a " i v GEEEWSBORO DAILY WORKMAN. ' Vof. lX,-Nf. 70 (iKKKNSIlOKO N. , lTKOXESOAY AFTEUNOOX, AUGUST 10. Is'll SPECIAL ITEMS. . Glass Fruit Tar.--Large nock at I low prices. Houston ijro. Give your pet docs and cats Sim mon Liver Regulator, when sick it Ml ... k.M Will bU VllUI. Another Lot of of those Eagle " brand pig hami just opened. All sizes ' 7 to idbs. at Scott & Go's MELONS 1 melons! From Georgia, i$c to 25c Send along your orders to J. W. SCOTT & CO. FOR SALEA gcod fresh milch cow. Apply to T. F. McCulloch, j9 tf Pleasant Garden, N. C IVORY SOAP1 ivory soap II The genuine article made by Proctor & Gamble, just received bv J. W. SCOTT 4: CO. Don't Forget we are " Head, quarters " for Buist's reliable turnip seed. The season for sowing will soon be here. . J. W. Fcott& Co. DO YOU PLAY LAWN TENNIS? " THEN OU CAN FIND PRETTY BLUE OR WHITE TENNIS CAPS AT ... - . Mil. Oator's. ' s 104 South Elm St . HEADQUARTERS' .FOR- CHINA, MIOCKER Y r AND ULASSWARE. Just received a very large stock ClIISA, CROCKERY AXD GLASSWARS Fine Lamps, - Opposite Benbow Hall, South Elm St, reensDoro, N. c m6-im 03 EJil.Calicbyk WHAT OUR REPORTERS SEE AND HEAR And What Other People Tell Them-Newe Briefly Noted, Persona Notes &o. A force f hands was nut to work this looming getting ready for the mining operations. Alice M. Hinshaw, of this ollke; re turn many thanks (or a box of beauti ful cut flowers received this morning. Geo. Wilson's Minstrels passed through here this morning going South. They played in Winston last night The roof of the new First Presby terian Church is on and awaits the arrival of the slaters, who are expected to nurit. The work has been delayed a day or two on their account Candidates for admission to prac tice law will be examined by the Supreme Court on Friday and Satur day, September 15 and 26th. The court will hear rases on the 28th. W-U all the members of the W. C. T U. please meet at. headquarters tomorrow afternoon (Thursday) at 4 o'clock to help transact important bnsiness which will . come up before the meeting. The different land companies are fixing up beautiful drives through and around their properties. . One of the prettiest drives will be in tne direction of Silver Run Park, through which streets and boulevards ' are being cut and graded. ' . Omnlaint comes to us that the r Workman is not oelivered regularly to subscribers at High Point. We hope the Postmaster will look into the matter, as we intend that onr sub scribers shali get their papers. There is also complaint from the Asheboro office. Up in a Balloon. The ilmington Messenger Rives a thrilling account ota ballonist. Prof. Edward Jewell, who went up m- a balloon at Carolina Beach The trip up was made successfully, but the wind blew the balloon Quito sea and came down one mile irom shore. The plucky aeronaut swam to the shore, however, and arrived safe without a scratch. ' " 1 His balloon was rescued by some parties in boats. He win maKe sever al other ascensions this week Morning Daily. Mr At Fairbrother, editor and pre. prietor of the Durham Globe, has gone North to make arrangements to print a morning daily into which he is going to convert the Globe. We wish him success in his new enterprise," but he' will find it expensive and uphill work to run such a daily as he would like in a town;; the size ot Durham, mere are a very few of the morning dailies i a North Carolina ' making anything above-their expenses ;.;'.,:'.; However; if there is anybody that can run a morning daily successfully in Durham, Fairbrother is the man. McGinty. The Fishbtate Clothing House has fac simile of the original McGinty "with a wart on his nose" dressed in his best Sunday Clothes. See him One of Buffalo Bill's spurious Indian chiefs, Red Eye by name, won the ' affections of a bidding . German lass, 1 and now she is suing him for a- divorce. and now she is suing him for a- divorce.