DAILY XXCKIT SUNDAY. J. L IUK IIAUX, KdUor. J. 8. MlCtlAUX, Local Editor. INTCRID AT THE rOST-OIIICI IN OSIINSBORO AS IICOND-CLASS MATTER.! DON'T NEED AN ORPHANAGE A. B. Miller, whose article appears in a late number ol the St. Louis Christian Advocate, who is a member ol the Missouri Conference Orphan age Board, declared that the Confer ence does not need an Orphanage. He then goes on to explain, by say ing that it coats too much to maintain an orphan in these organized iatitu tiuns, and that the orphanage plan is sot the Lett for the interest of the children. He then proceeds to tell how the work onght to be done, which is to rind p'ace for these or phans "in the thousands of homes in which to cradle has ever come, in which no novice of childihh glee hat ever sounded a void is there. The theory of Mr, Miiler is a very good one, and if mankind were as they ought to be, the plan would work well The idea is scriptural alto On the one hand we have a number of instances in whxh orphan chil dren have been grossly mistreated in public institutions, while it is alsi true that many facta of cruelty have been reported wr ere orphans have been taken into private homes. It is true, we think, that what is being done by public charity ought of right be done in a private way, and would be if men were living up to their profession as christians. DOWNING HILL POINTS The Legislature of Missouri, before it adjourned Saturday sine die, passed a resolution endorsing Mr. Cleveland for President. The Baltimore Sun on Fr day inter viewed the thinking and working men at the car shops, planing mills, and wha'fs on the issue , to be submit ted to the people and the candidate to represent it, and the decision was nearly unanimously the tariff and Cleveland as the standard bearer. i Notwithstanding the boast of Mr Hill's friends that he was going to sweep the country for the nomination, lie has not developed much strength of late. ( A few days ago they allowed Cleveland delegates to be elected fom the District qf Columbia. A Cleveland Club has been organi zed in Richmond, Va ; for the pur pose of organizing the Cleveland forces and to see that the delt gation which goes from that State is' friendly to Cleveland The delegation, however, to go to the Convention uninstructed. Some favor a tariff for revenue only som'nt tariff with" incidental protec tion and some a tariff for incidental prelection, per se, but a large majority favor the free use of Salvation Oil for cruises, etc. ft hjiif-ehold Remedy 'OR ALL I BLOOD ANDSKII'iJ iOl roan IDS Bciafib Bleed Data UCttrr- SCnora.A,XILCERS. WJ ' UUrg- UhlUM. ECZEMA, ' tveij' lormof maliynant SXiri ERUPTIQIc aide! being tfica:ioui Intoning up IU tystem and restoring tha conUW!,6i , when lmnnlr!4 from .ir euc. !! almost aiirtern(1ural heal.'nf proptrtfer jniy n$ In gtiaranlfciilnij a tuns If I i t I 8UH.il f 'l 'In B: i Diseases r Walt Whitman, (he poet, is dead His poetry was of a peculiar style and did not seem to strike the popular heart We must say that the selec tions of his which we have noticed did not strike t'S as any thing remarka ble in the way of poetry His recent sufferings have attracted the attention and sympathy of a Urge number of psople. A Little Oirl'e Experience In a Lighthouse. Mr. and Mm. Loren Treaeott are keeper ot tbe Got. Ligbthouae at Band 1 Bench. Mich, and are bleeaed witn a dki.chttr, four vut olJ.Loat April she wa. uken don with Meaales, followed with a ort-xJul Cough and turning in to a Fever. Dootors at home and abroad treated her, but iu vain, she grew worae rapidly, on-il she was a men " handful ol bones." Then ahe tried Dr. King's New Biaoovery and after the use of two and halfbottlea, was eomploUly cured. They say Dr, King'a New Discovery ii wort iU weight in gold, yet yon may get a trial bottle ; r e 1 0. E. Holloa's Drugs tor( A big run on the "Elgin" butter jmterday compelled ui to order more or it laat nihnt 11 come pretty niccn, and people- i?k" a li.Ue at the price. but it coee off all the same Call for it at Soon Coa C E. Holtoo gives eigbt reeaons why 'Little Anna" Cottgh Byrup U the beat, Fikt Becauae it will cure a oold in leu timn than any other treatment, beoond It doea not suppreaa a ooo gU oi col '., but relieves it. Third 1 relisvoa the longs, which Uofgrxftt importance iu treating a oold. Fourt.li-It in a remedy which will canoe the espu'aiou of mncoaa from the air ceiik ol the lm.f-s. Fifth I. renders the