GREENSBORO DAILY WORKMAN. Fol. IX,—No. 80- GEEENSBOEO. N. MONDAY AFTEBNOON, AUGUST 31, 1891, Price $3.00 Per Year SPECIAL ITEMS. Glass Fruit Jars.—Large stuck at low prices. Houston & Bro. I used Simmons Liver Regulator for indigesiion with immediate relief. —O. G. Sparks, ex Mayor, Macon, Ga. Another Lot of of those “ Eagle ” brand pig hams just opened. All sizes 7 to lolbs. at Scott & Go’s MEI.ONS! melons ! — From Georgia, 15c to 25c. Send along your orders to J. W SCOTT & CO. FOR SALE—A good fresh milch cow. Apply to T. F. McCulloch, 39 tf Pleasant Garden, N. C. IVORY SOAP! IVORY soap ! !— The genuine article made by Proctor & Gamble, juG received by ;. W. SCOTT & CO. Don’t Forget we are “ Head quarters ” for Buist’s reliable turnip seed. The se." r for sowing will soon be here. J. W. Scott & Co. DO YOU PLAY LAWN TENNIS ? THEN YOU CAN FIND PRETTY BLUE OR WHITE TENNIS CAPS AT IF'”'-?* 104 South Elm St. iMoCaldclgugliSk WHAT OUR REPORTERS SEE AND HEAR HEAr^TARTERS for CHINA, CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. Just received a very large stock CHINA, CEOCKEEI AND GLASSWARE Fine Lamps, Gpposite Benbow Hall, South Elm St., Greensboro, N. C. m6-im And What Other People Tell Them—News Briefly Noted, Personal Notes &c. Regular meeting of Directors of Chamber of Commeice tonight at 8 o’clock. Messrs. Jackson & Barnes will build a saw-mill on South Elm Street beyond the water tower. The mill, the engine and the boiler all to be made here. Great improvements ?’'e being made on our s eets, and on Greene street near Price, quite an important change is being made for the escape of the water which has heretofore come down to that point Mr. B. Volz, who’ ves out on Ashe- boro street, and who has given his attention to the cultivation of \cgita- bles and small fruits, is now m the midst of the grape season, and is fur nishing his customers with fine speci mens of luscious giapes The Workman was glad to see here Capt. Jas. M. McMurray, who went up to the western part of the State a number of pears ago, and has since been closely confined to that section. He is now in charge of the convict force which is to dig the canal and basin for the N. C. Steel ard Iron Co. Messrs Raymond & Powell, in order to make rioom for new goods, are going to run off a large quantity of desirable articles at very low rates ; at coft, and many articles below cost. It will be a sweeping sale, as every body knows who jhas “watched the professor.’ Of course the people will take notice and act accordingly. See what they say. To Members of the Choral Asso ciation. Meeting tonight at Music School rooms at 8 o’clock. Please attend. Resolutions of Respect. At a special meeting of Greensboro Lodge No. 28, K. of P., held August 28 th, the following resolutions were adopted; Whereas, It has pleased God in His infinite wisdom to remove from us our esteemed and beloved brother Knight, Wm. M. Houston, the members of Greensboro Lodge, No. 28, Knights of Pythias, m Castle Hr’l, assembled, do ♦ Resolve, ist, That in the sudden and tragic doath of Brother Houston this Lodge sustains the loss of a l.ue Knight, a faithful lend and an earnest, consecrated Christian, who has but laid aside his armou; to wear the crown of victory with the united brotherhood above. Resolved, 2d, That the heartfelt sympathy of eveiy member of this Lodge be tendered the stricken wife and family in their sad and untimely bereavement. Resolved, 3d, That a Knight jewel be draped in mou aing for th‘ ty days. Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be furnished the afflicted family, and also be published in our city papers and be spread upon our record books R. W. Brooks, J. A. Hodgin, Rufus Weaver, Committee. At Bellville, Texas, yesterday, sparks from a passing locomotive set fire to the cotton platform of the;Santa Fe railroacl. About 200 bales of cotton were badly damaged or destroyed.J Resolutions of Thanks. The members of the “Little Giant Fire Engine Company,” of Greens boro, N. C.. fully appreciating the many courtesies extended to them during their recent sit to the city of Durham ; and being desirous in some public manner of making known the same; do Resolve, That our thanks are oue and are hereby tendered to each and all the citizens of Durham who so cordially welcomed us, and so generously entertained us duting our recent visit to their city. Resolved, That our thanks are also due and are hereby tendered to our Greensboro friends for the many acts of kindness and words of encourage, ment given us just before sta ting for the “seat of war.|’ Resolved, That these resolutions be furnished to the Durham Globe and Sun, and the Greensboro Workman and Record, with a request to publish the same. Walter Sergeant, Willie Hoeney, Claudie Elam, Davie Sergeant, Walter Griffith, Lonn e Hardin, Ji&fNNNiE Smith, Austin Spencer, Jimmie Lewis, Johnnie Thomas, Eddie Duffy, Lonnie Swaim Mentor Flannigan. Greensboro, Aug. 29th, 1891. The Second Presbyterian Church. Yesterday was regular Communion day with this chu’rch, The pastor announced t’ 'Truy persons had been before the Jldsibn as applicants for membership, one by letter and three by examination, and they were received in the usual form, one of the number receiving baptism. Dr. Smith stated that 23 members had been received during the year, up to the present time, and that several others were expected to join in the near future. The Seimon, which was specially adapted to the occasion, was founded on Luke XXHI; 32, 33, and was an Instructive and edifying discomse. The congregation was large. A Female Delegate. The Indiana Annual Conference of the Methodist Protestant Church, at its recent session, elected