DAILY IXClf? SUNDAY. J. L. MICUATJX, Kdltoi. . J. 6. lUCnAUX, Local Editor. SXTIRID AT THI rOSTOIIICI IN ORXIMSBORO At IICOND-CUASJ MATTIX. COL. KINO FOR LIFE Ths result in the cue of If. Clay King, of Tennessee, who wit convict d of the most foul and unprovoled murder, an i sentenced to the gallows, is the commutation of the sentence to imprisonment tor lift. It wan not known hare until yesterday that the uofortuatte roan is over 80 years of age, and where tub is known there will not be very severe criticisms of tne Governor for commuting tbe sen tenre. Perhaps a new thought will be awakened in the pubEc mind, a sympathy for old age, of which little has heretofore been said. If criminal obtain sympathy on the ground of sex, of extreme youth, of emotional insanity, why not allow something lor such as have lived be yond four score and, who, probably, have as really lost control of them selves as if they had beet ptrtiallyin sans ? . j.i GO CRAZY FIRST. Commenting on an able article in the' New York Herald on Southern Progress, and illustrating the marvel lous recuperative energies of . this acrtinn nt lh rnnntrv annru (ho pulsion of the carpet-bag robber. The Richmond Times of tody soys : "During the whole period in which the South was inflicted by this curse of carpet bagisrn, tbe. Democracy of the North tood by her unflinchingly, battling tor her rights without ceasing until at length! mainly through their exertions, she was (reed, snd then nsr onwara marcn oegan. With a rapidity which' has astonished the. world, she has gone rapidly to the front, accumulating wealth, Ruining influence and outstripping her North era neighbors in the production of tbe very articles which they consider ed especially their own, and of which they thought they had absolute con trol." : -. - ::.. while it may b tru. , and probably is, that the degree of prosperity in the South is overdrawn in many of the accounts printed, yet it is scarcely doubted that one important statement, bearing directly on the present poltti. cal situation in the South, Wnot only true to tnt latter, but challenges the manhood of every democrat at least, throunout tnis whole country called the Southland . ' During the whole period in wh ch the South was inflicted by this curse of carpet-bagism, the Democ racy of Norm stood by ber unflinch ingly, battling for ber righ's without ceasing, until at length, mainly through their exertions, she was freed, and then her onward inarch began." - - 'The Workman has concluded that hardly anything less than, a well developed case of insanity could Justify any Democrat ai this time in disposing of his vote as to aid in defeatiug the only party in tbe coun try that ever did anything to help him when he was in trouble, or is under any prorate to befriend him in time to come. " t f " WHISKERS GONE " It was only jester ' that our re. porier got a gibir ss of Mr.. Loo Brcckman is Iu walkd across the ttreet .and '.took' particular n .rice': of "his tine, crop of. Bumsida- whiskers (WhiskerM 1 f this sort ar so called becaus the late General Bumside; wore the' fines-, crop nf them that ever ;e 1 1.. Washington. theneeforward called "Burnsides', We could also think of everal other gentlemen , in this city, amocg them Mr.' Geo. Lampman, who have fine specimens of Burnsidas. But Ma Loo Brockman, at th time our reporter took notice of Lis fine whiskers, just then arrived at per pection, was do doubt determined to go under tbe barter 'r raxor and have a change made, for when we saw bim this morning the Bumsides were gone. Well enough, for we think it has improved him much. koM f WHtlt'l Stale Chronicle. In the early part of the session of the 46th Congress (April 15, 1S79) the democrats refused to vote for the passage of the army appropriation bill, onless the republicans would vote to repeal the provisions of thea law which had largely disfranchised Southern whites and enabled Federal authority to control elections. Ex. President Garfield, then a member of House, offered an amendment in the nature oi a compromise, and wbieh admitted that some of the legislation complained of was "obnoxious and antagonistic to American ideas.' The Congressional Record, 46th Congress, page 958, shows that the norn'nee of the sOmaha convention ior President opposed every effort to have tbe objectionable provisions even modified in favor of Southern hitts. He voted against every proposition to enfranchise the white inert of the South. He voted to keep them in political slavery, even at