-, IN MEitORIAM. The memory of the virtues, loves, helpfulness,' and the happiness that departed loved ones ave us in life, is a piccious legacy to those left hchind, and should ever live in our hearts as an inspiration to emulation. lira. Hannah M Sraim, mother of W. C). Swtiro, of Alumhaw. Alamance County, and John A Swaim, of Greensboro, was bom the iind of June 1820, and died at her home, near Altamahaw, the 14 of August, 1891, in the 72 year of herltfc. She was well as usual, so far as known, up to tne very minute of her death She ate her dinner abont 12 M, and after attending to other household matters, she had seated herself to do some oee&e work, when at about a p. in, she -suddenly fcU frora her chair and scarcely breathed again. Truly, "in the midst of life, we fe in death." She had often expressed the desire to 'die suddenly without sickness, or pain. . Truly, in this respect her prayer was answered. Since she must go, we are thankful that she scarcely suffered at all, at the end of life. ,-" ' , She was left a .widow about eight years ago, with the care four chil dren, but being de ply concious of her responsible ( position, ail :ed to an unusual . degree of industry , and womanly discretion, - ti was ' Nwell fitted to meet the demand tipor. her. ?Llc? PurEs? & nave been to train iter children in virtuej truth and honesty, and in this purpose and effort, where so many so sadly fail, eminent success seems to have crowned her efforts. So that her children can. and do praise her, and rise up and call her "blessed. She had never made a public profession of religion, nor connected herselt with the Church, tut she knew of the saving power and love of Jesus and it is believed trusted in him. She was . conscientious .and faithful, and many were her deeds oi kindness. So her children have the consoling.comforting hope that Mother is at rest in heaven. , Let it be our purpose and work in li'e to meet her there.-' -'', .- '"N She had three children Jiving at home with her at the time of her death. We laid her to rest, beside her husband, at Gilham' (.Primitive Baptist) Church, Using our. impressive burial service, in the presence of a large company of sympathizing friends. I suppose she had not spent a night away from her home in the .last ten years. Sad indeed it vas to follow her to the grave, but sadder still going back home, and mother not there. Yes, you miss her, . but Jesus is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother. , When Mother is gone.he is near, and will never leave nor forsake us, if we trust hiir ' Her children desire to express their grateful thanks to kind neighbors, and friends for their sympathy, and help in this hour of sad beteavetnent. May we all meet in heaven,' 1 August 17, 1891; V- A. Friend, A Charlotte Negro Killed. Alex. Caldwell, a Charlotte negro, was killed in a fight at Central, on the Air Line road, last night, and his body will arrive here on-the 7 p. my train. Alexander was a fireman on the Air Line road Last night at entral be got into a quarrel with another negro, and the quarrel was briefs for Alexan- der's opponent d. ew a pistol and shot Alexander dead The slayer escaped. ABOCT FOLKS TOU KNOW. Maior Mann Page, President of the State Alliance, introduced CoL Polk. Rev. W. B. Wingate returned to his home in this city last night Prot. Eben Alexander, of the Uni versily of North Carolina, is here to day. Mr. II. C. Bergei, who has been off on a visit of several days, has returned to this city. Ms. Will Houston, of the firm of Houston & Bro., went over to Reids vill this morning. Mi. and Mrs. J. C. Neelley and Mrs. CoL IX G Neelley, of Pleasant Gar den were here today. Mr. J. D. Kase, General Manager of the N. C, Steel and Iron Co., returned from the Ore Hill mine last night. Mr. and Mrs. P. P. Yates will leave here for Baltimore to night. They will remain in Baltimore about two months Mrs. S, C. Dodson and daughter, Miss Mary, went over to Patrick county, Va., this morning to spend