GREENSBORO DAILY WOMAN. .1 I.YIIF.-No. 160. GREENSBORO.' N. f'., SATURDAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY il, 1891. Price $.1.00 Tr Year, niTTn 7nnnpmT titio nAlMUUMAlUlf If Not, Why Notf We are selling a'-.adies' Uod gola Kid Button Shoe at One Dollar- and Sixty Gents That ! I" MMW I lhkfcaa JJT, " mm t'JM. wk mmrm trial th.a. will ) tsiU MMnl Wf .km ti t ,'., ! , ' ? A FREn SUPPLY OF THOSE POBULAR SHOES. REMEMBER YOU OANT f ; .... FIND THEM JUST - V '.. ANYWHERE, . BUT ONLY " ' rr AT.ris i...t' ,-, '' BROWN'S. m k je i . Mtti opera sfyleik til 'Mf We carry .constantly the Larg? CSt lldficT MOCK C iaiea nu vjcn- dement Fine&hoet m the city, and wish to call special attention: to our excellent line- of Children's School Shot. 'Respectfully, ' ' SAMPLES. BROWN & CO. . Pure New Orleans Syrup, also N. O. Molsssrs, Maple' Syrop and Bar badoes Molasse., any ot which you will find nice and palatable -yw- t Scott & Cos. "Onlv Us-! have six Webster's Unabridged Dictionaries fof sale at $.5oeach.' S. JP. HARRta new tore Field's factory, Faycttevillc St rv hroTireo ph. uiu kiiv upu A. U JITS', BR .ig-n.j...i hrfi&!i,a pes 33.M cream of the wires. LAT TELEQRAFHIO .SEW8 TSOU AlLIPABi'8. A Prominent Uinlttar Oommitt Salcida A Ckild an 0t and Xtlltd Kaar Sbtl byiTiwof th ek's Trads-.Tnt LlanrilU & Hew Eirer Bfr-organifed. Charlottk, N. C, Jan. aj. Rev. James S. Miite, ;aitor of the Second Presbyterian church, and one of the wealthiest and moft highly respected and befoved citizens of Rock Hill, South Carolina, committed suicide this morning by climbing into his wind mil! ttnk, a distance of sixty feet from the ground, and drowning himself. For some ttme Mr. White had been troubled with dyspepsia, this morning at o'clock he arose from his bed tel. ling his son that he diJ not feel well and walked out of the room. As he did not retnm his son became alarmed, and went in search of him. Other members of the family and neighbors joined in the search, but all to no avail On examination ot the wind mill it was found that the top had been pull ed off, and on closer examination the body of Air. White was found floating oa the top of Jhe water ' which wu eight fcst deep. ..... ; Chalottr,N.G, Jan sj. A little white child aged about 4 years was killed by the Carolina Central train this morning near Shelby. When ap proaching a deep cut the engineer saw two children playing on "the ' track. Upon 'seeing the1 tram twie Of the chiU dren jumped to one side, but the other turned and rati down the track. 'The engineer"cut dflfthaVeam and put On the air-brakes so'-tightly ' that every wheels elided along the rafts,' but over took the child'' ThVpiiof struck the little child in the 'back'. As toon as the train could be stopped it was pick ed up. ! It was unconcious, but still alive. Its head wu crushed in. The child was I daughter of a section hand on the toad named Taylor. It was taken home, where it soon died . New York, N. Y., Jan. sj R. G. Dunn $ Go's, weekly review of trade will say : In the reports of this week, a moderate, but steady increase in the volume ot 'business compared with last year is the most striking" feature. We nind improving business at New Orleans j at Louisville trade opens well, and . the monetery ' situation improves t Jacksonville . good',, trade is noted and at Baltimore manufactur ers and jobbers are well ahead ' of last year, in consequence eastern centres show more activity; -The business failures occurring throughout the coun try during the last seven days number for the United , States 331, "and " for Canada 40, a total ' of 360 compared wftha total of 411 last week, and 493 the week ' previous to the last For the corresponding week' of ' last year the figures were 336, representing 295 failures in the United States and 43 in IDS JLUIUllllUU UI v"l"1 