1 I I , t MSBOS0 DAILf - -IT. ' ft i VolX-No53 GREENSBORO, N. THURSDAY AFTEBNOON. AUG. ti 1892 Price $3.00 Per Tear. , i wimmm. t) . A BIO TRAIN LOAD OF GOLD A Uhiow Pacific Special Bacls Twecty Million Doluss New Yoik, ug.. io.-A .train on the Union Faoific ,rod has been on its way for the last few days fom Sac Francisco to New York loaded with $10,000,000 in gold from the San Francisoo mint. It arrived hero yesterday afternoon, caroms bv war of Umaha ana UN' 9 0 ' cago. . The train wu a Union Pacific spe cial, which has coma fjora the mint at San Francisco aa fart a it , could turn on wnccn. ii iwii;ii 'uu oyer the road, and ' everything else had to get ont of the way to facili tate the progress of the cargo of jtold en metal. The gold waa in coin, and twenty million dollars worth of it was Tailed on the floors of the cats. A squid of forty men ol the regular army was on duty goards. They were armed with Springfield rifles, and two Gatling guns were, also among the weapons of defense on board. The train consisted of one private car, one mill car and three express cars. The bag cf coin were piled - up in these three latter cars. It was ,in efc ' .of General Superintendent J."...! . . Wh te, of the railway mail - service, & . ' -:stnt were Lewis Tr-y, V- f tk western i i sVire, jluJ Supe:in:cjju,,i :r WT ' land, in charge of tha eastern railway . mail service. .):- . It bar one of ibe largest ship ments of specie ever made on one train in this country,' the va ue of the . gold bars aggregating $10,000,000. The shipment was made by Secretary Foster in view of the fact that the San Francisco sub treasury bad a plctboiaot gold iu store, the excess over all probable requirements reach ing $60,000,000, while the recent de mands -for gold r for shipment ' (0 Europe made .upon the New York ' sub treasury have reduced ihe supply 00. hand below the demands of pru dant management. ' The treasury: . officials! ere averse to telling of the shipment or telling any details of tbe movements of the train, beini anima ted by a deire to avoid furnishing any lnformalion. that might stimulate desperadoes, to make, an attempt at ' train robbery. ... ,t y ' y ' ',. V-" ' , ' "rr 1! i I .'. ' .V' GOV. ' NORTHEN RBJNOMI ' S NATED. " -r-.' ;.'.: No Oppositioh to Him at thb Gior . oia. Democratic Qonvbhtiok. ; . A'lanta, Ga, Auj?.', i'o.--tbe State Democratic : Convention wits called to order at noon today bj W. Y. Atkin son, ch.irmin pf the State committee Pleasant A- Sty all was "unanimously elected temporary chairman, by firt'ue of which . h4 continues ex-ofRcio.ies chairman o the State committe for the next two years. The following State t'cVet w s nominated Gor Gov rcor, J. .Nortben ; for Secretary of State, Gen. Phil Cook for Comptroller, W. . . A, Wrieht ; for Treasurer' R. U-' Ilurde man y tot. Commissipm r of Asricul. ture' R. T 'e-bitt, and for! Attorney Ge nerat, J . Terrell. ; h An elector ate ticket .pl-dged to Oleteland and Stevenson , ias also placed in the field. ;V"' Sivasnah, ', Aug. 10. W. It. Komp, of Emnr.uel county, was nora nated for Congress today by the Peo pit's party of the First Congressional district The Rep iblicans are trying to form a coa'ition with the Third par ly. There was one negro dlfgate in the convention. ' THE YEARLY MEETING The Friend ar having an interest injj session of tbir Yearly Meeting at High Point this weak, and yester day waa. an .important day, notwith standing the great heat prevailing. The morning session yesterday had relation chiefly to b'usines affairs, and was presided over by Prof. F. S. Blair. In this meeting were delegates from the various quarterly meetings of the State. There is also a branch of the Year! Meeting known as the meeting of ministers and elders, which met in the afternoon, with Hu4h W. Dixon, of Saow Camp, as Clerk. Messrs. Geo. Grubb, of Cork, Ireland, Jen kins, of Kansas City, Daniel Hill, edi tor of the Messenger ol Peace, Rich' mond, Indiana, Wales, of Minneapolis, Samuel Miles, of Faresburg, Vermont, Reynolds, ot New York, and Baldwin, of Indiana, were visiting ministers to the meeting, whicn is a very interest ine feature and full of edification to one and all One peculiarity among the Friends in their Yearly Meeting is the empha sis which they put upon the devotional exercises and the relation ot Christian exprrience. The presence of several iiiinu'.erj who emipraied. fro"i