. . s f 4- v' GREENSBORO DAILY WORKMAN. W. IX-a 233- GREENSBORO. N. T., MONDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH 28, 1892. Price f 3.00 Per Tear. J KEELET ORGANIZATION THE COMPANY OHGANIZEO IM DURHAM TO DAV. Durhui Boo. The subscribers to the Keeley Xnsti tutcofthe North Carolina Company perfected their organization here to day. and filed the papcri with the Clerk of the Superior Court. The capital stock is in de $100,000. The company has the right to estab lish Institutes and branches anywhere jn theJSute it may see proper. We have heard no talk of removing the Institute from Greensboro, and it is quite likely that other branches may be opened wherever the emergencies of the case may demand. The company is holding a meeting this afternoon, as we go to press, to more thoroughly complete the organi t ation by the election of officers. ' 1 liOMn Washington, D. C, March 36 A call has been issued for a National Contention of Railroad Commission ers to be held at the office of the Inter-State Commerce Commission in this city the 13th of April, 1S98. The Railroad Cotnmissione 1 of all the States and State officers charged with any duty or supervision of railroads or railroad interests, are requested to attend. The Association of Ameri' can Railway Accounting Officers is also invited to meet with the Com missioners, or to send delegates to the convention, for the discussion of such questions of special . interest to their association s may arise at the meeting. It is suggested that any topio involving a question of Stste and inter-State commerce whici the members of the convention desire to bring up for discussion, be notified to Ed. A. Moiley, secretary, at Wash ington, D. C, before the day of tt e meeting above named j NOWAR Washington, March 26. A mem ber of the cabinet said today that he saw no reason for supposing that the present complications with Great Britain in rgard to the seal fisheries will not he settled amicably. He added that it would be the height of folly for the two countries having so . much in common to quarrel over a matter they have agTed to settle by arbitration. He felt confident that Great Britain would either consent to a renewal of the modus vivendi of last year, or that if she does not do this, she will not interfere with or resist the efforts of this government to preserve the Seals pending the arbitration of the proceedings. It is said at the State Department that nothing has been heard from Lord Salisbury in response to Mr. Whar ' ton's note of the 22nd Inst. It is very evident, however, that the offi ciala will be disappointed it a reply is not received in a few days. Dr Durham's family will move to their new home in Greensboro the -first of April.; Since, it has been known that they were going away, at least a dozen people have tried to rent their residence on Church street. ' Houses are in great demand in Dur ham.! Durham Sun. ':-i-:v---- Lncr Idler V. , I ' ll this meets the . eye of a lady whose maiden name was Lucy Idler, and who taught school at Greensboro fourteen vears ago,.' she will hear of '.-anmthino to her advantage bv ad dressing Gumpert Brothers, Philadel , .phia, ra. 20t GENERAL NEWS ITEMS, The Chicago water tunnel which extends several thousand feet into the lake for the purpose of providing supply of pure wa'er to the city, has proved a failure, Bad construction is the caue and th people are wonder ing who got the enormous sums of money paid out on the contracts. The people of this country pay $15,000 a year tor a congressional flower garden, the products ol which are purely congressional perquisites. A New York member made himself consp cuous last wee by sending "a whale wagon lo.d" to an actress, His name should be published.' , Congnss is investigating the work" ings of the eight hour system in the government factories. The uiost important item of testimony thus tar was that given by Chief Folger of the Ordnance Bureau, who believed it would be a great blessing if the eiicht- hour system could be made universal The labor and the woik would be vastly superior. At the Washington Navy Yard he was turning out cheaper and better guns under eight hours per day than contractors were doing under a ten-honr system. A number of Chicago aldermen are about to be indicated tor bribery. Several of them have fled. Charges hsve been preferred against them, and so well has the evidence been gathered that there can be little doubt as to the guilt of the aocuse J. - r The discussion of the Bebring Sea question has aroused Russian diplo mats who declare that the right of the Russian government to ac' as it did in the sale of the territory of Alaska, shall not be called in que tion by the British government Funeral of Mr. M. 0. Mclver On yesterday morning at 7 o'clock a special train, which waa tendered to the Knightssof Pythias by Capt J. W. Fry, through Mr. I. C Merchison, Master of Trains, left here having on board a committee from the Knights of Pythias and a party of friend of the late M. 0 Murchison, who went to Sanfoid to attend the last sad rites to the de parted. ... The following were the Knights from the Greensboro Lodge No. a8 : C. D. Benbow, T. J. Thornton, C. E. Holton, H. H. Cartland, L. C. How lett, H. L, Scott,' J. C. Murchison, Walter Green, M. A. Wbittington, SJ S. Mitchell, A. A. Johnson, L. F Rosa, G. H. McKinnev, M. L. Stewart, J.H. Merritt, J. S. Moore, T. M. Pickard, C O. Johnson, J. J. Stone, G. W. Alley, Jr., C H. Boyst, R. A Foard, J. G. Fowler, Geo. Bedford, W. B. Beacham, Wash Wiley, Edward Bain, D, W. Newell, J. F. Brooks, J. A. Hodgin, W. S, Witherspoon, and Robtert Aiken, D. S. Hover, of High Point Lodge and Fred Fousbee, of the Cumbers land Lodge, . also accompanied the Lodge from this place .and took part in the exercises. The following; friends, who were not Knight, a.so went down : D A. Lundie, Percy Albright, Henry Clen- denin, J. C. Smith, Z. V. Taylor, B. E. Sneed, A. A. Kirkman, - T.; A. Fountain, G. W. Jeffreys and J. C, Short, and John S. Michaox. Napolr eon Short and A. Garrett, two colored employees of the road,, also accom panied the party and attended, the funeral. Upon the arrival of the train at Sanford the party took vehicles and went at once to Buffalo Presbyterian Church, at which ace the funeral was preached, lite pastor of the Church, Rev. D. H. Mclauchlin.took as his subject for his remarks upon the sad occasion, the following from the Psalms 1 "Be stiil and know that I am God." ' His remarks were very appropriate, beautiful and ' comforting to the friends of the deceased ; and they were much gratified to know and feel that there remarks so well fitted the life and character of the deceased. After the singing of a hymn the remains were borne to the cemetery and interred according to the beauti ful and impressive rites of the Knights of Pythias There was very large attendance at the church from tbe surrounding country, which bore testimony to the Worth and popularity of the deceased. 8 PEA XING OF YOU Mr Porter, of Ashev lie, tu here this morning. ' Mr. W. II. Hil is X his home in this city for several days. The firm of Tf. R McMasters & Son is represented beje today by the junior member of tne firm. Miss Irving Scalt-s, ho has been on a visit to Mrs. John N. Wyllir, at Danville, for several weeks, returned home this morning, ijy Capt A. M. Smirh i who is at tires ent staying at Ah"'l arrived here this morning and . i vt return to Asheville under two Is. Our citizens were phased to see at the Y M C A Convention Prof. Louis Henry Smith, of Davidson College, who made an excellent address before he Convention on Saturday. Among the more distinguished per sons who took leave of our city this morning was Dr. Hume, of the State University, who-contributed so much to the Convention of the Y. M. C A. just held here. Miss Margaret Smith and her cous in, Miss Haidee Perkins, of Charlottes ville, Va.', who have been on quite a pleasant visit to Rev. Dr. Samncl M. Smith, of Columbia, S. C, have return ed to this city. t Mr. Cutler, ot New fcerne, is here on a visit to his daughter, Mrs Oar ence Watkins: He will ' leave for his home tomorrow and' will carry back with him his little daughter, who has been visiting Mrs. Watkin3 for several weeks. Mr. C P. VanstoryJ who returned from Kentucky last Friday, went over to Danville this morning, to which place he shipped a car load of horses He says be found the. snow in the region of Louisville two feet deep on a level. Beyond that point the fall of snow, was less heavy. President Winston's Address. -The public should not forget Presi dent Winston's address in the .court house next Friday night at 8 o'clock. Be sure to attend. S Mr. Winston is a man who is full of information, is good - speaker and apt to give the highest satisfaction to his hearers. LOST l i A ',. ladjfY Bhoe - No, right .foot was, lost on Davie Street. The finder will be suitably rewarded by leaving the same with J. S. Edwell, the shoe, maker. ';. i 3 1 -'.-"' 1 1 hi 1 ' tm hi 1 n-t. ' 7 Ail oof city fjatherf sa y, Use Salva t"n Oii, the greates cure on earth for IP." Price S cents. .j, s 1892-Spring and Summer-1892 F. Fishblate Headquarters for And High Grade Clothing. We can safely and truly say that we have the largest and best assorted stock of new and stylish cloth ing ever shown in North Carolina in a Retail Store we have striven this season to be able to please the most fastidious and think our efforts will be crowned with success. We are compelled to use our second floor this season as our large store room ., would not commence to hold, the mammoth atock . and all wc nk of you is to come in and go through our steck on both floors and we can assure you it will be i great 1 pleasure for us to show you And we know it will be a great satisfaction to you to know that there is such an establishment, not only in Greensboro .but in the state of North Carolina, "Our Line Of , Ghiltlren's . t We are certain will more than please the Good Mothers 1 this season . We have them at all prices and ages. Knee' pant suits up to 16 years. Also a full line of shirt waists. Our Lines Of Furnishing Goods And HATS cannot be equalled as we only keep the best jH makes All our goods guaranteed as represented or money refunded. We will thank all for acall Yours Very Respectfully, F. Fishblate, . 230 South Elm Street, Greensboro, N, C, j SALESMEN. -W. R. Rankin, J. Howtrrr, R. H. Ballance, ' B9"Orders by mail Perfect Fitting Suits W. Crawford, J W. Scott, L ' ' . promptly attended to. . . 13

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