Vol. vni. GREENSBORO,' N. 0, WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER, 19. 1890. No. 19? MISCELLANEOUS. BOAHDER3.-A few fint-olaas board era eio b tooommodaUd at tae PiAjrrn s Hotbl. D' OARD AND LODQINO.-We tu U Board and Lodging, alio with table board, convenient to business pari ol city. Good light room, neigh oorhood flnWolaaa, J. W. MoUowau nov.18.tf No. 812 North Davie 8b nOARDERS. The Monro Houae. If W. M. Monroe Proprietor, No. 12i Haa been newly painted and fixed op in a flrat elaaa style to aooommodata Boarders by the day, week or month. Will pare no paina in giving flret-claaa fare with comfortable room a. Tarma moderate. n-B W. G RANBEBRIES In atook Al Houston Bsoa. A FESTIVAL. i - ,1 The Ladies Aid Society of Centenary church will give a festival at the build- ing recently occupied by Mr. J. II, Phipps, Asheboro street, South Greens boro, Thursday evening, Nov. aoth at 7 o'clock. Oysters, ice-cream, cake, fruit, etc will be served. The special feature oi the occasion will be the Martha Washington table, from which will be served Boston baked beans, punpkin pie and mush and milk. All are invited to antend. THE CITY PIG AND THE PIG IN THE CITY. C INDIES. Some of the flneat Can' diea in i and 1-2 lb. Boxes ever brought to Oreennboro at the Galium Drug Store. GROCERIES, Wholeaele and Retail, and dry goods and notions whole sale J. W. Boon A- Oo. D BCQ& 100 os P. k W. Qulne in os m Aa W-a a. WT m l I ana iiu, , wir. w . juorpnuie at the Callnm Drag Btore. D hi GOODS and Grooeries, Organs a n ana ianoe. W. B. Moors. s-LOCUTION-Mre. Annk & Shialda. toi Ureensboro P emaie uoiiege, wui tV a nlaiu or nriTata mi nil In Elocution. Please call on Bator days from 9, to 1020 o'olook A. M. at Ler Studio for Elooution on 107 1-2 West Market at. fourtb aoor from ram. Terms reasonable, , . nov-ia FIRE WOOD Plenty of fire wood can be had. by- making application . a to c u. jruBsjraTBioa, do im, , . - . , -. . ; Greensboro, N. O. I ODOINC Family wanting a. pro- . .... . i, lector as Blgul in oomuuonkwuu vt ! room would do well to address Protectionist. Wqmuiah Offloe. ONEX. Money to lend on flrat 1 mortgage on City Beat mstate. ll . ? W. P. Brume RNAMNTS. Beautiful Parlor Or- Unamenca a u , Galium Drug Stoae. 0 0 p UK PRODCOSi Department u well supplied with Cabbage, rotatoes, RGAJS8 W. 8. Mooaa has jnst re ceived an elegant new atyia md- bam Oboab. it u a Doanry. APER t BASKETS. Ladies Fine Work Baakela and Paper as tne ' Galium Drug Btore. .iirnnin RKHTAITRANT Con- I J venient to all trains, and meala at Hall hours. - ux. vaaaoa. .BOES-GOODNEWS IN GOOD a SHOES. J. S. Edwell, boot and IB ahn m.VAT. nan tall TOU hOW SO save money. . 1 I make fine shoes in the best style, on short notioe -mrt at low rates. Special atten tion given to Buoh. 2,1, TV? ahoea faithfully and well, and make reasonable ohargee-better work and for less money than any other. My .i in tt.A ilHOa honaa at. corner Of Syoamore and i Datie Street,, opposite the market . " lw OALEM ALMANACS lor 1891 T . - ;.- , 1 COOSTOH onus. . Our city Fathers in their last meet ing had the pig pen before them, and intimated that in all probability the pig pen would have to go between now and the first of February 1890. The question of permittine pig pens in the city roust always be one of in terest, but one who has investigated will almost if not quite come to the conclusion that more depends upon whose pig it is than upon pig or no pig. Just so it is about the use of tobacco. The habit of using tobacco is a filthy one, but who has not seen quite 'as f.lthy men who did not use the weed at all? What we mean to say is, the nui sance there is about a pig pen depends upon how the pen is kept. In one of the most cleanly back yards we have observed in the city was kept a fatten ing hog; but the owner took great pains to keep the pen clean. It was frequently washed out, and emitted little or no odor. The are some kitch ena in this city not so cleanly . as that pig sty. Now if the city Fathers forbid the pig pen because of the odors emitted, and its menace to