v, DAILY WOMMAI. UU THI.-Xfc 213. GHEENSUOltO, '. Fill DAY A F TEUSOOX, MARCH 27, 1891. Pric $3.00 Per Tear GEEEISBORO Stranfer, : Can yon lell me where TU find the Shoe Stort? Cifuen. liter it no rxdwrivt Shot Store here. Stranger, What,nt Shoe Store in town of thii tiw? Cititen, t Well, we don't need a . -! store toladlv a you might tup- o Biown keept Stranger, Who't Brown? Citit n, J mean S. ft, Brown & Co.. the One Price Cash People, They lcjep a larger stock of Shoet than you wUl find in meet of tfa ex t'uttive thoe ttortt, and tell litem . apex than an exclusive shoe store could afford to . Jf you are hunting for thoe; BroicH't, 232 and 234 South Elm strut, it the place you toant to find. a We've got the best $ oaand $3.50 Men Sboet yotj am find, anywhere and we- want to call your attention to our THREE DOLLAR LINE, five different styles, in Congress and Lace, Plain and Cap Toe, Broad and Narrow Lasts., If you like finer goods, see our St.00, jm 00 and so 00 shoes, eie gant, comfortable, fit like; a glove ' and wearing qualities guaranteed. (kir stock of Infants and Children! Shon, Boys and Girls School Shoes, and Ladies' and Misses' Fine Shoes is full and complete. Our Ladies' Dongola Kid Button Shoes at $1.60, $3.50 ' and $3.50 are very desirable and excellent values. Have yon ever tried our famous Sa lem Seamiest Half Hose f They are the best in the world for the price, ten cents, wearing fully equal to goods that cost you twenty-hve. -... Yours truly, SAMPLES. BROWN Ho. DPPQ'i. nACKETT Greenoroi N. C Orri ch 109 J South' ElmiSireet. , . Plum a4ijolHntloiuwltfrer without m (MrToMadooo. fcTOUorcti work speolally Aaaatt M ibr wl Tut ChMfw-it in U. S. Prtlailn trm ionr !Ui,ciiilnBll.a arm :s IT U rf o m 03 &V rVg!S- A rt o 4 LJ.' sP 3 3 a S M ',,-'-i"&:Ej: A MY'SJVENTS. WHAT OUR REPORTERS BEE AND HEARI And What Other People Tell Them Newe Brlfly Noted , Personal Notes &c. ' This is Good Friday. . Weather indications: For North Carolina, generally fair, cooler. The directors of the North Carolina Steele and Iron Company will meet tomorrow night. . Mr. T. F. Causey reports his family, w1k are in Raleigh still, as getting bet ter of the measles. Messrs. J. W. Scott St Co. have change in their column advertisement today. Don't fait to read it. Milton Cunningham is now engaged in Mrs. Howard's Book store, in which we wish him abundant success. The train which came in from ' the North this morning bore signs of hav ing passed through a snow storm. . A Workman reporter caPed oh Mr. W. R. Burgess today, and found him engaged in the delightir! pastime of eating his dinner. He is evidently gaining ground. It is his purpose to visit Florida soon, the transfers on the way alone being a hindrance. The Old Game. A, workman reporter, in passing along Davie street this morning, saw a couple of boys playing marbles, cold and chilly tnough it was. The fact is, it is the only game at which a boy can get "fat." . The Wounded Man. Qr-jnspector Wheeler who was so seriously hurt yesterday morning as a consequence of jumping from the C. F. & Y. V, train while it was in' mo. tion, was reported to be better this morning, and it is hoped that his con dition is not serious., , Jumping The Track. There is anunusual amount of jump ing the track just now. Box cars, coaches, sleepers, engines and tenders show an increased ten.lency to jump, and now and then a man (not to say a woman) takes a notion to deviate. It's a jumping time, fellow citizens. Denominational Courtesy, v In noting yesterday the. fact that the Methodist Protestants would hold ser vice next Sabbath morning in Newell's hall, we omitted to state 'that the roan is rented from the Episcopalians, and that the members of, that church have hbwn their characteristic courtesy in the roatteri Vhijh;i Highly ppreitfdJ Returned Home. ' Th5 three gentjeraen who went to Egypt yesterday pn a visit of examina tion, axe said-jto have be.ehjnueh pleas- withey saw; ; Ai )attt 1 of course they would not come to any conclusiod suddenly, as ' the matter which they have in hand involves .the outlay o large , cash., capital iThey