GREENSBORO DAILY WOEEMAN. GREENSBORO, N. CL, BOUDlir AtTERSOOS, FEBRUARY. 23, 1691. ro.VHI.-Na 185. Price 13.00 Ter Tear DOUBLE - ATTRAGTIOri ,.' UX- .. - J ' . . BROWN'S Tills tVEEC II I". It I In edition to an elegant dis- play of jKlfi CdifH3 and arid We havi ;3vf t optnsd i Large; etnei Desira- bis iiockor Novr 6ibtrMg, ttJ&tteS SUITS, DBES3 SUITS; . I . f and t rerr fall and attractive line of STYLISH, Dressy lantalddris, v. V FOB tim His-' ; V COIIE afldLOOK SKFLES.-DHOViilBCO'. J3and 34 South .Elm street' TIXt,, n.. Orleans Syrup alao N O, Molawea, Maple Syrop and Bar- badoet Molassee, any ot -wbicti you will find nice and palatable j . -. - at Scott & Co'e. Onxy $1.50-1 have six 1 Webster's Unabridged Dictionaries for tale at . each.- S. F. Harriix new tore Field'i factory, Fayettevffle St H 3 if.' "- 1 m P T t b LH c s o fi if:i;3i ,U lEVEfri'SOFADAY. LOOAl 1HD OEStlit HEWS 0F1HTEEE3I. The Beoord af fcWa lupbeiipM lb and Around: Groensbore What k)nr WMT i4 ud Hear Personal lot s, Lo- oal Brevities, tou to. . Capt B. J. Fiaher ia b the city Kev. Ifham Cox ' coad acted Plht 1 - . . Fnends meeting yesterday. A iaoal. a lam number' coat rnercuu trareum ipent Sunday tn oof chy. . M yr5td & Core stiil ha( in wiUi Otelr ne? foods which they art mailing mfij wr men opening. ', The r&aW meedh of the of the Pwiiber of Commerce will be held tonight at 0 o'clock. Willie, aoo of Mr. Wv.C Bain, cut hit hand open pretty badly with an ax at about 3:30 o'clock today. j 1 i 1 ' :t . . .Ik nnn ?t?tig.of; the ftock-; hrflder of the Greensboro Brick and Tiling Company will take place onjthe tnd day of March. : ' " Yesterday was a very beautiful Sab bath to have succeeded such ah ugly day as was Saturday, and such a rainy and tempestious as ' wu Saturday night - r ' . , Hit Them Ear& .. Some say that ev. X. JliUiard hit hard in tome of his remarks yesterday on church behavior. ' Any other ' sort of hit would have had little or no effect On the offending subjects. It takes a thick skin to behave ugly in cho'ch. att Ifarktt Stmt Oharck. .The pastor, Rev. S. IL Hilliard, preached yesterday morning on ."How to Behave tn the church of God," (Tim. in: i$) and at night there was preach inz br Rev. W. B. Lee, a mercber of the graduating class of Trinity College, on Psalm 1:1.. A , good impression was made. , ., 1 rirst Presbjtertan Charoh. .Rev. Dr. Martin of Danville preach' ed at 11 oclock, on Ephesians Ch . 1: verse 13, alter which the communion of the Lord's Supper was administered to a laree number of persona, '.; Two persons came forward and connected themselves with the church by a public profession of faith. ; Dr. ; Staith men tioned the fact that eight persons had been received since November, : jA:IP Martin Last Bight. ' ' r.The subject of Rtv.jDt. Martin's sermon last, night was, "Blessed are tbVnercifuCfot. they shall obtain mer, cy.Srhich was treated in a most able ami 'edifying manner as'Jhis Tiearejs abundantly testify. !. This it one of the t'nijeCtti feeedled; Uenfe; ajt'n time, , and i none the less so at the present time when men ire M genei1. ally absorbed each one in his own individual business concernl '-..". ' ' , , Look,frJv:;g:vk,i, Look out for what?' fs ..r. ' For FishbUtes ad. ... ; '. Look out when? ,:' 7. I Look out tomorrow,, t: This tneaiiS that tomorrow Fishblate will tell vou of a lamer' and better stock than ever shown in Greensboro, and at lower prices than ever known. All at one price. .. . - V For rich and poor, There's one thing sure, -Every body likes a one price store, AootdattoXiklaakli.. Quit a painful accident befell Mr lane Rankin, an aged iady joo Greene' Street, Saturday noroing at Ibout 7 o'clockW. - A rVe had aen'Jigkud In Mii.jRapkiMtjonj a,t an early hour, and a few small, round sticks of "wood had Wth kA Ibolit tli hiirtl . Isi walUng acrM .thjJpni; wJMf kwaa dimW llehtad at the time. M's Ran. ku tteppad on on of .tba sticks of wood; tye itkt jeWd rri Uiwlt htf H. Atofc H jrWi the floor tacturiof n .bone . soma three! ir ui3w e'i iocUrcVtfUhin' bosAt J Gle.,'ws ((?mtof an the awistance of paighbori the phticnt waa ma vq (ut oca aaa nvaue as com. foiUblaapOsiJhtaicSaruri. day and theSsbbit sij frceedj ingly nervous, and but few of the coiKJiUoa i could. b adroittfd sober der the Influence of opiates. ' Senator King, who st.fypsterJajt with his family in the city, waa effer. mg,very much with a. bad cold,' 1 naa a grip on nun. . jit nas panieq with that tame cold, nearly all the time he has been at Raleigh, and said yes terday he thought he should not get clear of the cold until he quit Raleigh for good. . It hat been an invalid Leg islature,' any way, for much'of the. time, according - to .the statements about leaves of absence .With .the:, .poor health conditions of the Capitol. the wages allowed the members' trc much too low. c It would take a great deal of political glory to pay a man, for a po. itical campaign and session "of the Legislature..:i..o ' Holiday at !! Oollegs- ; Up to this morning there bad : been no understanding at G. F. College that the day, observed as the anniver sary of Washington's birthday, jjjould be given as a holiday, but when tbe question was seriously mooted on' the f Hill" the President, Dr. Dixon', made concession to the wishes of the ygung ladies and granted the . holiday asked. Dr. Dixon was of the opinion that the holiday would hf the more highly appreciated because not antici pated beforehand J. , it . Oai Sympathies. -i r-'. ! . n.i The Workman knows two extreme. ly sick people in town at this time.and extends to then) its sympathies., - This place it remartable for Us tow rate of Wortallty, ahd Mien Ve'saTcJof wo prsOTSxirehTery ifl, w merttorl " all the cases'we know of.,5 Theye are oth er people sick, at a matter of course, but the city is -aHTher while healthy, and perhaps excels any . place of its Bates to Bapst 8- 8-Convention . ' . - For. above occasion, the .Richmond and DanviUr Railrbjtri Co.1 will sel rickets to RaleigryN. C. atyl return at the following rates, from points named,. Tickets on sale March. Sth'to 8th. iA- clusive limited returning March 10 '91. From Charlotte, $7.45 j Greensboro, $4.30 Wnston Salem, $5.60 ; Dur. ham, $1.65 1 Oxford, " $3.15 ; Sehna, $1.65 1 Goldsboro, $2.75. Rates from intermediate points in same propor tion. "' Watch Tbe Professor. If anybody wa.rits to see the .. .evi dences of the ss-pcrior shrewdness of Grover Clevelan.1, just lct him' watch the Professor, That's all. , mSO JAU P0ISTEE3. Qroiwbcro's.fsopVaad ..Others Coming , eat 6o.iag andPsatlug Threogh. , 4 .,hjy. Peter P. Yates retired Jioroe 00 aturaay last ,;.Mr.,oah Durham of Cleveland was hare this raeeruog. Mr., Tn Hunter went down to Me base on busineaa today. . Rev. Albert Peelel of Guilford Col lege; tpeht Sunday in the dry. Prof, N. C English, oT Trinity Cot lege, was in the City this morning, . Us Tore Batchelor went on f visit to