V GRBBISBOEG DAILY ' WOSEMAK. Vol X.-No4 GBEENSBOI.O, S. tj., WEDNESDAY AFTEBNOON, AUG. 'il, 189J Price H.OO IV; Ipr. THE COAL CREEK MINERS. rRlSBCUTIQ BfclNi) CkKDDCTED WIT8 Tlkxtt or AwkTAxci. Knnyvillc, Tenn., Aug. sj Squire Kincaid held coutt at Col Creek th'i morning and several mineri were iicld, while others Lav been discharg d. All obstacles to civil posecutbn Lav been removed by appointirg Biigad:er.General Carnet deputy sher irT of , Andenon couniy. State's At torrey Tickle it conducting the prone culion with plenty of assistance. Miners unable to give bil, and few are, will be brought to Kooxviile for safe keeping. General Cat net (tiyi ha expects no further trouble, yet troopt are still going to the fcont. A company from Jackson, Tenn., pan ed through here this rooming. "sstaa.T , Telegraphio Clicks. Chicago, Auguit 13 Sara Moy, prominent in (he Cbinene co'ony here, hit lurprited the government officials by informing them that orders bad been received from China not to obey tha law requiring Chineie resW dents to take out certificates - ot resi dence. He said that the govern ment of China hd sent an official here to fight the law ia the courts. New York, August $ GenL Adlai Stevenson, the Vice 'President candidate of the democracy, left for the west this morning over the New York Central. Baltimore, August 53. Judge TVinil this morninr rrxi -'! Mr. . r j , man, of New York, .ment receiver ol ibe J. ' nuaa germinal Railroad Co., which' position Mr. Oakman has been filling temporarily. Niw Haven, Conn, August 23 Harry Brook, a man of good family .and social standing, was arrested last night for burglary. He confessed to four burglaries, among them three J committed Saturday, night. The thefts aggregate several thousand dollars . , , ' v: ' : London, - August jt$ The Inman steamer, City of New York, which sailed from New York tor. Liverpool August 1 7, arrived off Browhead at 1:15 this alternoorf, beating the best record eastward by about one hour. Sanadanoua, N. Y.i Augnst J3. . Ex-Governor Myron CUrkdied at his home in this pUce today, aged 63. He was elected on the prohibition ticket as gov?rnr of this S'ate ' in iS6s- Huntington, W. Va, August 43. ' Charles and . George Brady, reading near Barboursvi.le, while -crossing a field near their home today were at tacked by a wild boar, -which pulled Charles to (lie ground .. n. almost killed him. before brother could disabY the brute, '.The bor did frightful work with his tusks; tearing the flesh from, thigh to ankle.- ; It is almost certaii that - blood poisoning will bring on fatal results. h ! :';f , DanviClk, Va .," August aj.-r-Lsst night William Watkins (colored) on going home found Charies Yarbrough, his cousin, ' m ' company ' with the former's wire. Watkins attempted to draw his pistol, but Yarborough drew his first and fired on Watkins.; Tbe latter bad a finger broken by a bullet and another struck him in the arm and lodge under the skin near the collar bone, r A colored girl present also took a hand and nearlybrained ,V.ratkins with an iron bar.- The man Yarborough escaped, but the woman was sent 09 to. the grand jury. BURST OKB. IN ROAN- It Don a Hundred Thousixd Dol lars Worth or Damaox, Roanoke, Va., Aug,-j. A douJ burst at elevon o'clock last night cans e i an bundled thousand dollars dam age in half an bour. Stores along Salem Avenue and Jefferson street were floodd with water. Barney Smith, a blacksmith, fell into a ditch created by the flood and was drowned. Other deaths are also believed to have reiulted. Rain commenced falling at eight p. m. and fell in torrents . without "inter tniaion until one o'clock this morn ing. The citizens were greatly excit ed and nearly every one remained up until the raiu ceased falling. The city was still flooded this morn ing, especially in the business portion. Verr little mail could be sent out on the morning trains from the fact that the floor of the postoffice was covr ed with water. Dr Black Hurt