GREEISBORO DAILY WOEKMAM. Vol X. -Noj NREEKNRORO. N. (J., TUKSDAY A1TEKN0ON, JULY 10 IM3 " - Price $3.00 Per Year. HOMESTEAD. j Hovrsi-ka:, P.' , July iS At6i o'clock 'J, is nioT'r' thr wa'chtnrrt ' frftb rarambm Iftm'th). SPEAKING OP YOU threw cp.ii ma i roiies ot fence tin Cucin il cr nre a gr :tly maligned i gate in 1 1 '.v.o. vegelabV," aiJ a nun who 'irwiHr it i."f"t t-.. rt .! a - 11 I a f r .. ' t ..n ... .1 . . f 1-:- . - i t !- ; v '7"' oxng rv.. ' me , ho has bien piry .id t"ii psirenuy i r ire ' summer. "They are c .r ;!,.r ..i w:" utvi T" Pv : or v hvtuU :J '. tNi n,-,ntv nf v.v.i. .,. -..,,.!...,:.. . i. ........ .;...t , . 1 1 l.u.." ' i ' Oaddy, of Kinstor l 1:1 k il.C, il to ie jhralthy ; whores i( ci c p-.i'f : ,!:ity lias, morning r.nd Ix-in ft w l oi r, ot being ja.h . i'. i repair preliminary o the starting of I on cont,.Vy. v,-ry ...c in., f A tfti'.'.-u I'rtv; icportcr qUite ,.s ,nuch so in my cstimaii n a Mr. R. T.Gray, of Raleigh, came I up on the io o'clock train this mowing Mr. Ed Steel-, (,f Hgh ! int, ! He M.v ,hat 'hi tf-'f. "htch leares K-liMjih this morn nr. FuJeijr. m 7 o'clock, with b.t0-gab'e car, :f SOinburv, "l scc9nd coach, it a ... ' uiuil nnm Tnw ininir .im1 , n'i U. ino ns oien Minn.e i . ! P...wn, eft - nighi for hr h.,mo. , Un'. com,n r,Ehl " r our wiin utile or no stor p.n on the ha ! b.-rn here for some time on visit re ' way. The wrne, hj i.ay, true of is- !..;.. i. 1. 1. . 1 tume.1 borne, via R.!e,Rb, ihts morn.! . c K. n hM n t . . 1 ...... L T) I . . . also waited patiently. A few minute h-f nc ctn ore din arrive ! anJ w,i .'.dmitted without a question. Then rata? air ther an.! another & twelve men had passed within the gxtcs. They were not the mechanics who wre summoned. They were not former employes returning to make individual application (or their old positions. They were the waichmen nd foremen who have remained loyal to the company and have been on duty since the mills shut down; And thus did the week open. Not one of the skilled mechanics reported at the office, and despite the official notices of Superintendent fetter, woik did not commence at the usual time today. All night long the strikers' pickets patrolled the river front and not a man was smuggled into the works. The unanimous decision rf all the employes of the Carnegie Works, who are not member of the Amalgamated Association and why nifmbfrr orpe 3,000, at their meeting yesterday, to stand out with the steel workers to the end, has made the entire force of the Homestead milN a nnit SYMPATHETIC STSfXERS RRTt'RN TO WORK. riTrSBURO, Pa., July 18. A Urge number of the mechanics and labor ers of the Upper and Lower Union Carnegie Mills at Lawrenceville, who went out laat week when the mem' bets of .he Amalgamated Association inaugurated their sympathetic strike, returned to work this morning. These men are employed in finishing up the worl; f f the skilled employes, 11 Urge quantity of which is on h:.nd. . They do not belong to the Association. lull them, ai.l partake of t!ie:n f eely throughout the season i but I nhnnhl not allow ihem to tat at a'.l, ur.'.ets I was sure nf their freihn. It is just that that makes all the dif farence. My greit grand -father was hale and hearty at ninetj-two, and 1 remember being told thot Lit diet chiefly consisted of cucumbers and tobacco. Thii menu I co ild not recc jm-nd to old gentlemen as a rule . I only cite it to show that my favorite vege table ha its sanitary value in some cases N. Y. Tribune . A Cantlvn llaro. Caafrwea f TliTM yialim.'.e Nwt. . Onth-.- FourUi a! July, i8S6,,the negroes at Hasty, Richmond county, had a big celebration. There was a row, and a negro named Henry Har ris, shot and k;llrd the negro he was fighting with. Ilairis fled, and noth ' ing had since be .