maooua leas toiiadcua mid mtiet to xpeetorate. Sixth If frt!y need when the first aj mptoros appear, it will core aacvere oold iu a airigo da; , fWv'iith It will trevent croup and avert all augtr and anxiety arising from tlrnt dwuded Jienso. K:g' ib It act iu perfect harmony wiiIj, ami nn In naturo in relieving the luon au.i fro inir the yalim from mr bi.ln.HHtr aHsuinu)ated by eanm of hluod Kr;c :'5 routs prr bottle. IUui.i.t'tx,rtu l j E. H. Cuoaa, Oadeden, Ala. 17 e'nup. gALVATIOH OIL Print only IS CIm. 8o4 bf oil dtait't- Will retieva Rhoumatitm,Neuralgia, SmtllingtrBruj'staJ.umbagoJpraint, Hoadaohe, Toothaoha, Soret, Burnt, Cuts, Wounds, Scalds, Backache, etc. niiCcutAHBS'S PLUGS, ThtBrtctt Totxmo A -vntBT tlHoCl PrhllOQU. At all drUmltU. M.LStewart&Go. " '' LIVES?, PEED ; ' and v OPPOSITE THE DEPOT. - Carriage and baggage wagons meet all trains. Special attention given to marriages' and? funerals. Dealers in phaetons, buggies, carts, wagons, har ness Complete stock -( The various trains which arrived and departed this morning showed a Urge number of people going and coming. Mr. Wm. Robertson, of Flat Rock, who was o seriously hurt by the kick of a mule last January, has not fully recovered. He was here this morning. , Bucklen'sArnioa Balve. Tho best Salvo ia th world for Cuts, liraiaea, Sorea, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hand, ChilblaiuN, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and Ipoaitively enrea. l'lles, or do pay m required. It Is (Taarantoed to give pjrfoct satiafac tion, or money refunded. Prioe 26 cents per box. For sale by C E. Holton LELuOn'eLIXIR. Pleasant, Elegant, Reliable. For biliousness and constipation, take Lemon Elixir. For fevers, chills and malaria, take Lemon Elixir. For sleeplessness, nervousness, and palpitation of the heart, take Lemon eJixir. For indigestion and foul stomach. take Lemon Ehxir. Eor sick and nervous headaches, take Lemod Elixir. . . Ladies, lor natural and thorough or ganic regulation, take Lemon Elixir. Dr. Mozley's Jirnon Elixir will not fail you in any of the above named disear, all of which arise from a tor pidor diseased Liver, stomach, kid. neys or bowels. ,a) Prepared only by Dr.'H. Mozliy, Atlanta, Ga. 50c and one dollar bottle at druggists. . ! LEMON HOT bROPS. Cure: all coughs, colds, hoarseness, sore threat, bronchitis, hemorrhage, nd all throat and lung diseases. El egant, reliable, f- 5 cents at druggists. Prepared only by Dr. II. Mozley, ALinta, Ca. Electric BitteraN Thia remedy if mlng so well BBOwnandao r u to need no epecinl ueDti )i.. Jwho have uad tlectrio Bittera rifhe song of praine A purer ned, rineUoea not exist and it ia guar -nteej t do all that is claimed Electric BitU'ra will euro all disease of tbe Liver and Kidney-, m ill remove Pimple. lioile. bait Itbeum aiid other aflddiotia rinsed by impure blood. Wiil I'.rivd MaiatU from the nyetem an.r present aa wall as cure all Malarial IV vers For cure of ha daohe, Conatipa iun and IndiRwtion try Elea trio Bi tie's- kutire antiafaotinn guaran teed, or money refunded. Prica 60 ct. and S1.CU per t ottle at C. E. flolton'a Bruaatore. OINTI5 JSVJOVfB Both the method, and results Whci. Syrup of Fjgs istaken; it is pjcasai and refreshing to the taste, and rc: Ently yet promptly on the Bdnev ' vec and Bowels, cleansea the eye fern effectually, dispels colds, heao laches and, fevers and cures .habitual 'constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the" taste and ac ceptable to tne stomach,' prompt in its action and truly beneficial In its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities' commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. r , ' : Byrop of Figs is for sale in 50c and $1 bovtles by all leading drug gist ' Any reliable druggist who may not have it offhand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it, Do not accept any substitute. - - ' CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAM FKiXOlSOO. CAL, v l ' . uuismit, Kt. HEW IOSK, t r.i a lout pain. iook of par. 4 ht 'fi itIrulnrgiiratFRf.fi. IB.M.WOOLLEY. AUauta.Ua. vaiw m Whitehall Bt ; WORKING TEOrLE can tako Simmons Liver Regulator without loss of time or dan ger from exposure. It takes the placo of a doctor and costly prescriptions and is therefore the medi cine to bo kept in tho household to bo given upon any indication of approach ing sickness. It contains no dangerous ingredients but is purely 'vegetablo, gontlo