returned home last night. , 'Heard Judge Dick's Address. Rev. Dr. Law,' General Agent 'of the American Bible Society, came up from Fayetteville last evening," at which he attended the Sunday School Con vention, and heard, among other things the splendid address of Judge:, Dick, who was elected President of the Con vention. , Dr. Law went to his home at' Spar tanburg, S. C. last night. ' Standard 3'lb Peaches for ao cents per can at E. M. Hindrix & Co. ABOUT FOLKS YOU KNOW. Personal Notes of Interest Caught on the Fly. Mr. Charlie Randleman was here this morning. Col. James F.. Boyd retimed f.om Ashtboro this morning. Mr. J. R. Mendenhall returned f ora Fayetteville last evening. Mr. John t lirower came in from Washington this morning. Mr. Allan Tomlinson went to Guil ford College this morning. Mr. George Pell, of the State Chron icle, passed through this morning. Mr. Hardy of the State Chronicle, wu here today in the interest ot the paper. Mr. W. C Bain wu among the passengers on the east bound tram this morning. Miss Zell Allen, of Reidsville, is on a visit to the family of Capt. Marcellus Jordan, corner of Edgeworth and Gas ton streets. W. S. Barnes, of Wilson county was yesterday elected the successor ol Eugene C Bedd'ngfield as Secretary of the State Alliance. Mr. Edgar Reed, of the United States army, who was wounded last November, passed through going to Washington Citythis morning. , Dr. Richardson of this city is quite sick of measles, and is having a fuh set" of "it" and "them." ' Ve hope to hear that he is getting throtieh. The State S. S. Convention. From 4ir. J. R. Mendenhall, who has just returned from the State Sun day School Convention at Fayetteville, we learn some facts about the Convent tion. It was held in the Presbyterian church, and was largely attended. Much interest was shown, those who were present seeming to be enthusia.: tic over the prospects of the Sunday School work in North Carolina. Funds to the amount of $ j,ooo were appropriated to push forward the work, and an organizer is to be put in the I1CIU. :. , ,,. 1 CI J 't'he speeches were pronounced bet ter than usual on such occasions. Judge R. P. Dick, of this city, was elected President of the Convention. ' 1 , ,; j : r Untimely."- V J, A , OurA fathers and there were at least that many, otheni-rpuilt . ptnk. roids overjth5 sand inoore . and Cumberbbdtoounties ever forty ysh. ago.' TJiey"thougKt it wis 'a grand fdea, and it was,-but if they-had ,kept their plank until how they would have done a vast deal more, good, especially in Cabarrus and Stanley, twbere the PO.!.aeep, , according to J31 that TOan's horse mired was1 with difficulty kerjt from drowning in the middle of , the road. .What a Waste it was to use the plank on the sand.; :"'"' '"' . . Quite True. . Wooden Oh what a beautiful sun set I I never saw such a magnificent sttsetmallmy.iiel ,. ;i V; ' Wagley- What nonsense 1 You never saw any other sun set ' iv ' ! ' If your boy is seven years; old .or anywhere from four to ..fourteen, you should call -at Brown's One 'Price House and see the new lot of Boy's Knee Suits just opened. The styles 1 Oered at $2.50, $3.50 and 94.50 are 1 specially desirable. - - AN INTERESTING PROGRAM Easter at West Market Street Church. West Market street church with its accustomed enterprise.has made elabor ate and extensive preparations for an Easter service. The organization con sists of the following persons : Rev. S. II. Milliard, Pastor; Prof. W F. Alderman, Supt. Sunday school; C. II. Ireland, Secretary Sunday school. EASTER COMMITTK. C. H. Ireland, Miss Clara Albright, Miss Sallie Brcrft, J. A. Odell, Miss Myra Alderman, l)r H. M. Alford, Miss Sue Gregory, Miss Lucy Robert son. ORCHESTRA. Organist Miss Myra Alderman. Cometists A. H. Alderman and M. S. Sherwood. Violiu Chas. Brockman, 1st; W. S.Hill, and. Flute S. L. Alderman. Director Infant Department Mrs Lucy H. Robertson. . The first part will consist of chorus, responsive reading, prayer, hymn, reci tation, duet, responsive .reading, East er cross, chorus and Easter offering. Part second: Recitation, chorus, solo and