-n heard of him until yesterday: The murder itself was almost forgotten. When the tra'n stopped at Rockingham yesterday morniiig an cfiicer got off and went to the jail with a negro in chains. The negro was the long missing Har ris, and the officer was Deputy Sheriff Ladd, of Henry county, Alabama, who had captured Harris tVere- The rewards for Harris' capture aggregate $300. The captured negro, on being locked in jail at Rockingham, con fessed to the murder at Hasty's, but said he did it in self defence. Further than that, he confessed to having killed two other men,; one in Georgia and one in Alalama. All three mur ders were committed at frolics, and aecordiniz to Hairis' claims, in self . defense. , - 'Twas at the Sabbath School picnic. Two maidens ot uncertain age were struggling in the water, almost drown ing- . "Merciful heaven V c-ied the p-.. tor. "Will no one sve them ? Is t.We no iituurusr AB1QD2- ustfi..juve-l- therar "Is there a jctice of peace in the aowd?'' asked Tattered Stuyvcsant, the traTp, i-uddenly emerging from the bushes. "I held that office," answered a gen enun. "But will" "Well then, ladies," shouted Tatter ed Stuyvcsant to the struggling maid ens, "hold up your hands and let the jestice fwear ye that I don't have to marry iitlier of y and I'll p'unge in. 'm heroic, but not foolhardy. THs isleip ye-r!" F.x. JhU WMl M. We have already pub'is'aei! the fact that Joi.n Wood, ot thin place, a rfem ber of the police force of Durham, fed from' the excursion train going to Nt folk Thursday last, when it Was run ning, we are told, about a mile, a min ute He s ipped and fel1, and it was one of those sudden accidents it is hard to get a straight account of, but he Hustained injuries about the head from which he died, in Norfolk, Sun day afternoon at 3:35 o'clock Dur ham ,Sun ,. . : T A Live Old yinn. Old Mr. Chriuty Hullender, who lives near Fancy in this county, is S6 years of age, but is more active than many men not halt his age. On one of the hottest days in June this year he cut 40 dozen bundle of wheat, which is a pretty good day's work for a yotinsr man. Shelby Review. In a difficulty between Lewis Shu ford,', a school trustee, and James Isbell, who desired his son to be em ployed as V teacher, in . Caldwell county, Isbell assaulted ShurTord with knife and iufliced wounds which -were thought f be fatal ; linr- Mis CowUs, of S;ntivi;, who has I hm viniting Miss Abbie Caldwell, re-1 turned to her home this morning. Miss Irving and Kati Scales and Carrie Settle, who have hem away on quite an extended trip, roturnd home last night. MUses Keid, who have been visit ing the famiiv of Capt. Neil Ellintr ton, returmd this morning to tbir home in Wentworth . Miss de Rossett, of Wilmington, spent last night hete with Mrs. Harry Martin and went down to Burlington this morning to visit her aister, Mrs. Walter Holt. W. W. Fuller, of Duiham, who has been to Nhw York, and Lee Overman, of Salisbury, were on (he train going eat this morning. Rev. Jno. N. Garret was here this morning on bis return from visiting his family at Yadkin College to his pastor al work in Alamance county. Mr. C. W. Bain, of Rahdlemaa. irtioaTeh ofiTfri'sir' lo'frtenuvV1 Salisbury and at Greensboro, after speaJing a tow dys in this city, re turned to his home this morning, Mrs. Jss White, formerly of James town, but now of Oxford, tccompan ied by his wife and little bey, ws bere this morning on the way bark to Ox ford after visiting her parents for a timt. . ; Hon. Kope EliHH , an Co'. Paul B. Means passed through here last night going nor'h. Mr. Kliasjis a member of the committee to notify Mr. Cleve. TEACHERS' INSTITUTE Siitkora l b Vroaccuud Pittsburgh,' Pa., July iS. The men who'.ed the landing of the Pinkertons and who participated in their mal-treatment after ' their sur render 'e to ' be prosecuted to the' bitter end. Over 200 names of such men rre how in the possession, of Knox & Reed, the attorneys for the company, and to ; whom , the ' entire matter has been referred for action The sptcific charges to be brought against the men who have been spot ted is that ot accessory' to murder in the first degree. The Teuchers' Institat; opened in the Court House here at 10 o'clock, with an increased auniber in attend ance and with more intcieft evidenc ed. Rev. Dr. J. Henry Smith led in de eerciees and then abort talks were made. The hours were devoted to talk on how to tea.41 read ing. Thi afternoon the sur-ject cf gt.v ernment was taken up and ducus-ed. During the week between the hours of ri and is o'clock, Prof. Aldorman will deliver special talks, which ill be of interest to the laity as well s to the teachers The institute promises to be one of great interest and urefulness. We hope the people generally will turn out. Th-re were about onr'liundred tcsch eis in attendance today. We