Burlington this morning, -end will return tonight , , s P-Xt ft iXhompspis of ..YiBston, was onjhf fti bound train, this morn bg, bound,fof the Fair at Newberne, . .Mr, C. JL; Reynolds; spent Sunday with hit family here, and returned , tq hit business at Asheboro this morn- mg. . j t Ms. S. t Brown, accompanied by hitOttleaoa Glenn, went down to tbe Fish and Oyster Fair at Newberne io Mr.'ji A." Porter, of Asheville ahd Dr. D. Reid1 barker went to Kewberne today, also Mr. Nichols of Michigan city; Indiana. .... .... . ... - . . , "Mr. E..W. Lyon, formerly of. this city, but now of Raleigh passed through on his way home from a trip to the northjthit morning , j , Rev, Dr. Crowell, of Trinity College passed down to'Durham, this morning to be present at the breaking of ground (or .the hew building for Technology., Mr. Jas. W. Woodbyrn came over from Madison -Saturday evening to begin business with Messrs. J. L. King and Co in the manufacture of tobac co. Mr. Berry Davidson came up from Gibsonville this mprnin'g and met here his daughter, Mrs. Hough and her in font, from Cleveland,. Rowan connty, who were going down to Gibsonville on a visit Prof. Grimsley of the city Graded School went down to Raleigh this morning to make some observations in the Graded Schools of , that city, there being holiday in the schols here today. 7 , ; .; y. . The S'eel and Iron Company-; Thi Workman learns today from a reliable source lhat the "prospects, of the North Carolina Steel and Iron Co are gbirig brighter; rith each day, Mi-, tandni iexpe4.,that fomtt-H irhnortarif " deMloomentS ' wi" t meaAf ijjA cjeatJp.ipreferiBboro". , severaTpersons declared , yesterday that they "Had (covered a , striking hkeneca: 'bweerM Jurlge Dillard "Of $$xm$3; aud'Dr. Alexander Martin, si J3ajfivule,and The Work man is of thw opinion that the impress iortfriqWBcfc h, ;g.r,.:'''-'; - -' n "not fcilt to seture some of those rt'iA f;invia niiw beine sold at ,Rav- mond & Powell's, at to cents, and " as . .. . .... v.. ..,;... rpnrq rwr Tiair. buiiic ituic& lur. iiutuik rri hi nne half idoa. Dairs. The quality is good, but are slightly dam- atrcd hw moisture, xouau nave jiau gloves damaged in this way. : y . ArA-vmi in need of ..Window Shades? if so, are those now going at n 111. . 1 V. onrincf rol'.r and fixtures complete not low priced ? a beautiful assortment of Urown, urat), tcru, airaw coior nu Pea Green. W" 4''T ' r-i ' ' . tal9MJiice lk he,' near , future.' ,This wgood'tews1 16 "bvt readers,-' and 1 iEf SHE as uees Everyjiayjand why i (Our goods are lap. We still have iere stock onhand.whioh'muatbe cibaedi - (jut; - Below wernentloriafew. ofthen4envtar gains that -: . TOU MAT 'PUZZCZZABB. t . i . . , ..... Apron Oinghanu, led quality, 6 c. Drt Qinnhajn, yopd qwJilv. Sc. Hue fi mck Giayhaiiu, 10c. ' Fine French Lateens, 22c -1 . (forma prise 87J) AU an't 4ifltric 8atecn 9.c, , Jew Bleached Talk Daqiaiiki only 50c. (former price 15c) Genuine Damasb at 85, 95, 1.20 ore ' genuine bargain). ' WE STlLLjflAVI A VERY NIC 6ILKC- TION OF . - .", DRESS GOODS. Don't Missfthe ovvortunittjt Sprin$ w nearlat hand' ' - . 4 IWMENSF. BAIKUINS IMMENSE HAKOAINS ' IMMENSE BARGAINS 4 : , ' IN" ..... 'if t i Every , Yard Guaranteed - noi 10 spin in wear i , Jtl ,vv ..., ;-;. 't..,i r Stockof Slip; Is not broken as let. Ilaye all Sliea of the Celebrated Makes . . auch as ' ' . r.lonovs' and Douglas Custom Blade Goods. Come Early ! ; Ocrns Earlv1 Protzfeldor fir Co 15U8y