Baltimore, Jan. aj. Tlie, 'Danvile and NeW River Railroad, of Virginia. foreclosure: has been reorganized and next montn wui Decome a part or ine Richmond and Danville system. CoL J. Wflcoif Brbwh of fcis city,'presidefit of the road, is- the-principal owner. pai. owner. will issue :'i5iOoo. fn: Jhe reorganized company stock toe Wnt'" each-imilC operated, wbicll turn-1,: ed 'bver'to the Richmond r;nJ Daoyille, and on this basis new bond Will' be lis sued, the principal and interest to be guaranteed by the Richmond and Dan ville. These bonds will be apportioned to the holders ot the old road. The road will be extended westward in an almost direct line to Bristol; Tenn., and will give connection with the Richmoud and Danville in that detec tion The line may be used as a link fos a new connecting line to Winston, n.c: 8EBVI0E8 FOUTO-MOBEOW. 8omt of the Flaoet Whirs Yon Otn Worship To morrow. At St Agnes Catholic church di'.ne services will be held at 9 o'clock by the Rev. Father Francis, O. . B. Seats free. All invited. At Westminster church Rev. J. H. Laeey, the pastor, will preach at 1 1 a. m. and 4 p. m. Sunday school at 3:30 p. m. All are invited At Centenary M. . E, church Rev. E. L Staraey, the pastor, will preach at tt a. m. and 7:15 p.. m. Sunday school at 3 p. m.. All are invited . At West Market street M. E. church Rev. S. H. HilUard, the pastor, will preach at 1 1 tu nv and 7 p. m. Sun day school at 0:30 a. m. . All are in vited. . ,!. '" The pastftr, Re WJ. Wingate, will preach at West Washington Street Baptist church at 1 1 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.'. Sunday Khool at 9:30 a. m. Ev ery one it invited.. . -r, ' Services at 8t Baaabas- Episcopal Church as follows t Early .Celebration at S a m morning service at N d en., Sunday School at . 3 p. m,' evening prayer at 4 p -m.-. 1.1 ) First Presbyterian church (services held in court house), preaching by Rev. Dr. Dixon at 1 1 a. m., and at 7:30 p. m. bjr. Rev. J. H. Lacey. . Sunday School at 9:30 a. m. All invited ' V At Ths Hotels Today Bxnbow House. A.' J. Marciise, Philadelphia; jno. W.. Graham, HilUv boro; J. W. Faust,' Little Rock, Ark.; Phil. Wright, J A. McDough, J. D. Payne, W- 0. V illis, J. E. Putney, : C- M. McArthur, T. A.j R. B. Ketner, H. Pernell, Winston N. C. Lone, W. A. Wimsat,' Washington, D. C; W. O. Nighty J. D. Pattoh, Richmond; E. R 1 Harded, Grahamrj; R.? :Cbara- berjain, RI ,T. Gra.'Dr. J. Hodge, H, Thompson. Chaa. O, Parnell, Andrew Dodee; H. S. Curtneyj N.sY.f W. E, Baird, W. Snow, RV Dashiell, C F Crist, Chas."C. PosHeTC- B.McConn, Baltimoreji T.' V. Barker and wife. Fay- ' ' . ..'.l ' j,i ,"..!,. ( ,!!'. ' t McAdoo!! HousaVrG., H- Make peace, Franklinsvillei !)J; ' F, Stiftbn, Hooper Coynel.t-.:CV; Weil, RvCrunn, , .Baltimore; , , Ceo. , Neill, NJ Moris,' jH. Hatfield,' Ji,: Travers, Mrs. J. C. Clayton, N. Y.; T. Harerbve, H.'B.- Fulmer, R. Dickepson,' 'mmtmt, T:', S. Bowles. P.T. Suttoti," Ricnmono-'H. Gpysr, Keokuk; Pr.RDJipgg, M eighVMrs: -N. -!E.C VouhgSmithfield; Mis. Fannie ..Check, , HUlsborp; R. Frankliui Atlanta; Jas. Hall, Dr." J. C. Miller and wife, t Philadelphia Tas. S. Parker Ga.; Paul B. (Means, Copcord: I. F. Aarmfield, J. A. Parker, Miss "Miry M0bre,; ttt"Alxy? WB-.'Shaw T M. Graves. N. C.i-A. iT.'Thomnsoh. "L . W n ? m I Iibery.S. B. McCoy, Mai. L. ,A. Burkflf CapfR.Ej tStyE.. and wife, G..P-' Hart, City; O. R. Cox, Cedar FallsTMaj, WB;Trbyi AsheVille. $ .iiiiitf'-it OiW'iti'finti mia ait ... etteville;; W. W. , Abbott, . JJanvillejLjjmUog inqonrt, and a Bead Dog at SamTBrowii, City; E. JHarfin, Rat j ' .' . .TBat ;.; " ''" ,'! eigh; J. W. Lindsey, ' Louisville, ' Ky.. J, A dog belonging , to ' 'Squire ' Fl ; F. ' ...'i 1 ABOUT THE CITY. Stray Bits Picked Up by Workman fiepor-ters-Iews in Brief, The tram from the South was two hours late this