siy it to the credit of the ladies that they v-it.Dfw--rfmrrwrrt -rtra-; xt e J men r. d m to take a deeper in tercst. Thos. Cole, a farmer of Rutherford county, was struck by lightning and killed, last Saturday. . Removal- The office of the Dailv Workman has been removed from its old quar ters under Henh.w Hall to the Yates building, corner r.f Suith Kim and Sycamore street , entrance in front at Ni. 1 j j. The Wokkmw will In- oldi-id tc it fiicndt if tiicy n ,11 coiiimutiicite at the otfice any items of iu a thii may come into their poist-siioo NEWS NOTES. Four saloons and a barber ;hop were burned in Alliance, Ohio, tester day. Lone Alliance is a prohibition town. The IIoue committee on ways and means yesterday reported a resolution providing for the adjournment of the first session of this Congress on next Monday. Hon Wm C. Whitney and E S. Benedict were the viutors of Cleve land day before yesterday. They took dinner at Gray Gables and later went n board the yacht It cannot be ascertained whether the visit had ar.y special significance. I Ladie'a Auction. There will be an auction sale of gools exeluivel for hdis at the Bo' n Rarkr' -5 -;, 'omoir -w, (WeUud.y) a.;6iuoou, iiciiiu.ii at 5 o'clock. Dre4 good,, laf,-. itruBBUH; poVerrhoaUMtnrui. lawos, ire., Sec, w resei . This is something new for Greens boro. All ladies invited; no gentle men wanted on this occasion, it. " '' r.'4 ill be put up and aold without'. '., seive, to the highest bidder. ? ' J u?' ; iff 4 CJRKAT tILOBINCc OUT! land of his nomination The commit tee meets in New YorW tomorrow. . 1 B. F. Long, Esqr.; $o'icitor of the Statesville judicial diftjict, accompun ied by his little daugl.ter, was hire this morniog on hi way back to Statesville from a visit to his enera ble parents who live near Graham. He reports the health of the old peo pie as reasonably good. Mr. John A. Willuj and family, of Columbia' S. C, whe have been here on a visit to the family of R. S. Ver non, went up to Wiilston on a brief visit today, and will Se here again be fore returning to their hume a Cpi umbia. . j ;- . ;,. Mr. Chas. Landis, .who had bvcome qaite a figure in the social wona of our city, and who is well known here, has found it necessary to spend some time in the soldiers' home at Raleigh, and accordingly went down this morniog. ' Thi Workman hopes he may find some improvement in his health which has become quite deli cate. '. X: ' Miss Winnie McCaull, of Biltimore, who has been some time in this city on a visit to her aunt, Mm. Harry Martin, and who has made many and lasting friends during her stay here by her graces of mind and heart, left last eight for her home.- Quite a dele gatbn of young ladies and gentlemen accompanied ber to the dpot to bid her fa ewell.-JTo thoe who aonow uiof-t over her departure, we can en couriige them with the hope that she J will come again, as she has promised! u "0 .. or 1' it IfEA OT MADE OLOTH II V One "AT"--' BROWN'? . '. Price Hou s e. Having deuided ositively fc kU but our ENTIRE STOCK of CLOTH ING and quit the Hotuwg bnamexa, we will begin GRAND CLOS4 . , ING OUT SALE of, everything in that line TO DAY.' (Mon day, Jnne 5th) lo ordr to wind np this branch of our oosiren? aa rrpidlv m f-'iihln w will offer EXTRA OR : : ' DINARY INDUCEMENTS in prices. , New Good), inoludioif our lfeit Spriha and Summer purchases, BOtne oi , them jnst opened up, will h holif, AT CQST. Winter goods, goods oarried; over from last tieasorj, aud pndg sllghily ehoo worn, will be eo d regardleBf ' of cost, some at half price. Evrjtinoa in the wy of Clothing soea in thia : GREAT SLAUGHTER SA LE. . MtnV, yontbe, boja and chil Jren gOOda of ell gradee and aiza, , - , ... I VV have a limited number of GOOD OVERCOATS and a consider , able etoek of Winter and Medium Wetifht ClotUiug; all of wbicib will )ta offored at and below co 1 ' Remember, we aro pofitjvely goingout of tLe clothinubnaioess, and wank to close oat the entire took h raj-idlv as possi'.le.. Prices no object, goods most go and go at once. Don't voeclect tLie oi portnity of buying at cost from one of the larvest nd xrocka nf fine aud medium grade Clothing in the State, inolodiogeTerytb'ng from floe tailor mad suite, worth. . $20 and $25, down to the cheap et everycay bnita at $3, $4 aad 5. Sample S. Brown & Co. ;