GREEISBORO DAILY WORKMAN. Vol X.-N0S9 LODGED IN JAIL! CHARLES REYNOLDS . MARION HBADEN AND THE MURDERERS OF SOLATH I EL SWAIM LOCKED UP. THEIR STATEMENTS SHOW THEIR CONNECTION WTTH . THE CRIME. MONST HID THE PlSTOL FOUND II ths rossxasio or RmtoLca. Sheriff John W. Cook arrived beTe but night at about 8 o'clock, 'having in custody Charles Reynold, white, and Marion Headen, colored, charged with the murder of Soathial Swaim on Tuesday last, aod were placeo in STATE EST Of THS rRISOXERS. Charles Reynolds, the white man, informed Sheriff Cook that the mux .. der was committed hy a negro by the nam of William Lonf, who had been driving the omnibus for the McAdoo ; . House in this city. He said that he saw Lomr creep no near to the point where old maa Swaim was sitting aid place the pistol against the door facing and fire. . That at Long fired he (Rey !ds) ran and that Long saw him and gave him a handful of money t.nd the ' pistol and told Lira to keep hit mouth shut. ' I' t '! t' - - T t' -the wou!j he .tu.l U-cn woik.t J IV UkDw wiili Ikadea and that Long passed along the road. while they were at work, ' That he went by Mr. Coble's house (where the murder took place) on his way to the bouse of a neigh bor, to which place he was driving a calf. ; ' liarioa Headen, the colored man, said be was working In tte woods with Reynolds That be saw this man Long pass, that , he knew him well, that b married a cousin of his " That he remained in the woods and did not go towards the house, which was 4 or 5 hundred yards awav, ' . These statements were trade' be. fore they arrive J here. Upon Rey nold's statement Sherifl Ctok went ' in search, of the money and pistol, which he discovered as described by Reynolds. It was a js calibre pirtol and bad one empty chamber. He found $130 in money. ' '. ) , ' . , .. ' 8TATEMKMTS IN Mty. After the ptisoneri were placed in jail Sheriff Cook went down to the McAdoo Hoise ,and saw; William Long, c6lored, and asked him to go to the jail with him and explained to him what he wanted. . He ws taken Into Reynold's cell first. Th-i kheriff asked Reynolds it . he knew h'.m 1 (Long). He replied that he thought he was the maa that did the 6hooting. . - ' " ,, -'When be was asked if be knew him ' and wh;it his n ime was, he said he that ho thought he was the 'man. When he wa3 asked the third time he replied that the man a name ; was Reeves. ' . - " .,' ' ' When the sheriff asked him if he did. not sny thd rnan. who ; did the s'.iO( ",2 was rsatnel Lorg, he replied t!."the h-l b-ina ;!p and that the t 1 . Us i..:n iie- ' n C ' 1 cH. GREENSBORO ties, and upon being asked if he saw Long on the day of the murder Headen replied that he taw. Long go alon the road in the direction of Mr. Coble's TbaJ he knew nothing about the murder. v Headen told a Workman reporter that on the day of the murder Reyy nolda went off towards Mr. Coble's and Out he wore a white sti aw hat, that some time thereafter he returned hatless, that he had a pistol in Vi$ pocket and that Reynolds told biro he had made a raise. The man Long, whom they charged with the murder, wai driving the McAdoo bus in this city about the time of the crime and of course knew nothing of itj It was evidently a concocted scheme to by it on Long, and Htaden was the man who did the scheeming, as Reynolds Aid not know Long and ' Headen was well acquainted with him. It is safe to say that the Sheriff has two of the perpe tratort of the ' awful crime.. It is thought there was another party or parties engaged In the crime with them. ' . v ' . Mar la nmth Carvllaa. Buzzards Bay, Mass., Aug. 16. Grover Cleveland was agreeably sur prised when F. M. Simmons, of North Carolins, cent in bis card at Gray Gables Saturday morning. Mr. Ueveland had not seen this distm- gu'i.hrl member of ths Fiftieth Con f r sortie time, and roth enjoy j Mr Lunmons is the chairman of the Democratic State Central Com mittee of North Carolina and practi. catly the , whole campaign is in his hands. He came to Cray Gabies to ask Mr. Cleveland to address the peo. pie of his State during; the campaign. His arguments Were' forcible,' and while Mr. Cleveland seriously con sidered the appeal, be could not accept ' Mr.' Simmons' invitation, Neither did he absolutely decline it Mr. Cleveland stated to his visitor that he had not as yet formulated his plans , for the futurs and could not give a decided answer.