yet thorougn in its action, and can be given with safety and the most satisfactory results to any person regardless af ago. It has no eg.usl Try it - J Besot taapoaM upon Examine to aaa that voa at tbe Oeonlna dlatlopuabmt from all trooda and immttattooa oj ear rra a Traaa atara 00 mm ot pm and on b aide, tbe aoal and algoatnre of I. h. mui a 00. ' SPECIAL ITEMS. Nobody need suffer from languor or melancholy if they take Simmon's Liver Regulator. The wav to "riie in the world ' is to ne Fieiacbman'a Oempresved Yeast Thacitv hsa txwn well arppliea witn the abov Tat and all who have triod it ffivo it the uraiiw We wish to ST that we hftva it. in atook and will be pleased toaell yon all von want of it i'rieo i eta per cana i w coon a io Nobody will soffur from liver dig earn if they take Simmons Liver Reg ulstor. The best cheroots at Ridge & Young's. Come e.vly and come late Nobody can have dvepepsia if they tike Simmons Liver Regulator . Myrtle M. Banner, Boo'nviile, Ind , writes: "I Lad blood poison from birth. Knots on my limbs were as large as hen's eggs, Doctors suid I would be a cripple, but B B B has cured mesound abd wail. I shall ever praise tbe day the uiu who in. vented IS oou Balm were born. Nobody can be trouUed with con atipatiuu if tby take Simmons Liver itegc tutor WANTEt Permanent offl a slttnot. either lex, tslur) '7511, rallwsy rare paid to uiuw 1. .iv. n -n- or-1 1 r'uimTU ninTiiprii r II T I iop. rccnf.i Aui, box VJhV, Mew orlt-uut, J o counteract the deaim for strong uriDK tuae oirumons ijivtr regi.liUir New Style Scarfs at Cartlands. ' Gratiffinc to All Tbe high position attained and the universal acceptanoo and approval of the pleasant liquid fruit remedy, Syr op of Figc, as the moat excellent laxative known, illustrate the value of tbe qualities on which its success is baaed and are abundantly gratify ing to the California Fig Syrup Com puny. ' ' : . ' It Should Be in Every House. J. B. Wilson, 871 Clay St., fiharsp ourg, ra., says ne win not be withon Dr. Einff s New Discovery for Con autrption, Coughs St colds, that it eured bis wife, who was threatened with Pneu monia after au attack of " La Grippe," when various other remedies and sever al physicians had done her no good. Robert Barber, of Cookapoxt, Pa,, elaimes Dr. King's Kew Discovery ; has done him more good than anvthinir he ever used for Lurg Trouble. Nothing like it. Try it. Free trial bottles at 0. E. Holton's Drni;store Large bet ilea, 50c. and $1X0, For Malaria, Liver Trou ble, or Indigestion, use , BROWN'S IRCT?. F ?TERS We carry th tieit line of dry goods evi r shown and ve ar matching it bv tlobiggoat bid 'Ter made for pubho fuvor. t-areiui pir chaacra soon Cnd out which side their bread is buttered on and worn on t devices are an old story to them. It is to careful purchaaer that we art addressing onrselves now 10 pur chasers who know just what they are doing, who know what tneir money ought to bring them every lime and who, wisely wait for tbe cnancea wnicn clearing out sales are sure to bring along in January. For inch pur chasers tbe opportunity bas now ar rived and here it is We are selling onr stock of dry good a and shoes at greatly reduced rates in order to re. dnce oar stock for tbo Spring trade O WILL ARMFIKLD. Made It Possible 10 Restore DefecMvoEye Sight to Normal Vision. We are hanpy to announce to our citizens that we rave secured one of the JOHNSTON OPTICAL COM. PANY'S PATEST DIOrrSICCVI-ICTEBS. which will enable us to fit all defects of vision, such as Astigma tism, Hypermctropla, Myo pia, Presbyopia, or any compound delect W.RFAKKAR&SONv IEWELERS, GREFNSBORO, N.JC. UglQ. Holton says 'Sow the Seed" And you had better huy of him if you would ''RsapaGood.Orop" His eed are all fresh and J'JST RECEIVED The trade has already been so heavy that he has been obliged to - rc-order Select yours before the variety is broken.. Prescriptions Still a specialty, day or night. t2?Everything in drugs, medicines,, soaps, brushes, etc. " ; DR. A, . Greensboro. N , C, the people f Groensbom and farronndlnff Onutfy. Kaaldenoe Na 438. Church HU m EUEIr-FUEL. Vs Ann 1 n A n J J 1 m . wm .uu wuuu, ueuvorea in any part of the eity at short notice, call on Tatnm anil Matthova Va.A r tx , "om v & Y. V. depot , , ,i oot22 tf . Mrs. M. A. Payne: ' y Agent for ELECTROPOISE.' Anw one wishing information, call at her- residence, ia7 Church St., Greensbo Science Ha.s Conquered. IU, iN. v., If t