) coil J GREENSBORO DULY WORKMAI. Vol IX,-No 211. GREENSBORO. N. (., THURSDAY AFTERNOON, FEBRUARY 4, lb9. r Prko 3.00 Per W. SUCCESSFUL The Colored Agricultural College Assured rr nrkot u Unit ! nn in lb MM-u-Nailkfarmir Arrang urnia Com 114, There w a rmettng el m-veral of our leading business tnen in the otlice ol tlie N. C. Sled and Iron Co.. on yesterday evening for the purpone of raising the necessary amount ot mon ey to retain the location of the Color ed Agricultural and Mechanical Col. lege in this city and to rpi-e a sutli cient amount to pro.ee. I to work at an early date. We are glad to inform out readers that the necessary finan cial arrangement! were made and that the work will commence soon. We have men here who always come to the scratch when the proprr time arrives. New A Observer, Kdenton street M. E. Church was the scene ot a very pretty wedding yesterday evening at 5 o'clock, when B. C. Beckwith, a popular young law yer of this city, was united in the holy bonds of wedlock to Mrs. Iola Gates, ' one of Raleigh's charming ladies. Tnere were no attendants: The bride entered the church on the arm of her uncle, W. H. High, and was met at the altar by the groom, ho was accompanied thither by W. P. Bynuni, ot Greensboro. The ushers, Messers W. J. Peelc. Tlios. Partin, Charles Shaw nn! Prof. W. A. Withers, were ranged on each tide of the bridal couple. Rev J. B. Hurley, of the Cntral chur.'h, performed the marriage cere feeat closing - iyj Atcost ' Good linen shirts, unlaundried, at :35 cts. and CO ds, value 50 ds und 15 ds , Celebrated Pearl shirts, unlauudried 35 cts. vahte $1.00, W. R. KANKIN, J. W. CRAWFORD, P. SCOTT, L. C. HOW LETT. mony in a very impressive ai d solemn manner. The bride was attired in a hand, some dress of dark blue material, while the groom was 111 conventional black. At the conclusion ot the ceremony the bridal party repaired to the homj of the groom's mother, on Wilmington stiee where a handsome repast was spread later in the evening to which a number of their friendi were invited. Maanicmunt ol tb It. A It. Savannah, Ga., 1 cb 3. A com mittee of the Ccc.li. il railroad directors leave to night t'ui New York to discuss he adjustment of the claim lot $Soo 000 presented by the Terminal people just prior to the recent election Il it claimed hirt that a rnmhin.u tion of banks, including President Ol-1 cott. William C. Whitney and Drexel, Morgan & Co , have come into pos. session of the Terminal securities and will support the Olcott como iti e . in its 1 coming proposition for reorganization . .. n bamuel Spencer, formerly of the . , ,. ' r, , , n,. ... ling her to die at any moment. Dr. Baltimore & Ohio system, but now in 1 " . , . , 1 whitehead heard ot the case, found charge ol the financial interests of , Drexel, Morgan & Co., is booked for!thal thc cbs"uctl0n C0U'J be the presidency of the Richmond & pushed down into the stomach with Danville system. !, at ,e,,'n8 ,he net- an'' Ini le an . . m. . atificial gastric juice by taking pepsin a tified ii.ui. syrup and hydrochloiic acid in proper St. Louis, Feb. 3 A special fr, in I proportions, these being the constitu- Anniston, Ala., to the Post-Dispatch, siyi: Deputy Collector linggs and Deputy United States Marshall Col quitt returned last evening from C'e burne county, where they raided half a doen illicit stills Monday They captured three men an I destroyed several thousand gallons ol whiskey and beer and stilts. Tbcy had a live ly tight, in which several shot were exchanged before the distil'ers stir rendered. Their names are Lewis Darby, Tom Jones and Tom Ewing. " One good turn deserves another. Thanksjto our for tbeir liberal patronage tbe past year. Sales of our expectations and we intend to give you all Friday, January 8. a ItmAIIHABI I! OITUAIIOV Mr lr. Wbl lrhad ui thm Mvdleal cbmI ! lb I nlrrltf. Dr. R. II. Whitehead, Iiistructor in Anatomy and Materia Mcdica in the University Mcilic.xl School, at Chapel Hill, has ju.t saved the life of a little negro girl nine years old, by producing artificial il.