DA1LV EXCEPT SUNDAY. i. I.. All! II A IX, Kdlcoi. J. 8. tllCHAl'X, Local Editor. INURED AT THE POST-OEEICE IN OatENSltORO AS SECOND-CLASS MATTER. CANVASSING OUGHT PAY . TO K.o.u a rtinaik in the News .vi.'. Ob server pronouncing the canv.is of JuJge Womick and other in Chat ham csunty as admirable, it is mggcst ed that the present conflict seems to afford the finest opportunities for effecting good. Xivt, perhaps, were She rank and file of the farmers of tin country under greater delusion on some politick! points thin they are now. Instance a paragraph in one of the People's, pirty papers that Mr. Cleveland was in favor of the Force bill, muito l.kely a number of farm ers have seen that and nothing to con traJict it. Thft sane is true of other points about which the farmers Lave been uttrrly misinformed. One curi ous fact is toe prejulica exiting against Mr. Cleveland, which seems to have been injuriously encouraged by certaji designing men, when in point of fact he is the foremost candi date in the field at to his record in fa"" vor of thd tunk and file of laboring men and farmers. What is needed in the campaign now is bpeiciesj dnveying informa tion to the people on the points about which such great iterance prevails. The canvassing should be as general as possible. Home people find it hard to resist temptation, and in const 'pence of the line, pennant weather we are having Winston sent dowa a large delegation of co ored excursionists to Hillsboro, while a similar one went down to Liberty this morLing, soma of them having come up from Fayetteville Ust night tor the purpose. It is under stood tnat the colored friend i are to lay a corner stone of some sort at Liberty tod i), provided the stcne is not too hot to handle. As Wesley Smith from this office is one of the company, there will be no luck of eloquence. We guaran te- that he was th- finest dressed man on the hill. He wi 1 be heard from jHter on It is lrarned fioni a gentleman who mes iu ltandleman that the woman who committed suicide bad promised her f rmer husbnd on his death bed that 5- e would never marry again, so os io t ring her tirst children under the control of a stepfather, and this prom i e pre e.i on her mind and helped to pr duce the result Mr Frank Thornton writes from Pittsburgh Pa., to his father, Mr. J J Thornton in this city, that on Sun day last in Pittsburgh the thermome ter registered 102 degrees in the shade. This is tall for a pi ice so far north of us, and in quite a mountainous sec- tion-of the country at that. , Notice Nsrved 00 Ktri. Ve, tha Republican voters of Mecklecburg," todiy dit pitched I y mail a formidable paper t John B. Eaves. The jaj.er at the outsat charges him with being i 1 debt to them for tha campaign exsenses of Mecklenburg for 188S, an i intimates more clearly fvit ha must see to the pyingup of arrearages before they'll move a cog. T.ien the paper goes on to sa' that Eaves has no business acting as 1 e is iioing. 'A e will call amass meeting." thi 'signers to the paper nay, '-and nominate a full tick-1 , , et on our own account. We know !he luces it for a Republican State icket and we are going to have it. The dot ing parjgmph was an intimation that if Eates din't like it he could De Tohn Wilson carried hs paper around and got hia crowd to sign it . And it was duly mailed through Mr. Drad ey'a postolfieo. Cbur Mows. ATjwb Auackul r ImhiJ Morelia. Texas, July :7--A band of brigsnd, undir the leadership of ICecilio Saliuo, made a raid on the town of Pucrpero ytsterdy. While engagid in their work tl.ey .were at tacked by a d.tachment ot the Eighth Fedcr.l regiment. A battln ensued, the bandits standing their ground. Four of ths latter were killed, whi e one of ths soldiers received a death wojnd. No captures were made, Thi ssme band mnde a ra d on t'uer pero a few dayg ago. ' Broftar Killed Id III Office Philadelphia, Pa.. Ja'y 27 Chailes II Page broker of the tirm of E. T. Pago A' Co wa shot by a customer named Robert Keuney, 65 years old, while Bitting in hia private oflioe at 132 South lourtn street P-ge died almost instantly and Kennedy meanwhile blew out his own brain j. The poUoe have taken charge of the place. The men it is reported, had a diligence over some stock transaction- Pronounced Hopeless Yet Saved From a letter written by Mrs Ada E Hurd, if Groton, S. D., we quote the following: "Was