health, it would seem to be proper to require the re moval of anything and everything else in any other yard that is not in harmc ny with the sanitary idea. If the pig must go let him take with him . every thing in the same line. But it has been suggested that there be certain limits only of the city in which the pig shall not be allowed, and that he be permitted in certain other parts not so densely populated. Let the people send in their wishes on this subject BAPTIST CHURCH TO-NIGHT. J ' There will be a prayer meeting ser vice in the Baptist cturch tonight, be- gining at 7:30 oclock, in connection with which there will be talks on the subject oi the late Baptist State Con vention at Shelby. It will be an inter esting occasion.' FROM SOUTH-WEST VA. Mr. W. R. Land, one of our lively and enterprising real estate dealers has just returned from a trip to South' west Va. and expresses a high opinion of what he saw of the country and the business methods prevailinz over there. He saw men from Boston and other parts North who expressed ad miration for the South and its resour ces. Mr Land put in words in favor of Greensboro and our own section of the South-land. He is anxious to pro mote the well-being of Greensboro and vicinity. . ' NOW FOR THE OFFICES. I From now on, the newspapers will be presenting the names, of their favor- ites for speaker of the next Congress, for speaker of the lower House of the Sute Legislature, and ior the clerkships of the two Houses. Lively times are coming, and after the elections are over there will be ten disappointed aspirants for every one that attained success. "Tis ever thus from childhood's hour. Y.M.CA. Remember the Educational classes for young men to be arranged at the Young Men's Christian Association. (Penmanship and Book-keeping) to - night at 8 o'clock. All young men are invitnd to be present DROPPED DEAD Anegiomsn in Danville r'-opped dead while chopping wood, on Tues day, He had heart disease THE CHRISTIAN ENCE. CONFER TURNED UP O. K. We have been trying to interpret the letters a k. as applied to the young man who was supposed to have jumped from the Yadkin nver bridge, but lat- r An vu found in Salisbury. He was 'ol krooked." A DANGEROUS CUTTING At FAIR IN WASHINGTON. For Sale. lou onj.iorth side ofnccjstreeu 1st ik feet front br tto deeo. $1000.00. and 75 feet front by tiadcep $11500. t lots on sounh side of Prince St 50 feet front by too deep 70a each. ONLY A FEW SHARES OF THE UMOlt LAND - CCf NION : LAND ; CJ EFT FOB SALE, TWO GOOD DWELLINGS tti-FOU BENT- IS riRST-CtASS NEIGHBORHOOD. $l6.00 PER MOCTK EACH. THE SECRET OF LONGEVITY. " ot w TtnATVnKRsi. Mrs. R. W. u.i.t latA of Graham. N. C. I t out Vct Market Street, de- I Bires several Tablo boarders. riease call. ; , ' - noia-iw . I ANTED. A good cook, If you t I are not wnue you neew uu. ff'j- V i n-18-ti fUBIBBB nunmu. H If T ANTES A No. 1 Porter: If f f you have not gob good refer- UU enoe aon 1 ppy. - nOV-18 tf. PliAMTBES HoTBIi. 11 ANTED At onoe two or three If ' . . m .Viuft ait.ha 1 J second uuu ui i f or cash or exchange ior new obbb. Shoiunger or weennam. , .. W.S.MO0BB. ? 1 ANTED. A house with i rooms. W, M. MONBOB, r, 1-w , No. 124 Bneaannon Et A gentleman came into this office some time ago and gave our reporter an idea that enables him to account for the extreme age to which persons here and vondcr have attained. 1 he idea was suggested upon hearing certain reckless character tell travels, and how many years he staid at this place, that place and the other place.. After the extravagant speaker had finished his story our; informant added ujrthe different years said to have been spent in the roundand the whole sum was about one hundred, and seventy-five years! 