- . . . GREENSBORO DAILY WOEHIAN, 1 ': I' b '"' f .- , 4 f s- "l V-' r6T.VIII.-No. 18. DOUBLE ATTRACTION -AT- BROWN'S , THIS WEEK, Inaditlonto an elegant dlt. play or . VJhita Goods and : A Embroideries and Dress Goods, Wa hava jut opened a Large and Desira- - bla stock of New Clothing, COMflUSlKO BUSINESS SUITS, DBESS SUITS. nd a very full and attractive line of STYLISH, Dressy Pantaloons, fur Yorna MEN. COME and LOOK SAMPLES. BROWH&CO. ..a3and aj South. Elm street.-. ' tunK New Orleans Syrup, also N. O. Molasses, Maple Syrop and Bar badoes Molaese, nv ol wkich you will find nice and palatable ? at Scott & Co s. Only $.5o I Live six Webster's Unabridged Dictionaries for sale at $a.So each. ,S. F. HAMitx.new store Field's factory, ayettevme ou in 3 o O cm 9 .a C) o '. 5 W 1 2 wH 0 O w S J o LxJ M 4 1 1 O 43 a "' o XX 0 trrz Eh &i $ jzJ y? 0 4 eg o (iBEENSBORO, EVENTS OF A DAY. LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS OF INTEREST. The Bcoord ef a Day's Eappsalngi la and Ajoona uroeBioore wut Imr Jupor tot F sad HearPersonal Hot s, Lo cal Bnritlte, to. Ao. The train from the south ins over two hours late today. Mr. L. W. Andrews is contending heroically with a massive carbuncle. . 'Several students from Guilford Col lege have been here today visiting our merchants. The warmth of the atmosphere to day hu had a positively demoralizing effect on laiypeople. . . ' Weather indications, for North Car olina : Watmeri variable winds j rain t clearing by Saturday night Winston will soon have a telephone. What has became of Greensboro's much talked of telephone exchanger There was a slight fisticuff in the reception' room of the R. tc D, R, R; last night which was interfered with by Officer Whittington. - The Winston Sentinel is urging the connection by telephone of Winston and Greensboro. This would no boubt be a paying investment The weather today hu been very changable -first cloudy, and then sun- Lshine. But the weather indications say it will clear op by Saturday night So let us watt and hope for the best You can spend a profitable hour, by attending the services at the . Young Men's Christian Association tomorrow afternoon at 4:30 o'clock. Rev. S. W. Coe will deliver an address. Good singing by the male quartett All are invited.' . : - -' . . Eiok Dogs. Greensboro has several dors that are suppotd to have the grip and are being attended by regular, physicians. The theory is to treat the canines as if they wers of the genus homo. So far the treatment seems to he promising success, as the patients are improving. ' . . Gone Off Again. 1 It was only a slight provocation that caused Bro. Cook of the Concord Standard tQ go off in such style as tha (he can hardly . survive the spring months) "The Standard desires to re turn thanks for a collection'of flowers, beautiful and sweetly odorous. . Kind hearts and lovely flowers are woman's weapons they are mighty. ." . .'-An Old Eye Bore. "T" , Capt. Dick Smith has : " got road " with that old haunt known as the old factory, ' corner of Greene street and Belle Meade Avenue, and this : morn ing began to tear up brick bats. 1 Eve rybody is hoping that the ugly chasms will be filled Cp, the place levelled - up and the nuisance abated. ; Thert hur rah for Greene street from one end to the other. ' ' ' " " ' ; At 0. F- College Last Height. The "entertainment given last night at G. F. College, was an occasion of 1 much interest, and while ; the crowd was greatly fluted by the inclement weather, still a very fair and apprecia tive audience was present, and all seemed to heartily enjoy the exercises. An