in a Runaway. Dr. W. S. Black, Superintendent of the Oxford Orphan Asylum, was re turning from Union prsytr meeting at the Methodist church yesterday after noon. He was in the Asylum hack, and a small orphan boy was doing the driving. When opposite the rectory on Col lege street a passing bicycle frightened the bone and he plunged and broke a rein. Then he dashed for the side walk; ' struck th ftnct3n front !bf I. Kronheimer's residence and over turned the vehicle, throwing the occuptnts violently to the ground. The accident was witnessed by a number of people and they raa quick ly to render assistance. . Dr. J M. Hays and others lifted Dr. "Black up and took him to the carriage of J. S. Hunt, which was fortunately near by, and carried him bora. An'examina riort of his injuries showed that an ankle was sprained and that he was severely , bruised about the face and body. It is feared he will not be able to leave his bed for some weeks. The little boy escaped unhurt. Ox foid Day. .' '.0 C. . Tbnw Voiipllaff Via V ' Buffalo, K Y., Aug. 23. " Just after midnight but night a number of sttik. ers or sympathizers began to throw coupling pins at a squad of soldiers from Company F. 12th Regiment. The soldiers were ordeied to fire if the pin throwing did not atop. It stopped. Capt. Murphy and Lieuten ant Morris arrived on the scene, with a detachment of the reserve and made a thorough search through the yardi, but could find no ene there ? . 1 The VaJne at On I'a'lot. TRe value of one vote was striking ly demonstrated irr yesterday 6 pri. mary elections in Charlotte. ' There were three candidates for tax collect. or in the field, Capt R. A. Torrence, present incumbent, tolictman Joe L. Orr, and Mr. ' W. F. Grflith. In all 804 votes were cast Orr got , 403 Torrence 305, and Griffith 96. It required 403 to nominate, and Orr got just that number exact yv One vote I sa and there would have be.-n a fight in the convention. Charlotte News. ' v .. -'v Train from the North late by an hour and a half this morning. A CLOUD SPEAKING OF TOD Mrs. M J. Hamlin, who hs been here some days on a visit to her daughter, Mrs. Will Alderman, . re turned to her home at Danvil'e this a. m. Mrs. If. L. Fry, went to day on a visit to relations at High Point. Mr. R. K Daltou and Capt A. M Rankin were bere awhile today, Mr. T. W. Andrews, of Bulla, Ran dolph county, and Mr. B. B. Burns, of Asheville, each of w bom has just placed a son in school at Guilford College, were here this morning on their way home. " : ' f Prof. Pegrara and family and Prof, Bundy and his family, of the faculty of Trinity College, passed down to Durham this morning to take their places in- the institution which ' has been removed to that place. . Rev. Mr. Witherspoon, of the Greensboro colored Baptist Church, accompanied by delegate L. W Wood, went to the Rowan association at Salisbury, today. ' - , Rev. Dr. McMannaway and Rev Mr. Edwards of the North Carolina Baptist were here this roerning on their way from the Liberty association, at High Point to their newspaper work at Fayetteville: V , Mri .T.' R. Purne'l, of; Raleigh, came up this morning t ''"-"ft hi family who were to rea' Mount Vernon Sprr - from ham Recorder wa. rat. . v oma wtu .1 1 r .1. t r: uton today. X .. Mrs. V. C. Ayres, oT Raleigh, passed through this city this morning on her way to Asheville. Friend Daniel Hill, of Richmond, Ind., passed through the city last night on his way to Washington,whre be will meet with other .visitors re turning from the Yearly Meeting to the Boosier State. ' 1 - ; - A Cow and a Btreet Car Male 'Hav a Raoe The spirit of racing and contests, which has so filled our people for tha pssr few days,'has lso innoculated the beaala. , '. . . On yesterday" the Street Car , was loaded with people , bound for the grounds of the Greensbot 0 Orjn Club. V Just before reaching the grounds, and while s the car was going down grade, a cow got on the track and was run into by the car. This greatly frightened the cow, who with ber tall uplifted and . curled, . for g rafting Struck out across the hills at a break neck' sp ed.