the point of the bayonet. He voted to keep armed soldiers at our polling places. These are some of Weaver's votes. Can North Carolinians vote for such a man They will not ALLIANCE OFFICERS At the meeting of' the State Alii. ance last night the omcers ior the past year were rclected with the excep ton ot some minor 1 Bices. The name of Dr Thompson, a WeaveriU, ws substituted for that of Mr. Bell, who is a Clevelandite. The vote stood 37 to 51 in fTor of the Third rarty candidate. Yon've tried Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription have you and you're dis appointed. Tbe results are nut im mediate. Aud did you expect tbe disease of yours to disappear iu a week ? Pot a pineb of time in every dose. You would not call milk pcor heoanee tbe cream does not rise in an 'honr? If there' no water in it the crfcm is sun to rise. If there s a possible cure, Dr Pierco'a Favorite prescription is son to effect it if giv en a fair trial. Yon get the one dol lar it ooflU you buck again if it don't beubfit or cure yon. We "wish we could givA you tbe makers' confi dence They show it by giving the money back again, in all cases not benefited, and it'd surprise you to know how few dollars are needed to keep up the refund. UStOM HOT DROP j. Cures all coughs, colds, hoarseness sre throat, bronchitis, hemorrhage and all throat and lung diseases. 1 aunt, rehab e. t$ cents at druggists. Prepared only by Dr. H. Mozley, Alanta, Ga. Katare should be assleted to threw oTlmpnritlesofthe bloed; Ketking does It so well, sa premptly, or s safely as Swift's Specl2c . . Hll," -i, -Kit I ' CURES LIFE HAD NO C&UWS. For three years I was troubled with mala rial poison, which caused my appetite to (all, and I waa greatly reduced in flesh, and life kst all its charms. I tried mercurial and potash remaclies, but to noeffect.I could get no relief.' I then decided to try" ' A few bottles of this wonderful t .4 medicine made a complete and permanent Cure, and I now enjoy better health than ever. :; J. A. Rice, Ottawa, Kan. ' Onr book on Elood and Bkin Disexses mailed free. . S witt Specific Co., Atlanta, G a. Guaranteed Cure , We authorize oar advertised drug gist to sell Dr. King's new disoovery for Consumption, Cocghs snd Cold's upon this oordilion. II you are afflicted with a cough cold or any lnng throat or chest trouble, aud will this remedy as directed, giving I a fair trial, snd experience no ben efit, you may return (he bottle and have your money refundeJ. "We could not make this er did we do know that Dr. King's New Disoovery could be relied on. It never disap point. Trial bottles free at C. E Holt'ju's drag store. Largs size CO cents and $1. Pronounced Hopeless Yet Saved From a letter written by Mrs Ada E linrd, of uroioo, b. V., we quote the following: "was takeu witn a severe cold which settled on my longs, cough pet in and fioullr rf salted iu oonsnnipuon. r our Doctors ra?e me op, saying I could live but a abort time. Iirave rmsell up to my Sav iour, determined that if I could not stay with my bunds on earth, I wonld meet my absent ones above. My bnsband was advised to set: ui Jiing s New Disoovery for con sumption, ouugbs, and 00 ds. I gave it a trial and took in all igbt bottles; it baa cored me, and thank God I am a well and herty woman. Trial bot ties fre at 0. E. Holton's drag store regular size 50 cents and SL EXJOYG Botu the method and results vht eyrup or figs is taken; it is pleosrj. and refreebinK to.tbe taste, and j gently yet prompt the Kidney raver ana uoweia, cleanses tne zyz tera eflectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. 6yrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the. stomach, prompt In its action and truly beneficial in its effect, pre oared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent Qualities commend it to sill and have made it the most popular remedy known. . Byrup of Figs is for sale 1n 60c and tl bottles ly all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on handwill pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it Do not accept aur suosurate. . .... - CALIFORNIA FIB SYRUP CO. AH HAHOItOO, 0U UMMYHU, Kf. -Htm tOUL Wr carry th biccest line nf dry goods ever shown and we are iiiHtcmug it by the bipgest lid -er made for public favor. Caretul pnr rhafen soon find out which side their bread is buttered on and worn ont devices are an old story to them. It is to cured. 