GREEISBORO DAILY WORKMAN. 1, Vo! X,-No4 GREENSBORO, N. a, THURSDAY AFTERNOON, JULY iS, IS9i. Price f.?.OQrf?W. SHE SUICIDED. Stl'IOSKI) TJ IlAVK KlU.EK TWO OK Hr.u Own Cnii.rRr.M . Hpl! to Tin Dur VtuiKN. Worthvill. N . C, July 47. -Our little town ws all excitement lost evening on axount of a suicide coiamilted in the suburbs, about 7 :jn. Mrs . Caroline Ho .mltree, colored, huog herself t.i it rufter in her home. She was married Wst Sunday evening to Richard Roundtree They appear ed happy, and her hnstand was woik ing at the Worth cotton will at tbe time when the news reached Lira of his wife's death. He hurried home and was horrified m the spectacle which greeted him. Sne leaves three children and the husband to mourn her doat'i. Sho was discovered fi st hi ouc cf her children who rushed to a neighbor' house and ' gave the alarm, and she was cut down by order of Dr. C C. Hubbard, who thought ha saw sip ns of life, but with h's faithful effort he could not restore bcr. Her age was about 35 years. She bore a good chiricter, wis liked by the people in goneral an 1 was a twrd working woman. The coroner ws summoned and arrived this morning, and the inquest was held about 11 o'clcck, by Mr. L. J. Cox, corner, a- d a jury, Dr. C. C. Hubbard. II. M. Worth, foreman of the iury. The verdict was that she - her . own , hands Wi en found she had ber leg drawn up and crosicd under her. sbowinu that sbe could have saved berheif baa she fO desired The act was raused by her having killed one of her own children and the fesr of being prosecuted for the crime. Dr. Hubbard, in hi professional capacity decided that the deceased had recently Riven birth to a child, of which her husband knew nothing, and it is believe ! that she criminally dis posed of another child about two years aao, tbc child 1 eing Joui d by degs. The kind people cf Wortl.ville have done everything they could for the comli rt of the distressed hus band and children The body of the deceased was tiimo.l over to the Lu.s hand at is o'clock, and will be buried at FranHinsville tomorrow morning Cu.vs. F. H. Gates. Randleman, N. C. Utioa Town, Ph, July 27. Jack Coolev. leader d a notorious band of outlaws in this State, was captured and shot last Friday. His la-t words were : "See that my death u avenged." On Sunday Cooley was buried and then bis ban 1 commenced th-t work of revenge. Wesley Sisler, who aided in the csp ture ot the 'eader, was overpowered at his home iu Haydentown and pin ioned. Ei.H only chi'd, a yung girl, was tlen asau!te 1 by members of the band TLe helpless father's cries for help were stifled and his struggle for ' liberty ended bra blow from a mus ltit rti'.t. The band then deuarted apparently eel- c .ing this mode of re venga as of a more refined cruelty than physical punUhroen-, or death. There were tlnee cases of sun stroke in Richmond, Va., yesterday ' one of which, that of a Bnltimore drummer, orovina r fatal. The ther momeler has genenly registered 10 since last Saturday. THE PRESS CONVENTION The twentieth annual session of I the North Carolina Press Association assembled in Charlotte yest rday. he roll snows that quite a number ol editors were in attendance, Greens 1 boro boing represented by Mr. II, V. Wharton, of the Patriot. Mr. Thomas, the President called the convention to order. Maj Dowd made the speech of welcome, and Mr. E . Hilliard made the response. Resolutions, discussions and buei- ncss atlatrs came next. Mr. J. 1.. CbamberH, President of the Chamber of Commerce, delivered an address on "The City of Charlotte." The Poem of the occasion was by Mrs. I.isette Clayton Hood, and after this was read l)t. bherer. i resident ot Davidson College made a peech on The Incurable Habit ot Pad Writing " There wa singing of solos by two distinguished ladies. The discussions for today are : "Public Responsibility of news paper correspondents,' opened by J. Caldwell, of the Observer. "The Kvils of indiscriminate PuN fery," opened by Rev. A. G McMan naway, of the North Carolina Baptist 'Uniformity in Advertising Rates," opened by Thai R. Manning, of the Henderson Gold Leaf. 