- The . mule could not stand it Nrny longer and,with -one mighty lurch ho broke loose from the car and accompanied the r cow on the most spirited race of the season. Esquire John JM. Wolfe was one ot the Dasseneers aboard (he car, but failed lo take the time they made. When the mule was found he was grazing on one ot the hillsides 'with a calm and peaceful.but a disappointed, look in - his -ves. for the cow had beaten him. f V . " The Concord Standard has had n w head put on, or in. Its a very gojd and substantial article, and is probably liome mada. The first (,T" does fall 9 little short, as the mv.i .of us do at some time. Just, put a t-tool in place for that 'T' to stanj' on, snd a'l w'll b in good shape REPUBLICAN STATE CON- ! VENTION. The Agents of the C- F. A- Y. V. Railroad are authorized to apply tariff 4, circular 344 in the sale of round trip tickets from their S. R. T. book to Sanford or Greensboro, on account of North Carolina Republi can State Mass Meeting at RaWgh, NO. Tickets on sale September 5, 6, and 7. Final limit September 10th, 1S91. The following rates will govern from points named to Raleigh, N. via Sanford i : From Fayetteville, $4.40; WQmirg. ton, $;.o5 j Maxton, $5,751 Greens boro, $430 , HACK MlRTINO AT GREENSBORO. The Agents of lbe C F ic Y. V. Raiboad axe authorized to apply tana s, circular C44, in the sale of round trip tickets' from their S. R. T. book to Greensboro, N. C, on account of Race Meeting. Tickets on sale August J 2nd, s3rd,and 24th. Final limits, August 26tb, tSoa. 'The following rates will govern from competitive points: From Fayetteville, $3.25 : Maxton, $4 055 Rural Hall, $i.So-, 'Sanford, $i.3o ; Wilmington, $4 75. Bncklea'B Arnica Salve. The beet Salve in the world for Cat, Braises, Sores, Ulcer, SaH Rbenm, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped iii.it, CLi:ill iin, Coma. -and aH Skin Eruptions, and Kfitively cures PUua, or no pay i riquirfd. It is jfaaranWd to givn pirfect satiafal Uou, or money refunded. I'noe 21 oants per box. For sale by C FJ uoiton -:-Ne w And Goods at and Below Our entire stock consisting of Silks, Woolen Fabrics of home and foreign manufacture. Meu'iS . Furnishing . Goods of all descriptions, Shoes, &o, is HEREWITH offered from now until the 10th day cf September, ; AT AND BELOW COST. TLa PretzfeMerDry Goous & Shea Co. Quite a number of p rsons collect! ed at the Quaker meeting bouse last night, expecting to hear a sermon from friend Daniel Hill, of Indiana, but were dissapointed, the speaker not arriving. Others joined in, however, and services wre held. It is believed now that there must have been som mistake in makicg the announcement for the j .'.'aching. Reduced Rate to Raleigh. On aocoontof the tb-N-fiug of Vema eratio Clubs at Raleigh, the following rat'e are given on the C P. A Y. V. railway: From FaTettevillr, n to 480 7.06 Mtx'on Qreeaaboro . Wilmington Tbeteratcearefor the r3und beginning Angost 29, 3u and 31, Unit, brptemper tne 4th. trip, final j Swlotof He-AO Tea, Oolong Tea, English br;ast tea, and young Ilysoa te just opened op. Also a frrsh lot of floe roete4 ooffee all grades from the A jx brand at 22 eenta to oor finest blen ded or Java at 35 cents. It yon wast a good s joDg eup of coffee trj our BrekfatRioat2S cents ponnd (not is paokagee bnt loot). J- W. SOOTT k Co. Hams some high now but tbey most have I'm II .1 h'm- tmr price on miitll bum- v II i ' liut .--lb 1 Urge usee uliU t lit iuu We Woigb onr baa s when we sell them and dont mark weight on the bam whea they are first opened like some parties do. Hams will dry ont 1-2 poond to a ponnd in a week or two's time then tell na hose low it ia if you buy by the mar ket Heights. J. W. SCOTT A Co. ' Beel what ilen. Boott A Co say , about things "going np" in their new oolum ad. . Desirable-:- .V 7 O 1 1 1 f - -v- t tf