold air beiuK proilnced from the distilla tion ot ammonia gas, a principle which is not by any means new. The apparatus consists of steam Biirator, ammonia boiler, separator and oondeoser for pro-; Quciug cold, and a .refrigerator or cow chamber , . Smcfelen's Arnica a. The best Salve inthe world far Cnta, Bruisoa, Sores, TJIoorn, Bait. Rheum, Fe Ter Sores, Tetter, Ohaupeii Hands, Ohil blaina, Oora,ind all Skin Krnptions, tnd positively oures PiIas, or ,901 pay required. It is guaranteed to (five pert feot satisfaction, or money rafunded' Prioe-2.5 oents per box.' for sale by tferlQ lyda . . a E. Hollan. LAND EXCHANGE ! o - As agent for the ownerI offer some Faiining -:- Lands 2 to la miles from Greensboro, exchange for city property. For Sale5! I lot r a feet front on East With. ton St., price $800 00 ;, I houae ano int nn Virmmn Rt . . - ---- w tirely new, 8 rooms, $1,000.00. ' 1 house and lot on Pearaon St.. In South Grensboro, j rooms, hand- ome- piace, eoiy Jo, worth $3,000.00. . ; S. S.; BROWN. JL, i 1 r. JOHN; O'CONNOR STAPLE-,-Al.D-:-FANCY, , . GREENSBORO, C. 1 - . -O'CONNOR'S -' , MODEL BAKERY, PRICK LIST OP BREADS v i loaf steam bread 3 cts. 8 " " 2$ cts. 16 " 50 cts. it " " " S1.00 35 Ticketsjfor $1- ), Mv waeon will deliver to anv nart of the citv tree, dailv. Leave vour orders at my store, 333. South Elm t areet. , -Soliciting a - t:ontinuenoe of vour patronage, I am i . . Very 'Respectfully, - ' John O'Connor. E. S.-Owine to several parties cutting on prioe of bread I desire to say to my customers that I am pel- fectly willing to supply all in need of Bread, Cakes, &c, at (bo same price or even lower than any of my competitors. A fiva llar book free to all o'ir CustomersX.EIlvand get a ' ticket..-" fl 1 v I ' 1 . V " o 7" 'a'

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