North Carolina in early youth was aa evi dent of marked interest, and of which a minute was made. ;The night session, which was pre sided over by Rev. J. R. Jones, of Greensboro, with Mary Peel a Secre tary, wu one chiefly of inquiring.and related to -the present syrem cf evangelistio work. Priscilla Hackney opened the discussion, followed by James Potts, David- Fallow, Abrain Fisher and Jfrances Tenkins, the last named a visitor 'f torn Kansas City. A' number of the questions raised were importantnd led to interesting discussion and the development of much information for future service. The meeting will continue throughout the week." - Kolb Olalme- Hla Election. - ' .V rf " ..Washiiwtos, Aug. 10. A special to thu Evening Star from Montgom ery, Ala., 1 ays ':'. . WE Commissioner Kolb, the Alli ance candidate ror overnor, is oui in a published letter this morning dis puting the claims of Jones' election. The letter conclodesi I have teen fsir 7 and honestly eWcted by over 43,000 majority and the people of my native State recognize the fact and will see tht justice is accorded me by lacing me' at . the . head ot pqr State government ior mc ni mw . . .1, . . . yearM. ' , . R. F. Kolb." Toe letter creates a sensation and is regarded as n evidence of Kolb's intention to challepge v th official count, which is nearly finished,, and fixes jQneB majority at between 9,000 and ii,ooo. ' ' UrKVCb IteuomlnMedt ; Edenton'i N. C , August io.-tW A. B . Branch was nominated for Con gress from the first district by acclama tion andL' L.r Smith for elector br acclamation. Convention harmom ous and enthusiastic : ' The tfofld' NW Editor. ' New York, Augv 10 Mt. George B. M, Harvey, whrt has been macag icg editor the New York World, baa been appointed editor of that paper vice Mr. Ballard Smith, resigned. SPEAKING OF YOU Thos. D. Cleg?, of the City of Mexico.is visiting telatives and friends in the city. Miss Lillie King, of Winston, is visiting Miss Maggie Clegg. Mrs. B. E. Sergeant, of this city, is at Concord and will remain at F.lbeth during the absence of Mr. W. R. Odell and Mrs Odell in Europe. Mr. Lewis, of ReidsviUe, who is here today says there will be a' Metho dist Sunday School excursion from Reidsville to Mount Airy. Aueust 35th. Fare from rteidiville $.oo( from Greensboro, $1.50. Free dinner to all. ' Hon. J . O. Buxton returned home from Richmond this morning. f!riL I. A. Dodson. 'Vriosa home r" - now is in Atlanta, pasie through ths morning on bis way through north ward. , Rev. Dr. Yates, pf Durham, went down home today from a visit to his daughter at. Mount Airy. Professor Powell, who has been in the city fot, some time operating as a stencil cotter, having done quite an amount of work, went to his home at Reidsville on a vacation this morning. The Professor understands h'S busi ness well. . . ' ' Mr. O. S. Cauiey went to the Yearly Meeting s; High Point today. Prof. N.'c. English, of Trinity College, wi 1 this morning. ir. it. . i. ot mgn.romt, weaf to Alt. ATiyioaay; nTys that Mr. W. P.V Pickett, . whom he accompanied to Rid Sulphur Springs, ,,; West Va., . some 'two weeks ago, is tepidly improving, in health.- ' The Durham Globe speaks in flat. tering terms of the work of Mr.. C. IL Donehty, of Greensboro, who has be'eoi taking orders for shoes amongst Durham people. - t , How D. F. Caldwell went to Gib sonville this morning to attend the annual meetine 01 uie stocano:aers 01 the fclaid,. Mills, which' occurred , there today; ". ; -s;-f: Colored Firemen's Tournament la the Colored Firemen's Tourna ment at Raleigh yesterday, Greens. borq bore off quite a number of the prizes : - The Urab icice was won ny the Greensboro Company:!. The .ipo yard' foot, race wa won Jby Joseph McCobnell.' ': of :. Greensboro.' . The Petato race" was-won by Wm. Clai bornei of" Greensboro. V Only one other ' prize was won, and that, was taken b Victor, of Raleigh, in a race ol 150 yards, So it wilj be seen that Greensboro is immense on a run. She is hard to catch. - ' . Death of Mrs JW Gilmer Mrs. Nancy 'Gilmer,. wife of Mr. T. W. -Gilmer, of this county, d'ed her home this morning at 10 o'clock. She Waves a husband, three sons and one daoghter to .mourn her death The sons are: J. H. , R. A. and , John A. Gilmer. The daughter ia, Mrs R S. PhiDDs. The funeral will take place tomorrow at 1 1 o'clock at Ala mance church. .1 ' The Colored Firemen's Association