'How to Secure Protiction Against Advertising Frauds," opened by Will X. Coley. Tomorrow morning at 7 o'clock, the Editors excursion will start to New York and Niagara Falls. Vnck mn lha . A W. Had. WlontoaBentlnal. There was an accident on trie Win ston-Salem division ot the Norfolk & Western road about one o'clcck this morning near Pine Hall. The result was that one man was killed and an other seriously injured. The caboose attached to an incom ing freight train from Roanoke, Va., jumped tne trestle across uan river near Pine Hall and rolled over into tbe river. Flagman J B. Hamilton, a married man, aged about 3 1 years, of Virginia, wa instantly kil ed. A brakeman named Mac Cockrsn, unmarried, and about 2t years old.of Grayion county, Va., was seriously injured. Both were white. These were the nly two men on the car at the time. Fortunately the conductor was rid- ing on the engine when the accident occurred. The accident is supposed to have been caused by wood falling from a flat car. Hamilton and Cockran were both in the caboose and it is thought were asleep. The Railroad Company's surgeon Dr. C- L Summers, went out on a special to Pine Hall about two o'clock this morning and brought Cockran buck on the train to Winston and placed him ' at his boarding house. One leg was broken betides injuries internally. Tbe wounded man con tiuued to grow worse until 1 1 o'clock when he breathed his last. The remains of Flagman Hamilton will toe taken to his home in Virginia lor interment. - Two street car conductors wete ar rested in Asheville yesterday under a charge ot embezzlement, and are in jail....-! Davidson College and Salisbury plai ed a game of bse ball yesterday, which showed that they w. re proof again-t heat. , ' v SPEAKING OF YOU Robert Douglas has goi.e to Char lotte looking for a cool place, and if he docs not lind it there will go farther. probably to Ile'mont before he rt turns. iltother Webster of the Reidsville Weekly, who was to have gone to Charlotte last night, did not go until this morning. In consequence of being poorly Prof. Carr went up to his home at Trinity College thif morning. Rev. Mr Bsrrett, of Thomasville, passed through this morning on his way to District Conference at Lewis vi le, Fors)th county. Col Jus. E. Boyd went today in spite of the heat, jo that hot place known as Salisbury. II he doesnt melt today be can always get in surance at low rates hereafter. Mrs. Col. Albert Gorrell, of Wins, ton, who has been spending some days with Mrs. Fariss and her sister here returned home this morning. When the north bound train arrived here this mornings andthe sun was doing its best to melt every thing a number of persqns jumped off the train with tender , iciants in their arms and do- sign of an umbrella. The little things squalled, and no wonder. We were glad Mr. Will Ran kin over from Re today. He that buniness is looking well, U fair. The editor w" y,y grai.ncu iu Id lime friend, L'C ..I . - have a call irom Mr. J. F. Marsh, who went originally from Cedar Falls to Fay'ttevillr, spent a nfimber oyJ ear in Fayette ville in the merixu'tile business, and came recently to, and is now running a news stx Jj the McAdoo House. Mr. Miu Jxtnt his age well and is still Vif of activity and vivacity. We trust that he may sue ceed well in the business which now engsges his attention. LET US HAVE A LAKE. 3, When the weather is so interne y hot, as it has been for a week past, it is natural for us to desire a lake to which we could resort at pleasure, and where one might cool off.; And why may we not have a lake some where in striking distance of the city, with a good camping ground near it, a sort of park, in which people might spend a day and night occasionally? Fifty dollars would perhaps buy the grounds, containing a cool ' iptmg, a grove and room for a lake, and the cost of a dam would be a small affair It would be necessary to go beyond all the streams into which the city is drained, and the distance required to do that would not be great; There is acmal necessity for some thins of the sort. Who will take the initiative in the matter? Pensioners-Free Paaaea. Arrangements have been made by which all pensioners of the State of North Carolina desiring to attend the Confederat Veterans Re-union at Wrightsville, ; August 16th t aoth, can obtain free transportation over the G. F. & Y. V. Railroad. A certificate signed by Superior Court Clerk of the county in which the pensioner lives, to the effect th his name is on the pensioners roll of his county, must accompany the ap plicaton for transportation.' The information herein Riven should be circulated lor the benefit cf a'l pen siorers. 