taken wittifa severe told which Buttled on my lungs, cougt net in and finally resulted in cotiMuuiptiou. four Doctors ga?e me p, tiaying I could live bnt a abort time. 1 L'avo mvself np to my Sav iour, determine! that if I conld not etav with mr friends on earth, wonld meet my absent ones above. Mr husband was advised to get Dr Kincr's New Discovery for con sumption, coughs, and co ds. I gave it a trial and took in a'l eight bottles it has cured me. and thank God I am a well and hearty woman. Trial bot tlei free atC. E. Holton'n drug store rugn'nr s'ze 50 cents and SI. y..u'vo tried Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription have you and you'ie din aiP'n ted. The results ore not im uifdime. Aud did yon expect the diseaMti of yours to disappear in a week f Pot a pinch 01 time in every dose. You would not call milk pcor becanae the cream does not rise in nn honr? If there's no water in it the en am in sura to rise. If theres a possible cure, Dr Pierce's Favorite proscription in sure to effect it if give oc i lair mul. xoa get tee one aoi Inr it costs you back again if it don't benefit or enre you. We wish we could iv you the makers' confi deuce They show it by giving the mbney back again, in all case's, not benefited, and it' J surprise you to know how fuw dollars are needed to keep np the refund. Flavoring Extracts of the finest qual i ies snch as Dr. Prioe's, Davis aod Mil ler'g, Woo iworth's eto, always on hand ne don't handle obeap or trtaby ex tracts -onr trad don't need 'em. J. W. 8cott A Co. Nature 'should be assisted to throw oJInpnrltlesofthe blood. Nothing does It so well, so promptly, or so safely as Swift's 'Specific. LIFE HAD NO CHARMS. For three years I wax troubled with mala rial Doi&on. which caused my appetite to fail. and I was greatly reduced In flesh, and life lost all its charms. I tried mercurial and potash remedies, but to no effect. I could get no relief. 1 then decided to try A tew bottles ot Wis wonaenui medicine mad 3 a complete and permanent cure, and I now enjoy better health than ever. J. A. Kice, uttawa, jian. Our book on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, da. Mrs. 'Ms A. Payne: Aget for ELECTROPOISE. Any one wishing information, call at her resjdenre, i 7 Church St.; Greensbo, ro, N. C, tf CURES POISON Guaranteed Cure. We a ilhorlze onr advertised drag gist to sell Dr. King's new dtsoovery for Consumption, Cocghs sod Cold's upon this rord.tioL. If you are afflicted with a cough cold or any In rg throat or chest trouble, and will . this remedy as diieeUd, giving la fur tritt', end experience no brn jfit, you may return the bottle unj bavo jour money refunded. We could nt tnnk thin -r did w e no know that !r. King's Ne Discovery coal! bo relied on. It never disap points. Trial bottles f.e i at C. K Holtoii's drng store. l.urro iz CO cents and $1. orsrr; enjoym txia me meuoa ana results tt:iui. Syrup of Figs is taken; it is plea. ana reiresmng to the taste, and 'if . gently yet promptly on the Kidney uver and JJowels, cleanses tho fys tern effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remed of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to tho taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c and $1 bottles bvpll leading drug- gists. Any re L 1 r . , druggist who may not hare hand will pro- cure it prom any one who wisbesto try substitute. ot accept any CALIFORNIA SYRUP CO. SAD FDA IDUISVIUk. Kt. '0. CL HCW tOM. .. WecArrr thn bieffff lin of dry goods -ver shown and we sre matching it b the biugfst bid 'er made for public favor. Cat etui pr- chaper coon find ont whieb sidx their bread is buttered on nnd worn ont devices are an old story to them. It is to careful purchasers that we are addressing onrswves now to pur chasers who know just what they are lomg, who know what their money onght to bring them every uroe and who wicely wait for the chances wnicn clearing ont sales are sure to bring along in Jannary. For such pur chafers the opportunity has tiow ar rived and here tt is We are selling onr stock of dry goods and r-hoes at erf-stlv reduced rntes hi onltr to re. duce our slock for the Spring trade a. WILL ARMFIELD. Greensboro, N,C, Offere bis servlos In iredlane and surcrrrto the peer lc cf Grwrifboro aad rorronrdloa U'np'rr. kuihdo Ko, 4HS. tnnrcn Mr. m AEfS WOEI. I will give lessons in drawing to ll U . .1 . . ,1 I most: wiaimig , uiciu- uu iviuuuay, Wednesday and Friday of each week at my home at on Asheboro Street. sistf Hattik Sampson. Fore Rekt Nice Offleo nnnoRila- Bentofr Bcnee. Also N-v Briek Store. ' ' Apply to J's.F. Ytires or Peter Yu'es s j 20 2 . A'.