of N. C, vesterday elected tha follow ing officers for the year: President, W. M. Loian, Greens, bora . Secretary, II. Johasor, Charlotte. ! Treasurer, J.. W Patter son, Greensboro. Chapln, J. H. Jones, Raleigh. A squat of soldiers from the En cempmrnt at WrighUville, who left Wilmington at 4 o'clock, p. m., yester day passed through this morning on their way home at Charlotte. They said the camp would break up tomor row evening. Col R. M. Doug lee, of this city, made the report of the programme committee in the Business Men's Coa ventkra at Morehead yesterday, which was adopted. This report recom. mended the election of A. A Tbomp son, of Raleigh, for President, and H. W. Ayr, of Raleigh for Secre tary. An address was made br Gen. W, R. Cox on Cotton Raiaing in North Carolina and the Sooth. Alderman Mc Masters, of Pittsburg) has rereived an anooynous letter in which' there is a threA against his life.1 The bad thine about it is that iU' though the fellow who writes the the threat may not be able to carry it out, the woods around Pittsburg are full of fellows who wouldn't hesitate' to shoot an alderman any more than they would hesitate to shoot a wild pigeon. ' Editor Charlotte ot the Elkin Cour ier will remove his paper from Elkin to Littleton,, N. C He goes from one good place to another good place, and can probably I ell in the course of few, months - which v for him' the boUerpL.ce of the ta.-Elkin is a manufacturing town, but Littleton', wfaile it is no 'so, is the seat of A pop a ar literary institutioa ana the centre of an excellent population. . GXLEAGP OliOSINCJ OUT! .asei One Having decided osiljvely to sell ont oar ENflRE STOCK of CLOTH ING and qnit the dothiDg bnainess, we will begin a GRAND CLOS ING OUT SALE of eyerything in that line TO DAY," (M on , dayJnne 6tb) .In order to wind np this branch of our ,' unsifless as rapidly aa oopsible we will offer IEXTRAOR,,v.-."---': 'f , ; ' DINARYINDUCEMENTS in prices. New Goudis including n latest Spring and Summer purchases, some of them jant opened ip, will be sold AT COST.. Winter goods, goods carried over from last season, ud gumts slightly shop worn, will be sold regardless of tfoat, aome at half prior. Everything! in the way ot Clothing goes in this . GREAT SLAUGHTER SALE. ; Men', yontbc, boys and ohil Iren goods ; of U grades and sizes. .. ; i", v We have a' limited -number of GOOD OVERCOATS and a consider able. stock of Winter and Mfldiam Weight Clotbiug; all of which will be nffHred at ftii'I Mow co. ' ' : ' ' ' , , ; " , : . ' .... , v Remcr.b'r, we are ponnvely gome ont of theOlotiMnnpiness, and want to close out th entire etuck as rapidly as possible. Prices no object, goods mnst go and go at once. Don't neglect this opportunity of buyinar at cost from one of tne largest mt bt-cl stocks of fine and medimn grade Clotuing in the State, incla-liua o'erythinrf from fine twlor ma auits, worth $2j) and $25, diwn ti the cboip'-Bt every dftj" Suits at $3, $4 and 5. .v ; '. ..-. 1 ' 1 , - . Samplo S. Brovn iz Go NEWS NOTES. It ia said that the heat is so great in Washington that the- knobs have been melted on the weather bureau drawers, so that no rain predictions can be fixed up. Durham Globe. A little boy who lives in Durham and whose parents are clever people, but nut accustomed to giving much attention to religious ceremonies, is now v siting his grand. parents in a mountain city. When they aat down to dinner after the boy's arrival, the old grandsire asked a blessing. The boy, in astonishment, said : Grand-pa, what did fjou tead off your plate ? many children might ask the same question. A young lady of this town gives us this informs, tion " Mr. Sol. C. Well, who was nomina ted for elector in the Democratic Con vention at Lnmberton yesterday is a nephew of Mr E. R. Fishblate, of this city, and is said to be a talented young man. , . STRAWS Such straws as the Force bill and the Tariff are too insignificant for the notice of the Third party. They are on a rade tht :-a rien ihem the oiher way wuuu w ,j u c.ncd ty . reference to the platform of the Re publican party. Under the guise of wanting to buy the railroads they have other matters of exchange. tYasstory A Co. would say to the' public that they have In a bran . new, stock of umbrellas which they are sell ing at next to nothing, Yon oaat beat , 'em. ' - VI .OF - AT" r ' ' " BEGWN'g ; Price H o u s e. A ( ) ?A