some time. Mr. W. E. Humphrey, who resided here for several years clerk at the McAdoo and Benbow Houses, is here to day on a visit Col L L Polk, President of the National Farmers Alliance' addressed the State Convention of the Farmers' last night , , ; We had a call from our old friend. F. G. Chilcutt, of Benaja, N. C, this. morning. He reports the crops as in excellent condition in his section of the country. Misses Delphine and Bessie Hall, of W.nston, who have beqn to. High Point on a visit to the family of Mr. R. F. Dalton, pasted through here this morning en route home. Winston Defeated. ' The Winston baseball team was defeated in Winston on yesterday by tne Baltimoie club The score stood: Baltimore 7 ;" Winston 5, They will play again this afternoon. Meeting. ' There ;will be a meeting in the Court House to morrow nigLt for the purpose of taking into consideration the matter of' having the Colored Industrial and Mechanical College located at this place. Our citizens, who are interested in the movement, will please come out QHEE: WANTED, : .--. ,f. :. . ' : 11..'. .": . . .. . ; :' v Oiie Hundred dnd FROM FOUR TO FOURTEEN YEARS OLD. The Graded School bpens 20th, and it is about time to begin to Vet th 1 boys ready. We have on hand, by actual for boys from 4 to 14 years of age, and we September Jst. 1 Tn Arder to make them go fast we offer COST, and some of them for LtiSS TH Prices will range from $1.25 a Suit up viceable Suits for $1.50, $2.50 and $3.00. Respectfully, : SAMPLE - ' ' ' MfKtlAL, NUTICK. AT COST! AT COST!! 2!) Boys Suits to be closed out t c"t Pitts & Love. Drury Howell will continue to hae fresh fish at his stall in the market 125 tf. Painting the town red means head ache in the morning. Simmcnj Liver Regulator prevents it Melcms! Melons!! Send us your orders for car load lots or lc&s quantity. Houston &' Bro. Pure Gum rings for fruit jars,, much better than the cheap composition rings aud cost very little more, at Scott Sl Cv. Breakfast bacon put up in parch ment paper, weighing from a to 4 lbs. each. This is something extra nice t Scott's. Try. a pair of Redpath Bros. $3.00 Shoes-(for gents) waranted to give satisfaction or money refunded. For a'e by Pins.& Love. aug, in iw. Something New in Umbrellas. New design of steel rod. umbrellas at Cartknd's. Call and gt one. They ire- the newest thing out and are lumbe. ititt A Conundrum How can anything saitv he rRsn t w urir -.rf our 44 St.iv-i o. t e. ' ... ,-v aiiIL J. W. Scott fc Co's. "Yoo can boy "all kinds, of shoes, Men's. Women's and Children's at cost frora S. S. Brown & Co. The line of Men's Finn Shoes and Misses and Children's Shoes of all Kinds is especially attractive. Light Summer coats, men's and boys' sixes, 3 3.2 and 44 cenn, coats and vests 50, 60 and &a cents. White and Fancy Linen Vests, 55, fta and 97 cents, and our entue line of Hen's and Boys' suits at cose r Brown's One Price House. Candy I Candy 1 1 Three show cases full of candies. No. 1 contains only Royster'a make, 40c. lb., No. a contains a splendid assortment see. nu, 3 wniitoj a nice mixture C French and plain candy at loclb., which is going like hot cakes at ' J. W. Scott & Co's. learance sale of Gauze Undervests will begin at Raymond & Powell's Aug. 1 8th and continue until soldi Ladies Silk Undervests reduced from 90 cents to 6s cts, Ladies Lisle Vests reduced from 50 cents to 35 cts, Cot ton Vests from 25 cts to 19 cts. Gents Undershirts irom 2 cents to 10 cts. Gents Bleached Jeans Drawers worth 50 cents will go at 38 cts. Childrens Undercuts worth 18 cents going at 1 cts, and 10 cent vests to be sold at 7 CtS.. .- " : Fifty-Nine Boys count, 159 KNEfc PANT SUITS wish to close our entire -lot by ' vou choice of tne whole nn if AS COST. to $5.00, and you can get good srl . v . ; . - , f S. BROW & CO., 232 and 234 South Ehn Ctrcct. V K - i V ! I ; i v. i A) X VP ICT. Frau Red Eye says that Mr. Red Eye ; is no gentleman.. .'Charlotte News