interesting programme had been prepared, consisting of sons, dialogues, elc , which was carried out in a man 1 ner creOitalle to all concerned. . - . N. C, SATURDAY AFTERXOON, raMomiroiiim. . QrtBboro, fwple OiM Oonja aadBolng sad Passing TWog Mr. J. W. tlangim it ia tht chy to day. ' ' : . , ' . Prof. X W. Can came in this morn in f.xra Trlpitjf CoUcgt;. -' :.; ; Mr. Hani ItaturittWriW joter day from Hot Springs,- Ark.' f'-- Rev. Dr. AVandejt Martfiv ojt Dan; ville, tif caW ip to. .'dt this morning. : ' 1 ' Maori Henry rcgram, $am CDmet and J. Wi. Werritt, eomercad rowr are here todajf. .. "'r ' V. " 1 Mr.anJMrivW. ft; IkM t turned tfats 'imiig. froi 'f 'tistt to ReidsvBk . Me. Cobalt Sapp vent ta keraers. vDle thatnorning to spend Sunday with parents at that place. . Rev. C M. Pepper, editor, of the Living Issue, -whose home bat High Point, is here to Jay on a visit v : - We had pleasant call today from M-. P. S. Williams, of Rockingham county, jus over the G Iford, border, j Mr. Frapds Beard, f Brooklyn, N. Y has arrived ia the aty rn a visit of some time to his neice, Mrs. W. C Swan, soa Fayetteville street - Dr. A. R. Wilson, formerly of this city, but subsequently and for several years past, of Pelham, N. C, has re moved 40 the i city with hu wife and, two children and will here prae tke his profession. - We - welcome the Dr. on his return to the 'home nest, and trust that he may . tinil it both pleasant and profitable.-, .-.'. j : If: At the Beabew To-Day. Chis. Price, N. C 1 C W. Cofee, L. M. Michaux, Richmond,.Thos. Settle, H. C Parker.Reidsvillet C C Ham let, N. C -K P. a JUthrop, Hartford j A. C. ITiley, Norfolk; A. Nayer, Phil adelphia 1 H. K. Whitman, Milton, Fa A. J. York, Concord j J. Stow, Atlanta Henry Albertson and wife, Philadel phia 1 J. W. Gore, Chapel Hill; M. R Whartou Ala. ; P. P. Zemmsrman, N. C t C H. ConsUble. Va. ; T. G. Tins ley, Pa. j A. H.Ueller, Baltimore ; H. J. Mendenhall, Trenton, Jj. J. j J. D. Hodges, Baltimore j S. , O. Wilson, Raleigh ; Mrs. S. S. Gore, Winchester; W. D. Wager, N. Y. R. L. Howard and wife Mrs B. ; F. Howard " and daughter, Buffalo i W. , L, Cobb and wife, I1L i J. D. Payne, Win. Basher, Va. ' Mrs. E. A. Flanders and daugh tef, Boston j C L. Pankejr, Va. i G. K White, W. A.' Gassaway, Baltimore j james M. Reia, Kyr ; J. Mayjield, Ya.; T; J. Hale, Day toh' O.-s O. B. Wight man, John Pruett, Ark. j R. S. Ryburr, Shelby 1 Vf.t. buncon,' touisviile j R. F. Rice, City j J. E-. Hancock, Fred Reif; Baltimore t Miw Mattie Ran( some, New Benie' A.;,' ''.t-fj 'li - Everybody hat-.- heard - of the fun there is in"rurin!ng I newspaper from the time it begins to run In the t regu lar way until it tuns iuto the ground. If it be a quarterly the fun is quar terly ; if it be a monthly,the fun is once a month j if weekly, the tunwill come weekly, but if daily, the fun Witt be daily. Anybody that "knows "reth tnetic" can see that'th re is-six times as much fun in a paper that is dailyjex cept Sundays7as there is inja weekly ; twenty six times as-; much as there is ra' a monthly "enty eight times more than in a ily. . And twice a day would just double it, if any body could stand that much fun. . ' FEBRUARY 21, 1891. fiERnOESrOSTO-lIOREOW. . 