Mrs. M. J. Morgan a delegate to the General Conference. The Methodist Recorder, in commenting on the incident, says: “The election of a female delegate by this Conference wi'l bring before our next General Conference the question which has given so much perplexity to the Methodist Episcopal Church for the past few years.” ABOUT POLKS YOU .'KNOW. The Anniversary. Today, August 31st, is the anniver- s? y of the great earthquake, the first that ever gave much alarm to the people of this section. But time flies, and people forget, and unless the next earthquake shah be more severe than the last, the impression w’fl not be very peimanent. Although the sky is not as it was at the time of last earthquake, the temperature is about the same as it was then. Official estimate of the damage by the recent cyclone at Martinique, places the amount at $1,000,000, and says that 27S people lost their live?. Hon. Charles ^rice, of Salisbuiy, is here today. Capt. A. M. Smith went to Salisbury this moi.T'ng. Mr. Charles M. Vance went to Black Mountain this morning. Hon. F. H. Bu^^ee, of Raleigh, is in the city on bus..less today. Mr. Hardee, of ttie State Chromcle was here th’s mo .I’n", on bis way to Wilkesboro. Mr. Geo. Lef witch, now of Wilmington, came in Saturday, and will return home tomorrow. Miss Rowenna Moffitt, and her brother, of Asheboro, passed on down to Elon College this moumg. Mrs. E. D. Hundley, who has been absent some time on a v 'it to Richmond, Va , has returned. Mr. Wallace N. Scales is in the city on a visit to his mother’s family and to his uncle. General A M. Scales, wl o is seriously A number of hands went up to Guilford College this morning to work on the Y. M. C A. hall, which it being constructed at that place. Miss Lizzie Turner and her brother. Master Richard, who have been spend ing some time in Richmond, Va., have returned to the' home in tb’'' city. The matter of building the Baptist Female University at Raleig is not yet fu''y decided, and ’s now being considered by the Chamber of Commerce of that city. Col. David L. Clark, the veteran a tist, of High Point, was here this morning,, and informed The Work man that he was going on a visit to Abingdon, Va., and to the places in that section, which were his hunting and fishing grounds in b's boyhood— “Then,” he added, “to see my old friend. Rev. Dr. Geo. R. Barr.” Dr Ba’i- is a venerable minister of high chaiacter, and for some time before the war was editor of the Abingdon Virginian. He is now quite old. II SAT.FiI. OUR ENTIRE STOCK —OF— Dry Goods and Notions. G. P. College. Siudents are coming in so rapidly r.iat no one can tell where U is to end- Superior Court. Superior Court met this morning at 10 o’clock. Judge Winston presiding. Capt. E. S. Parker was in his place as Solicitor for the State. His Honor’s cha-ge to the Grand Jury was full and able., There were a few cases of minor importance disposed of this morning. Sales To-day. There were two sales of property here to day at publ’C auction: One was the knitting mi”, which was knocked off to Mr, J. A. OdeU for $5,550 : the other was 9 acres of land, lying on the South side of the R. & D. railroad, and a short distance east of the coal shute—sold by Mr. Wm. H. Worth, commissioner, and bought by Mr. Daniel Worth, at $1,500. An Apt Scholar. ' Senator Vance was at "Vienna, Austria, on the 3rd of August, at which time he reports that he is rapidly acquiring the Dutch accent in talking and the Dutch palate for beer. The beer part is all a joke, but that about the accent is true. Mountain Honey ! Honey in the comb from the western pr t of the State, nice and palatable at Scovr& Co’s. Sale will begin September lo.. d continue until our New Fall Stock ar rives. The object of this sale is to make room for our New Fall Str ' , On our large Centre Tables will be found Hundreds of Dollars worth of nice Des’''able Dress Goods, etc., which will be sold AT and BELOW COST. A substantial Reduction on all oth er goods in our establishment will be made. This is the greatest offer of the season and those who n Di/ Goods will do themselves an injustice if they do not take advantage of th's special opportunity. RAYNION & POWELL. NAT. BANK BUILDIN SPJEClAt. NOTICES. Drury Howell will continue to has e ivesh fish at his stall in the market. f25-tf. Handy for travellers is Simmons Liver Regulator in powder. It can be carried in the pocket. Pure Gvlm rings for fruit jars, r better than the cheap compos rings and cost very little more, at Scott & Something New in Umbrellas.— New design of steel rod umbrellas at Cartland’s. Call and get one. 'They are the newest thing out and are lurab e. 121 tf. Royster’s Candy has had a “ big run ” for the last few days—Fresh lot expected by the middle of the week — Royster’s price in Raleigh 50c., our price here 40c. J. W. Scott & Co. A Conundrum—How can anything salty be FRESH? We answer try our “ Salted cream wafers ” and you will find them both fresh and palatable, at J. W. Scott & Co’s. BROWN’S IRON BITTERS Cures Dyspepsia, In digestion Si Debi lity. Me -I .u. • r AT COST! AT COST!! 29 Boys Suits to be closed out s t cost. Pitts & Love. fc.>' -•-A,..,- {i Painting the town red means head ache in the morning. Simmons Liver Regulator prevents it. lif' Melons ! Melons !1—Send us your orders for car load lots or less quaniity. Houston & Bro. 1 '1#^; Breakfast bacon put up in parch, ment paper, weighing from 2 to 4 lbs. each. This is something extra nice—^ at Scott’s. Try a pair of Redpath Bros. $3.0® Shoes ( for gents ) waranted to give satisfaction or money refunded. For sale by Pitts & Love. aug. II iw. -■hi

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