-"iJ Y24A 1 P 1 r NON-PARTISAN NEWSPAPER Devoted to News, Business, General Intelligenee, Virtue and Morals. Pub lished every day except Sunday. Though in a special sentMi drvotnd to tue iLWront of Greensboro, is intended to promote the the best in terort of the country an well as the town. Mnch nf its matter is prrpircd ex preesly for its columns. luring been eetauisbed in 1883 is now old enough 10 b knon as a fixture. The Daily Wokiur l-egun in life when the 1 nsintts of Ureensboro waa small, and in n nntilrtd coudition. but lias lived t'orongh all the seasons of triftluud di prcwji'.p, and is ready to -live tnrongn tiie 1 eason 01 improve mart which, wema unw to be upon uk, Unr lead na tUMlA&"H MEN have appreciated he ,rfi,rs of the DaiLl WotKiiAH and ' tl ir rnoonragement is due the fw ' nt '1 uwt inly bus lived inronRh tlie l uii!iiitjs ot Hie pHI years, bnt is in h voi.dition t live abd roBpur sno iiHfnl in tb ve.i.rd tc rbwription j.r;ftoj pr vr r" ' n.oi.tb ' " wv. TTTQfTl "D T?P1?T7T?T V J KJ X XIOJ UJUX V XJX A COMPKTELINE OF CIGARS AND TOBACCO, WE CALL SPECIAL A f TEKTION TO. "JORDAN'S RAT- LERS." : We euaraniee it to be the best 5 et Cigar on the Market, Also 0 H ' - --LIVE INDIAN- An elecront Id cent eiirsr. Do not force; to try the OLD GLORY CHER OOT, tbey are ont of sight for a cheap smoke. W, M. JORDAN & CO. 1 he Greensboro Ice Go's WAGON, WILL BE ON TIIE STREETS EVERY DAY, Ready to supply all families and stores in Greensboro with such quan titici of ICE as tbey may want from day to day. We can serve you with Ice Tickets from 5 pounds to 100 pounds, or we will deliver you so many pounds each day according to your instructions. It is roy rule and purpose to give my customers satisfaction in every way, and if this rule has bctn broken it was entirely unintentional If any one has a complaint to make, I would be grateful if you would wing it to my at tention so that I may correct the mat ter. I want to sell you the Ice ami want your trade. I will assure you to spare no means to give all customers satisfaction. I am gTatcful to you for the trade you have already given me, and hope to merit a continuance ot the same. I have fresh made Ice at all times it is as good as can be had from any source whatever. Give the Greens, boro Ice Company your orders for daily supplies of Ice, and wc will give them prompt attention. The clever young man. Mr. John Cator, will have charge of Delivery Wagons, and all orders given him, will be appreciated. Very respectfully, Greensuoro Ice Co. J. P. Harkness, Manager. apaS-sw Holton says "Sow the Seed" And you had better buy of him if you would 'Heap a Good Crop" His ieed are all irksh and J'JST KtCElVED The trade has already been so heavy - that he has been obliged to -re-order. Select yours before the variety is broken- Prescriptions Still a specialty, day or night. dfEverything in drugs, medicines, soaps, brushes, eta DisonuTioN, The firm of Ridge acd Touug has this day h en dissolved, W. J. Ridge baling po'd his itteiest in the said Co partner hip to A. O, Wilson. Persons owicp the firm will plente esl' and set tie. The business will h rea'ter be conducted under the firm name and stylo of YuULg snd Wilnin, W J. RiPOf. ' H. t . Yocso. jul 12 4w SALE. As Administrator of John Macy, I will btll rn Monday Hei temtxr 8th 1892 on the precise, mar Henry Mscy's, at pnblio uncM' 1 , Icrihe pur pose of crea iug aveets f r the payment of tbedrbtsof the deceased, the real estate ot the deofaatd, on Pole Cat Creek, in Ouilfrrd c imty, adjoining Henry Macy and others, eontainins about 80 Screw, bi g Li share in the . division of his father's lan1. Terms of bale One-third of pnr- cba-i' monty cash, snd tte remtinder on a oredit of three m mths, with bond and good seenntv. . JV11H li. UUl'liKtT, Adm'rof John Mtcy. Ice, Ioe, Ioe. " TlTissRS. Wharton, Jackson & Co., manufacturrrs of ICE, No. tic Buckhannon Street, have their wagons reet, hav ow, and v ICE on the street now, and will deliver to any part of the city IN QUANTI TIES TO SUIT CUSTOMERS. You can buy tickets from Wagons or at the Factory. J. S. BARNES, ap7 im , . Manager.