8om of tlx Places Whirs Ton Oaa Worth!1 To-morrow Sunday school at the Baptist Mis non Chape! (East Greensboro) at t:jo p-m. AQ Invited. At Westminster Church, preaching at 11 a. m. and 4 p. m. by the pastor. Sunday school at 1:30 p. m. All are mnted. Society, of Friends will hold services corner of South Elm and Lee street Rev. Ishara Cox is expected to preach at 11 a. m. Gospel Service at Y. M.fC. A. to morrow afternoon at 4 tjo o'clock Rev. S. W. Cot will deliver an address. All men art invited. At West Market Street M.T2. church Rev. S. H. HuTiard, the pastor, wp. preach at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sun. day school at 9:30 a. m. Alt are in vited, First Presbyterian church (services held in court house), preaching tonight by Rev. Dr. Martin of Danville, also at it a. m. and 7:30 p. m. on Sunday. Communion at the morning service and children's meeting in the after noon. Sunday School at 0:1.0 'a. mr AT bvited. At Centenary M. E. church Rev. E. L. Stamey, the pastor will preach at 11 a. m. and at 7: to p. m. Sunday school at 3 p. m. are invited to these services. ' Services at St Barnabas Episcopal church u follows: Early Celebration at 8 a in. Sunday School at 9:45 A ox,1'" morning " service at 11 s- 1 eveomg services at 5 p m. . At West Washington Street Baptist church, the pastor, Rev. W. B. Win gate, wiu preacn at 11 a m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school at 930 a. m All invited to these services. . ' StvE W Emitu Duablsd , A card to Mr. W. R. Murray of this city conveys the intelligence that Rev. E. VY. Smith, while preaching for.Rfv. Dr. Withtripopn, of Nas'ievfl'e, Tenn, was disabled Seriously in .his throat, and had gone to Thomasville, Ga , for recuperation. Prot Chas. D. Mclver, Supt of the Institute Instuction of this Sute, will lecture at -Guilford College on the evening of Saturday the a8th, inst. . Mr. Warren Brown, editor of the Lexington Ledger, was in the city today. .; : .-'.. ' ; t 1 sjp t ' . - An Offer' ' " The subscriber surrees to make a deed of gift to a lot of ground, in a good location, to any one who wi" erect there on a Canning factory. . Th's offer is open for three weeks.' j ' ; , : -t W. E. MC.APOO. i February 18th, 1891:; ' - cixr STEna, Do not fail to secure some of. those Kid Gloves now being "sold at Ray mond & Powell's, at to cents, and i cents per pair, some ladies are buying them by one "half ; doz. pairs. . The quality is good, but are slightly dam aged by moisture. You all have had gloves damaged in this way. ,. .. r ; Are you in need of ; Window Shades ? if so. are those now jrointr at Raymond & Powell's at 30 cents each, spring roller and lixtures compieie noi low priced ? a beautiful assortment of Brown, ' Drab, Ecru, Straw color and )Pea Green. ' - Pay your City Taxes imposible give further indulgence. - , R. M.Rees. f-iw.-' - ' City Collector. to Trice 13.00 Ttr Vearj 11 B SALE i.nr tMh as rntiltUM c' w. .,. a Busy as iBees Everyiday,JanJ why ?j.Cttx goods are Hi; Mai bp. We still have a laraa stock ori hand, WhtehrVi Oat b ciosed out. Betpw - we mention a few of the many bar gaina that TOTMAT PUTtCnB , , JUan'$ Stand 'trdiPrinbtixfrt. AUcm'sHm Prints, 6J cU, Apron Glngltans, lett quiUty, 6J c VrtM (tiuii'uim. thttvt anifilti. 81. Fine VetuA Ginghams, IQc Fine French akeiB,22e. .". (fotmex Tyriee 371) ' AJlan't Amvfctin Se:ns,.lz, 1; Aetu Etmcitnl -TM Darwhi onty 50c. former prtaelSfs); ; Genuine Damask at 85,p5,' 1.20 are genuine bargains. ' . WI STrLL'lIV A VCRY ICS 8atHC- . TIONOr DRESS GOODS, Don't MissltJie ovDorbunitu! Spring is near at . hand- 4 IMMENSE RUUIAIV IMMENSE UAKUAIN'S IMMENSE .BARGAINS i Every, Yard Guarahtocd not to split in vvearll -O'JR Stockof Shoes Is not broken as ef. Haw All - Sisi of tl Celebrated Make ' ':. tUCll AS . r.Tonovvs' and ; Douglas - CtHtom, Made Goods, . Oome Early I Cci3 Earlv1 Pretzfelder fi Co 1 '.. . .. v. f

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