chorus, responsive reading, solo, recitation, chorus, Doxologv and Benediction. We would be glad to give the pro gramme in full, but it was not only re ceived too late, but beside will be cir culated in time in the complete shape given it at the job office. The affair will be handsomely exe cuted, no doubt.' A SENSATIONAL CASE. Col. W. H. S. Burgwyn Has Two Men Arrested. Henderson, N. C, March 36. H. T. Jenkins, a former resident, and Dan II? II, p;ivate detective, both ot Atlanta, Ga., were arrested here yesterday at the instance of Col. Wm. H. S. Bi: gwyn, president of theJBank of Hen derson, chrrgmg them with false arrest ot him upon a recent visit to Atlanta and for circulating untrue and damag ing reports reflecting upon his charac ter; and calculated to injure his.busi- ness. A hearing was held today be fore; Clerk of the Court Pei.-y..- ,The trouble gtew out of a sum of Vmoney.; which CoLJBurgw) 0' claims the, Hen derson Tobacco Company, .? of -which Jenkins was, a member, owed J him; This Jenkins ; denies, -'?.nd- brings .. a counter .charge againht Burgwyn, aP leging fraud and'eonspiracy, etc. Hall wjis in ' the employment ? of Jenkins working up the case,-"Able, counsel were employed on both sides, the plain-. tiff being represented by W. R.,H,erryi A. C Zojiicofcr, W, Cheekjahd, . irrVthe deftrfdirfts byTw'Tl' H. Bril Hicks. of this plaeand.'.Mfc Laniei of Oxford' The case was continued, the defendants being held 'in a. bond of $5,600 each, which theyhave failed to give, at this time. CoL Burgwjn gave bond in the sum of $ r 0,000 .to answer damages. (' - ;.;, i .' :itf.; - Lively Times'. ' From the Danville Register it would seem that, there has been a lively de bate between editor, Bouldin of the Times anci Rev. J. C. kosser of the Floyd street Methodist church, on the subject of licensing saloons. The two men failed to agree. f Rough and Ready Sailor hats' at 10 cents, at Mrs, Bobo's ma6tw t8i South Elm St. r.ci x)ai m. is Never broken, Kabo. The "bones" in thd Kabo corset are made of it! warranted for a year, too, I It's a corset you can weac a few weeks, and then get your money back if .it' doesn't suit. i But it's pretty sure to suit else it wouldn't be sold so. iO Cent CarvU at M foul 73 Cent CsrxU si 50 Cents! W Carry tka HM OmbiIm Um 9 Cmwtm la CiiibiSih. SEW SPE1SG KES8 GOODS IN THE LATEST 8FIISG SHADES All Wool Black Henriettas, 38 inc'ies wide at 49 cwi par J0 Cems and look through our jvew otocic. we want an opportunity to fur niskiou price bt foryou?p.n'S t ' chases Uh ' DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS. We guarantee prices on goods pur chased of us, or they may be returned and money refunded. ., , , . , RAYMOND & POWELL, National Bank Building, Greensboro. MILLINERY . OPENING Saturday. March 28 We invite the ladies of Greensboro and vicinity to call and see such of our goods as have been received. They were bought from the best NEW YORK -"and Baftimore i ?, -.: .houses. . We paul Cah. and sell at . tin loxtt bosh pries ' CATOR&K.EENE Jpp. PO; ta'rripftian's'oid Stand. ' Spring; Opening Of 'Pattern Hats and Bonnets and Pa risian Novelties beginning' Friday af ternoon at 3 -0 clock, and continuing Saturday. Our Kerieral'st'ock is' com plete! 'and our prices ai- always, right. you are coTaiaitymwea.v ti.-v kMRS. S. E, BOBC j& $Si!ikV2m street. specI ar. iforicKs.' . TWKI.VR RRATTTirflLi-flU kltlllflll bunches pt ripe bananas received ywn terday II you want-any call early,. kThey are fine. -' ' ' , . : ! . J' - Swbit Picklkd Beef Hamsi-T . second shipment has arrived and they , ' $te going fast If you Want some thing nice try them and you will- be ' pleased, , . ,at J. ,W. Scott & Co'ii . Our Bargain Courtxr -Mft have set apart a bargain connter on whicn we will each day offer some wonder ful bargaina. When you ara ia town ' Or down the street , drop m and sew them. The Racket Store 0, aaS, South Elm St. Greensboro, N. C ; J. H, Prince, M'gr. ' Boarders Wanted. Some six or eight boarders by the month are wan- ted . at No. Buchannon Street, allearly d.$tf.

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