1 totc i Ule I 1 1 1 r . ft. NEWS NOTES. Frick, the wounded man, continues to improve, and his speedy recovery is regarded as c rtain. 7 her has been talk f the arrest of Herr Mos:, the N. Y. anarchist, in connection with the Pittsburg trou. bles, but tho matter ha been dcf!err ed at present. Prostrations from the eitrcme heat and shutting down of mill on the same account, are among the happen ings in New Kngland. The prostra tiona have been numerous. A dispatch from Winston beats heavily on Sheriff Teague for the man ner in which he proposed to arrest tbe murderer De Graff, and accuses the sheriff of cowardice, invitiog bin to rem'gn. It is supposed that the sheriff is averse to becoming a subject for the coroner, and prefers that some other be elevated to that distinguished position. Meanwhile the horrible murder goes unavenged. 0narMlaal CoavBila la iba -J a Dlatnck SeoiUnd Neck, July 27. The-Dcm ocrats of the ad Congressional Dis trict assembled here today, 10 Dornin ate a candidate for Congress and tlec tor. Donald Gilliam , ol Tarboro chairman. On the seventh billot, Mr. F. A Woodard, of Wils -n, wa nominated for Congress. j Kous-, 01 iv.inston, was nomin tej foj elector en the scond ballot It was tho largest convention ertr held in the District and thoroughly uemccratic. (iREAT OEsOSXNG OUT ! OF-w READY MADE CLQTIIIiE AT- .sisri One Having decided ositively to sell out ana quit tue uoiuiu)( uuaiue&e, we wiu uijjjiu t uiuuxu tiiuoi ING OUT SALE of everything in that line TO DAY', (Mou ; day, Jane 5tb) In order to wind np this branch of our oasicess as rnpidlv as nooRible w will offer EXTRAOR DINARY' INDUCEMENTS in prices. Now Goodn, includiuK onr latest them jast opened np, will b sold AT COST. Winter goods, goods carried: over from last season, and goids slightly shop worn, will be soul regardleEB of cost, some at half price. Everything in tbe way of ClothiuK coes in this GREAT SLAUGHTEK bALE. of nil grades and sizes. . We bave a limited number 01 AutJU, uvtlCtua 10 and a consider v able stock of Winter and Mfdinui Weight Clothing; all of which will be offered at and below cost. , V , Remember, we re pof itively goinp oat of tbe Mothint? business, snd want to close ont tbe entire ftock as rnpidlv as possible. Prices no object, goods mast ko aud go at ouce. Don't neglect this opportunity of baying at cost from one of the largest snd best stocks of fine and tnedinm grade Clothing in tb State, incladingeveryl'ng from fine tailor mad suits, wrrti $20 , and $25, d .wa to tbe chep st everyday Snits at $3, $4 and $.". , . - Sample S. Brown & Co i Cape Fear and Yadkin Valle? Railroad Company's Passen ger Department, Fitrrvn'.t, N. C, July U 'VI. To AOKNTS! Yon are authorix4tl to ipply 7ri9 No 2, Circular M4, in the nlt of Uonnd Trip Ticltuu from jonr P. T book, to Wilmington, N C, 00 com net of North Carolina KUto Military Fn- catnpaent at WrighUville. Tickets to be sold July 20tb to -8th. Extreme limit Aug 1st. KU. Tbe following rat en will govern your competitive points to Wilmington and retnrn. Greeusboto, dastard, Fayetletillt1, Maxton. M.Oll KYLE. G. P. A. W E. The C F Y V Railroad will sell round trip tickets to Wilson, N 0, oa account of Meeting Qf tbe Grand Lodge G D O of Odd Fellows at that place. Aug 6th, follows : From Greensboro, il.7. Rural Ball, ,2 Maxton. 6.75. Sanford, 5.45. W E KILE, GP A Reduced Ratea to Wilrnicf ton. la : Fl V n r. .. w ,U round trip tiun k ,uo Ui,kcMi Veterans' Reunion ut Wilmington, Augnsf 11, 15 secI 1C, final limit Aug, 23, 1892, as follows- . Fos Fayetteville, ' r $2,88 Maxton, 3. CO Greensboro, 4,75 Sanford, 3.70. W. E. KYLE. OPA BROWN'S Price House. oar ENTIRE STOCK of CLOTH- Spring and Summer pnrcbafw, 6O0Q6 of Men s, youths, boys and children goods , 1 1

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