-New York Herald. v (lUCklarad of QtA dab. , At a meeting of the graduates : of Keeley institute at Greensboro, now residing in this city, held in the par- lore cf the Conitz Hotel last evening, a; Keeley Ei -Chloride of Gold Club was organized, with the (following ofikeis elect- d, viz: W H Gerkin, President s E. H SneeJ, First Vice President s John G Bagwell, Second Vice President j John H Grotgen, Secretary ;1 M Gilbert, Treasurer ; Obediah' i Jenkins, Sentinel ; Isaai Northrrp, Wm B Lirkins, Wm Wes ley, T F Tyler and J E Burrte, exec Utive. committee. ' . ! ' V The club starts out with a member ship of twenty-two, 'Committees were appointed to procure a suitable club room with, power to fit up the same. A committee on by laws was appointed." After adopting a resolu. tion returning thicks to Mr. ' Eonitz for th use of hi parlors the club adjourned subject to call of .the Tresi- dent. Wilmington Star-y'" v .The Ladis of the King's tors b-ive. pv.t vp very j r ' -.. Me ;r ; ' ! : (' -r cf l'-. I . " ' D:' a, THURSDAY AFTERNOON, BPBiiSINa OP TOD Capt. F. , U Odett, of Concord, Mr; J. II. Ferree, ol Randleman, and others ate bere today in attendance on the Director'! Meeting of Greene boro Female College. Oar good brother Daniel Worth is back home from the State Convent tion of the People's party, and seemed muoh enthused with the di mensions of the Convention. He has now completed the round of conven tion and can better judge how the cat is to jump. ) Col. Jas. . Boyd, who went to Statesville yesterday has returned to his home in this citr. and is bere today. - Miss Charlotte Brown, Of Hills boro, arrived bete this luorning for a viit to her sister, Mrs. Pritchett and Mrs. Wolfe. , - . Mrs. H. N. Brown, of HiUsboro passed through this morning on her way to Aiheville. Rev. C Durham, D. D , was bere this morning on bit way to the Asso ciation near Mocksville. ' Col. R M.'Douglas is absent on a visit to Richmond.' Mrs. Lacy Moon, of Jamestown, who has been on a visit of some days to friends near this city returned home this mornirj. , . : Two Sisters of Cliairty, clad in the uniionn tt ( ate ur, arnvca here on tt.e oJutLoL.ud"i.l..ii this 'luoriiiiig and took ty tram for Raleihw : Messrs Bmlett Walker and agent Pepper, of Cedar Falls, carte up this morning, and took the south bound train on the C F. & Y. V. Railroad this p. m., expecting to visit Mount Vernon Springs before tbeir return. Mr. J, A. Porter, of Asheville,went from here to Rale V this morning Mrs. Andrew Buford went on a short visit toalem today. w .:., Capt J. B. Hussty, of Washing ton, D, C, is back in the city from a visit to Raleigh, 'i . ' ' Collector J. B. Eaves went home today from a visit to Raleigh. He was a looker on from the stable loft on the late third party managed 'in Raleigh and goes home whh a repub l;can idea in his pocket.' :. ; - P0LITIC3. Since the Third , party State a - Convention at Raleigh some days aRO, it is believed, and with good reason, thatthi party itself is rapidly losing ground.' .It was not ball' vod that the convention could mub'.er such a large numeiical force with such a small ag gregate of mental ability and moral courage. The availability 6f the con vention as a Repub i can annex ws so discounted bv the exhibition on the occsioa that, U is believed that the Republicans fully decided on putting out a ticket r f their owo,v. af.r they bad taken in the show. , .Third parties are but an experi ment, at b;st, acd the prospect is that they w'lU peter put in a abort time, 1 - ii g the corpse of the Farmers' Alliance s a monument to tl.e body of the IVcj-k's party, ''.a '.Tl-e Aliioice was a good t'.i.