1 pnrahaftera that we are acidrepsirijr onrM jvHs now to pnr Sv, -A '-St aers who know just what they nrelCont Ciffar on the Market, Also O H jomp, wno Know woat men money 1 ought to bring them every utoe and clenring out sales are sure to bring I aloe? in Jenuarv. For such Dur. I" whn witnlv wult frlhnchnrw,n whmh chaeera the opportunity las now ar rived and here it is ' Wo are selling onr stock of dry goods and 6hoes at preatly reduced rates in order to re dace our ptock for the Spriisg trade MP N0N-PA11TISAN NEWSPAPER Devoted to News. Bnainess, General Intelligence, Virt ne and Morals. Pub lished every dsy exeept BunJay. Though in a special sense d voted to the Id wrest oi Greensboro, is intended to promote the tbe best in- Itereatofths 00 on try ai well as the tows. Much of its matter is prepared ex premly for its oelamua. iaaTing oeen enuiuiuai in 1383 la now old eooofth H be known as a fixture. The Dailt Woiux beuau ' ita life when the t tuiorts of Grtensboro waa small, and in u unbilled condition, out uas lived (arougn all tbe seasons of trial and dcpreiwion, and i tmdj to ijyo luroogD me t ewitn oir improve mert wh'ch stem now to b' vpou n. Onr lead lit LU8IAKNH MEN have apprvoiated the fforis i f the DaiLi WokKMAa. acd 10 their enooniucincnt is due tbe f(" that ir not cnlv baa livj tnroutrb the rtifflctiliiea of b i.hhi years, but is ii a oondiiion tn hw nd prosper and te useful in tbe year u vbsoription prioe per yxw V " month 4 i . " " w.k JUST RECEIVED A COUPKTE LINE OF CIGARS AND TOBiOCO. WE CALL BfEOIAL AfTENTiON .......TO "JORDAN'S RAT- yLERS." Wa .n n .nntA. I . n I .V. n V . R cremomo s TTTTp TT JTT A TT, U-I..V AJ JLliXl 1 1' : An elegant 10 cent cirar. Do not forp-rn to try the OLD GLOBY CHEli. OOT, they are out of sight for a cheap smoke. 1 he Greensboro Ice Co's ,. W AGON I ; WILL BE ON THE STREETS EVERY DAY, Ready to supply all families and stores in Greensboro with such quan titiei of ICE as ttey may want from day to day. We can serve you with Ice Tickets from 3 pounds to 100 pounds, or we will deliver you so many pounds each day according to your instructions. It is roy rule and purpose to give my customers utitlaction in every way, and if this rule bis been broken it was entirely unintentional. If any one has a complaint to make, I would be grateful if you would oring it to my at tention so that I may correct the mat ter. I want to sell you the Ice and want your trade. I will assure you to spare no means to give all customers satisfaction. I am grateful to you for the trade you have already given me, and hope to merit a continuance ot the same. . I have fresh made Ice'at all times- it is as good as can be had from any source -whatever. Give the Greenes boro Ice Company your orders for daily supplies of Ice, and we will give them prompt attention. The clever young man, Mr. John Cator. will have charge of Delivery Wagons, and all orders given him, wilT be appreciated. Very respectfully, Griknsboro Ice Co. J. P. Harkkiss, Manager. aps8-sw Holtonsays "Sow lie Seed" And you had belter buy of him if you would ''EespaGoodOrop ' -His eed are all fresh and-i-1' rjrr RicrT-t 1 V The trade has a.itady been . . 1 -j heavy' , -that he has been obliged to- 7) re order. Beleot jours before ths variety is brokoa. Prescriptions Still a specially, day or . night.' ESyEverythirig in drugs medicines, soaps, brushes, etc . - .-.... DlBOIsUTJON, The firm of Ridge and Young has this day bf en dissolved, W. J. Bidge having ao'd bis ittereat in the said Co partnership to A. O, Wilson. Persona owing the firm will pirate call and set tle; The business will h rea'ter be. oondnnred under the firm name and sijle of Young and Wilson. W J. Bidox, . 8. . Youya. Jul 12 4w LAND SALE. As Administrator of John Macy, I will sell ra Monday ri.tember 8th 1893 on tb prenU. near Henry Maoy'a, at public uci r, fcr ihe pur pose or creaiibir aweH f r the pat meat oi the debts pf the decereed, the real estate of tbe deoeaaed, on Pole Cat ' Creek, in Ouilfnrd c titty, adjoining Henry Maoy snd other, eontainina about 80 scree, Inii g kin share iu the ' divieion of his father's lar.. Terms of rale One-third of par oha'o money eaab, snd tbe remainder on a credit of three manths, with bond and good seenritvi - rfOHH E. HOCKEXT, ' ' Adra'r of Jobu M.oy. 1 j issrs. , Wharton, Jackson & Co. manufacturers of ICE. No. ny Buckhannon street, have ibeir wagons on the street now, and will deliver ICE to any part of the city IN QUANTI TIES TO SUIT CUSTOMERS. You can buy tickets from Wagons or at the. Factory. J. S. BARNES, apa7 im Manager. : They were I O. WILL ARMFIELD. W.- M. JORDAN h CO,