-tum in the gullet The girl, who lives in Durham, swallowed a large piece ot beef with a cartilage attached, and it stuck in the gullet. A local physician pushed it down the gullet with an instrument, thinking to get it imi 'lie stomach, but it remained in tH gullet sever:! inches above the stomach. The cbild was unable to eat o drink for k'x nd beU.n 10 reat ?iia- Her life was desprred ol, and she had the appearance of a stai ving per son snatching at water only to throw it out again. Her n.other took her over to Chapel Hi" wkere the other , .,,,. c.:i i; .. . j ents of of the natural gastric juice of the stomach. This artificial prepara tion was placed upon the beet a d the process of digestic ,v,as beguu in the gu'let. In a few hours the piece of cartilage was vomited up . A few more hoii'S and the beef was so far digested that it passed easily into the stomach. The child is doing we'1, and she owes her life to the happy genius ot Dr. Whitehead out sale - kind friends and patrons have been away ahead the benefit of this sale GREAT SACRIFICE QAU we ask is that you 'will come and look at our stock and convince yeurself of this bona fide clearing saie even if not in need of the goods as it will be for your interest to buy and put them aside for future use. We mean business and mean to reduce our stock as much as possible and will put you in a humor to buy. A lknln( rale The reort ol a horrible iitlair comes Irom Rutherford county. A distillery tn in operation a idiort dis tance from Kuthetfordton, and the rats becamo Mich a nuimurue around the place that the store ki-.p-r rn'ied some eggs and rat poison in a tumbler and sat it aside for the pests to partake of. While the storekeeper was busy at his work, the proprietor of the dis tillery entered the otlice and think inrw tli. ...... .1 .. . - : I ... kuuiuici 1U1U.4111CU KKi'j, j put the glass to his mouth and swal lowed the poison. In a few minutes he was . thrown into violent convui sions. A physician a rived but was upable to do anything, and the man soon d ed. At a hearing bclore a magistrate Tuesday eight in Ruthcr fordton an attempt was made to lay 1 the crime on the physician, but it did not succeed. Char. Chronicle. State Geologist, Jos. A. Holmes, delivered a vei interesting and instructive lecture Tuesday night before the facu'ty and students ol the University at Chapel HilL His sub ject was "The Influence of the Physi cal Features ot North CVo'ina upon her People," and it was a resume of the settlement of the varicu.. sections, a scientific description of tin physical features of each section, and a philo sophical analysis of the charactor of the people and their industries Thi was one of a .es 'ol ftVluek deliverod each month in the Chapel by eminent scholars. The University lectures and sermons are very popular and instructive. One of Fishblate's windows is t'.iled with 25 cent cravats. i , Those i:i need of a cravat cn now be supplied without ceremony or much expense. at F. EISHBLATE'S. before taking inventory and . making store room for our new SpringJJGoocik and in order to do so and givejourfriends andjpatrons.the advantige'of tiU clearsWeepvV& ha vedeter mined to commence to oiler jour(entire JstockJ F. Fishblate. A d Affair in nonigontirr The Carthage Made repot ts a ho. rible catastrophe, near Cagle's Mills, Montgomery county. Mr. Miles Jor dan awoke and found his dwelling enveloped in llames, and his wile on lire anil unconscious In attempting to rescue her from thebnrning hou! he wig terribly burned, and was un.i ble to save his wif. She was burned to death, and he i lyinsj at death , door from theettects ot his bu'rs Hnm.4WI,l hlr,.lof , Aiim.no owwr. Mary Dick, as old colored woman (living here. u so badly burne.' List Thursday that she Hied the next .In. She waa sitting close to the fire nursing a colored child. She fell a3leep un t her clothing caught on fire. Tlie child waa only slightly burned. The cabin in wnich .ie 'nxd a'o caught fire. A w I. Id of Heart. "Spring t'me is coming gentle An nie," and CulUnd has a line of ntw and elegant scarfs to make the hear of your lover glad. See them. 1.1 A woman has brought suit against a railroad Missouri to recover $50 000 damage for rf 'oss of her hus- lu d wrt'i ws mil. .I mi 1 he r jrs by 1 maniac. "Happy in the man who has his quiver full of them" of bottles of Salvation-Oil the greatest cure 00 earth for pain. Price only 15 cents. . Mothers should never fail to keep Dr. Bull's cough srup convenient in order to relieve their little ones cf cough speedily and surely, 25 cents. Advertise your wares in the Wokk man. ''We are the people." Social attention is called to "ow OVERCOATS just received from a house that needed, money and sold to us at Ivalf their value, Tl&y must go too,

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