morning. Let there be a lull attendance at the different churche to morrow. Rev. P. H. Pennell, of Winston pitied through this morning. Rev. Dr. J. Henry Smith left this morning for Danville, Va,, where he will preach to-morrow. Mr. C. A. Osment, ' of Sumner township, has killed S43 rabbits this season; and it wasn't a good season for rabbits either. Remember the call for a raeeting'of the real estate agents and real estate owners, at the Chamber of Commerce on Monday evening at 4 o'clock, p. m. An important meeting. The Houee commit- on public b iildings and grounds has ordered a favorable report on the kill Intrc' duced br Mr. firower ; appropriating $30,000 for the nlargemrnt and im provement ot the government build lof t Gtelenlboro. " ;'' Tie Ooamitteo Appointed. The committee appointed by the chairman of the meeting last night met this morning and -appointed the following committee to meet the South Greensboro committee r Judge Gilmer. k. R. King, G: S. Sergeant, W.E. Bevili; C D. Be'nJbw and Brown. ' 'I' ' 1 ' . mm 1 -, Bringing; Tnem JTarer? . , ' ,It was , reported", on tna t'ret, this morning that the editor of The Daily Workman x had a, selfiih motive in wanting; to take , South Greensboro into the corpore imtis, the idea be ing that this, would bring the Sub scribers to 1 he "Workman closer to the center, so that the carriers woufd not hsve so for .to go in delivering the papers. W are in favor of improve men', in every shape. At Tht Y- M. 0- A. Last light The anniversary exercises of the Y. M. C. A. last night was attended ; by a large crowd,therooms. we are informed, being about fi'led. A very Intaresring' .programme bad been mapped out, and, as might have been expected the occasion was a very, pleasant one. Ret. J. H. Lacey, pas tor of Westminster church, entertain ed the audience with an address, .which we hear very highly spoken of. : Plen ty of good music hid been secured, and altogether the occasion was a. very pleasant and profitable one. !. :, Glenn, of Sumner township was shot Thursday night before last by Eugene Toombs, who claimed, that' the dog was ' trying to bite one' of his calves (of his kg) onthe public" highway. The case came before Squire Eckel here today in the form of a State war rant'; agunst T'oombs fot Vcruelry". Jo animals! ' There were some tWelve'iiit nesses in all. and tach party, it is said, hat! erholoved council. ' Vfhen the I T.;-,i.i.-.. ).7,i!!i'.-,.. i('-j 1 ft ...!! party met in the room lor trial roomos sucrs'eated a comDromise. which Glenn axreea 10 on me oasis inai caun man should pay his own costl11 And ' thiia the matter ended. . 1 . .. ' - . -ii'ii . e."..iij. it'nn ifb; . I v. :; Everybody, wants to know . Vhere )the fire is when the alarm is sounded dampie a. crown oc 10. wur lurmsn yott,'free : of 'charge' ar.igtvtng umber and location ft , all Jhc ,,Fire iaf lit iMHf. ii-jyotu jfttdf LAICGE SALE -OF- DRY GOODS The Largest Sa'e op ReoDrd will take placj at El Pi Commencing on Saturday " Morning. ' Our Entire Stock will bp OfTared at a SACRI FICE to Clos ' ' 1 the Bus! ness. Ths Stock Cov$htn of a, Otn trullijieoj bra Goods t such as Silks, Cashmeres, , - '.Cloakji' s: Shoes,. Olothine, 4 ' Tranks, . White Goods,' Hambiirgs, Laces, ic. ' ' - t-OUR STORK- WILL BE OLOSEd Preparatory to Sale, in order to marl; Y) ' ';-') ww.ij :i':' Plain Figures. ' - -: ' .; ., - : ' ; 1 -' ...i : .. '." h;;- - ' I' v; . i '' .-THIS IS Wb trustee's 1 w. BUT A" ' H ;i , J: AStrictly'Boca-Fide One i 1 Y: . Call early to Avoid the iSusK, " "5-i.' . Sab X'tt-- ':'J...t:' .v"; !V'"v' . !:';-Nits t.ilU i'0-ot.:fcf i!'J. t--: ' . .' '. " V : ' T. !; '.t.-u'.'.i ;, r(i let, -tfii I, l73.Tl:iru!((: Mri;i li.-l 1-" ..'... ... . . . .. ' '' -' frmnitk iW.).Xl.f 4,, c !'j:iijf ija; a J" 1 , ,1 1

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