'Commenting on this rpgult our fnend said that in this way a man might easily get to be two hundred years 01a. , t SCARCITY OF BUILDING MA TERIAL. ' The Alamance Gleaner complains of the scarcity of building ' material in the Graham section. ; Greensboro generally has a good supply, and pos sibly our dealers could fill the bill for I Graham.i We are already furnishing brick for Burlington. This WoiisJiANS Correspondent say in addition to what we published yes terday, that Rev. T. L. Foster of Ral eigh is Secretary The report on Missions awakened much enthusiasm. The body adopted a strong report on Temperance, leaning decidedly to the side of Prohibition. It is expected that- today will be the most lively day of the session, and that the Con ference will close tomorrow. A PLUCKY GIRL. The editi-i of the Sun newspaper, at Fargo, North Dakota, left his house a few days ago, telling his family that ne was going down the street to hear the latest election news. For some reason he never returned, and it is thought that he was temponaUy deranged. However, the man's daughter keeps the paper going, and everybody hopes she will succeed. . The Evening Star of Washington of yesterday contains the particulars of a' difficulty between young Butler, a nephew of Senator Butler of South Carolina, and Mr. Thos. H: Tate, of Greensboro, bth of whom are em ployes of the Navy Department On iheir way home from a visit to some quarter of the city, and at an ear- Iv hour of the rooming, in close prox imity to the Star office, a rude play between the two began which resulted in Tate drawing a pen knife lnfflictmg several serious but not fatal gashes uuon the person of Butler. The pc . . ice interfered and Jhe difficulty ended. Butler was carried to a hospital. - Rumors weie flying herethat Butler, s injuries were mortal, tc, &c,,but Dr. McAden-iust from Washington, reports that Butler is getting along very well Tate will be bailed as a matter of course. CITY RESIDENCES ONLY IX THE Agricultural Insurance Co. New -:- York. Qne of the Salest companies in the woria RlBMCCTKUlAY, W.R. Land, McAdoo Houa, viieensboro, N. C. TRIED MUD. A man in Tersey city who had been imbibina too freely of beer, losj his bal ance jnd tried to commit suicide by drowning himself in mud. ' When ar- raicmed before a iustice his clothes o , - were covered with mud and filth from the meadow into which he had thrown himself. The justice gave him thirty days in which to dry out . r wm UNAPPRECIATED. This is what the Standard, at Con cord," has to say in speaking of its efforts to rive the people of that town rA wrtim a coed, newspaper. - In truth, the appreciation has quite as much to do 'with producing a good paper as the paper has . to do in pro ducing appreciation. There is, more properly speaking, an interdependence between the two. A TARANTULA. As one of the clerks at the store of L W. Scott & CO., in this city, was in the act of removing a bunch of ban anas, near dusk last evening, he got a elimps of a large insect of the spider species, which ran off "from the ban anas and concealed itself behind some barrels- - The appearance of. the. in sect and the refuge from which it ran out suggested the idea that it was a tarantula, and for several minutes there was a search made for the strange creature, attended, however, with the utmost caution lest some one ; should be bitten. Presently the insect was discovered and so far disabled as to permit n examination. Last night opinion was divided as to -- whether or not It was a tarantula, but on consult ing entomology this morning votes were gained on the affirmative side., The fact is, the tarantula is rtothine more than a spider at best, ; and takes its name from Taranto, in the South of Italy ' The probability that this is a tarantula is strengthened v by the fact that he was found among the bananas, and that the bananas came from Italy. But there is a fact in connection with the tarantula not in harmony with the impressions of the people, and that is that the bite of the insect produces a trifling effect about equal to the sting of a wasp, and that it is popularly sup posed to be cured by music' So much for the tarantula. Don't suffer from Dynpepsia, Take Common's Liver Regulator. - It always Jourea. 1 I - 1 I W 3 f -S B r? u 1 b " LU M Z Q i-k I J W g & XI 3 ? m 2. 7 C ,.3 .! ', . a X ? Ill m 0 s: S CXI b: &Z I ... twuu. Book of ymf,, "JMt k 4 wHttli)nMte,rtsssi VaMJ t4 1 :