-g, t- t IS! j i ' men -rs became vie ims of dc i Of ""?1.;--Cr'U'if- . AUG. 18 1892 DEATH OF A MILLIONAIRE. Mr. J. A. Bostwick, the millionaire or Near York State, died of bea.t dis eaue under excitement whiUa ragicg fire was burning np one of his stables, early yesterday morning. He w.s giving orders and was overcome and died in a few minutes. The coachman and footman both lost their lives, and ei;;nt carriage horses aad much other valuable prop erty were barned. It Js supposed that the twa men who were burned to death bad been drinking aod carelessly hsnded some matches in their room in the stable building. NEWS N0TE3. " The fifth district Democratic con vention met m Atlanta, G, yesterday and renominated Livingston far Con gress. A fire on Tuesday sight at Wyom ing, Del., destroyed about $10,000 worth of the property of the Deleware R. R. Co Also the homes of about lour hundred people who are being fed by contributions from the farm era. ' . William R. Cole, formerly a Central Railroad sbgineer, and who resides near Savannah, Ga , shot his wife and then himvJf yesterday morning while under the influence of 1 quor. They lived in 'Savannah. ' Both may die. FwWnc al troubl. la-said to-be th 1 v -..'..- De soto floor udooed to 12 75 tack You know what this flour is and we will pl&dily furoian t tn on now at the above prioe. J. W. Sootl 3c Oo. . GREAT C&O0XHG OUT! KEADT Tl TT (T STil 111 n e Having decided oeitively to sell ont our ENTIRE STOCK of CLOTH-. ING and quit tb clothing bosineeu, we will bigin a (JRAND CLoS -ING OUT SALE of eyervthing in that line TO DAY, (Mou day, June 6tb) lu order to wiud np this branch c onr 1 1 onsinees a rapidlv obk'.LIb w will oKat EXTRAOR ' ' DIN A RY INDUCEMENTS in pritva. , New Goodc, irjcluSinR onr latest Spring and Summer purcbtuiux, some ot them jost opened np, will be oold AT COST. " Winter pooda, poods cr ' S over from last season, and gondg eligbtly shop' worn, Will ba boh! n : . .. 3 of do&t, aome at half prioe. Evrytbins in tn way of Clothira cot s i 1 t". '1 GREAT SLAUGHTER SALE. Men's, yontbf, boys and chilli -x "j of all pradus and sizes. . ; ' - . We" have a limited tinmhr of COOti OVERCOATS an 1 at ' t1e stork of vVioter an-1 Medlu.a '..'eight Clothing; all of a 1 . C'" ! vl ht fl.'ul I f.loW COHU'. ' ' I' nr- ',ir, WH firs pofiuvely poinc: t rf tbet-K : , ; t3(' l f ? fire (-tock ns.rapi.. QUI',K UO!) t wt und In- ' t r-grytbip tie;. in t:. - 1 : 3 1- Price 13.00 Fm Tear. THE FORCE BILL. Messrs. A. P. Gorman and M. W Ransom, oi the Democratic National Campaign Comraltte, have had a cor reipoodence with Hon. Charles A. Dana, of the New York Sun, in which they request Mr. Dsns to write an article on the Force bill, which will form a part of the Democratic Cam paign Book In reply Mr. Dana says that his professional engagements will not permit him to undertake the work, and he heartily recommends as a per son every way qualified to write the article, Senator David B. Hill. Welcome Bemoes. The editor of this paper has receiv ed from the committee. Meters. W. W. Rowe, G. W. White and , Z. T. Broughton, a cordial invitation to take part in the welcome services to be giveo to Rev. Chas. A. G. Thomas, at the West Washington street Baptist Church, on Sunday next at 4 'clock, p. ra, and only regrets his nability to pe present on account of an engage ment of some time standing at a church some twenty five miles from the city. Under the circumstances we can only wish that the services on the occasion way b- abundantly pleas ant m..l p'.fih e 1 nil. BuotJu'aAr)iu The bbt SalTfi( in the world for ' Cuts, .Bruiea,' Sore, 'Ulcers, Salt ' r.hentn, Fever Sruree, Tetter,- CLaj-ped Hitnds, ChilbUioa, Corns, and all -Skin ErnpUoce, and (positively cures Piles, or no pay is required. It is) gnartntsed to givA perfect Batisia4',: tion, or money ' refunded. Ptioa 21 cents per box. . For sale by C EIV Holton -. , OF ' MADE T II I BROWN'G' P r ice II 0 u s e. 7 h voPKi'-ii1. 1 in-if L; t U 3f f Ml f 'iv L ".10 n . ' 1 t 1.;. t

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